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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11138649 No.11138649 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any food that trigger unpleasant memories?

Pic unrelated

>> No.11138660

I had some salsa verde Doritos when I had the flu and I associate them with vomiting now. Also, I bet that dough didn’t even cook.

>> No.11138679

Graham cracker crust. Ate it in a bowl with toppings. Felt almost immediately nauseous. The next day I was vomiting like crazy from the flu. Can't eat it now, and one of my worst childhood decisions

>> No.11138680

My freshman year at college I had a chicken quesadilla from Taco Bell and got a migraine shortly after in math class. Can't even think about them anymore without feeling disgusted.

>> No.11138682

Lime vodka
Green bean casserole

>> No.11139297

>green bean casserole
You die

>> No.11139324

I hated raw tomatoes but loved them cooked since I could remember. One of my earliest memories from when I think I was a toddler was of eating a cherry tomato off the vine. I thought it would be sweet like a berry. Realized that this was the source of my distaste for tomatoes. Since then I started slicing them up and salting them plain. Love them now.

>> No.11139331
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My mother's homemade meatloaf. Normally it was great but once when she made it something was clearly off, maybe the ingredients had been expired or something but I couldn't stomach it and it had a weird rubbery texture. It was a one off thing but I've never been able to eat it since.
Also pic related because the first time I got drunk I drank a shit ton of them and tasted them again every time I vomited.

>> No.11139344

All forms of cherries. I bite into a cherry as a kid and for some reason I thought to peel it open to see the insides and when I did, a white long worm was poking out and wriggling

>> No.11139349

Dried Tomatoes, I used to a shitton of them when I was a kid, and suddenly one day I was unable to eat more than a slice without feeling nauseous.

>> No.11139362

Rum and (diet) Coke, from when I stole my first hard liquor from my dad's cabinet when he was away for work and ended up puking everywhere

>> No.11139400

I had severe vomiting awhile back and got really dehydrated. The last thing I ate was lime flavored salted peanuts. I couldn't even think about salted peanuts for a long time after without getting nauseous. Also ate some lemon yogurt as a kid that had a huge curdled chunk in it. I haven't been able to eat it since.

>> No.11139423

Same for me but with peanut butter and cluster headaches

>> No.11139433

Valentina hot sauce reminds me of having the flu.

>> No.11139445

Dont know if this is a thing, but I was served crab on toast with cheese on it, heated in the oven. Puked for literally 18 hours, and I still get naseous even by writing this. Incident occured some 12 years ago

>> No.11139451
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Burgers with bacon in them.

When I got a dsi I used the web browser to look at porn and shit like that. One day I come across a middle aged woman with huge tits slapping her tits with a giant wiener. That same day my mom made some bacon burger, and they were really chewy, so I kept thinking about like what if was chewing on the dudes dick instead of this burger. Gagged quite a bit trying to get those burgers down.

Got over it later on though, but I still think about it sometimes.

>> No.11139464

I got a quesorito from Chipotle just a few hours before my mother died. I don't think I'll get one in the future, because it wasn't even noticeably different.

>> No.11139494


>> No.11139513

I got sick once after eating some grilled cheese and tomato soup. I couldn't bring myself to eat it for a few years, but I got better and eat that shit like nobody's business.

Unrelated to specific foods but I believe I got food poisoning after Easter a couple years back. The following Monday was probably the sickest I've ever been.

>> No.11139584

I once had a tuna sandwich during midnight and woke up with horrible nauseousness and vertigo, vomited for the whole day, I thought I had an extremely bad case of food poisoning
turns out it was just an ear infection, never had I been so miserable, lying on bed and have the world spin around you

>> No.11139597

When ever I went to work, I used to bring raisins everyday. One time I looked down after finishing half a box, which I just bought from the store not even 24 hours before, was full of maggots. Needless to say, I haven't eaten raisins or grapes since.

>> No.11139628

In high school I wanted thought it was a good idea to trip on dramamine and I chased the bottle with squirt soda. To this day I cant drink it without remembering that nasty almost anti taste of dramamine and want to vomit.

>> No.11139736
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>lack toes in toddler ants

>> No.11139758

Fireball, cinnamon and peanut butter cups. It was probably my third time drinking and I had three shots of fireball in the space of 30 seconds, followed by a couple of peanut butter cups. About a minute later a threw up on my chest and ran to the kitchen so I could throw up on a floor that wouldn’t soak up the vomit. The next day I could smell the fireball or cinnamon from the vomit and just the smell of it made me gag. It was probably baby’s first hangover but even after almost ten years I can’t drink alcohol or eat cinnamon without feeling a little ill.

>> No.11139768

Hope you sued. Could have made good money.

>> No.11139771

grean bean casserole in the west

>> No.11139778

Anything artificially raspberry flavored. I got some ungodly case of freakish chicken pox in 8th grade, lasted like 3 weeks, fever, vomiting, extreme coughing. Went through a couple bags of raspberry cough drops...never again.

>> No.11140222

In junior high, eating spaghetti made me think of kissing Visas and her gross empty eye sockets. I don't know why. I'm over it now.

>> No.11140232

Little Debby stuff.
Am allergic to treenuts and accidentally ate a walnut swirl. Nearly died before I got to my medication. Years later someone tried offering one as a joke and I smacked it out of their hands.

