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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11033907 No.11033907 [Reply] [Original]

Gonna post some pictures as I work through my prep list. Any industry peeps in here or maybe people who want to see some behind the scenes pics. Hit me with any questions you have.
First up is Brie en croute with fig jam and herbs de Provence

>> No.11033933

what the fuck is with that weird ass dexter

never seen one with that shape before

>> No.11033940

I'm guessing special food service knife for cutting giant wheels of cheese?

>> No.11033943
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>> No.11033945

Found it


>> No.11033959
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Now the chunks of Brie get wrapped in puff pastry with the jam and herbs

>> No.11033965
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Cheese killer for the big boys

>> No.11033968

>perfect cubes
Go fuck yourself

>> No.11033976
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Now to fold to this for both sides and tuck the flaps

>> No.11033987

That looks fucking hideous. It looks like my cat shit everywhere and you decided to smear it around whilst throwing dead leaves at it. What the fuck makes your toilet bowl of a brain think that cheese and jelly goes well together? Did you mom drop you on your goddamned head as a babe? This is utter shit 0/10 for effort 0/10 for results. I think you need to go back to culinary school m8

>> No.11033993

Have you ever had Brie en croute? It’s a classic. Take it up with the French.

>> No.11033997

It wraps better than wedges for portion control. I’d rather use mini wheels but it’s less profitable.

>> No.11034009

>en croute
I'm sorry, i didn't know we were stuck in the 70s

>> No.11034015

Try way earlier. They are chicken back then too do you think that’s passé as well?

>> No.11034019

>height of popularity = date of creation
Nice try anon

>> No.11034030

I don’t think popularity has any bearing on taste

>> No.11034039
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>> No.11034043

Stick to american singles, tastelet. Brie and fruit preserves is a winning combination

>> No.11034044

Did you make the puff pastry and jam or is it sysco shit?

>> No.11034051

>he thinks he can tell the difference between homemade and frozen puff pastry

>> No.11034052

The puff pastry is Sysco shit. The fig preserves are luxe import very nice along with the herbs de Provence. Brie is Brie de meaux so the real deal

>> No.11034058
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There’s a pod version without the pastry you might like just called naked Brie.

Here are some cukes I’m going to pickle

>> No.11034061

How come everything is labeled but nothing is dated?

>> No.11034068

Since cheese, jelly, and crescent roll dough supposedly go together.. I'd venture to guess their brain doesn't fire on all cylinders

>> No.11034072

Dates are on the big containers in fridge these get turned over daily

>> No.11034073

>he doesnt understand how health & safety works
go google it, kiddo, the adults are talking.

>> No.11034094
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Now that they are sliced you cover with a good amount of salt and let it work it’s magic for 20 mins as you prepare the pickling liquid.

>> No.11034106

You missed a spot

>> No.11034111
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Now for the pickling liquid.
2 cups of both water and champ vinegar spice mix of peppercorns mustard seed bay leaves and garlic and more salt.
Bring to boil then drench the sliced cukes. Add ice pack to cool

>> No.11034123
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Smells pungent but will be delicious

>> No.11034126

No dill? I always make my quick pickles with dill

>> No.11034129
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>using bay leaf instead of dill

>> No.11034136

Going for a cornichon style taste so a bit of a different direction than the classic dill.

>> No.11034149

>this faggot who cant shut up about dill
there's literally tens of thousands of different combinations of herbs and spices to add to a pickle, stop being autistic.

>> No.11034153

Name them

>> No.11034159

no, im not here to educate you. go google it yourself if you want to learn something.

>> No.11034165
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Here’s a good one with no dill

>> No.11034168

>no dill

>> No.11034173
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>makes instructional thread
>not here to educate

>> No.11034177

Bread and butter pickles are literal cancer

>> No.11034181

It’s ok to be wrong sometimes

>> No.11034184
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>> No.11034193
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Here’s the plate up of the Brie en croute. Comes with frisée lettuce and candied walnuts. Shown here with the escargot (weirdos only wanted 2)

>> No.11034211

Easer to get them to be the same size

>> No.11034215

>bread has bite taken out of it
>useless snail shells drowned in oil
Literally what?

>> No.11034221

Excuse me those are drowned in butter thank you very much.

>> No.11034222

>bread has bite taken out of it

Pretty sure that's just the edge of the picture, dum dum.

