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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11058447 No.11058447 [Reply] [Original]

Steaks aren't flawless. They're a work in progress. They've got dents and they've got quirks, but A1 sauce makes them work, yeah.

>> No.11058479
File: 957 KB, 2400x2400, a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.11058481

A friend of my brother's worked at the A1 plant. He got his shoelaces caught while cleaning a mixing tank and the machine took his leg clean off at the hip. He survived, and to hear him tell it, they did not even clean the tank and a good deal of his leg ended up going out for production.

It is good on burgers sometimes.

>> No.11058487

i remember this. i tried to get one of the bottles that had the flavor boost but they were sold out.

>> No.11058492

It is a popular sauce.

>> No.11058501
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*blocks your meme sauce*

>> No.11058529

this is fucking water. a steak needs the tang and the thickness of the ayy1

>> No.11058537
File: 141 KB, 645x773, 1529875740352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is fucking water.

>> No.11058549

I just bought a bottle of Lea & Perrins steak sauce. Haven't tried it yet, but assume I will like it because I really like their Worcestershire.

>> No.11058613

I don't know how that factory operates, but wouldn't a mixing tank be further down the process? Like, after cooking? After grinding? If so, do you mean that they just fished his leg out of the nearly done sauce, or is this "mixing tank" pre grind? I just want to understand the truth of this matter. A massively rich company like this could easily lose a few thousand bottles without putting a dent in their revenue, so why let a human limb pass through if for no other reason that maximum greed? Or apathy, and I'll also tack on foolishness because they let the guy just walk (*ahem* limp) away to tell the tale of their disgusting business model? Its just not adding up for me.

>> No.11058668

It’s almost like that random pasta is complete bullshit....

>> No.11058669

Ampu-t-dog (he is a black guy, not that it matters) did not say, and I am no factory scientist. Good questions though. I will pass them on. We are entered in a three-legged race this weekend.

>> No.11058705

These accidents do happen though. Who hasn't seen a video of someone butchered by heavy machinery? Food processing plants are not devoid of human error, and the many machines involved do not magically do no harm to humans who get their limbs or hair or shoelaces in the wrong place at the wrong time. What catches my attention about this is how he said they didn't clean the tank, which actually would have been really easy to do and wouldn't set such a large corporation back by more than they could easily handle in losses.

>> No.11058712

well, t-dog was the tank wipe, and he had to go to the hospital. Shit happens.

The stuff is good in meatloaf too... also in bloody marys.

>> No.11058718

bleh. alright, whatever.

>> No.11058735

It's obviously complete bullshit.

Major food plants have onsite FDA inspectors. No way that wouldn't have been noticed. Furthermore there is also no way someone would be cleaning a tank while it was in use. They are fucking insane about lockout/tagout procedures. No way power would even have been hooked up when cleaning was taking place.

>> No.11058745

if someone shills a product, you talk about how someone died from it, or how Hitler loved it. Get with the program assholes.

>> No.11059034

Steak sauce is shit.
Use horseradish you niggers.

>> No.11059245

I rarely use A1 steak sauce. When the steak is already good, what is the point of adding it?

>> No.11059274

Come on, now we're getting A1 ads?

>> No.11059559

>When the steak is already good,

When is the steak ever good? Its so incredibly devoid of flavor. It requires spices and seasonings to give it flavor. Meat is very bland. I already tested this by cooking meat with no seasonings or salt, etc. It tastes like NOTHING. Actually, a few of them taste like metals (blood), but no more than that. I always have to add seasoning and spices, and that is THE flavor given. Meat is all about texture, and I lost interest. I much prefer beans,bread, fruit and veg. Dead animal is garbage and is as flavorful as plastic. I do still use dead animal in sandwiches though, they flavor those slices pretty nicely, but I still know its absolute garbage.

>> No.11059572

Maybe good for a grilling marinade. Don't let it burn though.
I don't get it

>> No.11059876

Based and redpilled

>> No.11059880

A1 is only for retards that like medium to medium well done steaks

>> No.11060400

False. A1 has plenty of applications(hamburgers, meatloaf, ect.), but steak isn't one of them.

>> No.11061100
