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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 10 KB, 259x194, AA44D827-BAD0-4F20-ABAC-26886633CF39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11000091 No.11000091 [Reply] [Original]

Ban me. I have nothing to lose.

What are you fellas drinking?

>> No.11000093

im on the wagon again

>> No.11000101

Same. 32 days sober. I'd love a cognac.

>> No.11000102

I’m drinking a Teton Range IPA

>> No.11000111

What causes you guys to drink?

>> No.11000121
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I'm 9 shots into homemade vodka.

>> No.11000130



>> No.11000135

grape schnapps
watching Paul Rudd movies
boredom. i've quit for weeks at a time, but i always go back

>> No.11000136
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Give that shit up, folks. My mom is in the hospital with cirrhosis in agony, probably dying her ass off at 53.

Been dry some time myself now, seeing her has decided me on quitting for good.

>> No.11000138

I'll quit once leed is wegal in my state

>> No.11000140

just boredom for me

>> No.11000143
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53 sounds more then decent honestly. not to make light of it or anything.
finished plastic whiskey, onto drugs

>> No.11000144

Being forced to go to AA meetings

>> No.11000147

On the wagon
Off the wagon
On the wagon
Off the wagon
Getting back on the wagon

Second time around hurts, it's like you grease the wheels for withdraws.

On the plus, I have 30 0.5mg xanax. Hoping this will help me end this shitty ride--drinking, I mean.

In a real shitty life situation though. 32 and living at home; the reason why I drink, I can't stand this shit. Been trying to get my mother and younger brother into a place they can afford for the last 5 years but it keeps SOME FUCKING HOW not working out. I feel guilty as shit if I just left to actually start my own life, but at the same time... when is it enough? When does anonymous get his turn? The breaking point is coming soon.

>> No.11000154

Biology didn't predict the internet. We know too much too fast. It is a heavy burden to be so informed when you're so young, and you're living longer than any one imagined. Depression is the new world destroyer.

>> No.11000156

It's not in my state but I've taken to smoking it when I'm getting boozing urges.
I dunno, man. I thought the same thing until I've seen it firsthand. They can't even give her anything for the pain.

>> No.11000157
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Gin and tonic
>Alcoholics go to meetings, I'm a drunk

>> No.11000165

Nothing today. I drank a bottle of Wild Turkey last night. Won't drink again until Saturday. I'm gonna try and go 30 days sober after.

>> No.11000170

Boredom and depression.

>> No.11000174

I missed these threads
Sober for three months, want a drink every second of every day

>> No.11000175

this this this this this
technology is destroying our spirits. cell phones and the internet are a mistake. Let the bombs drop.

>> No.11000178
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its different for her, shes a mother and feels some semblance of responsibility. when i know its over and pain cant be avoided ill surf straight to hell with as much flash and poor taste as i can

>> No.11000184

red wine oddly
I never drink red wine but I found a bottle and I'm making a steak in about 15 minutes

>> No.11000193

Trying to hold out until Friday. My checking account is getting slim

>> No.11000194

I feel ya breh. But now I'm starting to associate dying in pain that I can't escape with the same fear I had of starting the day drinking and going to bed without being as drunk as I was earlier.

>> No.11000197

but who was phone?

>> No.11000200

i guess wake up calls arent that bad if the dream was a nightmare all along

>> No.11000205


Every change in environment is an evolutionary choice. A synthetic electronic one is just new. People who can't deal with it will die off, and the new group will be fine.

>> No.11000206


>> No.11000213

Belongs on a poster desu

>> No.11000272

lately just red box wine, it's the cheapest thing available here

I kept reading about withdrawals on these threads over a year ago, was downing a 700ml bottle of vodka everyday for over 10 months but when I stopped cold turkey I didn't experience any withdrawals (at least nothing severe I noticed)

>> No.11000280

it doesnt happen to everyone. some people can quite and its just minor thirst, other people quit and get delirium tremens, stroke out and die. lifes fucked

>> No.11000290

everyone is different and every time can be too. next time you may withdrawal hard so be mindful of that.

>> No.11000330

i had too much to drink yesterday, and got in a huge fight with my brother at his condo. He phoned my parents and they got upset at me and told me to spend the night there.

