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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11209008 No.11209008 [Reply] [Original]

why don't you legit see flasks anymore /ck/? When I was young my dad always had a flask on him, was kitsch, and I looked forward to someday carrying a flask myself, but alas no one does this anymore.

>> No.11209015

drunk driving costs you like 5000 dollars and a lot of ass hurt nowadays

>> No.11209025

who said anything about driving and drinking, I'm just talking about chllin', partying, walking around, jesus, narc.

>> No.11209038

adults don't walk around the neighborhood chillin' with their boys and sippin flasks, they never did

>> No.11209041

I have one, but I try not to leave my house so no one ever sees me using it

>> No.11209068

I saw an old horseman the other day step outside of a social I was at, and went outside to join him and he was taking major hits out of his flask while he was jawboning about some faggots in the room and talking about how rich his old lady was.

>> No.11209078

because they're in use in places where they're not allowed and therefore not supposed to be seen

t. guy who gets sloshed at baseball games for the price of admission

>> No.11209079

Because open liquor gets you in a heap of trouble.

>> No.11209080

Open container... remember our laws don’t make sense. Can’t drink and drive, can’t drink and walk.

>> No.11209081
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People used to be chronic smokers and alcoholics, constantly drinking and smoking on the clock. A flask was necessary to stay "boozed up" while commuting.

Fortunately after all those boomers died from lung cancer and liver disease we moved on to healthier alternatives like marijuana.

>> No.11209090

All metal flasks get cold in winter/fall. The leather clad model will be more comfortable to carry and use in the long run, and will develop a wonderful patina over time. Leather also has a better grip. Metal can be slippery to hold.
The one with the built in cup is total GOAT.
>tl; retired professional competition drinker

>> No.11209128

>retired professional competition drinker

u mean "professional", right anon ;)

>> No.11209204

>open container
You have blow half the legal limit in my state in order to be arrested for open container. I'm a shut-in is that normal in other states?

>> No.11209234


>> No.11209254
File: 90 KB, 620x387, 1533050327376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, you've got to be a real pretentious faggot use an NES cartridge flask.

>> No.11209256

The only time I use a flask is when I go out kayaking or camping

>> No.11209263

I stash one in my pack with some cheap whiskey whenever I go fishing or hiking
>just in case

>> No.11209268

I had one in the past that I ordered from DX.com. However, nowadays you just cannot afford to even walk around drinking a fine Jim Beam. If there is an accident, e.g. when crossing the road, the insurance might reduce their contribution. In addition - and that's much worse - police are now quite strict and can take away your drivers' licence - even if you don't drive.

Our new shitty culture.

Btw: Being a jugo or turk and having a gun in your pocket is o.k.

>> No.11209274


>> No.11209307

hey bruh, nice bar cart.
can you post some more pics?? pls???

also >>11209008
i've had several flasks.
i gave most of them away, but i currently have a Snowpeak Ti flask, the large one.
i use it when i go to visit the relatives etc and i want to bring a few drinks, but don't want to bring a whole bottle.
they live in northern NH and they don't disapprove of booze, they actually like wine and beer quite a bit which i am just not fond of and there are no liquor stores nearby

>> No.11209310

wtf do you know about what adult do beyond your mom and her fucken bingo games??

>> No.11209325

Where I live, if the police find you with open alcohol of any kind, even beer, they'll automatically give you a double summary fine of ~$1000 for 'open alcohol' and another ~$1000 for 'drunk in public'. Doesn't matter if you're actually drunk, you could have had one sip out of your can of beer, but it's a summary conviction.

(fines translated into dollars)

>> No.11209340

>source: my bong

>> No.11209371

eh, looks like my state has changed and you no longer have to "blow" anything and it's a $500 fine in a motor vehicle. But we can still drink in public without remorse!

>> No.11209376

My state therer is no law against having an open container in your car. Feels good.

>> No.11209390

do you know what kitsch means?

>> No.11209391

I used to do 2nd shift factory work a county over from where I lived. It was common for me to grab a cold tallboy and drink it on the way home. Glad the law wasn't in effect then...

>> No.11209413

Learn what the word "pretentious" means.

>> No.11209414

i do this every day except it's two. i really need to stop drinking.

>> No.11209447
File: 11 KB, 200x360, jahrgangskirsch-2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kitsch means

Maybe he means "Kirsch"?

>> No.11209483
File: 47 KB, 600x677, 1536953560676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.
That sounds like the kind of person who would use an NES cartridge flask to me.

>> No.11209486

anon just admit you used the word pretentiously and move on

>> No.11209495

Please explain.

>> No.11209536

Pot smokers are the most obnoxious little shits. I hate that it's healthy and more people are going to do it as it become legal in more states. I hate when some faggot walks into a bar and stinks up the whole place because he's been smoking in his car.