>> No.11034235

That’s some shitty ass presentation

>> No.11034242

how much do you charge for this?

>> No.11034245

Trips to the retard who can't see the obvious bite taken out of the bread and thinks anon is talking about the cut off

>> No.11034247

Escargot looks a lot better when the platter is full. What would you change about the Brie?

>> No.11034251

Hopefully he pays them. Shit looks like it was made at Cici's

>> No.11034256

Dollar per escargot. 8 for the Brie

>> No.11034260

Highway robbery

>> No.11034265

Hey not everyone can work at Olive Garden

>> No.11034278

8 for a piece of cheese and premade Sysco pastry. you should be ashamed.
i can tell you aren't a chef by your shoes. what chef wears converse to work? you probably work at some overpriced hipster bistro wannabe shithole.

>> No.11034280

>box of gloves on top of open food containers
What three fuck anon? Are you trying to get everyone sick?

>> No.11034289
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Anon has a point though. How did you ever get serve safe certified?

>> No.11034303

>overpriced hipster bistro wannabe shithole.

Hey never said I opened the place but bing bing bing.
The Sysco pastry is pretty good and the other ingredients more than make up for it. I’d love to have my own puff pastry but I only work so many hours.

None of those are open they have lids or are wrapped. But noted thanks

>> No.11034307

nobody would blame you if you "accidently" left a burner or two on overnight

>> No.11034309

Suburban flyover state detected dispensing boneless buffalo wyngs as chaff

>> No.11034318
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It’s induction it’ll shut itself off no dice :(

>> No.11034320
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Are you talking about this part? Just looks like it's where the bread was scored before baking.

>> No.11034330
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Can confirm

>> No.11034331

Doesn't look like Brie de Meaux at all desu.

>> No.11034335

More like fucking gouged you need to fire the prep cook

>> No.11034336

>how does bread work

>> No.11034337

is that what you tell yourself when you make bread and butter pickles?

>> No.11034342

That’s what I tell myself when I make headcheese.

>> No.11034357

For the price you stated for a light lunch seems quite reasonable and would be some interesting flavors with quality ingredients (except for the sysco shit). Hell, it's only a little more than a Big Mac meal which literally has the flavor and texture of sawdust soaked in a salty HFCS.

>> No.11034360
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You think? The score isn’t much more than a few centimeters.

>> No.11034364

I think it's partially the plates, they're dark grey with no accents.

>> No.11034365

>prep cook making bread

>> No.11034377

Paired with a Pinot noir heavy blend that we have it’s pretty good. Not so much with the whites though

>> No.11034380

Today OP was actually decent, didn't respond to trolling, great job

>> No.11034401

How would you plate it? Do you think a cream colored plate would be better?

>> No.11034422
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Shit looks like face hugger larvae busted out of it

>> No.11034430

I would throw the brie+nuts on top of the lettuce. The half brie/half lettuce looks awkward

>> No.11034434

I actually have no idea about how to plate, I just thought the dark grey was kind of an anti-gustatory color, unappetizing. like prison slop. Or maybe if they had red and with accents on the lips? idk, don't ask me im fuckin retarded

>> No.11034440
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>book stored conveniently behind the burners
Did you put that there just now as a joke, or do they just... keep it there?

>> No.11034449

I did that at first but I ended up having to give them an anemic amount of lettuce in order for the Brie to not topple. I see your point though.
We originally had plates that were the same shape and they were like an off white cream that looked better. Turns out we only got like 2 of those as samples and the owners liked the gray plates more.

>> No.11034466

not gonna lie m8, those gray plates are hideous, and just show that the owners are hipster fags.

>> No.11034469

that's actually 50 shades of grey. It has the Bourdain cover to keep it on the down-low. I keep it on hand in case I need to season someone's meal with the "special sauce" if you knowwhatI'msayinbro.

>> No.11034473

Comrade Bourdain keeps a watchful eye on the range from behind his vacpak armor

>> No.11034476

Because Anthony Bodega has good stock

>> No.11034488

Right from the freezer, as always.

