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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 51 KB, 640x442, eating in front of tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11019463 No.11019463 [Reply] [Original]

Do you eat in front of the TV?

what do you usually watch while eating?

>> No.11019506
File: 952 KB, 2560x1440, walmart breakroom3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. my dad eats every single meal laying on his side in front of the tv. he is a 300 lb diabetic and disgusts me.

he eats all of his meals on plastic plates that were included with some TV dinners he bought in the 1980s. he drinks iced tea sweetened with saccharin from plastic promotional cups with the walmart logo that were a giveaway item at the local walmart.

>> No.11019509

i don't own a TV
i eat off my cutting board

>> No.11019514

you and i might be brothers

>> No.11019515

I own no dishes. I eat directly out of the pan.

>> No.11019530

I haven't watched traditional 'television' since 2010.

>> No.11019541

classic zoomer behavior

>> No.11019651

Fox News

>> No.11019696

Haven't watched a modern tv show since I was an adolescent, probably before you were spawned. However, I will watch old westerns like Gunsmoke, Have Gun Will Travel, Cheyenne, Bonanza, Kungfu on youtube or netflix sometimes. I've seen all the Twilight Zones and Studio 51's so many times I don't watch them anymore.

>> No.11019708

Mentioning food tangentially before you talk about something off-topic doesn't count as food or cooking. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.11019715

Does anyone over 35 even use netflix?

>> No.11020150

I eat in front of my PC if it's not a particularly good meal or if I'm alone.
I don't think families should eat in front of tv or in their own rooms. I appreciated doing it at other peoples houses as a kid but I think it's important for a family to eat together.

>> No.11020163

Netflix is stale
t. 28 y/o

>> No.11020184
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, butitsfried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 600 Lb Life

>> No.11020213

Unless I go out with someone on the rare occasion (these days, at least), I always eat in front of the TV. There's nothing specific I watch, but when I don't have anything on the DVR or Netflix it's usually just MSNBC. It's a pretty bad time to live in America.

>> No.11020232
File: 121 KB, 1334x750, IMG_3862[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Season 5 of the best thing being made on any platform is coming out in a few weeks. I'd recommend renewing your subscription so you still have time to re-marathon the first 4 seasons now.

>> No.11020241


>> No.11020310
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>> No.11020359

t. 37 year old

>> No.11020549

always cooking shows or food releated shows like that british cocksucker who yells at people in restaurants

>> No.11020567


>> No.11020575

Thirty years ago saying you don't own a television made you look pretentious. Today saying you own a television makes you look archaic.

>> No.11020792 [DELETED] 

calling someone archaic makes you look pretentioius

>> No.11020802

calling someone archaic makes you look pretentious

>> No.11020828

Yup, my wife is 62 and loves Nutflex

>> No.11020849

When at home, I pretty much always eat at the computer. I've developed associations between various types of food and different shows. Like eating cereal while watching Frasier would be verbotten, that's really a soup, stew, or noodles show.

>> No.11021080

Not typically. How sad must it be that you cannot take 10 minutes out your obviously very busy day and eat at a table or at least without the tv or computer screen.

>> No.11021107

I eat in front of my computer because it's the only table in the house
I watch yt videos or tv shows or something

>> No.11021112

I think you both are GAY

>> No.11021117

What do you watch when you eat cereal?

>> No.11021120

>being this disconnected from reality

all my friends parents watch netflix and theyre approaching 70 years old, even my grandmother watches it

>> No.11021210
File: 243 KB, 500x375, lenny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because it's the only table in the house

>> No.11022385

I'm a filthy degenerate and eat every single meal in front of the computer

>> No.11022389

I watch Gordon Ramsay videos on youtube every time I eat

>> No.11022454

Why DOES he live like that? Isn't he a nuclear engineer or something?

>> No.11022456

I don't have a tv. I usually eat in front of the PC, I have a kitchen table, but a server stands on that.

I try to watch something useful like tutorials.

>> No.11023639

I'm sure lots of google/facebook "engineers" live in spartan, undecorated rented rooms with blank walls.

>> No.11023672

Shows that go longer than 4 seasons usually start going downhill pretty quickly.

>> No.11023733

Food related YouTube videos almost every time I eat

>> No.11023753

I usually watch an episode of anime. There's usually something I can find for each day of the week every season.

>> No.11023971

youtube on laptop: podcasts and documentaries mostly

haven't had tv for 3 years and don't miss it. sometimes i'll see whats free on prime since someone gifted a roku.

>> No.11023991

Don't have a TV but I eat in front of my PC and watch Netflix.

>> No.11023994

>Do you eat in front of the TV?
Nope. Food at the dining table. Then TV/PC/vidya later.

>> No.11024017

I haven't watched TV in like ten years, I have a few YT channels I watch and that's it

>> No.11024145

Both of my grandparents are 60+ and they watch from classic movies to korean dramas

>> No.11024334
File: 104 KB, 710x473, 12-bojack-times-arrow.w710.h473[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's only gotten progressively better up till this point.

>> No.11024365

>my dad's happiness doesn't match the capitalist idea of happiness
I fucking hate you zoomers.

>> No.11024371

I eat in front of the computer but I hate that I do.

>> No.11024375

Netflix is the most normie shit ever. Literally every Facebook mom uses it.

>> No.11024386


Netflix is a feminist and liberal wet dream. It's basically the feel good, lifetime channel of the internet.

>> No.11024388

I like to watch the news. But it can be awkward if it's a news story about people starving to death in Somalia and meanwhile I'm balls deep in a hamburger

>> No.11024396

>Netflix is the most normie shit ever. Literally every Facebook mom uses it.

