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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 480x360, 1B5F14AB-8906-40C7-B9BD-F1251ECA88B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11217004 No.11217004 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck is his problem?

>> No.11217010


>> No.11217016

I don't think he has one. He seems to make videos doing what he enjoys and wants to share it with other people. I watched his mushroom ketchup video awhile ago.

>> No.11217017

he's a liberal, it's to be expected

>> No.11217020

literally who?

>> No.11217023

hes stuck in the past

or perhaps hes actually a colonial baker that stowed away with the secret nasa time travel project
and now hes stuck in the present. and he's just doing what he knows best

>> No.11217030

None whatsoever, his vids are all comfy.

>> No.11217039

imagine you wanted infinite black dudes to bang your wife but everyday you had to face the reality that there are only a finite number of them...
it's an esoteric torture that never ends for him. like, share and don't forget to check out our catalog

>> No.11217051

Ohhhh, I get it now. OP and friends are MAGA-fags that got upset after the "orange fool" video because they assumed it was offensive to their Cheeto idol. 3edgy5me, lads.

>> No.11217060

>he pretends he hasn't been in this same thread 15 times

>> No.11217128

>talk shit about the greatest president of this century
>get called out for it

>> No.11217133

delusion: the post.

>> No.11217205

So delusional that you are unable to ignore it?

>> No.11217216

The Brown Monkey

>> No.11217230

just to confirm: he came out as an actual cuckold, right?

>> No.11217234

yeah that big black slave from the intro video sleeps in his wifes tent

>> No.11217306

Yep, his bull actually forged a knife from his penis, (folded 1000 times) with full encouragement and cheering from his wife, in his friendly neighborhood blacksmith's forge that has been burning constantly since the viking invasion in 1000 AD. If that isn't the definition of cuck, I don't know what is!

>> No.11217468
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Nothing, /pol/ has some altsjws REEEEEEing over a pretty comfy show. It's like when Michael savage starts on a rant about pbs being a bunch of liberal nuts or anything msnbc shows.

>> No.11217527
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I have literally never seen /pol/ mention this guy and I'm there all the time

>> No.11217533

You certainly look like you belong there anime faggioli ;)

>> No.11217547

he didn't use Knorr Stock Pot

>> No.11217590

He didnt do that though. He made a pastry that was orange, thats it.

>> No.11217592
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all /pol/ faggotry aside, walter is better

>> No.11217616
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Basically, he's an autistic nerd about history stuff, and when things aren't exactly accurate he ree's. He also secretly hates that he's seen as a cooking rather than a history channel, but he can't argue with the sales benefit to his catalogue sales. He also had the misfortune of crossing into contemporaneous politics when idiots misunderstood the context of one of his videos and read more into it then was there ("Orange Fool") and generally does not take well to the generic salinity of the internet and YouTube

He's a nice guy but a dweeb, really no other way to put it.

>> No.11217630
File: 34 KB, 474x329, FrugalGourmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should really be asking what was guy in pic's problem.

>> No.11217658

He liked little boys.

>> No.11217676

>He liked little boys.
Did he ever make pizza on his show? Heh, frugal gourmet pizza? Pizza dough ...

>> No.11217709

calm down tumblr, the op is just a stale meme poking fun at how wholesome and good natured he is.

>> No.11217796

>really no other way to put it
"cuck" works well

>> No.11217845
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James is too pure for this world. I want to protect his smile.

>> No.11218007


>> No.11218263
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>> No.11218331

Why does he like it so much?

>> No.11218372

viral marketing

>> No.11218657


>> No.11218735
File: 200 KB, 633x269, Local Man Ponders Nutmeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds him of his wife, megan

>> No.11218743

the only ones with the problems are the narcissistic low iq /pol/eddit brainlets who think literally everything ever is meant as an insult to their worthless political opinions

>> No.11218749

but how can they be worthless if they're ruling the free world?
kek, I guess it wasn't her turn after all, James?

>> No.11218750

you can't market nutmeg you fucking retard, it's a spice, not a brand name

>> No.11218773

yet again you and incorrectly assume anyone against you is part of the opposing political side and that you are being attacked because of your opinions and not just because you're always acting like an utter troglodyte
No, your opinion is objectively worthless. Nobody cares, hence why people tend to get pissed off whenever you try to force it into literally everything like an attention seeking child

>> No.11218779

xe says without the slightest hint of irony
never change, butt blasted leftist, never change

>> No.11219162
File: 215 KB, 1920x1275, 22C2EEEE-464B-4D92-8DAA-0790EBA88441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fool: 16th century English dessert (orig. spelling “foole”) consisting of stewed fruit(s) folded into sweet custard. Name possibly derived from the French “fouler” meaning to crush, but then again, possibly not. The use of oranges was uncommon as they were considered a luxury item in both England and the Americas until the mid 17th century which would have made “orange fool” a dish for the wealthy.

tl;dr A dessert of fruit and custard. Pic related is a blackberry fool

>> No.11219168

the fuck?

>> No.11219186

loved loved loved the 'Orange Fool' episode lol
i must watch it at least once a week with my mom and we laugh and laugh

>> No.11219187
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challenge accepted

>> No.11220336


>> No.11220344

drumpf lol

>> No.11221810
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*laughs in VOC*

>> No.11221857

Is he the guy from the Black Forest cooking show? That is nice.

>> No.11222046

He's one of those ultra leftists who can't help but shove his agenda down people's throats.

He can't relax and just enjoy a simple hobby. His politics find their way into everything.

>> No.11222075
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This thread immediately went to shit

>> No.11222076

I'm not really sure having strangers fuck your wife is a hobby per se, it's more of a lifestyle.