>> No.11034502

I bet that even their "fresh" ice is frozen

>> No.11034545

From a can actuallythen drained and simmered in wine and garlic and chilled again. Parsley butter is housemade

>> No.11034555
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Here’s a cheese and charcuterie platter that just went out

>> No.11034564

>from a can
In other words you're just playing with a lawsuit time bomb

>> No.11034565

Oops hate when my phone does that

>> No.11034573

>what is gravity
Trips launch into space

>> No.11034575

Name one place that uses fresh escargot

>> No.11034585

Literally anywhere that doesn't want an impending lawsuit hanging over their heads

>> No.11034620
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>> No.11034626

not even close to kakarot

>> No.11034627

Sure are a lot of primadonna fagtards in this thread.
OP is doing a better job than 95% of the shit show that is /ck/

>> No.11034632
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>> No.11034635

Heheheheh kaka rot

>> No.11034646
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>> No.11034654
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For you

>> No.11034661
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Even Yamaha is stronger than that. And he's dead

>> No.11034668
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Please tell me where you get your fresh snails
Pic related from Anthony bourdain’s les Halles cookbook

>> No.11034673
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>> No.11034681
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You underestimate my true power

>> No.11034682

Anthony Bodega has good stock

>> No.11034690

You're lucky i don't shoop da woop anymore (HOE]

>> No.11034698
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Fixes for you

>> No.11034706
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>> No.11034749

From a.can? Seriously? Even worse. You gotta do what you gotta do, I guess...

>> No.11034760

Where do you think restaurants get them?
Do you turn your nose up at anchovies because they come from a can too?

>> No.11034775

Anchovies are for suicidal incel cucks

>> No.11034780

Anchovies are for the children.

Sardines can suck a dick.

>> No.11034783
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I would have gone with the frisée surrounding about 2/3 of the plate, allowing it to be lower than the top of the pastry, then drop the walnuts onto the side of the pastry that's not walled in with lettuce, to allow a natural pile in the gap, with some fragments adhering to that side of the pastry.

1000 hours in MS paint related

>> No.11034795

Thay looks like OP's plate... in fact, the resemblance is so uncanny that i can't tell the two apart.

>> No.11034801

I will consider this, thank you for the thoughtful reply.

Also I was just looking up fresh snails and there is a supplier in NY that sells fresh uncooked snails they grow and process on a small scale. Will check their prices because I’d love that if the price is right.

>> No.11034812

>allowing to allow
No more drugs for this man, I am running out of words and clearly need sleep. And that lettuce is obviously more than 2/3rds of the plate. Assume the walnuts actually extend from 9 o'clock to about 5 o'clock, so that they're facing the diner's left hand but cross the center line when presented.

>> No.11034832

Looks even worse, OP just leave some negative space. Then do a line of nuts across the plate

>> No.11034834

>walnuts extend 9 to 5
Fuck you. I've never seen a walnut work a full shift in my life

>> No.11034841


>> No.11034844

I don't think those plates are big enough for good use of negative space with the portion size, and the colour's not great for that dish.
How do you situate the parcel on the plate without the line of nuts being disrupted by the fairly deep curve of the plate?

>> No.11034850

Yeah I was not going for too austere of a look with negative space. More of a comfort dish I think. Definitely agree about the color of the plate though

>> No.11034853

Just shut down the restaurant m8

>> No.11034858

Fucking knew it

>> No.11034859
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Little comfort is more of it was removed from the menu and replaced with bk footlettuce

>> No.11034867
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Here is the whole battlestation

>> No.11034874

We get our foot lettuce from France actually

>> No.11034881
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>masking tape
For what purpose.

>> No.11034886

Looks like how they're labelling things

>> No.11034887

Labeling and dating things with a sharpie

>> No.11034897

cutting board is saturated to the core with meat juices

>> No.11034906

No meat gets cut on that I have red cutting boards for that. Color is from cheese rinds mostly. It gets bleached every night don’t worry

>> No.11034914

>More of a comfort dish I think.
My attempt at suggested plating was based on this assumption. This is clearly not multi-course small plate dining, this is lunch. Lunch needs to look like the meal fills the plate, the low ring of lettuce keeps the pastry the center of the dish but is more balanced, the walnuts provide an interruption and draw the eye along the edge of the pastry, which is probably going to be the most attractive part of the dish. OP, if you do consider this plating, obviously pick the nicest fold to topple the walnuts down.

Also, tell the owners their plates suck diseased buffalo wang and if they're going for the 'rustic french tableware' aesthetic they appear to be going for they should go all in and buy a bunch of taupe and cream glazed terracotta.

>> No.11034920

It is in fact not lunch but small plates designed to compliment wine or our flagship item cheese and charcuterie. We don’t serve lunch we have nightly service only.