Not drinking today, as I'm with my ex helping with a bug problem in her house. she is looking so fucking hot these days. fucked up that relationship with alcohol related nonsense (i pissed on the bed when she was sleeping once)

>> No.11000331

i watched "my idiot brother" the other week. pretty funny actually.

>> No.11000337

just move these threads to r9k/ and we can keep going

>> No.11000344

pls no id rather go to /trash/

>> No.11000350

I hate life. I hate people. I’m so uninterested in others but I feel so alone. I hate myself. I hate my job. I’m in love with a whore. I fall in love too easily. I have little self control. I’m starting to think i’ll never be happy.

>> No.11000360

fuck off. al/ck/ threads were almost certainly here before you.

>> No.11000361

Drank a bottle and a half of gin last night and my door has a hole in it now. Fuck this shit.

>> No.11000363

Nothing wrong with whores. As long as she really loves you and you can take her wild clitoris. Most women in history have been whores and we come from them.

>> No.11000367

Thanks for reminding me my six pack every few days isn’t as bad as a lot of people.

>> No.11000368

*tame her wild clitoris
It takes a big man to tame a whore.

>> No.11000372

Nothing! Cause I have no money


>> No.11000375


I know there are more problems at the end of the bottle than solutions, but getting drunk eases the pain for a brief moment.

>> No.11000384
File: 21 KB, 400x560, stolichnaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the best.

>> No.11000396

me too, fellow female

>> No.11000402

>Vodka is womanly

Not only are Slavs masculine as fuck, I find Vodka way more difficult to drink than Whiskey or Rum. The only thing that's as hard to choke down straight is Gin.

>> No.11000408
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I meant Stoli specifically

>> No.11000412

jus dont drink shit vodka then, it should be the smoothest. and how is gin hard? it tastes like pine trees

>> No.11000416

i had a bottle of gin i bought duty free. don't know why i bought it. ran out of beer one night and decided to take a swig out of the bottle. puke everywhere

>> No.11000421

>2 days sober
this is easy

>> No.11000424

It's more of a taste thing, I guess. I don't drink shit vodka.

>> No.11000430

i like gin. maybe i'm an 80 year old lady

>> No.11000443

3rd day is literally when I usually crack.

>> No.11000447

It's great as a mixer.

>> No.11000459

you almost start feeling good

>> No.11000461

Im just trying to stay sober during the week, not the whole drinking every other day and all weekend shit I used to be doing. Would only be sober like two days a week. Hoping to cut it back to only drinking on saturdays with friends

>> No.11000467

>Hoping to cut it back to only drinking on saturdays with friends
That would be a healthy habit.
Wish I still had close ones. I barely see mine anymore.

>> No.11000474

to be fair I really am not sure why mine bother to talk to me and what a the fuck they see in me. Maybe my self esteem is fucked because I spend most of my days wondering why I havent shot myself yet. Why dont you see yours much anymore?

>> No.11000492

My mom died of liver failure a few years back and was around the same age, and yet here I am. A regular chip off the ol' block, lmao.
I can't wait to be dead, but the last couple years are gonna be miserable so I have a plan to an hero when shit starts hitting the fan

>> No.11000506

Holy shit this is based

>> No.11000515

>Why dont you see yours much anymore?
Have just slowly drifted further and further away with each passing year.

>> No.11000519

I'm poor sober until this friday. Wishing I had a bottle. Withdrawing like a little bitch. That's what I get for trying to be responsible and paying my rent eairly (on time). Lol

>> No.11000547

I feel it. How old are you?

>> No.11000550

I can't imagine being so desperate as spending booze money on rent.

>> No.11000566
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Not really drinking tonight.

I have a bottle of pic related in the cabinet and thinking of a shot or two before bed.

>> No.11000589

Coconut rum and watermelon juice

>> No.11000596


>> No.11000598

But then you have to go to /r9k/

>> No.11000619
File: 245 KB, 1200x850, drunkard's progress(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure why these threads are so somber. Can't you folks just attain the summit before your pancreas and kidneys tell you to die?

Had a few beers during the workday because I had a tension headache and keep trying new cures. After that I had some friends over, we hit some light weights, grilled out, and played mario party. Time to finish a few more beers and fall asleep to the ballgame, now.

