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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11191673 No.11191673[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We post foods only white trash eat

>> No.11191682


>Food Stamp Cheese

That's a black thing

>> No.11191725

I eat those sometimes.
There is no shame in it

>> No.11191730
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>> No.11191732
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>> No.11191739
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Sausage gravy and biscuits

>> No.11191754
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I have yet to meet anyone who's not white that eats this shit.

>> No.11191757
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Macaroni and mayo is not a salad.

>> No.11191777

Guess I'm trash then. Oh well

>> No.11191784

shiiiiiieeetttttttt NIGGA

that shit is the best if you make it all from scratch

get your kike ass out of my gook forum u shit

>> No.11191787
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>> No.11191790

Asians eat small fish like fucking crazy?
Or do you think they literally only ever eat fresh or frozen fish?

>> No.11191793

Biggie Smalls ate them for dinner

>> No.11191796
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>> No.11191800


>> No.11191813

If you buy that shit-in-a-tin """hummus""" you're absolutely white trash, even if you're not white

>> No.11191852
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>t. gaijin

>> No.11191853


>> No.11191877

Non white people hating delicious food thread. Shits all good,fuck you op

>> No.11191958

desu, growing up in a flyover, mac n mayo is is one of those things i gotta eat once or twice a year

nigger please sausage gravy and biscuits from scratch is not reserved for white trash

>> No.11191986

worked with a black chick who loved sardines
it's not just us crackers

>> No.11192034

White trash food and black soul food are almost identical, just like white trash and rural southern blacks are almost identical.

>> No.11192047

It's only 56% so it's not enough to call it cheese

>> No.11193114

I don't like these but if I don't want to put brie/blue cheese/pepperjack on my burger it'll do.
I don't even know what these are.
I make my own hummus
I love these
I love these too. I like fish in general, anchovy is my favorite pizza topping.
I like macaroni salad but I prefer potato salad.
Perfect for sandwiches and for dipping my fries in.

But in all honesty, this is a pretty stupid thread, OP is probably a regular browser of theroot

>> No.11193143

It's called gubmint cheese, dumbass

>> No.11193147

Chicago style deep dish pizza is the ultimate flyover/white trash food.

>> No.11193562

Spics chow down on these things like it's a cancer vaccine.

>> No.11193566

what kinds of food does black trash eat?

>> No.11193626
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They buy alot of this.

>> No.11193629
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Wait what's wrong with Sabra hummus?
Is this known trash food? I don't like being seen as white trash.

>> No.11193662

Does every race have trash?
Like black trash Asian trash Mexican trash?

>> No.11193676

Of course it is

>> No.11193682

Isn't black trash just called niggers?

>> No.11193708

I don't think the black community says that. Any many people refer to all blacks like that.

>> No.11194040

My dad used to buy this crap for us as kids along with cosmic brownies and Debbie cakes. Thanks to him me and my brother became obese children and I still hate him for doing this to us.

>> No.11194076
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Kraft singles are the only way to make a grilled cheese
Never thought about how trashy it is until now...
I'll fight you faggot

Probably the most white trash thing i've witnessed was going over to my mothers friends house as a kid and her friends children were eating cold hotdogs and still frozen french fries

Pic related is my contribution. Combine with a can o' corn and some instant mash. That's good white trash eatin'.

>> No.11194108

Nothing is wrong with it, in fact it is one of the better yet more expensive ones in Bong land.

>> No.11194148
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probably some of the shittiest meat you can buy

>> No.11194165
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The trashiest, most plebian food product.

>> No.11194247

I don't understand Velveeta. My mother hates it and calls it disgusting "cheese" I just don't know what it is.

>> No.11194260

but its liquid gold

>> No.11194312


>> No.11194330

nice bait nigger

>> No.11194549

As a northerner:
That shit is god tier. It's liquid fatassery but I love it. I'd eat enormous portions if I could.
Asians eat similar stuff.
That shit is disgusting.

>> No.11194563

I don't fucking like it either, but it's made to melt down and make a cheese sauce. When I was growing up my aunt would take a block of that, and a jar of salsa and melt them together in the microwave to dip nachos in.