>> No.11140341
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I didn't like it as a kid (because the person who made it sucked at making it)
Every time we went to a family thanksgiving dinner I would never get stuffing because it was nasty
The person who made the stuffing was my rich grandma who had cancer or something and my dad wanted to schmooze up to her so he got in the will
My dad is a severe alcoholic by the way
So he made me eat some of her stuffing and plopped a big scoop of it on my plate
We get to the dinner table and he says "haha look grandma X anon really loves your stuffing, DON'T YOU ANON?"
And he kinda gave me a glare so I had to eat some of it
It was the most disgusting thing I've ever had because I didn't want to eat it and I was being forced to eat it
I immediately gagged and spat it all out back on my plate and my dad at the top of his lungs yells "DON'T YOU FUCKING VOMIT ON THE TABLE OR I WILL BEAT YOUR FUCKING ASS"
I ran off to the nearest bathroom and locked myself in and cried for hours until we had to leave

>> No.11140376
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My aunt once made stuffed zucchini boats at her house for dinner. Somehow, a little piece of metal wire was in one of mine. It must have been from a mesh strainer or something. It hurt biting down on it and it stabbed my gums. It left a horrible metallic taste in my mouth.

Now, it's difficult for me to eat stuffed zucchini without tasting metal. Even when I do, I still have to eat them very slowly while cringing and expecting pain.

Also, I can't drink limoncello anymore. But for obvious reasons. Everyone has that one alcohol that brings them nauseated memories.

>> No.11140412

Chocolate syrup.

Don't try to use food during sexytime, kids. I'll never forget the nauseating stench of chocolate and sex. Looking and feeling like I had sticky shit smeared all over me. The towel forever marked with disgusting brown stains. I can eat it now at least, but if I dribble any on me I reflexively gag a little.

>> No.11140429

How much did you fucking use?
It's supposed to be only a tiny bit to coax someone into licking or sucking on you somewhere. You're not supposed to make it look like a drunken scat orgy

>> No.11140432

fucking lol
I’ll be forever a virgin so you need not worry about me mixing the two.

>> No.11140451

Wow what a little faggot

>> No.11140472

Waffles and maple syrup.
I used to eat them everyday before school but one day we apparently had an ant infestation and I didn't even noticed. My mom made them as usual and I didn't even noticed the ants in the maple syrup. I poured a lot on them and after about halfway through eating, I noticed them crawling all over my waffles. I immediately spat out the waffles and died a little inside. To this day I refuse to even look at waffles. Sometimes I'll enjoy a little syrup but never waffles.

>> No.11140484

>have waffles for a long time, time enough to know when waffles are good
>one bad experience with syrup
>hate waffles but is ok with syrup

>> No.11140496

My partner for the night was the one who suggested it, saying he'd done it before and it was fun, and was the one controlling the bottle. I hadn't even heard of using any food during sex by that point, but I trusted him. Big mistake.

>> No.11140497

Sailor Jerry

drank a fifth of that and shotgunned some beers. I vomited in the crack between my bed and wall

>> No.11140536

Cinnamon does the same to me. I was 17 and a freshman in college. Had never been a big drinker before but at this point I had learned the ropes and was getting tired of beer so I asked a buddy what I should get for a party. He suggested a 5th of Goldschlager and one of Jagermeister. Well the party was a bust so 5 of us went back to a friend's apartment to play cards. I started the night doing shots of both and having a pretty good time. Then the /ck/ section of my brain kicked in and said hey anon I'll bet those two would taste great mixed! So I started doing half and half shots and it wasn't bad at all. Kinda tasted like the holidays. At that point I reached that I'm bulletproof level of drunk and grabbed a beer stein out of the freezer and filled it with my half and half mix. That's the last thing I remember. The next morning I woke up outside under a picnic table in the park next to the apartment complex with my friend nudging me with the toe of his shoe telling me to get up before someone called the cops. I looked down and was covered in those gold flecks where I'd puked all over myself and it dried. That hangover lasted 3 goddamn days and I cannot stand even the smell of cinnamon anymore.

>> No.11140541

Red meat. Once, years ago, I ate a burger and was not able to shit for three miserable days. Ever since then, I have avoided cooked red meat like the plague. I’ll eat it raw or braised in small ammounts, but if I’m at a dinner at a steakhouse, I’m that fag ordering fish.

>> No.11140552

I can't eat rice and beans and plantains anymore. I moved to Panama for work and stayed with some of my half-Panamanian wife's family for a couple months till I got a place. Holy shit, it's all they eat morning, noon, and night. It's all you'll find in restaurants that aren't American chains. All of it gets fried in the same reused oil over and over and over again for days on end till it tastes like it was drained from a car. They can't cooking anything without frying the shit. Fresh oil costs a couple bucks for massive bottles but they refuse to get any. They're so goddamn lazy in the kitchen too that ants just start infesting everything to the point you find them on fresh clean plates and glasses. Rice and beans and plantains give me a headache just looking at them from all the completely avoidable filth I associate with them.

>> No.11140556

Lasagna. Took WAY too much by accident and my mom tried to force me to eat it all. It wasn't even good lasagna and I almost threw up.

>> No.11140563

I didn't know this was so common from reading all of these posts. I vomited and was very sick for a few days as a child after eating trader joes tortellinis. I could never eat them again or even think about them without being nauseous. Even tortellini from other restaurants, I am completely uninterested in, which I know is because of that experience because I love lasagna , etc..