>> No.11209605

Who would be impressed by a flask that looks like an NES cartridge? It's gaudy. The only people who would walk around with one and think it impresses people also own a fedora and sword-cane.

>> No.11209612

>The only people who would walk around with one and think it impresses people also own a fedora and sword-cane.
My point exactly. Being a try hard and being pretentious go hand in hand.

>> No.11209628

Where the fuck do you live- 1653 A.D.?

>> No.11209667

Fair play for saying its healthy I suppose, most people who are against weed tend to disagree or ignore that fact

>> No.11209732

I carry a flask. Then again, I'm an alcoholic. Need a maintenance dose every now and then before I get back to the homestead and get some larger quantities of beverage in me. So I'll take a quick nip here and there throughout the day.

Ain't hurtin' nobody.

>> No.11209734

Oh there would have a been no such restrictions in those days. The constant police state we live in every day would have been incomprehensible in any past era. Even the USSR.

>> No.11209831

They only thing you'd be signalling with such a thing is that you're a worthless geek. And you wouldn't be pretending, because only a worthless geek would think it's a good idea to signal such a thing.

>> No.11209899

it's barely healthier than tobacco. the constant inhalation of foreign particles into to the lungs, if it's smoke or carried by vapor it doesn't matter, aggravates the respiratory system and increases likelihood of cancer. I hate that pothead with his chronic cough that is looking for every opportunity to talk about how much healthier he is because dudeweed.

If I'm going to give myself cancer I'm going to do it with delicious food or something else actually worthwhile.

>> No.11210289

hpv and a good throat fucking

>> No.11210416

Did you just say "kitsche"??? You fucking faggot. Thats it.

Shush and hush children. Let me tell you a tale. An ancient tale of the great Half-Black-Half-Man, Kopernikus. Year two zero one eight, God King Emperor Trump makes his proud people stand at his mandatory flag salute hour. But he is an evil man. So Kopernikus, he say; "No. No more. I haet you Drump. I kneel." And so he kneel. He kneel long and hard. He kneel with his Kikee brand Kikees. He do them a proud, as the Kikee merchants looked upon Kopernikus with zeal. He wore their brand, and made them gold. But alas, the news reached God King Emperor Trump. Being a God King Emperor means you always get the latest news. So God King Emperor Trump turn to Kikee and say; "Alroight, you made a fool out of me. Thats worse than treason. So ya fired. Ok now you're hired again. You messed up kid. So I'll only slash half ya profits, mmk? You're gunna love it. But that Kopernikus, he's gotta go. So I'm gunna flush em." And so God King Emperor Trump did the unspeakable. He sent his RingWraiths after Kopernikus for his misdeed. Kikee being naturally two faced, and upset with the God King Emperor, informed Kopernikus of this and say; " Run Kopernikus, run in your Kikee brand Kikees, the God King Emperor has sent death your way. Make our brand proud." So Kopernikus fled, and spread the good will of his Merchants' wishes wherever he treked, forever being pursued by Trump's RingWraiths. That is the tale of the Half-Black-Half-Man Kopernikus. Some say.. he still run to this very day...

>> No.11210476
File: 48 KB, 350x345, 15221049613970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that even supposed to mean?

>> No.11211733

Only reason I agree with you is because I have an allergic reaction to it, most people think I'm faking it but I get nauseous when I smell it, puke if I walk into a hotbox and can't move, speak and in one extreme case throat started swelling when I ingested some in brownie form

>> No.11211864

I actually have the one with the cup. The leather is shit.
I'm going to re-wrap it in something a little more quality and less gay color.

>> No.11212076

I have it took, the hinge thing that holds the cap on clanks loudly, and so does the built in shot glass. It's good for gags but not practical to conceal.

>> No.11212138

>I hate that it's healthy
People who believe this are like people who thought cigs were healthy 100 years ago. We just haven't done the testing to prove it's shit for you, that doesn't mean it's healthy.

>> No.11212153

I bring my flask to parties sometimes as a little personal stash

>> No.11212425

It means that a person publicly using an nes cartridge flask would only be doing it to show off how quirky/geeky they are. It's big bang theory tier shit.

>> No.11212439

We actually have done tons of testing but I guess you can be lazy and not Google shit if you want.

>> No.11212631

I totally agree. I think that's why it's in the garage collecting dust.

>> No.11212648

>not using a Camelback

>> No.11212655

Do you think people who spot you drinking out of a hip flask assume it contains water?

>> No.11212702

Answer where the fuck did you hear this was a thing that people used to do?

>> No.11212726

>young faggot detected

>> No.11212736

Here drinking in public is legal so no need for a flask. I have 2 flasks but I've never used them and don't even know where they are.

