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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 371 KB, 3200x1680, 635646075737824560-GTY-kfc-chicken-kab-150413-16x9-992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11130023 No.11130023 [Reply] [Original]

KFC is decent outside of the United States.
Why is this?

>> No.11130026

less black employees

>> No.11130031
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Tight quality control.

>> No.11130040

Literally came here to say exactly this. Also wont find nappy nigger hair in the coleslaw

>> No.11130054

McDonald's is also better overseas. It's weird.

>> No.11130099

It depends on which country. Japan has the best KFC food in terms of quality. On the other hand, South Koreans think of KFC as a hamburger joint.

>> No.11130116


>> No.11130126
File: 1.28 MB, 1204x906, screen-shot-2014-11-29-at-6-44-37-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're thinking niggers. I'm the only Asian in a workforce full of fine respectable negroes and they do their job right.
But then again our district manager is white. Does that count?
Also black ass ain't no joke you could crush a man to death with one. If not smother him to death.

>> No.11130225
File: 82 KB, 560x400, burger_zingerstacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its the zinger stacker the best fast food sandwich

>> No.11130291

Pretty rubbish down under mate.

>> No.11130296

False. And stop bunging on slang like you have something to prove. You just look like an idiot.

>> No.11130304


ur dreaming go look at the seppo kfc site its pathetic

>> No.11130307

Strangely enough I've found Poland to have the best KFC ...so strange.

>> No.11130311

kfc is great in the united states too
step off your high horse

>> No.11130330

KFC and McDonald's are the two places that I try maybe once a year, get through half of what I'd ordered, and all of a sudden start feeling like shit. KFC is just really weird how the chicken has literally zero cartilage and is just breading, meat, and bone. It's super easy to eat, and doesn't taste bad, but it just seems wrong and unnatural.

>> No.11131866


>> No.11131897

Less mexicans/latinos*

Black and white KFCs have always been fine if not top notch, it's once the spics are working shit shuts down. I think they just fume their whole el goblino chicano angst about being brown but making fried chicken and let all the quality go to shit.

>> No.11131905

oh no not meat and bone!

>> No.11131911

>Japan has best KFC
nigga they don't even have mashed potatoes.

>> No.11131916


>> No.11131921

Burger here, I stopped in a Canadian KFC and it was unironically some of the best fried chicken I've ever tasted, fast food or otherwise. The ones around here fucking suck in comparison. To rub salt in the wound, it wasn't even a full KFC, it was one of those Pizza hut/KFC frankenstein abominations.

>> No.11131932
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Forgot to attach Patrick.

>> No.11132020

>be russian
>kfc and mcdonalds are great here
>burger king is shit
>fly to us
>mcdonalds and kfc are shit there
>burger king is still shit
Wtf bros

>> No.11132121

French here, haven't travelled much, but I do love the KFC in frogland. Greasy chicken is my achilles heel, though.
But I'd rather have KFC over McDonalds any day of the week.

>> No.11132183

R. Crumb, please leave

>> No.11132225
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Where I live in China, KFC is shit and very expensive. I just make my own when I get a craving for Southern Fried....

>> No.11132253
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The end result.

>> No.11132263

came here to say this

>> No.11132278

The bottom line is food is insanely cheap compared to cost of living in the US, even after we export bunch. You'd have to try pretty hard to starve here.
So they are competing with much less expensive options, home cooked or not as compared to Europe and such. In countries with extreme poor and a small middle class and little regulation, shitty cheap street food forces KFC and the like to chase a higher income bracket and so the quality must be increased, as well as probably trying to be a novelty. Japan is just Japan, they seem to be high quality everything and I'm not even a weeb.
In order to be cheap and fast and get good margins is to use the absolute cheapest ingredients. Otherwise the poor and lazy might consider learning how to cook quick meals instead. Why buy a tiny $1 mechanically separated chicken sandwich if you can get a pound of chicken thighs on sale for $1.50 a pound?
That said, I still get cheap ass fast food at the drive through a couple times a month, so it's definitely a cultural thing that lets them get away with it. Sometimes I just crave that highly processed and engineered goodness with no effort and pocket change.

>> No.11132286

Though in fairness, I don't think most fast food places use mechanically separated chicken anymore after the big outcry about "pink slime".

>> No.11132296

Burgers will deny it, but most countries, even some third world countries, have higher standards for food quality than the US.