>> No.11140570

Ate a whole bag of Snyder's Honey Mustard pretzel bites along with a lot of 7-Up or Squirt, proceeded to be the sickest I had ever been in childhood. I'm over it now but I just don't eat em anyway.

>> No.11140621

brussels sprouts
2nd grade, school cafeteria served candied brussels sprouts once a week.

>> No.11140648

Anon you were probably molested.

>> No.11141164

Actually, pic is related for me. A Dominos pizza gave me the worst food poisoning I’ve ever had. Liquid from both ends for a week, fever, extreme fatigue, I was walking around like a baby deer for weeks after. Gave me gastrointestinal issues I’m still dealing with years later.

The mere thought of eating Dominos again makes me a little queasy.

>> No.11141222


>> No.11141274

Pineapple pizza reminds me of the last time I ate horrid pizza.

>> No.11141307

pepperoni pizza reminds me of when I was a kid and used to like things for children.

>> No.11141327

t. Maddox

>> No.11141399

My girlfriend made falafels and the texture of them was like eating sand. I can’t have falafels anymore

>> No.11141408
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>> No.11141485

I drank two bottles of wine one night but being the noob I was, I didn’t drink any water. The next day I seemed fine and ate a frozen pizza. Then in the middle of the night I had to wake up and take an atomic dark matter wine shit and threw up like three times. For some reason I thought it was the pizza but it had to be the wine. I don’t like frozen pizzas any more.

>> No.11141498

I threw up captain morgans spiced rum once and can’t even smell it anymore. I usually don’t puke drinking but that shit churned my stomach.

>> No.11141588

That happened to me and spiced whiskey. If I smell any type of whiskey now I gag.

>> No.11141596

Cookie cake.

I was in kindergarten and it was some homo's birthday and his mom brought a homemade cookie cake. I thought cookie = good, cake = good, cookie + cake = fucking rad.

No. It wasn't cookie + cake, it was a big shitty cookie with a little icing around the edge. She must have bought a pouch of cheapo cookie mix and vomited it onto a pizza pan. I was disappointed but my youthful optimism led me to taking a piece. It tasted bad and stale and overcooked and undercooked all together.

>ms blackbitch, what should I do with this if I don't like it?
>Eat it.
>but I don't like it
>Homo's mom worked very hard on it, so eat it.
>...but I don't like it

She drags me into the classroom bathroom (it was a really old school) and backs me up against the wall and leans down in an intimidating fashion.

>If I say do something, you DO IT!
>If I say eat something, you DAMN well better EAT IT!
>Now you go back out there, eat that cake, and you thank Ms. Homoson for bringing it. Or I will bring you back here and warm your little behind 'til you can't sit down!
>And wipe those damn tears outta your eyes

>> No.11141655

lol should have given it to one of the retarded kids like I did whenever I didn't like something.

>> No.11141669

sometimes, big chunks of boiled/steamed potatoes are offputting to me.
at dinner once we had steak and potatoes, nothing special, but i bit into a potato hunk and there was a large piece of dirt inside, so i just got a mouthful of dirt. wasnt vomit-inducing but i spit it out and went to go wash out my mouth, and i lost my appetite

>> No.11142104

Peanut Brittle.

Fuck no.

>> No.11142134
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Patty pan squash.
It was the last thing I ate before I got some nasty childhood stomach bug that made me vomit so many times I started vomiting pure bile and put me in the ER. I'll still eat them when offered but the bitter taste especially makes me remember the taste of bile.

>> No.11142158

Hey don't you dare call Visas gross.

>> No.11142163

One time I was at a CHinese buffet as a kid eating one of those... what the fuck are they? They were meats on little toothpicks (I think chicken cubes wrapped with a piece of bacon). Somehow, at least to me as a kid, they were fucking delicious.

However one time I went in there, and one of the little TVs was showing the Osmosis Jonnes movie. Of course, the fucking scene where the dude pukes on the other dude was on as I was eating one, and I was never able to eat another one of those there, forever associating it with disgust and vomit.

>> No.11142310

I'm sorry you had a retard for a dad. I remember having some disgusting turkey stuffing one christmas and I literally couldn't eat a spoonful without gagging and wanting to vomit.

>> No.11142870
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>Rhubarb cream with milk
Grandma served it often during visits as dessert. Sour puke-like mess always made me gag. She forced me to eat all food she made or she got really angry.

>> No.11142949

>be 7
>have the flu
>can't keep food down
>sip a little cup of strawberry fanta
>and another
>and another
>just drinking down a whole 2 liter of strawberry fanta because I haven't eaten all day and it doesn't appear to be bothering my stomach
>about to go to bed, go into the kitchen to take medicine
>gag on a pill
>puke pure hot-red liquid out of my nose and mouth all over the kitchen floor and my pajamas
To this day I have never had another strawberry soda and I am 27.