>> No.11222079

History is liberal propaganda

>> No.11222131

shame because he had a good cooking show, always seemed a bit off but makes sense that he was a total degen

>> No.11222145

probably the biggest leftist cuck to ever exist

>> No.11222153

fucking triggered LMAO

>> No.11222211

Imagine if he had made the famous "all niggers must die" recipe when Obama got elected.
That would've confused a lot of people.

>> No.11222231

He's a drama machine

>> No.11222237

>going full reee on some random autistic historical reenactor
When I voted for Trump this is not what I expected. It used to be about not acting like liberals.

>> No.11222245

>I voted for Trump

>> No.11222312

Only because it was either him or Hillary

>> No.11222344

He tries to keep politics out of his videos idk what your all talking about

>> No.11222350


>making excuses about why you voted for someone
Double cringe

>> No.11222451

How the fuck? The only drama he ever had on his channel was the orange fool nonsense

>> No.11222464

yeah moral panic has never come from the right

>> No.11222590

He's more interested in LARPing than actually learning the histories of foods.

>> No.11222658

is this how misinformed buzzfeed is?

>> No.11222759

What kind of things is he wrong/ignorant about? Genuine question, I know nothing about this shit but he always speaks with confidence like he knows everything

>> No.11222765

I think in one of the QA or livestream videos he tacitly admits they're just making it up through reverse engineering, I don't have a link for you but it is important to remember he's not a historian but a merchant.

>> No.11222770

For what though, his tiny online store that doesn't even sell food? Surely he makes next to nothing from it.

>> No.11222777

his job is selling historic reenactor props and the channel exists to facilitate his livelihood

>> No.11222788

RIP based Jeff
you're off fugging little boys in heaven now

>> No.11222795

>accusing the deceased as pedophiles
bluepilled as fuck

>> No.11222797

Hey, I love the guy and his show is still great but he probably did molest some kids.

>> No.11222824


You have to go back.

>> No.11222829


>so mad he lost the ability to type

Praise Kek, miracles does real :D

>> No.11222845
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>> No.11222851

I'm not in the habit of trusting people with weird made up names

>> No.11222951

I like his videos and I really want to try some of what he makes. That said just something about him...I don't know what exactly it is, strikes me that he might be a cunt irl. I have nothing to base it on I just get a weird vibe from him. Like he is the type of dude to treat his employees like shit off camera or something. It's probably just me though.

>> No.11222954

You. No matter who you are talking about, the problem is always OP. Cuz he's a faggot.

>> No.11222958

George Washington isn't this century. Man, how embarrassing for you!

>> No.11222981

What kind of name is Gigen Mammoser?

>> No.11223495

I feel the same way. I hope it's not true.

>> No.11223504

You first, redditspacing tripfaggot

>> No.11223509

>giga mammarymoses

>> No.11223547

The guy is a literal cuckold, there's a video of him filming his wife fucking a black dude, and then he starts complaining half way through the video about it and his wife tells him to shut up.

>> No.11224138

this board is not NSFW but you should still post a link

>> No.11224175

He makes 18th century dishes you fucking mong

>> No.11224389

>Back in the 18th century, a property owner would beat his kitchen-negro if the food didn't turn out well, or if it was late, or anything like that. It's really just a shame that we've forgotten about this practice in the modern day
No idea how he gets away with this shit.

>> No.11224392

Then why is he making fool if it's a 16-17th century dish?

>> No.11224400

He's a northern hoosier.

>> No.11224419


>> No.11224421

this thread is like 2 weeks old. How is it still alive?

>> No.11224426

Are you retarded?

>> No.11224440


>> No.11225877

OH look how tolerant and inclusive this poster is.
Just exudes love and caring and respect. Cannot wait for the candidate that best represents them to have control over the important things in the greatest country on earth.
God bless this anon.

>> No.11225887

you only interpreted that as an insult because you're a closeted mo and on the wrong side of history

>> No.11225891

>The use of oranges was uncommon as they were considered a luxury item in both England and the Americas until the mid 17th century which would have made “orange fool” a dish for the wealthy.

1. George Washington was wealthy
2. They grew oranges on the property. It was at Mt. Vernon.

>> No.11226003
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Lefty shit stirrers make some version of this thread every week to bash Trump and the mods/janitors never delete it. It will stop for awhile after the election, then pop back up in 2020.

>> No.11226141
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>> No.11226147

He’s not a very good cook if you watch him. He burns things a lot. I used to write it off as cooking over a wood fire but he’s pretty consistent in fucking up. Do enjoy the history though.

>> No.11226226
File: 405 KB, 850x800, 1537140805470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well memed, my minimum wage earning friend! Now if you'll excuse me I need to polish my silverware for the hearty dinner of KFC and Diet Coke I'm about to eat.

>> No.11226234

on the wrong side of history
OH goodness me. I sure hope turning america communist works out for you after you genocide the whites and make america mexico or some other third world shitshow for your jewish masters.
chairman mao would be so proud of your usefulness, idiot.
God bless you anon. Your hate doesn't show hardly at all.

>> No.11226252

If you care about politics at all you're a virgin

>> No.11226253

He has to use a computer

>> No.11226266

>If I virtue signal by saying god bless them I won't be a hypocrite
this nugget's playing 4d chess

>> No.11226891

white people — the thread

>> No.11227360

He's done a mushroom ketchup vid? Oh shit, I recently used a store bought mushroom ketchup an an ingredient for a vegetable stock I was pissin about with and it turned out amazing. Hard not to drink the stock as I'm waiting for shit to cook.