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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11200336 No.11200336[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where is al/ck/ nowadays?
I heard it was /r9k/ but I've seen nothing of it.

I don't know where to talk about this. Every board I go to has it banned. /ck/ was the only place I could go.

>> No.11200357

/ck/ banned it as well.

>> No.11200360


>> No.11200365

Yeah, I know.
That was like 4... Months ago?

I'm looking for where they are now

>> No.11200384

try /adv/

>> No.11200394

Banned there too.

>> No.11200427

It Ded.

>> No.11200433

you're innit

>> No.11200442

I'm glad this came up because I loved al/ck/. Why was it banned? Mods don't like recurring threads?

>> No.11200449

stupid newb mod has no idea.

>> No.11200451

it used to be fun...then it got really morose and self-pitying

>> No.11200453

Literally they hired a muslim mod for /ck/
Alcohol is haram

>> No.11200465

>tfw got the DTs bad for the first time today
I've had the 'fried nerves' feeling and shakes before, but this is the first time I've had any sort of hallucinations. It was really horrifying feeling bugs crawling on me only to realize it's the cliche warning sign actually coming true.
Time to sober up for a long stretch.

>> No.11200471

Mods are a bunch of snowflakes. I’m not a al/ck, but I love to drink when I cook. Honestly, I go from a good cook to a great cook when I’m drinking.

>> No.11200475

stop be faggot 1st

>> No.11200484

On a side note, I haven't had a Martini in ages, and just decided to make one. Goddamn, I forgot how sublime these things taste, even if it's suboptimal.

>> No.11200490

I've been getting shit for it but I really appreciate Rolling Rock as a cheap party beer when I don't have a lot of money to throw around.

>> No.11200501

A mod got in a fight with angry drunk luthier guy, who I assume was a regular in those threads (I just remember the day of)

The mod was very butthurt and for about a week or two even mentioning beer or wine would be an insta-ban and all your posts deleted

There was a tremendous backlash and they started allowing mentions of alcoholic beverages as long as you didn't use the word "general" (for some reason this word also triggers the mod)

>> No.11200511

You try /trash/ or /b/?

>> No.11200515

i member

>> No.11200517

I have natural hallucinations when I'm about to sleep.
Spiders are what I see.
I feel you mate

I've learned to deal with them by never opening my eyes when I know I'm vulnerable

>> No.11200526

Day 3 of plain WDs are when my hallucinations kick in. I get visual and auditory. It's always these demon assassin guys telling me they're there to kill me for being such a shitty person.

>> No.11200530

Damn, that was good. Why the fuck did I stop drinking these? I think I gotta make another one.

>> No.11200534

>I've learned to deal with them by never opening my eyes when I know I'm vulnerable
sorry but I loled out loud

>> No.11200535

Make Negronis instead of Martinis
Negronis are the superior gin drink

>> No.11200540

You laugh, but it's very real.
When I'm tired and trying to sleep, I'll see spiders if I open my eyes. The black things in the night will start to wiggle and move.

It's hypnagogic hallucinations. Like sleep paralysis but earlier.

>> No.11200564

I think I understand what you perceive it to be but spiders are EZ tier

>> No.11200571

I love Negronis, but those I drink semi-regularly - actually my grandmother died recently and she still had this unopened bottle of this really old China Martini that I've never seen before, and that actually makes superb Negronis.

But I've been starved for Martinis. Might've been actually over a year since I had one. And a good Martini really doesn't need to hind behind a Negroni.

>> No.11200588

fuck off drunky, no one cares

>> No.11200593

Seems like a lot of people care, normie.

>> No.11200646

I stopped weed months ago and now I'm alcoholic, what should I do I feel like shit

>> No.11200652

stop swallowing alcoholic beverages

>> No.11200681

how do I make a good martini?

>> No.11200692

Good gin, good vermouth, good orange bitters. Stir with lots of ice, strain into chilled glass and put a lemon twist in it.

Start out with a 2:1 ratio gin to vermouth, then try 6:1. Adjust until you find the ratio that works best for you.

>> No.11200695

No one gives a fuck about how your poor life decisions have led you to a path of alcoholism, you fucking faggot.

>> No.11200720

thanks man I will try this evening while cooking I want to pass out today

>> No.11200722

cool, have fun

>> No.11200725


>Be me
>Have bad day
>Go to corner bar
>Ask for martini but don't put it up because I don't need to hear about it

"You want vodka or gin, anon"

>> No.11200755

Why exactly was /bant/ spamming the threads with anime pictures? It's not funny and we weren't bothering them.

>> No.11200766

/bant/ does that in every thread

There is no home for al/ck/ but /ck/
Too bad there are muslim mods here

>> No.11200772

this belongs on /ck/
never forget never forgive row row

>> No.11200774

I actually like al/ck/ when you cunts talk about drinks. It's pretty fucking disgusting when you go on and on about how shit your life is though.