>> No.11194596

Well then I am white trash I don't give a fuck.

>> No.11194603
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Never seen a non-white enjoy those delicious treats.

>> No.11194619

You literal nigger. You fucking subhuman baboon.

>> No.11194770

I'm right with you. I made that the other day and I will again.

>> No.11194772

Holy fuck. That was close.

>> No.11194792

Found the hipster yankee.

>> No.11194801

People in the north like southern food

>> No.11194809

absolutely the highest praise you can give something.

>> No.11194823
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>> No.11194876

You must live an awfully sheltered life. I was turned on to canned sardines and smoked oysters slathered in hot sauce and eaten on crackers by a based Puerto Rican dude who shared some of his lunch with me when I was 18 yo and he sure as hell wasn't wh*te. Crawl out of your mom's basement once in awhile, Billy Bob.

>> No.11195479


>> No.11195493
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School breakfast, so these

>> No.11195576

Set oven to broil. Place two slices of white trash wonder bread on a cooking tray. Then place a kraft single on each slice. Cook until slightly burnt. Serve with coffee and possibly fruit. Cheese toast is fire

>> No.11195612

>I don't think the black community says that.
They absolutely do.

>> No.11195627

>acting like /deenz/ is a bad thing
get out

>> No.11195630

>cheese toast
man americans always come up with annoyin names
A. use cheddar (mature as possible) it's way better
B. called cheese on toast

>> No.11195670

Implying white trash has the pallette for such a decadent treat.

>> No.11195868

What's a nigger like in the black community.

>> No.11195898

t. has 0 contact with blacks and gets his race information from the daily stormer and breitbart
Good goy!

>> No.11196150
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Why is in a bag if it's already a jar / bottle?
>t. not a weeb

>> No.11196184

lolwat blacks are calling each other niggers in the full on derogatory sense all the time
if you were around them for five minutes you'd here them enunciate the hard R to refer to fellow blacks they find dispicable

>> No.11196200

Chewing tobacco
Never seen blacks or God forbid, Asians chewing tobacco.
In fact I think this is only a Southerners and Midwest thing, never seen anyone else chew tobacco

>> No.11196228

its actually corn starch not baking soda


>> No.11196477

Swedes love sucking on snus, but it's a bit different.

>> No.11196489

The only colored folk I’ve seen dipping were in the military and not in the position to smoke.

>> No.11196511
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Is that fucking bologna in sugar sauce?!

>> No.11196600
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>> No.11196608

Ketchup is disgusting.

>> No.11197033
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There's literally a whole meme industry built around selling fish scraps on rotting rice to white retards.

>> No.11197047

no, it’s homestyle gravy & sliced white meat turkey

>> No.11197059

Fuck you, that shit is delicious on burgers

>> No.11197108
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>> No.11197132
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>all these millenials that start pretending to have taste as soon as they moved out of their parent's house

Also pic related. I could probably eat my height in these cans.

>> No.11197189

Asians eat that shit without being a pretentious fuck.

>> No.11197208

blackman has naturally higher blood pressure, liquorice doesnt appeal to them

>> No.11197253
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>> No.11197432
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In my country its illegal to call it "milk" instead of Sweetened Soy Drink

It's actually tasty but i'm afraid of those female hormones bursts so i drink ordinary chocolate milk.

picrel what i think may be a white thing to eat

>> No.11197441

>start living on my own
>know how to make basic meals
>really love velveeta shells and cheese
>make myself some
>put in a can of these babies
>add some pepper flakes
>fucking amazing

real shame i got burned out on velveeta from eating it so much, i could probably have some now though

>> No.11197455

American cheese is the best cheese to put on burger. I am east euro and import and my people love it. I am the 'burger MASTER' in my area.

>> No.11197461
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>i’m afraid of those female hormones so I drink cow’s milk instead

Boy I got some news for you

>> No.11197482

Shit you're right, what the fuck was i thinking

>> No.11197493
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>my gook forum
I post anime girls here too fag, stop being selfish