>> No.11142953

>(I think chicken cubes wrapped with a piece of bacon).
Those are probably rumaki. Chicken livers and water chestnuts marinated in sauce and wrapped in bacon. They're a 10/10 keto snack desu

>> No.11142966

But for me it's a different reason I'll green text
>be me
>working at a company that bakes the little Debbie's cakes
>my work was basically sanitation
>one day had to clean the ovens, hot as fuck because summer.
>leave on break and comeback to find a pallet of butter in the middle of the room
>keep in mind the butter was in a refrigerated room and now in a hot as balls room
>whatever not my concern.
>see roach crawl out of box
>oh shut, now I have to say something
>tell supervisor
>a few moments later they come and take it
>fuck I forgot to bring the hose
(The building was pretty big and it was a long walk, I had to walk through the room where they mix every thing for the batter)
>see the pallet that had the roach on it
>they're already pouring the butter in the batch
Haven't eaten any mass produced baked goods since then, especially anything from little debbie, or made by Arytza. Seriously just don't a lot of those buildings are very dirty it's a miracle no one gets sick

>> No.11143039
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>Are there any food that trigger unpleasant memories?

When was 7-8 years old, I went to a company picnic with my parents where there were FREE! hotdogs, so like the stupid kid I was, I scarfed down half a dozen and later that evening when we got home, I was watching The Wizard of Oz and right when the flying monkeys appeared, I projectile vomited all over the place.

Didn’t eat a hotdog for decades after (only rarely eat them now) and I still won’t watch The Wizard of Oz.

>> No.11143053

Boiled peanuts
There used to be a guy at the grocery store who would make them and it later turned out that he was pissing in the boiling pots

>> No.11143054

I'm pretty sure I've had this exact experience, but with some other kind of soda. It feels so familiar. Top kek anon

>> No.11143084

Pills. I took a ton of Tylenol once and vomited all night long. I couldn't even stand. I went and sat on the toilet and couldn't get up for like 30 minutes. Finally stumbled back into bed and was sweating all night unable to sleep. I can't even think of pills anymore without gagging. Hearing a bottle of them shaking up makes bile shoot up my throat. Can't eat Smarties or Tic Tacs either. If I ever get to the point in life where I have to take pills for my health, I'm fucked.

Chicken and Broccoli pot pies. I made one as a kid and it didn't cook all the way through. Ending up eating a spoonful of ice cold mush and vomiting.

>> No.11143135

congrats, tomatoes are great, especially from your own garden.

>> No.11143169
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When I was a kid one of my favorite snacks was string cheese that had been melted in the microwave, I used to melt it down then eat it whole.
So I was going to go over to a friends house for the day, and before I went I had some melted string cheese. Everything started fine but after an hour or so I started to feel nauseous so I ended up just sitting in my friend's room waiting for my dad to come pick me up. I remember it took him awhile to get there because he had to come from work and when he arrived he was pretty pissed. So I got in the back of his car and as soon as we started moving I vomited hard right into the seats. Of course that just made him more angry and he just told me to sit in it until we got home. So for the whole drive home I had to sit and admire my work, including the entirely undigested mass of melted string cheese that was sitting on my leg.

>> No.11143859

I can never eat runny eggs because I threw up eating them. The consistency will still make me barf.

>> No.11143886

>For some reason I thought it was the pizza but it had to be the wine.
The wine wouldn't have made you throw up a day later. It probably made your shit dark but it was most likely the pizza that made you throw up.

>> No.11143891

A specific craft beer, I drank a 0,75L bottle of it on an empty stomach while standing in front of a large grill making barbecue for people I had over. The heat and the alcohol, plus some sadness because I was freshly out of a relationship, plus the heavy food, made me feel horribly sick and tired. I drank more that night, too much in fact. Puked in the bathroom after everyone left, cried a bit and slept 14 hours. It's been three year and I still feel awkward at barbecues, also haven't drank that particular beer anymore because it "tastes of sorrow"

>> No.11144536

anything with sunflower seeds that trigger the worst fucking allergic reactions.

>> No.11144892

Ravioli. I tried OD'ing on pills when I was a dumbass 12 year old and threw up ravioli for a whole night. I told mom I just had food poisoning real bad

>> No.11145423

Orange vodka
Quesadillas or something cuz I ate some with cig butts accidentally

>> No.11145510

Fuck off, anon's dad

>> No.11145548

all seafood

all liver

>> No.11145599
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Sonic's foot long hotdog. Let's just say it didn't look much different going out then comming in.

Nuff said.

>> No.11145608
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i used to drink this by the liter while eating pretzels and cheese
what a fat fuck

>> No.11145675

I remember when I started drinking with my friends, we always used to chase down vodka with currant juice. Now, when we all have memories of violently vomiting purple puke. Even when I take a sip I just gag.

>> No.11145714

what an odd thing to drink
where do you live?

>> No.11146360

Oh you're gay, that makes more sense then.

>> No.11146434

Shitty pineapple soda reminds me of my grandma. She died a sad Alzheimers death.

>> No.11146508

Chicory and mushrooms.
Chicory is just plain disgusting and the texture of mushrooms is too weird.
My parents loved both and forced me to eat it. I threw up on the table more than once, and sometimes on purpose, just to make them stop.
I've moved out 5 years ago and sometimes when I come over for dinner they will still try to serve me this shit.

>> No.11147209

>I didn't know this was so common
Then you're dumb as shit.

>> No.11147214

I cant eat Doritos because i ate an entire bag once on xanax and ended up cockatieling all night. It felt like sand.

>> No.11147245

School mac and cheese that made me fucking vomit. Started bringing lunchables to school after that.