Next on Neflix: Our brave heroine suffers a fractured scull because of her abusive, racist, white husband who also hates dogs. Will she ever get the revenge she deserves?!?! Watch what happens next, on "Her Story: Molly Takes Her Life Back!"

>> No.11024509

After I finish cooking any meal, it's immediately thrown on the floor. I eat it off the floor while my boyfriends dad yells at me while striking me with a fishing rod that's kept in the garage next to the water heater.

>> No.11024515

Every night I'm home for dinner I eat marinated chicken breast, couscous, broccoli, mandarin oranges while watching Trainspotting. I've seen it 2789 times.

>> No.11024520
File: 397 KB, 478x425, scull damage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fractured scull
You mean like this?

>> No.11024540

I don't see how your low opinion of Facebook applies in any way to a real engineer/physicist who works in an actual nuclear power plant.

>> No.11025228

Why get an NES classic when you can set up an emulator on a raspberry pi and never shut the fuck up about it?

>> No.11025258

The NES classic is reliable. The pi is not.

>> No.11025303
File: 897 KB, 3264x2448, E9283388-9CAA-43BA-BDE7-95C10451A945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day-in front of this, with a 4’ folding table for the spread.

>> No.11025316

in my bedroom where it has a tv but on my computer desk. have been eating at my computer desk for over ten years. before that it was at a table in the living room. can't even recall the last time I ate with family in a proper dining room before

>> No.11025365

>having a TV and not eating in front of your computer monitor like you're supposed to

>> No.11025385

I don't even own a dining table so I eat every meal on my couch in front of my tv.
I don't watch anything in particular, normally news programs or cooking shows.

>> No.11025789

My grandma uses netflix

>> No.11025806

I don't know man, I just stream tv for free and look up netflix exclusives on free sites.

I mean, you can buy a ras pi that's set up to go with a shit ton of systems, I don't know the ups and downs of one or the other.

I'm just a guy who hasn't watched cable or satellite for 8 years.

>> No.11025811

I watch anime like boruto and hero academia :3
I don't watch TV tho

>> No.11025832

I read a thread on plebbit about how this chick's boyfriend was watching a show on Netflix and it was making her uncomfortable. After sussing out that the show she was referring to was Bojack Horseman. Someone replied that the very dark themes only get worse in the newest season so she should definitely avoid them because only a person that has never experienced trauma could ever find them funny and even then that person probably has serious issues to find it "entertaining".

>> No.11025844

Watching anime is the only good answer.

>> No.11025850

>having a TV
u wot m8

>> No.11025865

i refuse to eat unless i'm watching something. can't stand movies where someone makes food, sits down at a "dinner table", takes a bite, sets down their utensils, and looks around. who the fuck does that.
can't even read a book, which would be ideal to make food last longer. Instead, every time you take your knife and fork to cut another piece, the book loses its page. and you'd think, 'well just cut it all up beforehand', but then you'd eat too quickly
fuck i hate anything but not sitting in front of my tv/monitor and eating.

>> No.11025992

Yeah, it's not for sjw's who get "triggered" easily and look for "safe spaces". At the same time, you really need a little bit of life experience to really appreciate the show; if you haven't been in relationships where you cared about someone but fucked up and lost something important to you, and then got older and realized that you're probably never going to get that back, and that you're slowly dying, you probably wont really like the show. Ironically, on the other hand, if you start a Bojack thread on /tv/ everyone will scream "plebbit!"

>> No.11026008

Growing up with my mother, we always ate meals at the table - as a family.
We would talk about our days mostly.

Then I moved in with my dad and every meal was eaten in front of the TV. No talking.

If I ever have kids, I'm making it a policy: we eat dinner at the table. As a family.

>> No.11026137

is this the new "Rick and Morty high IQ" copypasta?

>> No.11026187

Fuck both of these extremes. We used to have family dinners where we'd watch and talk about the news, then we'd switch over to Reno: 911. Mom hated that show, but my dad and I would be howling laughing at Lt. Dangle and Terry the gay rollerskating drug dealing prostitute.

>> No.11026392

Yes, but only because I don’t have a dining room. My living room has a huge u shaped couch that wraps around a table. I often watch Netflix when I eat or snack, but sometimes my gf and I will just use it as a table with no tv in the background.

>> No.11026394
File: 26 KB, 574x295, 58b72536ae21f920008b479a-574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making broad generalizations makes you sound like a bell end
Homes without a TV in the US doubled in only the last 5 or so years, cord cutting is going through the roof, gen z are spending the least amount of time infront of the boob tube, its a real boomer activity, I dont think the TV will die in a hurry, but its influence is already being diminished much to advertisers chagrin.

>> No.11026425


>> No.11026494

>I'm ignorant and buying a product that is nearly a $100 is ok when a superior alternative is $20 is a GOOD thing

>> No.11027526

I watch ur mum eating my dick.

>> No.11027544

Is a NES classic only $20? All the Raspberry Pis I've seen have been around $100?

But I've always been able to run emulators on my PC. It's 15 years old and effectively free because I'd need my PC for other things anyway.

>> No.11027552


what is this, fucking 1995? why dont you ask whats their fav vhs tape.

i do it with my laptop and usually listen to something related to what im reading, a radio program or a lecture.

>> No.11027577

Good thing you don't have a family so you don't know what you're talking about. Everyone wants to do what they want, and only mothers would pretend to want to eat with their disrespectful, gross shits.

>> No.11027598

I eat all my supper before the intro and first set of commercials are over.

>> No.11027602

>vhs tape
raspberry pi can do quite a few things, it's not just an NES machine with ROMs like Nintendo wants to sell you