>> No.11212751

I really don't care to guess how old you are, because I've learned you can be a retard at any age, and that's what I think you are.

>> No.11212883


>> No.11213025

I mean there's nothing stopping you from carrying one around if you want to. I frequently did so in college even though most people didn't, no one cares.

>> No.11213032

>hahahaha DUDE

>> No.11213040

no one drinks like they used to maybe
i grew up around alot of alchys, it was the normal do just enjoy a couple glasses of whiskey when you take a break from farming, im lucky to get my friends to drink a couple beers the zoomer faggots

>> No.11213143
File: 137 KB, 683x1024, 1505961532307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't drink in public anymore. It also looks bad depending on where you are, people will judge you as pathetic alcoholic if they see you pull one of those out. People just sneak their alcohol in their water bottles/coffee these days.

>> No.11213173

I tried for awhile, but a flask is only a few shots. Not worth the trouble - just sneak off for a few beers or glass of bourbon.

>> No.11213182

>source: Mad Men

>> No.11213275

>The smallest flasks are around 4 fluid ounces (fl. oz.); holding two to four shots, depending upon your interpretation of the size of a shot. The most common sizes for flasks are either 6 fl. oz. or 8 fl

>Need a maintenance dose

Unless you leave your compound for less than an hour, you aren't al/ck

>> No.11213366


In my state, if there is an open container in your car at all, even if you're not drunk it's a DUI, also if you're drunk and have your keys in your pocket with the vehicle is within 100 yards you can get a DUI even if you weren't planning on driving. Also if you do drink and drive, ANYTHING above 0.00 BAC is mandatory jail time.

>> No.11213376

I want the one with the collapsible shot glass

>> No.11213380

what state

>> No.11213386



>> No.11213400

>old horseman
>major hits
>some faggots in the room
Damnit, which decade am I in

>> No.11213413
File: 88 KB, 529x712, Nope Squirrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're drunk and have your keys in your pocket with the vehicle is within 100 yards you can get a DUI
Holy NAZI fuck. I was grabbing the mail.

>> No.11213415

i have one of those that's engraved with my family name, pretty based for measuring pours into drinks and such

>> No.11213418


I knew a guy that got arrested for DUI while he was mowing his lawn because he had his keys in his pocket. Met him in an alcohol class I had to take after I got out of jail, I went to jail for 6 days and had 24 days house arrest for getting pulled over and blowing a 0.02 BAC which is legal in (almost) every other state.

>> No.11213426

Drinking and driving is fucked because it risks other people's lives but this shit goes way too far and arguably helps no one

>> No.11213516

>DUI while mowing the lawn
What shitshow of a state is this? Was he mowing the right lawn? Isn't a violation of your civil rights for a cop to come on to your private property, ask you to pull over your lawn mower, and breathalyze you? That shit is surreal.

Reminds me of cops in Virginia searching private property to make sure you had parking stickers to park in the state of Virginia. Totally fucking illegal.

>> No.11213556

>Was he mowing the right lawn?

>> No.11213670
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>healthier alternatives like marijuana.

>> No.11214404

It has no purpose. Most of us never go outside and if we do go outside and want to drink at the same time it's easier and more stealthy to just fill up an empty PET-bottle.

>> No.11214421

lmao what fucking state? my guess is California

>> No.11214423

I want this to be true.

>> No.11214509

>Reminds me of cops in Virginia searching private property to make sure you had parking stickers to park in the state of Virginia.
yeah i woke up to a $380 citation because i didnt have a car tax sticker on my UNREGISTERED project jeep that was parked in my damn backyard. shit was unbelievable.

>> No.11214514

anon I hate to break it to you, but I think your dad may have been an alcoholic

>> No.11214604

I used to carry around a Chartreuse flask. I filled it with some thick sugary sirup and told girls it was a sweet liquor.
Then I watched them go "woah you can barely tell there's alcohol" and act like they were drunk, when really they hadn't drunk a single drop of alcohol.

Good times.

>> No.11214665

> Open container
I road beer daily. The fone is less than a speeding ticket.

>> No.11214703

>Not doing anyways because being scared from the shitty bad paid cops


>> No.11214706

I don't know about that, I casualy smoke weed and it is the shitty one made by the cartels in Paraguay or Bolivia so I'll probably die from anal cancer from smoking that shit.
Actual good weed that has been growed with love is expensive af down here

>> No.11214720

are you an alcoholic?

>> No.11214721

no but I'm gay if that matters.

>> No.11214729

.t autistic loser who never left the house

>> No.11214737

pro tip;;;; put oil in your flask for outdoors cooking

another pro tip:? put alcohol in it too for small drinks and extra calories ont he hike.

>> No.11214749
