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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11232749 No.11232749[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My wife just started crying cause I told her she made me a bland breakfast. What do you guys think? It wasn't very good.

>> No.11232759

Cook your own then faggot

>> No.11232765

well why did you marry her if she couldnt cook?

>> No.11232766
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Oh look it's this thread again...
>inb4 wife-beating pasta

>> No.11232767

>thinking we can taste the food you took a picture of

>> No.11232768

That breakfasts is good for a bulk. Maybe she thinks ur getting small? Your already a small man to begin with.

>> No.11232770

ITT: seething roasties

>> No.11232776 [DELETED] 

My wife is a shit cook too, but things can improve. Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.11232787 [DELETED] 

theres literally nothing wrong with beating your wife if she steps out of line too much

>> No.11232809

You tell your wife it is delicious and eat it. If you really hate the food then cook the breakfast for your family yourself.

>> No.11232820

Grate8 b8 m8, rate 8/8, no h8.

>> No.11232823

whats the point of marrying someone if you cant be honest with them?

>> No.11232825

Why not just season it and move on? No reason to upset her, maybe tell her it's bland and teach what to do instead?

>> No.11232826 [DELETED] 

what's the point of marrying someone if you can't beat them?

>> No.11232827 [DELETED] 

Based domestic abuse poster

>> No.11232830 [DELETED] 

domestic abuse is hitting someone without justifiable reason.

this isnt.

>> No.11232831 [DELETED] 

le edgy incels up in here

>> No.11232833 [DELETED] 

>not beating your wife
/ck/ really has become a shithole

>> No.11232843 [DELETED] 

t. beta cuck

>> No.11232857

That guy been posting same shit for last couple of years.

>> No.11232861

I know this is b8, but, my wife never cooked growing up, because her ‘mum and elder sister did it all.’
Her cooking is still bad, but if she follows a recipe it’s decent to yummy.
I requested she start following recipes because of her said shit tier cooking.
She does that now and if she doesn’t I can pick it. If she doesn’t follow a recipe now I just go out to the local and have a $10 meal and a beer by myself.

>> No.11232864

It’s a copy pasta fucktards.

>> No.11232902

This is a teachable moment. Calmly tell her what you liked about the meal and then what steps she can take to improve it. Marriage is a two way street!

>> No.11232910

It's her wifely duty to cook for her husband, white knight cuck.

>> No.11232911

If you knew she was so sensitive it was a bad idea to say it so bluntly.

>> No.11232944

try to nicely explain that women often lack abstract thinking ability and thus are unable to comprehend the framework of cooking and meal preparation. she'll appreciate that you understand that it's not her fault

>> No.11233091

Because she can suck a golf ball through a garden hose?

>> No.11233140

>bread: barely toasted
>scrambled eggs: rubbery
>home fries: pale and greasy
>everything is underseasonded

>> No.11233380

you are a shitty husband. youre lucky she was nice enough to cook you breakfast. you are gonna lose her. i hope she divorces your sorry faggot ass and finds better

>> No.11233396

>hitting the wall
>finds better

also stop acting like cooking a fucking egg is such a big deal, sweetie

>> No.11233408

>>actually replying to copypasta

>> No.11233530

I hope she never cooks for you again unappreciative a hole.

>> No.11233543

>inb4 punching her while seatbelted

>> No.11233545

thats like saying you should be 'appreciative ' when an employee does shoddy work for you

>> No.11233552

Either an obese woman or a 14 year old future incel

>> No.11233551

You should have kept her as a mistress and marry a nice chubby girl that can cook.

>> No.11233570

>peppered scrambled eggs
looks good
>buttered toast
>undercooked? potatoes
uh oh

also needs ketchup

>> No.11233597

because people follow social cues and saying "honey your food u spent time to make for me is shit" is not a way to a healthy relationship.

>> No.11233602

unironically comparing a wife to an employee

>> No.11233604

There are more tactful ways of communicating compared to saying "your food is shit"

>> No.11233605

follow social cues = / = outright lying

lying on either side only leads to bitterness and pent up hatred

>> No.11233612

You need to beat her regularly

>> No.11233618

Corinthians 7:4
The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband.

>> No.11233620

you sound like some cuck dad from a 90's sitcom
>oh if i'm honest to muh honey she will not have sex with me for three months

>> No.11233630

>getting into a relationship with someone that will use abusive tactics

>> No.11233636

>speaking your mind is being abusive

>> No.11233637

How about being grateful she thought of you at all and made the effort to make you a meal in the hopes that you are happy?

No? No, that'd require thinking of somebody else's feelings.

Sociopaths make terrible spouses.

>> No.11233639

if I was in the situation I would be thankful for her trying and eat the food. I could then help her develop her cooking skills.

OP is just being mean and not that constructive

>> No.11233640

*takes a dump on your plate*

hey honey, be grateful for this SHIT FOOD

>> No.11233641

>laugh track and whoo hoo's

>> No.11233644

no, i was responding to the guy that said:
>oh if i'm honest to muh honey she will not have sex with me for three months

using sex as a weapon is abusive

>> No.11233659

Then starve and die. Nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.11233663


>> No.11233675

Man, just put some salt on it. Looks underseasoned but not a bad base.

>> No.11233677

The only tactics you dumb fucking bitches use are abusive

>> No.11233686

kek, it does look a bit shit but you've got to appreciate the effort. maybe you two could take a cookery class together?

