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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 544x350, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11130346 No.11130346 [Reply] [Original]

People try to guess

>> No.11130363


>> No.11130364


>> No.11130370


>> No.11130387


>> No.11130443

Macaco land.

>> No.11130513
File: 19 KB, 550x365, try not to google at least.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try not to use Google image search.

>> No.11130543
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WHoops nvermind you actually said emblematic

>> No.11130597

Das sum feijoada, Brazil.

>> No.11130654
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South America somewhere

>> No.11130997
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A typical dish from my region, but unknown in the rest of the country.
It's a shame because it's fucking delicious.

>> No.11131077
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>> No.11131081

Somewhere in the Caribbean

>> No.11131779

Hm.. I'll guess some high-elevation South American country, like Peru.

>> No.11131796

I'm guessing either Sicily, Corsica or somewhere in Southern France

>> No.11131813
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>> No.11131825


>> No.11132116


>> No.11132147

no, kys and fuck off

>> No.11132194

Sorry I don't know what i did wrong... it just looked like something I've ate at a brazillian restaurant

>> No.11132200

>getting mad that nobody can recognize generic latin american rice and beans dish #32423523532

>> No.11132664
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>> No.11132974
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it looks so good, what is this

>> No.11133054
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Maybe obvious if you're from the general region, but let me assure you, it tastes amazing.

>> No.11133178

Looks like Hungarian goulash.

>> No.11133183


>> No.11133184


>> No.11133219

you got it

>> No.11133232

>be American
>can't participate in these threads because too easy

Feels bad.

>> No.11133234
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>> No.11133249
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>> No.11133267


>> No.11133272
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Decided to not post the usual memefood for this region

>> No.11133276

U S of A

>> No.11133334

>be Canadian
>literally the only fucking foods attributed to Canada are poutine, which is french fries, cheese, and gravy, or else pemmican, which is shitty Indian jerky

>> No.11133501


>> No.11133506

Google "comida criolla"(peruvian)
At least we eat great in this shithole

>> No.11134319

Canada, beaver tails !

>> No.11134329
File: 27 KB, 225x225, CB35C4E3-3C37-4451-AB7E-8725BFE0D207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun

>> No.11134336

Spain but I don't know where

>> No.11134339

brazil, no idea about region maybe the east

>> No.11134343

baked beans on toast. i can't be arsed to find a pic

>> No.11134355
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Both UK

>> No.11134528

Replace the poi with squid luau and you got a top tier plate lunch right there.

>> No.11134531

Maaaanica. Fejuada. Gimme some of that with a caprina.

>> No.11134553
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>> No.11134557

ehhhh.. i love lu'au but I would keep the poi, since there's laulau anyway. not the best plate, just picked random off the internet, but lu'au would be just too hard to identify. at least a good amount of people have some idea what poi is/looks like, lu'au is nondescript green sludge. poi is a more interesting looking purpley grey sludge, and is more emblematic.

an ant colony

>> No.11134567

>an ant colony
Thanks for the giggle pal

>> No.11134568
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>> No.11134569

Laulau and luau are pretty redundant, but they're my two favorites. Never liked poi. You could put the two icecream scoops of rice and the mac salad with pretty much anything and it would be pretty obvious where it was from.

>> No.11134574


>> No.11134703
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>> No.11134753


>> No.11134755

This looks pretty good. What’s the sauce and balls made of though?

>> No.11134766

Sauce is olive oil and garlic and very small onions, balls are scoops of vanilla ben and jerries caramel chew chew ice cream with the caramel cups taken out

>> No.11134769

balls are made from potatoes and sauce is just juices from those beef roulades

>> No.11134806
File: 52 KB, 704x396, SBS02_p142a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a couple more obvious "national dishes" but this is my favorite

>> No.11134837

Are you the /int/ poster from Pontevedra?

>> No.11134848

Is that a pastilla ? I wouldn't name any country since many clame this dish as their own

>> No.11134891

colombia, fucking milk with cheese?

>> No.11134901

cheviche, peru ?

