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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11185611 No.11185611 [Reply] [Original]

I am terrible at seasoning things with the right herbs and spices, i know the basics (rosemary for lamb and sage for pork) but not anything else, little help? Right now I just throw on whatever I find (not too much though)

>> No.11185659

Meat is degenerate.

>> No.11185665

salt and pepper

>> No.11185918

spoken like a true soyboy

>> No.11186006

It kind of depends on what you're making, man.

>> No.11187361

Get some texjoy steak seasoning if you're in the US, it works well with a lot of stuff

>> No.11187379

Experiment and see what works best
For me most herbs generally compliment most meats as long as the overall combination is sensible
Wouldnt use coriander in a dish with nutmeg for example

>> No.11187409

This. It's not just a matter of matching the seasoning to the meat, it's also a matter of what the type of dish is. Rosemary and thyme is fine for a western roast pork dish, but it certainly isn't what you'd want for making BBQ pulled pork, or a pork-based stirfry.

I'd suggest following specific recipes as a noob until you get the experience to wing it. One could write for hundreds of pages and still not adequately answer OP's question.

>> No.11187428 [DELETED] 

Honestly it can be all over the place, for example cinnamon on chicken!?! Yes, in Chicken Catatori it’s amazing.

>> No.11187437

>>11185611 (OP) #
Honestly it can be all over the place, for example cinnamon on chicken!?! Yes, in Chicken Cacciatore it’s amazing.

>> No.11188486

All animals are soyfed. Nice self-reflected personal boogeyman redditfag. Does cognitive dissonance hurt?

>> No.11188614

organic grass fed meats anyone...

>> No.11188662

s n p works

>> No.11188666

So you admit to being an animal. Thanks, I agree.

>> No.11188862

Smoked paprika. For everything.

>> No.11189045

Green pepper, paprika, everything that is spicy for strong tasting/fatty meat, while more tame spices for leaner meats

>> No.11189071

>All animals are soyfed
The ones I raise on my property aren't. Neither are the deer, quail, ducks, rabbits and feral hogs that I hunt every year.

>> No.11189087

My favorite seasonings for veal are black pepper, garlic and parsley.
For chicken; mustard, lemon and chimichurri.
For pork; lemon, mint and thyme.

>> No.11189104
File: 2.94 MB, 4200x4000, 1341272200453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11189140

OP here, thanks for this image , it will be very useful. Also thank you to everyone else for your advice.

>> No.11189169

fukken saved

>> No.11189196

This, and sometimes you don't even need pepper.

Otherwise, just buy stuff and smell it with the meat beside you, and see what you think fits. If you cannot do this, then quick cooking, you will never be a good cook.

>> No.11189237
File: 654 KB, 700x700, Tyson_v1_FB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone is a retarded McDonalds employee like me
No thanks meatcuck

>> No.11189243
File: 572 KB, 801x3829, L4vyBLd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have this one.

>> No.11189258
File: 229 KB, 1024x791, nErfiFu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, meant to post this one instead

>> No.11189269

>poorfag assumes everyone can't afford grass fed

>> No.11189340
File: 56 KB, 567x753, c797dfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That term is unregulated.
Enjoy the estrogen from eating female animals.

>> No.11189753

Op here.All the images and charts are the best, thank you so much, i have saved them all

>> No.11190281

>implying I don't buy directly from local farmers
You're an idiot who deserves what you get if you go into a big name grocery store chain and buy grass fed, antibiotic free shit.

>> No.11191183

Illegal where I live.

>> No.11191287

How does one ensure that buying direct from local farmers means it's any better from store bought though.

I mean, I just realized the other day that just because I bought some over priced meat from a farmers market doesn't really guarantee jack shit. Do I schedule a farm visit? Quiz them? What kind of evidence can they provide?

>> No.11191613

Most legit farmers are happy to have you visit as long as you don't appear to be a typical 4chan autist. I've become good friends with and regularly visit a couple farms where I met them at the farmers market. Pretty fun and I've learned a lot from them since I'm just a hobbyist.

>> No.11191762

>le salt and pepper only xDDDD