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11217144 No.11217144 [Reply] [Original]

Why do non-Americans hate peanut butter? Especially the Latinos and Irish.

>> No.11217161
File: 57 KB, 1000x1000, 0750222377613L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga what, I'm mexican and I grow up eating peanut butter, it isn't hated as far as I know

>> No.11217162

peanuts don't exist outside of the united states

>> No.11217173

there are actually debates still going on constantly in europe on whether or not peanuts actually exist

>> No.11217320

it causes cancer

>> No.11217369


If you live in America those Irish aren't Irish any more. Usually some kind of mutt monstrosity.

Peanut butter is pretty popular here. I have it in my porridge every morning.

>> No.11217373

Latinos love peanut butter though.

>> No.11217380

I read something recently that said American peanut butter is required to be 90% peanuts but that European countries don't have the same requirement. USA actually exports a lot of peanut butter to Europe because peanut butter made in Europe is supposedly a lower percentage of peanuts and doesn't taste as good, and a lot of people don't like it.

>> No.11217406
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Any peanut butter better than this? This is the best store bought peanut butter I've had so far.

>> No.11217413

literally, who cares what other "people" think?

>> No.11217419

Both retarded and wrong.
>America has high standards of food, trust me guys!
It's just not part of the culture here. I actually use pure peanut butter for cooking and to make my own protein bars, but I'm in the minority.

>> No.11217422
File: 383 KB, 2000x1111, Peanut-Sauce---szefei_Thinkstock.jpg-LEDE[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty good to make a Satay sauce with. Other than that, it's hardly even food

>> No.11217460
File: 65 KB, 615x620, PAY-Steve-Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in murrican highschool
>my senior year we host exchange student from Russia
>fucking 9/10 tight body
>we talk about foods from our countries which are not as popular in the other
>find out this bitch has never had peanut butter
>she tries some
>immediate thousand yard stare
>keeps spooning straight out of the jar and eating it
>rest of the school year she always carries a jar of peanut butter with her
>only eats it straight from the jar
>goes through at least one jar per day
>during the school year she gains 40lbs
>emails me for awhile after she gets home bemoaning the loss of her precious PB
I wonder if her parents (who wanted her to be a model) forced her to starve herself when she got home.

>> No.11217463

Adam's creamy no-stir is my favorite.

>> No.11217470

Dulce de leche is superior, also a shit ton of calories in a single spoon, fuck that.

>> No.11217490

I can't blame them if they have to eat whatever garbage is on the shelf. The only good nut butters are freshly ground and contain only that nut and nothing else. I hated peanut butter growing up because it was Jif/Adams/whatever trash was on the shelf. But I fucking love freshly ground peanut butter.

>> No.11217497

These aren't even in the same category you fucking dirty hue hue faggot.

>> No.11218019

As a full blooded european, i can confirm this

>> No.11218023

Yeah I agree- foie gras is also better!

>> No.11218042

I tried it once with bread. It's kinda dry and it sticks to the roof of the mouth. Not really pleasant

>> No.11218123

I think yurofags prefer Nutella

>> No.11218135

You have to do it like the burgers. Just make a pbj. That's great. Wash it down with a glass of cold milk

>> No.11218143

I'm latino and like peanut butter. What a weird thing to say.

>> No.11218210

With milk mate, that's what makes it gold

>> No.11218222
File: 34 KB, 488x488, 13292010?wid=488&hei=488&fmt=pjpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Amerilards like peanut butter
The average American hasn't had peanut butter once in their life.
Pic highly related.

>> No.11218235

It's still 90% peanuts. I don't like it, and I prefer the "natural" kind that's only peanuts and salt, but that's still peanut butter.

>> No.11218239

It's gotten to the point where my local WalMart carries more natural peanut butter than not emulsified bullshit. No joke. I wish I was there so I could take a pic.

>> No.11218245

Because Nutella is better.

>> No.11218248

Yeah I noticed that too. They even have better bread now too, and snacks. I think Walmart is trying to get over that image of them only carrying shitty food. One near me even has imported cheese.

>> No.11218252

It's not fucking peanut butter the process sucks every drop of peanut oil out of it.
If you see skippy "natural" or the like it's the same exact process except they shove a tiny amount of peanut oil back into the finished product along with palm oil that hasn't been hydrogenated.
It's not peanut butter and I don't care what the feds legally allow brands to print on their labels.
The store brand at whole foods is pretty good and one of the few things that isn't overpriced there if you get the 5 dollar big jar.

>> No.11218253

>It's not fucking peanut butter the process sucks every drop of peanut oil out of it.

>> No.11218254


>> No.11218262

ye the chunky version

>> No.11218264

Yeah. Mine has imported cheese too. As well as some imported cured meats. Still some things I cannot find that I had access to when I lived in the cities, but shocking.

The produce is actually higher quality than the damned grocery stores in the neighborhood too for some odd reason, though that may not be the case everywhere.

>> No.11218328

Europeans eat Nutella on their white bread because they hate nutrients.

>> No.11218346

Great Value honey roasted

>> No.11218363

Maranatha is pretty good, but expensive. I usually get the cheap uncut stuff from that store without brands or that store for people who don't want to shop at Wally World.

I was making it at home before that store was here because the peanuts I was buying were cheaper than any uncut butter I could find. It's never good to add oil. Just peanuts becomes pourable when ground finely enough.

>> No.11218367

Although it is present everywhere, there are only like 2 countries that would dream about seeing that as nutrition. For the rest of us it is regarded as pure candy.

>> No.11218376

What are peanuts?
t. European

>> No.11218421
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why not both

>> No.11218424

absolute yikes

>> No.11218428

Why did it stretch like cheese when being pulled apart?

>> No.11218513

>I read something recently that said American peanut butter is required to be 90% peanuts
not any more. There's a fuckton of filler oils and substitutes in the "peanut butter" name brands now. check the peanut butter you're buying carefully

>> No.11218521

Are we at the point where we should just be making our own peanut butters in the kitchen?
I think so.

>> No.11218522

>steel spatula on non-stick
>cuts the bread into rectangles

>> No.11218555
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What the fuck...

>> No.11219443


>> No.11219449

Because you have to be a mutt to enjoy native American food (out of guilt and for no other reason)

>> No.11219454

Chinks love peanut butter, they sell waffles in the street with peanutbutter and sugar as toppings

>> No.11219464
File: 80 KB, 1024x683, mmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very popular in the UK, I eat it out of the jar using celery as a spoon.

>> No.11219503

>Using a vegetable to eat based PB
That's almost a war of aggression

>> No.11219513

My grocery store has a peanut grinding machine 1.60 a lb for fresh peanut butter. it even does cashews and almond butter

>> No.11219527

Britbong reporting in. I love the stuff. Especially Sun Pat.

>> No.11219619

>peanut butter is about the oil type they use

Wow. Is this what it's like to talk to a real life NPC?

>> No.11219634

Literally every non-American hates it equally. You'd have to be born force-fed this crap from birth to like it even a little.

>> No.11219767
File: 617 KB, 663x747, Calve_pindakaas-663x747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dutch LOVE it.
That's because they produce the BEST pb in the world. Pic related.

>> No.11220352

celery and pb is a pretty common thing anon