>> No.11147259 [DELETED] 

is jaegermeister a food?
I still projectile vomit just thinking about imbibing with jag

>> No.11147443

but was it good?

>> No.11147711

>still thinks about chewing dudes dick

>> No.11147749

Close enough.

>> No.11147808

I could see people doing this with Ribena in the UK since there's a currant flavor. Hell, I'd try it if I could find it here.

>> No.11147828
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>Domino's Pizza Ultra-pastry + Double Cheese + Double Cheese Cheese 8 Times

>> No.11147834

had the stomach flu for 3 days as a kid. couldn't eat without insta puke and shitting. didn't eat for three days from fear till my dad went to the grocery store and bought a big bag of hot cheeto puffs. so hungry i ate almost the whole bag.
>literal red cheeto mush coming out of my ass for about 2 hours

>> No.11147843

i got a book at the library as a kid about mummys with pictures of their bodies. my mom got me to try a sausage patty for the first time that night and those pictures was all i could think of.

>> No.11147861

my first drink was wine, my family let me drink some at 13 and then my sisters boyfriend gave me some tequila. mixed the two and blacked out in my own vomit. almost drowning in it till my sister busted down the door i'd locked. the smell was in my room for weeks. had to move my bed over the red carpet stain. just got where i can drink wine, just not Merlot (what i had) can't even smell tequila without a gag.

>> No.11148020
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>> No.11148339

Shitty cafeteria tostada boat meat makes me sick.
>One day I came home from 4th grade after eating one at lunch (they ran out of fucking delicious white people hamburgers).
>Told my parents before dinner I felt really sick, and my mom said "I don't care, you're faking it to get out of school, you're going to school tomorrow".
>minutes later before dinner is almost ready, the normal wonderful scent of dinner is making me noxious
>Start puking my brains out in the bathroom
>The tostada boat had not even began to break down or anything it tasted and looked like, even after being in my stomach for well over 6 hours
>Literally the worst taste I ever tasted at that point
>Stay home a day or two (i forget)
>First day back at school, fucking tostada boat day
>The scent of tostada boats overwhelms me
>Cover nose up with shirt for lunch for rest of year
>Everyone laughs when I tell them why I'm eating like a retard
>One kid tries to stick tostada boat in my face
>Whack it as hard as I can away from me
>It explodes over me and other kid
>Autistic REEEE as I go to strip off shirt and run to bathroom to remove the foul stench

Also mayo and sour cream.
I literally hate that these exist, and when I expect to take a delicious bite of a burger, or sandwich, or fucking burrito, anyfuckingthing. Only to get a giant mouthfull of disgusting white goop that destroys any hint of texture or taste of ALL the other ingredients. It makes ordering anything at any fast food place a hassle, because apparently not asking for a giant amount of white goop on your food YOU are paying for is more difficult on someone's job or memory.

>> No.11148622

I'm an europoor from poland

>> No.11148665

that was the joke you idiot

>> No.11149095

Ah, I took like 25 aspirin and went to school once. Felt gross as shit as well.

>> No.11149103

>>Cover nose up with shirt for lunch for rest of year
literally retarded

>> No.11149218


Had to eat all greens as a kid. Now when I see them, I think of crying, dry reaching and hiding them in pockets.

>> No.11150663

>One kid tries to stick tostada boat in my face
>Whack it as hard as I can away from me
>It explodes over me and other kid
Yep, that's a hard lol from me

>> No.11150779

>I was 17 and a freshman in college.

>> No.11150780

Cooked cabbage
I wasn't a huge fan of cabbage to begin with, but one day my parents left a huge bowl of leftover in the sink and covered it with other dishes and forgot it. They left me home alone a few days later and told me to do the dishes while they were gone... that fucking smell haunts me in my dreams.

>> No.11150805

It's called captain morgan.

>> No.11150886
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>making me noxious
>Cover nose up with shirt for lunch for rest of year
I think you may indeed be retarded, anon

>> No.11150896

Bourbon. Drinking game, fresh fifth, nothing in my stomach except about a pound of Hershey kisses. Bad fucking idea. Woke up in the bathtub covered in puke and blood. Apparently my friends dropped me on my head while dragging me into the bathroom.

>> No.11150914

Captain Morgan's always gave me instant piercing heartburn. Every single time I tried it. Learned pretty quickly, but odd since I can drink the shit out of anything else.

>> No.11150919

Stop calling it captain morgan's

>> No.11150924

Yeah beginners always use diet Coke, huge mistake. Rum with regular coke is light-years better.

>> No.11150935

mochi ice cream. at a whole box right before a flu and for years after i gagged after thinking about them

>> No.11150993

Graduated hs early

>> No.11151310

>right when the flying monkeys appeared, I projectile vomited all over the place.
They always made me feel uneasy,but damn,you must really hate monkeys.
And how much does your brother make fun of you to this day?

>> No.11151707

>ended up cockatieling

>> No.11151761

I can't eat meatloaf after my horrible mother managed to make one with the ground beef paper wrapping in it

>> No.11151858

Sunflower seeds and milk.

When I was 10 all I ate one day was bags of sunflower seeds. Hours later decided I was thirsty so took a swig of milk. First and last time I projectile vomited. I felt like I could feel it curdling inside me.

>> No.11151909

Something about this gives me a bad feeling in my throat

>> No.11151927

As a kid I once opened a banana and there was a family of rats living in it. Never ate a banana since.