>> No.11200780

That's where I am right now. Had to quit weed 18 months ago for a shitty better paying job to save up for a couple of years. I'm sick to death of the job and I'm sick of drinking every night.
I miss when I could have just 1 beer and a joint and be good for the night. Alcohol makes me so tired, sedated and fat. Gained 30kg in 6 months just from drinking, feels bad man.
Gonna quit in 6 months so I can start smoking again and quit the liquid jew

>> No.11200786

stop being depressing drunks

>> No.11200788

Thats right on schedule with the alcohol withdrawal timeline.

>> No.11200796

Somebody got triggered, what's wrong? Was your father a drunk that molested you?

>> No.11200797

/bant/ is possibly the worst board on this site, bottom 3 for sure

>> No.11200805

Nah, bottom 3 are /tv/, /v/ and /pol/

>> No.11200809

/tv/ can be funny

>> No.11200814

Okay, I'll have one more, but that's the last one I swear! Jesus Christ, these motherfuckers are like a liquid orgasm ...

>> No.11200820

for you

>> No.11200827

/r9k/ /pol/ and /soc/

>> No.11200829
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fukkered again, boys

>> No.11200842

What a peace of shit.
Mods are killing this site, they cause problems all the time.

>> No.11200844

I want this.
But life has other plans

>> No.11200849

I found out that I'm not an alcoholic today.
4 whole days without a drop and no withdrawals!
I'm good!
So let's get fuked up

>> No.11200873
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alcoholism does not work that way

>> No.11200883

200 years ago you drink all the time and it's normal

>> No.11200888

everybody starts with no withdrawals. keep slamming drinks and its only a matter of time

>> No.11200890

t. confirmed drunkard

>> No.11200899

3 days is when the peak of withdrawals kick in.
I didn't get so much as a headache
I'm still good

>> No.11200902

try harder

>> No.11200906

Are you implying that withdrawals will suddenly spike after 4 days?
Fuck off virgin drinker

>> No.11200911

mods are slowly turning this place into reddit every single day. you have to post things that are politically correct or you'll get downvoted (banned)

>> No.11200912

24 days

>> No.11200914

This to be honest.
Worst part is that /b/ has turned into nu/soc/, but /b/ was never good

>> No.11200915

Alcohol is not heroin
Fuck off streetnigger

>> No.11200919


>> No.11200921

I still to this day faik to see what al/ck/ did to the rest of this board to warrant banning it? Wasn't al/ck/ a containment thread. It just got replaced with another Jack or fast-food thread.

>> No.11200922


>> No.11200924

al/ck/ was so much higher quality than the rest of the shit on this board, it's just bullshit

>> No.11200925

I;m gay bte, if it matters

>> No.11200927
File: 556 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180914-011638_Sober Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How're you holding up lads?

>> No.11200932

lol duck right off, friendo

>> No.11200934

I did 5 days this week
I drank to celebrate it
And what I came home to confirmed that I was right to drink
I hate where I live

>> No.11200937
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I despise where you live.

>> No.11200938

where do you live anon ?

>> No.11200939

Soberness is a meme. The goal is not being sober, but getting your alcohol consumption under control. AA is stupid because they don't understand that.

>> No.11200940


>> No.11200948


>> No.11200954

I live in Michigan, the weather is pretty nice right now.

>> No.11200960

I live in Belgium, get on my level

>> No.11200969

its been a good 3 months since i've had alcohol
but i've replaced it with coke and xanax, which might be worse

>> No.11200973


Doing alright for the moment. I think grad school has really fucked with my brain. I used to work all day right up until I went to bed and I was the happiest person alive. Came to grad school and bought into the "work/life balance" meme, and started trying to force myself to relax for an hour or two every night. Couldn't enjoy anything in that hour or two and it stressed me out a lot. At some point I discovered "oh, if I have some whiskey I'm suddenly happy and enjoying my relaxation time".

Couple months later I'm downing a handle every weekend.

I'm pretty chill now again, but habits are hard to break. My body is now conditioned that if I have alcohol I'm done being productive for the day, and I should just keep drinking until I pass out. So I need to be careful around it. Honestly if it weren't for the peer pressure - which, holy shit there's so much fucking drinking in academia - it'd be extremely easy to stop drinking for me.

>> No.11201007

Start one on /adv/ I had one a few days ago but it died. No mods there so it's fine

>> No.11201008

/trash/ might have to be our only refuge.
>how ironic

>> No.11201014

Well since I'm here.
My ex found out that the baby is going to be born with hiv. She went into a dark state of mind and moved back or her parents in another state thankfully.
I've recently started dating a black chick who also has the disease. We're both on meds tho she's been on them way longer.