Sure there are a lot of regrets to be had, like a completely arrested development, but I don't get being such a sad sack.

>> No.11000635

You didn't drink until you passed out, though did you? Well that's why. Because whenever I drink that's what I want to do

>> No.11000637

6 to 9 is where everyone is here for the most part. the summit was years ago for me

>> No.11000657

Yes, but I pace it to coincide with my usual bedtime while having liters of water near me, and trying not to neglect other bodily needs. That, and having a dayjob. Gotta keep yourself sane somehow boys.

>> No.11000769


it's the cheapest vodka available for me, bought hundreds of bottles of the stuff

>> No.11000785

well lads the drugs are in full swing but i ate too many pickles. this could either be another forgotten night or an absolute shit show.

>> No.11000816

Just had a teetotal mate in his late 40’s die of oesophageal cancer 2 weeks ago. Gotta die of something anon.

>> No.11000821

Does anyone have a drinking song you listen to when you're alone? I always end up playing:
Dire Straits - So Far Away
Rolling Stones - Waiting on a Friend

>> No.11000838

>just started drinkin
Charles mingus
Nina Simone
shitty 90's and 00's rock and metal
Either awful dubstep or movie soundtracks
tom waits or some random punk band
>history from youtube during a blackout night
random amv's with shitty 90's metal or memerap

This is ritualistic to the point it is more certain to happen then the sun rising and setting. I have no excuses.

>> No.11000847

Evan Williams green label because I don't give a fuck about taste, I just wanna be drunk

Does it get better?

>> No.11000851

deaths probably better so, yeah

>> No.11000860

The Old Bog Road by Josef Locke
and after I've had a cry, I listen to The Turnpike Troubadours,I recommend Shreveport, Kansas City Southern, Good Lord Lorrie, and Every Girl

>> No.11000863

You are just like me and I wish I could send you a drink.

>> No.11000866

I think you're drinkin' and dialin'.

>> No.11000873

Don't know most of this but I'm looking forward to listening.

>> No.11000877

Gordon Lightfoot and Jim Croce.

>> No.11000879


sage and reported by the way :P

>> No.11000890
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and another shot for you m8, god bless

>> No.11000894

Came home earlier with 16 cans of beers. Realized that this wouldn't be enough to put me out for the night, but i didn't want to buy more beer, so I at midnight i started cooking a pot of curry to keep myself busy. It should be ready when i run out of beer and a bowl of curry always makes me want to sleep. Is what I did autistic or just smart?

>> No.11000897

good planning

>> No.11000900

The ironic thing is that the alchys follow the rules and have the most interesting content. Why should they be kicked out for having a contained general thread when /ck/ is mostly thinly veiled shit posting threads with pepperoni pizza, pepe, burgers, keto, and the rest of the bullshit?

>> No.11000921

im unironically under the impression /ck/ has the largest amount of shitposting of any board. no other board has as much sperging, autism, and shilling. /b/ is more on topic then /ck/ is most of the time.

>> No.11000936

I think /tv/ probably has the most shitposting.

>> No.11000938

spend a few nights on /tv/

>> No.11000947

i wasnt counting /tv/ as a board to be honest. unsure how it even exists still considering the state of it. should go the way of /l/ at this point, not like the content is much different

>> No.11000963

There is a lot of shitposting and mcchicken garbage, but i have also seen a lot of good discussions about legit cooking topics

>> No.11000968

It genuinely wasn't like this until about May/June. Then it really got bad. I always felt like ck was a hidden little paradise until summer.

>> No.11000975

i kinda feel that, even in this state /ck/ is a staple board for me. its always interesting atleast

>> No.11000976

/ck/ has always been spammed with shitpost threads

just happens more these days, or the mods are deleting less of them idk

>> No.11000977

>It genuinely wasn't like this until about May/June.
/tv/? It's been like it is since about 2015. It was a meme board long before that though. Just that the shitposting got worse.

>> No.11000993

i wonder how many ip's that pedoposter has gotten permab& at this point

>> No.11000997

No mate I was talking about ck

>> No.11001000

Ah k.

>> No.11001172

Radiohead. Fake Plastic Trees and Let Down are my favorites.

