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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11176815 No.11176815 [Reply] [Original]

>be vegan, very tall and sort of skinny
>hurr durr it's cause you don't eat meat
>housemates have all left, lots of meat in freezer absolutely no one's going to eat
>ate meat for a month
>instead of being skinny but curving in all the right places I'm now skinny but somehow flabby as well
>my torso used to visibly go in at the sides and have a minor six pack, now it's just flabby and looks awful

>> No.11176839
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No OP, the problem is that you overate tofu

>> No.11177281
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lift some weights too so that the extra calories become muscle and not fat durrrrrrrr

>> No.11177306


>> No.11177341

>Thinking eating meat would magically make you muscular
This is your brain on veganism

>> No.11177362

same thing happened to me. vegetarian for years then i started eating meat again cause of this stupid meat is awesome meme.

>> No.11177380

I graduated valedictorian believe it or not. It was out of desperation I wish I looked like the hound out of got instead of a twink and now I'm flabby and disgusting.

Don't know why I thought it would change my bone structure, pure retardation on my part.

I would never eat it normally but it was I ate it out it went in the bin so why not. What a fucking meme.

>> No.11177391

This. I ended up growing a rich and thick layer of back hair and my dick only gets half as hard. Ragrets.

>> No.11177398
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This is what happens to sedentary, urbanite twink vegans where the only protein they're used to is semen and the only excercise they receive is fluttering over to the nearest fag district for a night of degenerate homo fag sex

>> No.11177409

That shit's gayer than Liberace.

>> No.11177416

Dude, you are way too old to be on this website. Go take care of your grandkids or something, try not to molest them.

>> No.11177425

I do a lot of exercise, mainly cycling and tennis and am also very tall. Could very easily batter average people (who can barely jog 100m without fatigue g) in fights, although obviously not anyone who trains for it or does weightlifting sort of stuff.

>> No.11177428
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This is what happens when fatshit omnivores try to shit talk about vegans but have a lower social standing. They project their gayness in hopes to be taken under the vegan wing. They want their arteries and colons cleaned.

>> No.11177435

What? I WAS the grandkid, my grandma loved his ass. I wasn't even alive when he died.

>> No.11177456

And you're having a stroke now, please tell your geezer wrangler to call an ambulance

>> No.11178072

Dude one of the first symptoms of alzheimers is denial. Sign up for long term care insurance before you get diagnosed and it's unavailable. Now go watch your Gunsmoke and Bonanza picture reruns on your rabbit ear antenna TV while eating Orville Rickenbacker popcorn with margarine.

>> No.11178102

> omnivores try to shit talk about vegans but have a lower social standing.
The fuck are you talking about faggit? I'm a hunter,meat eater, white and hetero, and couldn't give a fuck about any 'social standing'...
The fuck does it really mean anyway?

>> No.11178457
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Ayy yooo, that grandpa got DABBED on, boomers BTFO!

>> No.11178475

so you can beat up people that are out of shape

>> No.11178487

lift my dude lmao

>> No.11178898

Yeah, man, it's almost as if you had to actually exercise yourself because steaks won't lift little weights inside your body for you.

>> No.11180046

Yeah obviously although this is probably 95 percent of people. Why would I be able to beat up people who actively train to fight or do anything which builds large muscle if I don't?

>> No.11180104

Stop projecting, Nestor.

>> No.11180815

>Eats a ton of fats and proteins
>Doesn't utilize them by going to the gym
>Suprised they got fat
Goddamn it you vegans are retarded. Please stick to eating vegetables

>> No.11180816

This is too try hard, revise it and try again.

>> No.11180828

were u eating lean meats at least?....

>> No.11180829

Abs on a skeleton are like tits on a fat girl, eat like a human bean you freak

>> No.11180838

Stop eating carbs dummy it's 2018

>> No.11180842

>carbs are bad

>> No.11180870

You keto fags are just as bad as the vegans.

>> No.11181060


>> No.11181240
File: 936 KB, 2160x3840, 596629e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you start eating unhealthy.
Cheese, meat, milk and eggs are cancerous and terrible for you.
There's no denying it unless you have not read any dietary science in the last 10 years.
Every meatcuck will get offended, try to claim otherwise, and blogpost about it but the truth is:
If you aren't vegan: you aren't healthy.
All of these jewish cheesebreathers will argue against veganism all while being terribly unhealthy and fat.
Hilarious is the fact that one simple change could help them lose weight, be better in bed, have healthier skin, have stronger erections and a larger libido, smell better, and even have higher testosterone.

