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11060419 No.11060419 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here tried Dr. Shawn Baker carnivore diet? Vegans need not respond to this thread.

>> No.11060425

sounds boring af

>> No.11060427
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6'9" valedictorian began with 300k self earned at 21. In conclusion, carnies are retarded.

Signed, me.

>> No.11060432

Meant vegan obviously just have to make it clear cause we all know carnists are retarded lmfao I'm dabbing on these meatcucks

>> No.11060446

>do you know what a real balanced diet is? It's one where you eat mainly one type of food and disregard others ofc!
I've been eating balanced meals since ever, red meat, fish, veggies, fruits, nuts, bread, dairy, and i'm a normal looking guy like 80% of the european population that are secure and don't fall for "This amazing new diet will change your life" scams any more than they fall for the "these amazing new pills will enlarge your penis" ones.

>> No.11060451

>phoneposters dabbing on anyone
get real, silly veag

>> No.11060457

this. any diet thats "eat ONLY this" or "NEVER eat that" is complete trash. just eat like a normal fucking human why is it so difficult?

>> No.11060471
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>mfw 6'9ing on the carnicucks

>> No.11060481 [DELETED] 
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>tfw no sissy meatboi to suck my balls

Bros..... I can't take it anymore

>> No.11060516

Because vegetables and fruits are poison. Meat heals.

>> No.11060558

"" "" "" "“" "" "" "" dr. "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

>> No.11060796

Honestly? I suffer for gastritis/ulcer and my health is pretty bad (some days I can’t even drink water), and after tons of worthless medicines and much pain I see Dr Baker videos and decide to try his diet, now I really ok, but I fell 100% and for some time I fell a strange hungry and weakness some times, I try a lot of other things (paleo, keto, etc) with mixed results.
Today I fell amazing after change and incorporated some fruits to my diet.
He have amazing amazing knowledge to share, but like other food gurus he is too single minded in what works for in.

>> No.11060856

>grug is of liking secret shaman diet. Makes grug feel good in body.

>> No.11060862

eating meat only is as retarded as veganism
80% plant 20 % everything else = god diet

>> No.11060876

I'm not autistic about it but I do try to eat less carbs in general. Before, the majority of my calories were bread, pasta, rice etc. and that's the norm here.

>> No.11062425

Why do you keep shitposting your foot?

>> No.11062428
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>> No.11062439

Somebody said he lost his job recently and is doing this as a gimmick to get attention/money. Dunno if it's true or not, but a 100% meat diet certainly isn't going to be the healthiest. Not that there's anything wrong with meat, but we obviously evolved to benefit from other food sources too.

>that edgy rant

>> No.11062487

1. Were you always vegan?
2. What do you do for a living?

>> No.11063041

I guess this proves that an all meat diet turns you into a fucking retard.