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11004586 No.11004586 [Reply] [Original]

For those who tried it, thoughts on BRCC?

>> No.11004587

cold shower > cofffee

>> No.11004597

I refuse to condone or be a patron of any company that supports the ownership of guns. Literally, nobody needs them.

>> No.11004602

>cold and tired after 14 hours in the snow and rain
>still another 4 hours to go
>need something hot to drink with plenty of caffeine to keep me going
>"lel just have a cold shower dude"

Fuck you.

>> No.11004604

>18 hour shift

just end it

>> No.11004612

>sustenance hunters in remote locations with no Whole Foods for days of travel don't need guns
>arctic communities don't need defense against polar bears

Ivory Tower shitter get fucked

>> No.11004615

peet's is better

>> No.11004620

That's what you have the police for, asshole.

>> No.11004627


>> No.11004636

I like cold brew so I’m gonna check them out, thanks anon.

>> No.11004641

"literally nobody" includes the police.
Even if we ignore this, remote communities only have one or two officers covering the entire region. There is simply no way one officer can both hunt for the entire community and protect each and every person from wildlife everywhere all the time.
And let's not even get in to the real world issues of police routinely denying any actual obligation to protect and serve, or the inherent tyranny of armed governments over an unarmed populace.

>> No.11004643

I’ll give up my guns when every government around the world gives up theirs.

>> No.11004655
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Well they pay $1000-$3000 per day.

>> No.11004678

There's that word again.

>> No.11004679

mmmm love a good cup of cold shower in the morning

>> No.11004682

I know it's bait but real people have this opinion and it's hilarious

>> No.11004701

>I like kids being murdered at school (And that's a good thing)

>> No.11004706

Maybe we should ban murdering people then.

>> No.11004712

fuck off Piers Morgan

>> No.11004751

>muh defense against tyranny
>muh copycat semiauto popgun will be able to compete with tanks, fighters jets and bombers, and nuclear weapons, not to mention the signals intelligence
Dude, it isn't 1776 when the civilian vs. govt. military tech was similar, lol. You fucks need to take some time off from the paintball fields, your delusions of grandeur are fucking extreme.

>> No.11004766

Yeah it's not like a bunch of tribal goat herders have been keeping the United States Marine Corps at bay for the last 15 years.

>> No.11004778
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>> No.11004799
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>your basic firearms can't compete with superior gov't firepower
>might as well give up your guns and give the gov't all the power
>its not like any gov't has ever abused their power
libtard logic. not even once

>> No.11004910

You tards have already lost, the US is a corporate fascist tyranny, and they bought you off by holding out a popgun carrot on a stick to you. Go catch and munch your carrot, num-num.

>> No.11004913

I'm not a burger though.

>> No.11004949

This wouldn’t be situation if the 2A had been allowed to be used for its purpose. Citizens would collectively be equally armed as the government.

>> No.11005010

>T. Rest-of-worlder projecting hard as fuck.
Listen, shill. You know it. I know it. The US is one of the greatest places to live. Having legal weapons makes it inherently better than any other place in the world. I want you to dig deep down into your soul and question yourself. You can lie to everyone, but you can't lie to yourself. You can become delusional, but you will break. And when you do that and snap back to reality. Know that the US and it's citizens will still have the best lives on the planet, and we will destroy any tyranny that stands in the way of liberty.

Remember that when we come to bail your unworthy ass out when Africans and Muslims overrun your declining shit hole.

As for the coffee, not bad. Get the caffeinated as fuck kind.

>> No.11005019

kys bootlicker

>> No.11005063
File: 3.36 MB, 4032x3024, 547EBB29-9411-4CDB-97D8-FD81094C8920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this thread asking about coffee but reading and really thinking about my stance on the 2A isn’t something I was expecting when I read this thread.

Thanks guys, gonna sell all my guns. Blows my mind to know that I was wrong the entire time!

>> No.11005251

Same. I'm probably gonna sell my car too because some people use them to run others over.

>> No.11005255

>Don't even THINK of talking to me before my first two minutes!

>> No.11005476

I've only tried their k-cups and remember moderately enjoying them. Their flavored coffees were god awful. The chocolate coffee was especially vile. But the normal coffees were pretty good. Their Caffeinated as Fuck has a neat taste I haven't found in another coffee.

They're good enough that I forgot about them, but now that you've reminded me I'll probably be buying some beans if that helps.

>> No.11005520

Average response time is five minutes, city slicker

>> No.11005535

its ok. i buy their LEO blend every once in a while.

>> No.11005733

Good thinking. Gonna sell my medkit and my edc ifak because EMT’s are a thing.

>> No.11005811


> the US is a corporate fascist tyranny

And you're trying to convince people they need to be surrendering their guns to this fascist tyrannical state? How fucking deluded are you?

>> No.11005931
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>sell all my guns
Based and redpilled

>> No.11005956

Do you lads think if I bought a hipoint and cut it in half on facebook I could bang some liberal thots.

>> No.11005966

No. It won't help. Nothing will.

>> No.11005976

Just field strip it, it's not like these morons know what they're crying about.

>> No.11005985
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>banning guns will make them all disappear and no more bad people will have them at all

>> No.11006000

If you think women, disabled people, and weak men should have an option available to equalize a situation of assault, rape, etc then you should support guns. Otherwise you are basically saying that you support stripping them of any chance to defend against a male attacker that is average+ size and strength. Pepper spray and tasers dont always work and a knife requires close distance which is dangerous with the speed disparity

>> No.11006025

Guns in the hands of common thugs quickly disappear, because they end up in jail sooner or later. The only criminals who have guns end up being organised gangs, and that doesn't matter so much to your average citizen. They're not interested in using guns against anybody but rival gangs and police.

>> No.11006624

>guns are illegal in Mexico
It sure it is the peaceful utopia everybody dreams to live in.

>> No.11007373

From what I can tell by looking at their site, they only use two origins, Brazil and Colombia, roasted to different levels with no indication of varietals. Their blends seem to just be different variations of the few beans they buy including robusta (garbage). That's not a big deal but their descriptions are absolutely cringeworthy for fudd wannabes. The fact that most of their bags' descriptions are multiple paragraphs that make no mention of the coffee should be a red flag. I watched a couple YouTube tutorials on their channel and they're full of false information. Imo this is just a gimmicky brand trying to sell an image to people trying to get into specialty coffee but are afraid of being labeled "hipster." Which is ironic because you can get MUCH better coffee for the same prices they charge, without buying into an image.
Tl;dr it's gimmicky marketing shit for people obsessed with "manly" things

>> No.11007796

I refuse to help any anti-2nd if they are attacked.

>> No.11007809

If I had posted this bait I would've gotten a 3 day ban by now. Hypocrite mods

>> No.11007812

so we let countless law abiding die while the darwinian approach to justice plays out and hope criminals don't just change weapons. Certainly seems like the kind of sound logic libtards are known for.

>> No.11007856

That gang on gang violence also makes up for 80% of homicides with firearms. If you ain't in a gang, and dont feel suicidal, the odds of being killed by a gun are almost non existent

>> No.11008031

great thread guys

>> No.11008046

It's okay I like La Colombe more. But expensive.

>> No.11008106

>18 hour shift
What the fuck? Are you a factory worker from 1889?

>> No.11008276

Backroom casting couch?
Love it.

>> No.11008849

What was vietnam lmao

>> No.11008872

Better stop paying taxes.

>> No.11008981

Nah, just conservative red state with scab "open shop" labor laws, lol.