>> No.11152038

>drink tons of strawberry kool-aid one day
>like 4 pitchers full
>next day
>piss is dark red
>take bottle and piss into it
>go to doctors
>turns out I literally pissed cherry kool-aid
I wanted to try it with lime kool-aid, but it's not exactly healthy to piss Kool-aid

>> No.11152115

Me too bud. I smuggled this shit when I was 13 and got super sick, cant stand it since

>> No.11152254

I had guacamole doritos and caught a stomach bug around the same time

>> No.11152540

That's fucking diabetes dude

>> No.11152730

Chicken thats not dry. When I was very little, I had a stomach bug and my mom had made garlic butter chicken. Something about the texture made me gag and puke all over. Since then, I have literally everything well done.

>> No.11152764

One time my one of my old cats had kittens, one of the kittens sadly died and since it was winter. (Yes this retarded cat decided to have kittens in fucking winter.) We couldn't bury it, my dad proposed we threw it away, but my autistic sister was crying and angry at my dad for even suggesting it. So my dad compromised and put it in the freezer, and we'd bury it in Spring. A little after this we made one of those totinos party pizza things, somehow it had gotten littered with cat fur, we all soon realized that it was from the dead cat in the freezer. Sadly we realized this a little after we all took a bite. The cat was promptly thrown away, and now I hate frozen pizza.

>> No.11152779

Egg McMuffins and sushi

>> No.11152928
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Nice bait

>> No.11153112

>now I hate frozen pizza.
Well,there is only one way to off this ride.
You know what to do and we will all understand.

>> No.11153821

holy shit are you a teacher by chance? I had a teacher 5 years ago when I was in high school who told me this exact story

>> No.11153826

How can you hate rhubarb cream. It's good

>> No.11153854
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One time I went to my aunt’s luncheon and they served chicken and rice, later that day I went to five guys for the very first time in my life, next morning I awoke and vomited hard some huge chunky pieces of chicken and hamburger. Long story short, just the thought of going to five guys ever again makes me queasy even though I know and recognize it was probably the luncheon that made me ill.

>> No.11153911

Bean sprouts. I can't remember why, but I was being forced to eat them at my birthday party or something at about 6-7. I told my parents I didn't like them, but they refused - and since the texture was putting me off so badly, I puked all over the table. I avoided eating dishes entirely with bean sprouts until well into my 20s, and even now I actively avoid dishes with them, and pick them out if I get a dish with them.

>> No.11153934


When I was a kid, I went to a birthday party and had trifle.
One of the mothers/bitches who made it lost a glue-on nail when they made it.
Guess who had a crunchy surprise in their trifle and swallowed it...

>> No.11153939

I'd eat the fuck out of that. As far as bad food memories go, it's mashed potatoes that trigger them for me. I don't like them (their texture causes me to gag) and I was forced to eat them every time my parents made them growing up.

>> No.11154224
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One time as a kid I ate tootsie rolls to the point of puking, I haven't touched them since, the scent of one still makes me gag a little.

>> No.11154606

who the fuck eats frozen pizza

>> No.11154614

I can't eat runny eggs and bacon anymore for the same reason.

>> No.11154615

runny eggs are awful though

>> No.11154747

I can't eat frog leg anymore because the smell of formaldehyde in biology class in high school. This was over 10 years ago.

>> No.11154823

>99 bananas
>Cottage cheese
>American "cheese"
>Cartilage & ligaments
>spiced rum
Those are my biggest triggers, but I enjoy being a snob and refusing to eat low quality ingredients.

>> No.11154964

How much does a za like that cost?

>> No.11154974

For me it's the smell, that's why I dislike runny yolk

>> No.11155056

For a second I thought this was going to be some sort of hell recipe and now I can't get alcoholic banana flavored cheese dip out of my head.

>> No.11155078

new /ck/ challenge for september here. make something with at least 4 of these ingredients

>> No.11155121

Anything from Dominos because I got treated like dogshit when i worked there

>> No.11155139

>turned strawberry to cherry

You're like the Jesus Christ of koolaid, anon

>> No.11155389

I have a similar panic every time I eat beets. Every fucking time I see that orange-red stream and I immediately think of testicular cancer

>> No.11155399

Why the fuck would anyone eat 99 fucking bananas in the first place? Some kind of contest?

>> No.11155474

>I'll eat it raw
>But I refuse to eat it cooked


Is this American education hard at work?

>> No.11156415

going to elementary school having ADD i needed to take a pill every morning. at the time i couldnt handle pills. so my parents would try to have me swallow it with vanilla bean ice cream or apple sauce or plain yogurt. after i starting to behave myself in middle school i didnt have to take the pill anymore. it took me 6 years to get used to those foods without gagging.

>> No.11156992

99 bananas is a banana flavoured liqueur

>> No.11157006

cooking food, but not all the way through, makes meat more hospitable for microbial growth
keeping it refrigerated or cooking it fully is the only way to ensure it's safety

so yeah, thanks american education

>> No.11157019

Microbes aren't what you need to be worried about with meat, my man.

At least, not unless you're cooking a steak then letting it "rest" for about 4 hours.