>> No.11034933


open kitchens are cancer. I literally cannot stop myself from cursing when I cook

>> No.11034934

They are definitely aiming for a more “chic” tableware juxtaposed with the old school classic food. Not going full Monty rustic brasserie. The big sellers are the cheese and meat boards. We have some fantastic cheese

>> No.11034936

It’s a struggle sometimes and I miss having my own tunes. But sweet Jesus the AC is worth it

>> No.11034952

Then suddenly the brie is weird. That must be being paired with some heavy reds?

The plates are even worse in that case, if you've got the antigravity charcuterie here >>11034555 as your flagship platter then the plates should be selected to align with this, surely? I would go with plates glazed to match the main colours in the flagship board (yellows, creams, browns, rusts, rose pinks) and use them as contrast colours to the small dishes. Grey seems really misplaced in this setup (though I notice it matches the walls).

>> No.11034970

>if the price is right
Right for them, probably. For you not so sure. You could sell it a better price, tho.

>> No.11034971

Yes goes well with several of our reds.

>> No.11034999

I bet you fags gave sideways a 10/10

>> No.11035007

What is that

>> No.11035013

Pretty good movie desu

>> No.11035019

Love me some Paul Giamatti

>> No.11035033

I sure hope you don't own this shithole
>induction cooking
>Sysco bread
>Sysco pastry
>Sysco condiments and random shit
and don't tell me you make the bread fresh because my retarded brother owns a restaurant and those loaves come in frozen with scores on them and everything. this place is fucking garbage

>> No.11035056

Not Sysco bread. They come from Le coq cuisine and they are damn good. We don’t have the space to be making our own baguettes but we do our own brioche.

Also no Sysco condiments. Jams are imported as are the mustards and cornichons

You sound like an asshole who doesn’t cook.

>> No.11035070

>wow are you using SYSCO SALT?? Holy shit kill yourself
I’d call you FOH scum but I don’t think you’ve ever worked in a restaurant.

>> No.11035076

>They come from Le coq cuisine
no, le coq cuisine makes dessert pastries. they do not make baguettes, sourdough bread, or whatever else you're selling off to people.
>you sound like an asshole who doesn't cook
you've stated in this thread you'd love to make all your breads and pastries fresh but you don't have the time. sounds like you're the dumb fuck who doesn't cook since it takes no time at all to prepare dough to sit overnight and be baked off in the morning

you're some stupid fuck who got hired for minimum wage at a restaurant owned by old Florida retirees

>> No.11035084

Also induction means we didn’t have to run a gas line and I don’t need a full fire suppression system above the range just the extinguisher can.
Why don’t you like induction?

>> No.11035089

>ignores the line of capers, onions, olives, remade sauces, and other garbage sitting in can juices
the only thing this retard is prepping every day is the cheese
>Why don’t you like induction?
this alone tells everyone that you're a retarded 20 year old

>> No.11035101
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Never said we baked our own bread.
Pic related moron

>> No.11035107

>restaurant can't even make their own bread
Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.11035108

>they come pre-baked

>> No.11035111
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oh my god

>> No.11035115

Trips of truth

>> No.11035117

you think a place like this has customers?

>> No.11035120

Olive and capers are French import. Red onions pickled in house.

You call me young but you won’t or more likely cant articulate yourself without sounding like an old wannabe loser.

>> No.11035126

I am ashamed

>> No.11035130
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You can't even grow your own capers?

>> No.11035132

>takes no time at all to prepare enough dough for a restaurants daily operation

How to spot the person who has never set foot in a working kitchen

>> No.11035137

the fact that you don't understand why induction is bad, that your restaurant buys pre-baked bread, or that you say "uhhhh no they're not Sysco, they're from another wholesaler!" to excuse your laziness shows how fucking terrible you are at cooking

learn to make your own food instead of sitting there with a meme book behind your redditstation

>> No.11035138

Have you ever had caperberries?

>> No.11035141

>disgusting dirty catfag thinking his opinion matters

>> No.11035157

You again haven’t articulated any of you seemingly obvious objections to induction tops.
Not every restaurant that has bread bakes it fresh. My section of the restaurant is only a part of our sales.

Again. You sound like an asshole who doesn’t cook and has never cooked professionally.