>> No.11181274

Post evidence please

>> No.11181282

yesterday i took a shit in the toilet and then i flushed it

>> No.11181333

>have stronger erections
B-but I'm a gril, does that mean my clit will get swole and look like an incel's chode?

>> No.11181343

It's got less to do with the meat and more to do with the fact you are eating like shit and not exercising.

>> No.11181660

Yeah, I think you should post some evidence too.

>> No.11181674

Typical meatardation, I do an average of 2 hours exercise a day and eat my "5 a day"/don't eat junkfood.

>> No.11181684

It was about 2 thirds pig the rest chicken and fish. I did cut most the fat of the pig

>> No.11181722

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11181746

Tits or GTFO

>> No.11181768

>and even have higher testosterone.
Have higher levels of SHBG (which is found at higher levels in prepubescent children and women) so their bodies have to produce more testosterone to compensate just to maintain normal levels that omnivores have*

>> No.11181775

>There's no denying it unless you have not read any dietary science
Can you direct me to the blog site where you get your vegan science please.

>> No.11181783

>Cheese, meat, milk and eggs are cancerous and terrible for you.
Only processed meat was definitely proven to raise your risk of cancer, and it raised it by less than 1% if you eat it every day. And the risk can even be lowered by having enough vitamin C with it.

Veganism only makes sense for moral/environmental reasons. There are no good health reasons to switch from a balanced omnivore diet to a vegan diet. And this is why I don't like a lot of vegans, because claims like that mean most people won't bother listening to you and you probably won't support the development of things like lab-grown meat because you think it's inherently bad.

>> No.11181929

bad form, I've been taking my shits on /ck/

>> No.11183094 [DELETED] 

>lack of cite the post
So why do vegans live 10 years longer on average? Why are the top 7 diseases associated with animal product overconsumption?
>hurr hotdogs increase your rate of cancer by 1%
Maybe with one cherry-picked type of cancer. With certain types of breast or brain cancer it increases by two-fold.
Processed meat and red meat give you cancer. Look at the boomer generation, their meat intake, and then the rates of cancer and causes of death.
Go read a study, kid.

>> No.11183106

>Go read a study, kid.
Blogs don't count as studies sebastian

>> No.11183118

Is this an american thing? In my country we leave our shits in the toilet, never take.

>> No.11183129

>by two-fold
no lo, it's a 20% relative increase
i'll take my chances

>> No.11183132 [DELETED] 

How many types of cancer are there?

>> No.11183183

show me something that says eating meat doubles your chance of cancer

>> No.11183212

Sure it's easy. www.vegan-coastie-faggot.blog.reddit.com

>> No.11183236

>clear misunderstanding of nutrition
>is vegan
>can't do something as simple as maintaining body
Wtf, I hate meat now

>> No.11183255
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>being valedictorian means I'm smart
Doing all your homework and actually being intelligent are two different things.

>> No.11183307

1. healthy user effect
2. animal products don't go well with carbs
3. there are few good RCTs on long term effects of nutrition
4. commonly used biomarkers aren't indicative of the development of many diseases
5. bias everywhere, some stupidity, some ignorance, some greed

>> No.11183312

>I'm a lying piece of shit vegan trying to trick people
What a surprise.

>> No.11183316

if you eat meat you need excercise.
that's really about it.

>> No.11183321

>Why are the top 7 diseases associated with animal product overconsumption?
>animal product overconsumption
Because our food tastes good enough to overconsume.

>> No.11183447

based and redpilled

>> No.11183459
File: 42 KB, 1112x770, 1535575260666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol I'm a faggot troll: the post

>> No.11184130

>never eat it normally but it was I ate it out it went in the bin
>I graduated valedictorian

And I'm Abe Lincoln's father

>> No.11185132

I can almost hear them say "fuck drampf"

>> No.11185202

That poster talked about muscles, not bone structure.

>> No.11185372

Murder all vegans.