>> No.11157297
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I feel ya. Some shitty pre-k center I was in as a little kid ruined brussel sprouts for me forever. They served them for lunch all slimy somehow, and flavorless. Couldn't eat more than one, haven't tried them since, over 22 years later. The smell just reminds me of that awful texture.

>> No.11157410

One time I drank a beer that was sitting on my desk that I had opened the day before but not finished. I ended up getting food poisoning then catching a cold when the food poisoning wore off. I was sick for like a month in total, it was miserable. Needless to say I will never drink a beer thats been open and sitting out for more than 12 hours.

>> No.11158198

Had the stomach flu when I was three and threw up one of my very first pizzas. I hated it from then on because it reminded me of the smell and taste of vomit up until I was 21 or so. Even now I only crave it two or three times a year.

McDonald's legitimately would give me very vivid bad dreams if I ate it regularly. Would eat it in the dreams themselves and the fries would always taste like moldy oil and was incredibly unpleasant because despite the taste I could not stop eating them in dreams. They stopped when I stopped eating McD's.

Nowadays I have immensely vivid dreams where chewing gum gets stuck in my teeth and I spend a good hour or so in the dream trying to spit or pull it out but can never get rid of all of it. Felt some crowns/fillings sticky with gum being ripped out of my skull in the latest dream. It's really disturbing but I still kind of like chewing gum. Makes inducing lucid dreams easy too since it almost happens every time I go to bed stressed out.

>> No.11158281

Once at a Chicago pizza joint, we waited over an hour to get our deep dish and I hadn't eaten anything that day. First few bites in, I felt something tickling my chin as I was chewing. Grabbed it and as I pulled, the cheese in my mouth started to go with it. I spat pizza out and saw that it was a long black hair connected to everything. Immediately lost my appetite and let our waiter know. They kept trying to offer me everything under the sun but just didn't want to eat anything more. Now I can't eat deep dish anymore without thinking of that.

>> No.11158370

Me too for some reason, not sure why

>> No.11158840
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When I was about 4 my school had baked zeti for lunch one day. Threw that shit up immediately, and for a while I abstained from baked zeti. Now, it doesn't bother me. Few years later, maybe about age 7, I some type of Captain Crunch (probably the standard one) and was sick simultaneously. So it's always a pattern of conflating food with illness, until recently. Now, I just think of gross images I see online, like that fucking monkey soup image. Whenever I fucking eat goddamn cubano sandwiches I randomly start thinking of that bastard image. I hate it

Also spaghetti-o's those fuckers are repulsive

>> No.11158865

My dad always made bologna sandwiches for me for lunch and dinner. I can maybe stand it if it's fried but I don't ever eat plain and I don't like any similar lunchmeats.

>> No.11159202

Mine was because I had the flu when I used it. Don't remember what food I put it on but the taste and smell of the hot sauce coloured the rest of the illness.

>> No.11159228

Same here but with Rainbow sherbert, they would actually break open the pill and sort of "fold" the little white pellets inside into a spoonful of sherbert

>> No.11159347


>> No.11159351

I wish I had triggers like this. It only works for me to the point where Im awake but numb. Then I wake up and its 2pm

>> No.11159536
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Mmmm.... You pose a good question. Let me think. Unsurprisingly, there aren't too many foods that trigger me. Not none, but not many; just two, actually. Can you guess which two? Ha, unlikely. Well, the two foods that trigger me immensely are apples and turkey. It's extremely annoying since apples are so common. Terribly, terribly annoying. However, I might be able to overcome my triggering soon. More than just "might," actually. I'll definitely get over it soon, because I'll overwrite the neurons and synapses that associate apples and turkey with "feeling bad." No one can stop me but myself. Hard to say, but not as hard as sincerely accepting my most spectacular failure, which simultaneously stands almost paradoxically as one of my greatest achievements, because I had pushed magnitudes further than my fear deemed permissible and, most importantly, experienced my deepest wish abruptly fulfilled, skipping multiple grades, so to speak, and yet this achievement is eternally bound with the ignorance, not hubris, to have broken the glass, which must necessarily be done cautiously or wisely or luckily, but in this instance was done haphazardly in the vain name of expedience in the reckless pursuit of power and standing and connectedness, and although those three had been achieved far beyond wholly, there is much to be said about high acceleration, which, while attractive, often induces a dangerous myopia, blinding its captives such as myself to the all too real perils of crashing or overturning, but this is not to say I had caused irreparable damage, or even significant damage, for although I had caused some damage, I have historically achieved much, much greater with far fewer resources, so for someone who has demonstrated this kind of skill, minor damage is a minor hurdle, and, well, maybe - ha - maybe it's no hurdle, but of course it'll be a hurdle and that statement was merely a cheap trick, not unlike my other telling trick, and not tooo unlike Penn&Teller

>> No.11159725

Interesting, now I prefer diet coke in rum after years of regular.

>> No.11159780

I went on a multi-day gin binge when I was a depressed teen so now gin makes me really sad whenever I drink it.

>> No.11159782

I have a very unpleasant memory involving Ritz crackers, shots of Bourbon at 10am and projectile vomit. I can't get anywhere near the smell of Bourbon. Bourbon chicken ok though.

>> No.11159804

On my way to work a few years ago I stopped at Subway and picked up a sweet onion chicken teriyaki sub. Once I got to work, all my coworkers already there just started at me in silence until a manager said "Anon, you need to call your mother, right now."