>> No.11035171
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>> No.11035181
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I haven’t even begun to memebook you wannabe loser

>> No.11035183

stop dicking around taking pictures and get back to washing the dishes moron

>> No.11035190

OP in here like, look at all the work everyone else is doing

>> No.11035194

Ok :(

>> No.11035207
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jesus christ.

>> No.11035215

I tried reading one of these volumes and they are dense as fuck. So expensive too. Prob won’t ever get them

>> No.11035240

>low self esteem: the post

>> No.11035257
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>> No.11035262

The amount of clueless fucking idiots in this thread is staggering.

>> No.11035272


no bulli

>> No.11035276

What the fuck do you know? If your so knowledgeable what's themeal your going to make tonight?

>> No.11035289

I don't cook after a double, I get to eat plenty during the day

>> No.11035333

Why the fuck?

>> No.11035814

Why not?

>> No.11035837

this place looks so low budget

>> No.11035840

Restaurants that don't open for lunch aste worse than fast food

>> No.11035884

in not the OP, dipshit. do you assume every person you talk to is the creator of the thread you're in? what an idiot.

>> No.11035986

because it's fig jam

>> No.11036061

>expected nothing intelligent from seekay
>still disappointed
cool thread op

>> No.11036084

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.11036880
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>no Natural Harvest
Do you even /ck/?

>> No.11038614

bump because it's an actual fucking cooking threat

>> No.11038629

>thread where some goy is actually cooking
>anons being assholes

Also Brie and jam go well together you philistines.

>> No.11038927

Are you left handed?

>> No.11038958

Only when i masturbate. Why?

>> No.11039008

Do restaurant prep cooks really use mandolines? I thought all the preppies on /ck/ had 20 different knives, a different one for each vegetable that they sharpened to razor edge with 5 different grit whet stones and for fine tuning a 16th century Spanish leather strop rubbed with bear liver oil.

>> No.11039049

You think I'm going to spend all that time honing my blades just to dull them cutting vegetables?

>> No.11040322

Right after I do a line of nuts across your face, cutie.

>> No.11040526
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>this completely unfinished dish looks bad and it's making me very angry

>> No.11041201

the OP literally says "hit me up with any questions you have" and youre going to bully anons for asking questions?

>> No.11041208

That mandolin looks gnarly. Gimme a brand and shit.

>> No.11041218

>cutting directly on the station board

bad form

>> No.11041221


who let all these newfags who can't spot easy bait in

>> No.11041233

How can you work like this? Induction? Is this the salad station or something? There's a gas stove somewhere right?

>> No.11041235

>eating snails
Lmao I'd you pay to eat snails you should off yourself

>> No.11041240

>bottles and pints are labeled with masking tape

use your brain, anon.

>> No.11041252

when i open my restaurant this is going to be on my bookshelf

if 4chan still exists then i'll post it for y'all

>> No.11041253

>Do restaurant prep cooks really use mandolines?
yes yes yes and yes

>> No.11041254

he's so retarded he can't even write.

>> No.11041258

I've worked in a bistro like this

The small scale and focused scope of food make running a lightly equipped kitchen feasible (certainly easier on your wallet)

It's kind of like the dick-ass thief of professional kitchens

>> No.11041279

What if I like, need to cook something? What I need to cook more than two things at once? What if I need to saute something? What if I need to boil water in less than 45 minutes?

>> No.11041282

I hope you washed your hands after taking that picture.

>> No.11041313

>What if I like, need to cook something?
Gee, do you think that'll come up?

What I need to cook more than two things at once?
small scale

What if I need to saute something? What if I need to boil water in less than 45 minutes?
Quality induction tops are more efficient and, context dependent, faster

I'm not saying your questions aren't valid but I am saying that many restaurants fill niches like this and can be quite profitable and reputable.

>> No.11041414

t. Toxoplasmosis gondii

>> No.11041471
File: 23 KB, 350x335, 1454546083089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11041536

It would indeed appear that OP is garmo based on his prep and plating so I doubt he needs to actually cook during service besides tossing things in the oven. Lord knows I wouldn't keep induction on a real saute station as well as these other anons.

>> No.11042224
File: 801 KB, 360x203, 1533740298229.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but are you euphoric my friend?

>> No.11042260

based irrationally angry poster

>> No.11042391

>durr I've never worked in a restaurant or any foodservice position at all so let me give you my expert advice on what's wrong with the restaurant you work in (which I've never been to) but don't own so have no real control over
Neck yourself before you hurt an innocent person, retard.