>> No.11135015

Eggy in the basket.

>> No.11135056
File: 961 KB, 940x529, 1511020831212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say german as the potatoes are too small, cabbage is too pale and you can't stand a fork in the gravy.

>> No.11135065
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>> No.11135071

jesus fucking christ, how are you supposed to eat that monstrosity

>> No.11135072


>> No.11135079

Slowly with utensils.. and usually a massive hangover..

It's got all a growing lad needs, Ketchup, brown mustard, remoulade, gravy, runny eggs, pickled cucumber, crispy onion, raw onions and possible a fat peppered beef patty.

>> No.11135081

Those are mini packets of ranch right?

>> No.11135085
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>> No.11135096
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>> No.11135099

is this some kind of pate?

>> No.11135100

Should have shopped out the chopsticks.

>> No.11135101

Never understood how people can eat with a hangover. My stomach is always completely fucked.

>> No.11135102


t. triggered half hungarian.

>> No.11135105

You learn to ignore the discomfort and do your duty knowing in a few hours everything will be far better for it.

>> No.11135106

It's an Aspic. It's called Headcheese. It's made with the whole head of the pig boiled and seasoned with some green onion added

>> No.11135108
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Ah like sylte

>> No.11135112
File: 67 KB, 620x465, 1523445574017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice. I love various aspics

>> No.11135113

Na, thats austrian.

>> No.11135116

Moroccan. Or in general north african.
Sweet savoury pie made traditionally with pidgeon meat.

Amazing stuff.

>> No.11135118

Its called a fondue and its swiss....
Its melted cheese with some spices and a shot of liquor in it, you just dip bread and veggies in it .

>> No.11135119

But there's like, plates and utensils, and no flies.

>> No.11135128

My dad was in Morocco for work and we were invited by the family of a colleague of his to stay at their house for a week.
The streets are disgusting, people are shady as hell outside, as soon as they see youre a white euro they instantly assume youre rich and want shit from you but the actual families and "normal" people there are amazingly friendly people and their houses are BEAUTIFUL and clean.

The thing is, the only nort africans we get in europe are the ones leaving morocco or lebanon or whatever because they are criminals and not even their family wants them.
So we get all the shitty street corner rats and none of the actual good people.

>> No.11135133

I know, they do have very nice homes, even the refugees, they just treat streets like trash dumps because.. that's what they are, affluence and social awareness means the street cleaner/trash-picker castes are dying out/being chased off without proper replacement.

>> No.11135136
File: 506 KB, 482x428, Force.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fél Magyar??? Másik feled meg cigány mi te pusztulat, téged kellett volna megállítani nem a Sorost.

Szeretlek <3

>> No.11135144

Yeah but I cant really read hungarian, if my grandma speaks it to me i get what she wants from me but otherwise i really dont. Its such a difficult language for me. I grew up speaking german and english. The switch to hungarian from those languages are hard.

Btw. I would KILL for a Langos with extra cheese and red onion now.

Stay awesome magyar bro.

>> No.11135170
File: 29 KB, 480x299, lu00e1ngos-480x299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, why are you doing this to me, now Im craving for one too, but Im on a fucking diet.

>> No.11135177

oh come on, one Langos and a beer for lunch isnt bad and you make our ancestors proud with it.

Also dieting... Just move your fat ass around more mate. I lost 23kg in 2 years just by going out more and playing a bit of football on the weekends.

>> No.11135181

And btw. Germans dont know Langos. Theres literaly NOTHING here that compares even in the slightest. NOTHING I TELL YOU!

>> No.11135202

I lost around 10 kg in 2 months, by falling in love, getting depressed again by it, not eating max 2 oranges a day, playing football with co-workers, and working harder in general, I was really gloomy, but at least I started reading, drawing again, and got a guitar. Feeling a bit better now but I'm still trying to go with it and eat really few things a day.

Thats pretty bad, maybe you should learn how to make it, its really not that hard you just wake up like 2 hours earlier to make the dough wait for it to rise than cook it in oil. At least thats how my mother did it before she divorced my father.