>> No.11001209

Taking it easy tonight with a glass of wild turkey 101 and ginger ale boys

>> No.11001225

>Being forced to go to AA meetings
truly awful, a bunch of losers sit around talking about being losers, it's unreal that a judge would think this would be good to experience

>> No.11001231

try /v/, it has all three of those in spades.

>> No.11001244

i feel like /v/ can have discussion every once in a while though. this board will start a thread about pasta or some shit and 10 posts in its like someone let several dozen foaming at the mouth spergs just have their way with it. 400 posts later a thread about how to make a pasta dish is inane keyboard slapping and the stalest bait imaginable. and thats almost every thread, that doesnt just start off as a bait or shill.

>> No.11001528

You can do it lads, I believe in you

>> No.11001533
File: 558 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180802-032033_Sober Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops forgot pic

>> No.11001578

Most the time i think im doing great till i start my 30 min commute home and i think man i dont got anything to drink at home might as well pic something up even tho i said i wouldnt drink tonight.
Sometimes its the hangover the next morning and like pringles once i open that can of worms cant stop.
Its easier for me to come up with a list not to drink then find a reason why i do.

>> No.11001597


>> No.11001602

I had my first six pack of Guinness the other day.
It was great. Mostly I drink Vodka literally every day I have off. Not even memeing. Fucking hate life.

>> No.11001609

>Dire Straits - So Far Away
>Rolling Stones - Waiting on a Friend
My nigga

>> No.11001611

i'm currently sober because im broke

vodka is my choice of drink, I love a good white russian the caffeine/alcohol combo goes great

>> No.11001614

Yep, I sip vodka out of the bottle. I don't do shots.
I easily go through a half a liter a day.

>> No.11001622

Nothing is really the cause— i just love it! Preparing a drinking session has become ceremonial. I go to the gym first, then shopping for food and beer, then home to clean the house before I get started drinking alone and watching tv.

>> No.11001623

The Dubliners
I miss the way things once were bros
Also, what's the best Irish whiskey lads?

>> No.11001629

i only drink tasty stuff.

>> No.11001633

If ur sober cause ur broke ur not an alcky pls anon don't try to impress us seriously stop drinking while you can it doesnt make you cool only pathetic.

>> No.11001635

god dammit I want some booze

>> No.11001638

>dick measuring alcoholism

>> No.11001640

It's come to the point where I'm now thinking at work about drowning myself in booze and listing to all these songs while reminiscing. Holy shit lads, sometimes my mouth waters.

>> No.11001642

Good job anon. Is it even possible to taper yourself down to say 15 beers a day to maybe a 6 pack on a Saturday instead of completely quitting the booze? So many people just outright quit the stuff but I'm guessing they drank a fuckton more than me and got themselves into some really fucked up situations.

>> No.11001646

I unironically think dying early due to booze is better then being sober and dying in some nursery home at age 95.

>> No.11001654

He has a point, I used to just get super bummed out when I worked part time, ran out and couldn't afford booze. Now I've had a solid job for a few years and can afford to get shitfaced every night if I even make it to 5pm without a drink I get all shaky stevens and anxious as fuck to the point that I just avoid all social gatherings unless there is alcohol involved. Pretty sure most of my family/coworkers think I'm a meth head because of how jittery I get.

>> No.11001667

I'm not "super bummed out" cause I'm a bit low on cash this week and can't afford booze

I got fired from my last job for being drunk at work multiple times and I spent the last few months sitting at home alone getting drunk all day everyday blowing through my savings

Resorted to spending the last $20 on horrible cheap booze instead of buying food and I'm now flat broke and starving with no booze

>> No.11001675

Bruh not dick measuring but i am crack heads will always find away to get there next fix. Addicts are addicts alcholism is more mental then anything else so if you dont fucking find a want or need to do what u need to, to fucking get shit faced every night then yeah good for you i litterly have terrible heart burn but find ways to get fucked every night i end up waking up at 6am to puke out stomach acid from drinking almost daily.

>> No.11001678

My bad. There has to be something that keeps your mind off drinking at least for most of the day surely?

>> No.11001687

>lecturing me on alcoholism

>if you're not homeless wino estranged from your family shitting yourself all day and robbing old women for money you're not a "true alco"

>> No.11001696

This thread was moved to >>>/trash/17405040