>> No.11233700

Did you even LOOK at the picture OP posted? The bread that is barely toasted. The rubbery, overcooked scrambled eggs. The pale, greasy home fries without a hint of brown crispiness to them. The lack of any seasoning beyond maybe salt and pepper. She might as well have taken an actual dump on a plate and served it to him. OP's wife is a loveless abomination.

>> No.11233706

If OP's wife loved him she'd have put some effort into learning how to cook properly.

>> No.11233738

she might just have low standards for food, maybe she thinks that's genuinely a good breakfast

>> No.11233750
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You shouldnt have called it bland, yes i know it probably tasted bad but your wife probably wanted to impress you and wanted to do something sweet to make you smile. When you told her it tasted bland she interpereted it as "fuck you its not good enough for me." Thus you hurt her feelings. You could have asked for some salt or pepper and she would have understood what you meant without crying.

>> No.11233777

The wife's standards were low enough to marry him, so probably.

>> No.11233811

>>actually replying to copypasta.

anon, I.....

>> No.11234055

someone post the wife beating pasta, I don’t have it

>> No.11234097

Based and evolapilled

>> No.11234114

It looks atrocious and I wouldn't eat that unless I was starving, but why can't you cook your own food you pathetic piece of shit?

>> No.11234158

It's not a very good breakfast, which works since you're not a very good husband

>> No.11234183

Why do you keep posting this shit

>> No.11234255

Good work mate, also great that she listens and understands.

>> No.11234312

t. bitter incel

>> No.11234355

divorce bro

>> No.11234363

Has it really been a month since you copy pasta this!?!

>> No.11234382

All you fags white knighting some bitch you dont even know. You can tell by the pic its trash. Overcooked eggs. Undercooked potatoes. Woohoo she made some toast though so good for her. Quit putting pussy on the pedestal. Bitches need to know how much worse they could have it.


>> No.11234459

>tfw no gf

>> No.11234566

Looks like a regular comfy breakfast. Just relax and enjoy it, ya gooch.

>> No.11234600


Looks like a shitty motel breakfast, needs hot sauce and jam.

>> No.11234688

I told my wife once that her mac and cheese wasent as good as my mothers. I still get snarky comments about it. I said that 12 years ago

>> No.11234693

You should beat her in front of her parents, that’ll teach her to make a bland breakfast again

>> No.11234848

Just be happy she tries you fucking ungrateful faggot

>> No.11234852

I think you need to slow the fuck down and start addressing the extreme issues your wife is facing right now.

>> No.11234861
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>> No.11234899

No. You sad loser. It's just like the workplace. If you were the manager and you said
>Steve, you messed up. All the pallets were backwards and that report wasn't finished. I'm going to need you to redo the report and fix the pallets.
And Steve suddenly starts crying, you've fucked up somewhere. There are issues. Issues you've got to fix, more than just some backwards pallets and missed deadlines. Taking charge and taking care of those around you is not some soyboy material. Thinking that it is, or even trolling about it on the internet, is degeneracy. kys.

>> No.11235201

Literally all you need is pepper and paprika.

>> No.11235433

Fuck you OP, I hate entitled whiny bitches that complain about their wifes for retarded shit like this. Learn how to prepare something yourself instead of asking for approval in a japanese anime forum. You're pathetic. Hope your wife is fucking with somebody else behind your back.

>> No.11235444

>telling someone not to be a useless fuck is whiteknighting
This is how your mind processes reality when you browse /pol/ in the regular.

>> No.11235459
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Imagine unironically thinking like this
>be me
>my wife makes my breakfast because I don't know how to do anything myself
>I don't like breakfast
>Complain about it and post it on 4chan
>my wife gets upset
>I don't understand why she's upset, I could be beating her right now, she must be grateful I'm just humiliating her
3rd wave feminism exists because of people like you

>> No.11235470

Did she capsize your toast?

>> No.11236170
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>> No.11236259

>work 40 hours a week
>wife stays at home to "take care of the kids and do housekeeping"
>kids are at school most of the day and modern appliances make housekeeping take almost no effort
>wife can't be arsed to learn how to cook properly
But the man is at fault, right?

>> No.11236268
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>Marrying a white woman

This is the future you chose anon.

>> No.11236324

>But the man is at fault, right?
1) your wife should be working
2) you should help with household chores
3) you should help with the kids
4) don't like your wife's cooking? Tell her in her face and start cooking you. Fucking faggot.
>Taking care of a house and looking after motherfucking kids is almost no effort
Oh sweetie what an innocent creature you are. Having to deal with children is a pain in the ass, and way more demanding than 40 hours of doing the same no-compromise repetitive task you do.

But alright I guess you are can't be wrong because you are the """macho"""".
Good luck raising useless children by a mother that doesn't get her ass out of her house and a father that doesn't know how to manage anything inside his own house.

>> No.11236333

lol just put some ketchup on in and shut the fuck up and eat it

>> No.11236342

That breakfast looks fine, you finicky, ungrateful faggot scumbag. You should go apologize to your wife for being a total fucking mongoloid breakfast nigger, and maybe appreciate that you're not eight, and she's not your mom. You are a pea-brained shitstain and you could probably use a couple hard slaps to the penis.

>> No.11236352
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Lol kill yourself you giant assblasted faggot

>> No.11236358

It looks like shit
hang yourself mongoloid