>> No.11135205

Its not hard to do but people dont know it.

We got Reibekuchen which is just grated potatoe fried as a pancake in oil and served with either applesauce or something savoury.

Same technique but different taste. still very good.

Everytime i come home from hungary i cant eat german sausages for a while because they are all tasteless compared to the heavily spiced stuff you have.
ALso bell peppers, german ones just dont compare to the ones out of my grandmas garden.stuffed with rice and minced meat in tomato sauce, yum yum

>> No.11135215

Stfu you stupid faggot

>> No.11135218

ok? the fuck is your problem buddy. your dealer didnt come through?

>> No.11135361
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>> No.11135451

>seared turds
>stale cum taffy balls
>shredded Barney
>a fucking leaf
>all served in eau d'sewage

I mean I'm not even sure but I can tell just by looking at those logs that you went all out and paid for the most pristine ones you could find, so 8/10

>> No.11135457
File: 64 KB, 700x466, 5b9dcb62c3243bbdfdd8b4e29bb42b14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other nations behold, and tremble

>> No.11135459

isn't this what australians eat on election day

>> No.11135497


>> No.11135562
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>> No.11135567

Poland (zrazy)

>> No.11135646

god those look good

>> No.11135651
File: 187 KB, 332x276, dougie coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shredded Barney

>> No.11135653

christ alive, where is this from? I want to say England because of the peas but I just don't know.

>> No.11135656

west virginia

>> No.11135835

Gazpachos manchegos!!

>> No.11135847
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>> No.11135890

Sorry guys, it's machanka from Belarus. Those are pancakes underneath. I have no affiliation with Belarus but it was the most obscure food I could come up with off the top of my head.

>> No.11135900


>> No.11135911
File: 48 KB, 1200x600, shitiscash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more a regional type of cooking that the ''oh yeah, this comes frome /that country" but everyone here knows how delicious this shit is.

>> No.11135940
File: 13 KB, 400x266, fuck your google images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11136025

One of the benefits of less reliable grocery store, people don't rely on them entirely so don't become as used to the homogenous and watery shit filling the vegetable shelves.

>> No.11136544

[spoiler]it's more food of a region than a country

>> No.11136549

poland IIRC
they're called zeppelins or something.
shit's delicious

>> No.11136559
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>> No.11136568

>Cat diarrhea
That's somewhere in Africa for sure.

>> No.11136614


>> No.11136742

Canada,beaver tail

>> No.11136814

Yeah, the thing with Maghrebi dishes is that the whole region claims them as their own

But yeah this is a Pastilla/Bastilla.

>> No.11136867
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>> No.11136896
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>> No.11136897
File: 28 KB, 330x270, Smažený sýr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this, ham, or sliced mushrooms? I have no I ideawhat this dish is or where it is from, but i looks quite good.
I this food Iveant sse outside of my coustrym block of Eidam or similar chhese that´s been breaded and fried, and served with Tartar sauce, fries or baked potatoes and tomatoes or other vegetables.

>> No.11137064

I'm moved to see fucking erbazzone on this board. It's so fucking good. Thanks anon

>> No.11137082



>> No.11137091
File: 581 KB, 1170x695, wide_flr_013802100-1464599129_recipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more of a signature regional dish but it's also popular in the rest of the nation

>> No.11137128

Mämmi from Finland

>> No.11137147


>> No.11137160


>> No.11137168
File: 206 KB, 900x600, soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ate that shit all the time in Czechia

>> No.11137173

Uhhh, da puta ría

>> No.11137176

I kind of miss novelty gifts like this.

>> No.11137631

Cepelinai :) god-tier from Lithuania

>> No.11137706

I have been waiting for 4 Chan to make fun of his sho delishus shoup for years now.
Remember guys No alcohol!