>> No.11132303

And to clarify, I should have said why buy a $2 little particulate chicken sandwich compared to a pound of chicken thighs for $2 or less.
They have to keep that price low. Time and time again McDonald has taken massive hits when they didn't have good dollar menu items. The $1 mcdouble was an incredible deal calorie and protein wise. When they got rid off that I stopped going, and apparently lots other did as well.
Only started again because of the any sandwich for a dollar coupons on the app. But they lose money there too. And when the good coupons end, I'll uninstall the app.
Their model honestly is starting to seem doomed long term.

>> No.11132315

Not really true. The FDA is pretty decent. There's actually sketchy chemicals allowed in parts of Europe or the EU as a whole. But the opposite is definitely at least equally as true for the US, so don't take that as a brag.
Australia is about on par, Japan is better. Everywhere else is worse.

>> No.11132318

I meant some chemicals the FDA has disallowed are allowed in the EU, but the same is true the other way even moreso.

>> No.11132369

Food safety and quality aren't the same thing. A bland tomato might be clean and free of parasites, but that doesn't change the fact that it's bland.

>> No.11132478

Real countries have food and health standards that are enforced.

>> No.11132491

The pressure frying makes all that shit just melt away

>> No.11132492

In my yuropoor cunt, only muslims work at KFC. neither the food nor the service get any better from them.

>> No.11132497

KFC in Thailand is fucking fire

>> No.11132503

It has to do with the way they engineer their chickens and raise them, not the cooking method.

>> No.11132507

Americans have been trained like dogs by their own corporations to accept dog food as real food since at least the 1920s

>> No.11132511

Modernist Cuisine disagrees. It's all about the Collectramatic Pressure Fryer.

>> No.11132513

Spotted the Coconut's.
KFC the only place to feed your family of 12?

>> No.11132524


Zinger tower the same? I'm right with ya minge breath

>> No.11132539

nah m8 that science shit is gay

>> No.11132563

He's Santa Claus, of course it's the best.

>nigga they don't even have mashed potatoes.
They're japs, not micks.

>>be russian
>>kfc and mcdonalds are great here
>>burger king is shit
>>fly to us
>>mcdonalds and kfc are shit there
>>burger king is still shit
>Wtf bros
McDonalds destroyed the USSR. KFC is great because you don't have niggers. Burger KING... Kings are looked down on in communism. Welcome to world politics.

>> No.11132596

What a retarded first post. For starters, KFC's where there are no black employees in the US are still shit because it's not the employees that are to blame.

>> No.11132606
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My dad is a whigger and he has an unhealthy attractions to KFC.
But when he was on holiday to LA he went to a KFC and said he nearly vomited.

>> No.11132900

Outside the US KFC is more like Taco Bell. More willing to do crazy things with the menu items and keep it fresh and interesting.
But in Murrica all people care about is "muh fried chickun and green beanz" and get all worked up when they do something as simple as the double down.

>> No.11133116

I could never understand why americans keep complaining about KFC. I swear where i live they serve decent food and their establishments are comfy

>> No.11134542

Oh ok it's ok for you to eat kfc because it's
"better" outside the US. That justifies eating shit? You're completely transparent.

>> No.11134544

Wat? Fried chicken is bad now?

KFC is though, any grocery store deli is better and better priced than the colonel.

>> No.11134566


Same reason as >>11130026

>> No.11134590

BK and KFC are both considered pretty decent in France, at least above McDonalds
Yet on /ck/ I always see americans saying BK is the worst

>> No.11134942

your average american fast food place is a whole lot better overseas.

why is that?

>> No.11134962

The only Asian version of the FDA I trust is Japan's FDA.

We even trust Japan enough that a new Japanese flu medicine that only requires one single pill unlike Tami-flu for example may get approved this December 2018 and start going on sale in America in 2019.


So yeah, the next time you or your relatives or friends get the flu, you guys should mention the new Japanese flu drug that only requires a single pill.

>> No.11134968

Different supply chains, literally different food and menu choices

>> No.11134979

pick one

>> No.11134987

KFC mashed potatoes suck. They're only slightly better than school cafeteria spuds.

>> No.11135025

potato, please. Speak for yourself.

>> No.11135176

Chinese kfc is shit the wrap i had had way too much sauce and like no chicken

>> No.11135197
File: 16 KB, 185x240, 6807636352_d28b1b66a5_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11135358

Meme /pol/ answer.
True answer is less breading/flour and fresher oil.

>> No.11135363

Because of higher food quality standards. For example in the EU you cant use pink slime and other culinary atrocities.

>> No.11136833


/ck - only one chink actually tries to cook

>> No.11137644