I left the office and called my mother, upon answering she told me to sit down and then that my dad had a heart attack after running his daily 5 miles and hadn't made it. I went back into the office, grabbed my bookbag and left without saying anything. I later called my boss to explain what had happened. Once I got home I hurled the sub into the trash. I haven't had subway since.

>> No.11159881

>run 5 miles daily
>still die of a heart attack
RIP Anon's dad

>> No.11160313

We just crushed up the pill and put it in a spoonful of powdered sugar.
It was my idea actually.
It was either I take it or I couldn't leave the house because my mom was afraid that I would embarrass her.

>> No.11160331

Ate Indian food while in a third world country, contracted diarrhoea so bad I almost lost eyesight.

I hated Indian food for those 5 years since, but now I suddenly want it.

>> No.11160333

that's what you get for buying Subway, if you had gone to Quiznos your father would still be alive.

>> No.11160595

>first time eating at a sonic with dad
>ask for 2 chilli dogs and a shake
>get 2 foot long ones instead
I sucked those fuckers down like it was no one's business

>> No.11161041
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In the 90s Pizza Hut had this thing called the "Big Foot". It was a decent price, so they must have used even cheaper ingredients than usual. Mom ordered it for me and my friends for a middle school sleepover. I've never been that sick from anything from any restaurant in my life.

>> No.11161081

lol you are such a faggot

>> No.11161193

I fucking love pizza and would eat it from pretty much every place that sells it, except for one.
a place called "charlies pizza"
we used to eat it sometimes from there, then one day i ate one of them, as a kid, and got so sick that i pretty much couldn't eat for a week.
i am never going to even touch one from that place for as long as i live

>> No.11161256
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>gets the flu from eating graham cracker crust

>> No.11161293
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>order fancy berries and cream cake for sixteenth birthday
>best friend can't make it, too shy and autistic to invite new best friend
>get too sick to eat the cake
>watch it molder for a week in the fridge
Just thinking of berries and cream makes my throat hurt now

>> No.11161569

When I was 8 years old, I ate like two packs of orange and white tic tacs during a car ride which would then later become my biggest regret ever.
I get out of the car, since we finally arrived home. It wasn't until a couple minutes later where I suddenly felt nauseous, and then sprint toward the bathroom to vomit all over the sink.
Oh god, the smell and taste was fucking horrible, it felt like both my nose and mouth were being horrifically raped by a pure concentrated juice of sugar and artificial orange blossom, mixed with that acidic smell you get from puking.
The vomit was so unusually thick that I ended up blocking the fucking sink. I panicked and tried to unblock the vomit with water, but the demon inside the orange clumpy shit was attempting to be birthed by rising from the pipe, and then later fucking exploding on my face.
I then started crying and vomited some more, but only this time the puke was stomach acid which tasted so watery and bitter, it almost made me black out.
So yeah, that's why I avoid tic tacs now.

>> No.11161967
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Cranberry bread. Had a fantastic Christmas dinner with all my friends, woke up at 3 am and dumped a 4inch deep puddle of vomit in my sock drawer. Never knew why, but I could see the cranberries still floating. Scarred me for life

>> No.11162186

Hi bryan

>> No.11162353

Same with me and the el Monterey chicken burritos, the thought of them makes me nauseous now

>> No.11162385

been to turkey twice, got gastro twice. now not only can i not abide any kind of turkish food but i get sick at the idea of a turk even coming close to preparing my food. irrational? maybe but it i what it is

>> No.11162414

>unpleasant memories
Beef stroganoff. Was living with my dad, who usually cooked, I was in my late teens. Dad and mom were in the divorce process and hadn't really ever fought about it, seemed like it was gonna be an easy separation.

I didn't really like beef stroganoff as a kid, I'd eat it but would never choose to have it. Something about the thick flat noodles just never tasted right with that mixture of mushroom soup mix, onion powder, beef and the rest.

My dad's making it and the phone rings and he has me take over, it's about 25% done at that point.

It's mom on the other line and I don't know what happens but my dead just starts cussing her out and getting madder then I've ever seen him before, and the whole time I'm just cooking to the stroganoff. He's sat down on the sofa a few meters away and I just hear him getting more and more furious and I'm just sitting there, stirring the stroganoff.

It didn't taste bad, it was mediocre at best but the smell just reminds me of the argument and I've never eaten it since.

>> No.11162529
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My parents were immigrants so they never understood any western foods. When I was a kid, my mom always microwaved these and threw them into a vacuum sealed container. When I opened them at lunch time they were soggy and tasted like a hot dog in dirt. Always left a bad taste and I feel like gagging when I see them.

You could give me a corndog made from the best gourmet chefs in the world and I'd tell you to fuck off.

>> No.11162598
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Hamburger helper shells I think it was. It just makes me gag when I put it in my mouth because of that slimy ass texture and only being able to taste cheese and cheap pasta. Parents wanted to force me to eat it so I sat there for an hour or 2 till they eventually gave up. Now as an adult I still don't like any kind of cheesy pasta unless if it had tomato sauce and parmesan like lasagna or spaghetti and meatballs. Still fuck shells and fuck linguine that feel like I'm eating cardboard strings. Fuck cheese & macaroni too.

>> No.11162709


>> No.11163180

I gag at the smell of energy drinks now after getting the shit hazed out of me with 4lokos in college