He’s strangely untouched and pure. He carries himself with a vibe of Steve from blues clues or some kids show host combined with a devout practicing non ironic well to do Christian. He is an unearthly clean cut guy. I remember one time he said that so many YouTube channels talk politics, curse words, and general negativity that he wanted to be a family friendly YouTube channel. You can hate the guy but he certainly has a consistent brand for himself. I must say he also seems to have a good knack of getting super interesting authentic food. He can’t have meals without meat, this guy is boomer as fuck.

He so sterile and pure it can really come off as disingenuous or a David foster Wallace level of non ironic true sincerity.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he is gay or hides something dark.

>> No.11137938

who are you talking about?

>> No.11137951

Wrong thread. Mike chen Asian food clog

>> No.11138457



>> No.11138548

This was honestly one of the most surprising things I've ever eaten. A sweet chicken pie? Wtf? It was absolutely fucking incredible

>> No.11138636

Is that a pile of mash potatoes or a chunk of cauliflower?

>> No.11138647

Based on a two second google search, a Finnish sandwich?

>> No.11138665

Personally, I eat before the hangover and pass out with a stomach full of food and water. Youve probably already consumed a fuck ton of calories in whatever alcohol youve drank so...

>> No.11138670

looks like ken's to me
I know that shit is popular in Louisiana

>> No.11138678

I'm gonna say this is from 50's era America cause you were too worried about nuclear blast to cook right.

>> No.11138763

That's actually the worst thing you can do. The food could absorb the alcohol and your hangover could last longer.

>> No.11139172
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>> No.11139229

Looks like fesenjun, iran.

>> No.11139343

Rouladen with spaetzle and red cabbage, my German family Christmas dinner. The meat rolls are filled with a mixture of bacon, pickles, onions and mustard and the rolls are then braised and roasted in gravy.

>> No.11139355


>> No.11139607
File: 167 KB, 745x559, easy one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest this one is just in my region but it's associated with the whole country. Easy peasy.

That looks interesting. Don't know any of those fruits. Indonesia or something?

>> No.11139612

looks like a paella valenciana, spanianon

>> No.11139630
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>> No.11139635

if you don't have your own, use pictures from Instagram or any other place, which is not indexed in Google

>> No.11139691


Nice anon. Just remember you don't want to try it outside Valencian region unless you're very damn sure of what you're doing.

Even inside Valencia most places scam you with shit tier paella.

>> No.11139694

ah the famous Mince O'Neil from Aberdeen, TX. Based

>> No.11140029

Nopity nope.
You got it.
I was writing a wall of text but then I realized that Wikipedia has an English article for it, for some weird reason.

If you are not Spanish, you will have to make the flat bread yourselves instead of buying it, but it's so worth it. Seriously, you should try it. A hidden gem of Spanish cuisine. Nothing better when you come home for lunch in winter.

>> No.11140045

Finding good paella is so hard. In fact, the best paellas I've eaten were not in Valencia.
Every time I visit my Valencian family, they go to a paella place to buy one, which always has people in line because it's very popular in their town, and it's mediocre as fuck. Also what's the deal with garrofon beans? Why are they used? They are huge, dull, flavorless and have a disgusting paste-like texture.
I've never in my life eaten garrofon and thought "man, this is a good addition to the dish".

>> No.11140722

Not the anon you're quoting but odds are that it's an old dish that started in a time where people didn't only eat for the taste but also to survive so they'd shove lima beans for extra calories. A bit like original cassoulet where they used dry beans. Agreed on the paellas btw, if I want to eat a good one I'll make it myself, 99% of the places don't even use saffron to begin with.

>> No.11140818

It's an old American dish not sure what part but the guy who made it lives in Kentucky. Its basically a meatloaf with mash potato and peas.

>> No.11140822

sounds good, desu

>> No.11141041

South africa

>> No.11141421


>> No.11141425

It's a shame to see the garbage that the restaurants serve to tourists.
The first Spanish dish that comes to the foreigner's mind is paella but everyone that visits Spain is served the worst ones because that's just what the tourist traps do.
I'm yet to eat in a restaurant with the menu in English that is halfway decent.

>> No.11141561

Erbazzone is fucking good! In my city is impossibile to find, and it's just an hour drive from Erbazzone's region...