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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10994463 No.10994463 [Reply] [Original]

It's time we talk about why soup is the worst and a true fools food.

>> No.10994508

>da share zone

>> No.10994585
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you'll never eat the food of gods

>> No.10994873


>> No.10994903

i agree with OP
soup is trash peasant food and i refuse to eat wet foods

>> No.10994949

Restaurants are always trying to pawn it off on ya right when you get there. Like wtf I don't want this bowl of wet stuff I want food.

>> No.10994982
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>> No.10994990

>share zone
why are troons so brazenly fucking unfunny
literally sitcom humor

>> No.10995013

I'm with ya Anon...rarely have soup...it's like having a coffee and calling it dinner...

>> No.10995109

Good Laksa is the closest you can get to heaven on earth and it’s a soup you unutterably dense dick slurping ladyboy.

>> No.10995300
File: 128 KB, 1200x1200, healthy-seafood-cioppino-soup-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.10995529

oh good, I get to dig shells out of my soup and also reach in and grab shrimp to take the tail off, what a convenient soup.

>> No.10995586

Cheap soup sucks because it's made with cheap stock. Stock takes a while to prepare and while it's not insanely expensive to make, it increases food production costs and most people probably don't notice the difference. A soup made with a high quality stock full of gelatin is far from watery and bland.

>> No.10996002

This thread is kinda what I feel like in those pho hater threads. Like... how the fuck are you going to get mad at soup. But they do. They get mad at soup.

>> No.10996004

That's a stew.

>> No.10996026
File: 336 KB, 800x550, Tomato-Soup-and-Toasted-Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In ye olde times bread was soaked in the center of a bowl, or served on the side to sop up the broth of the day. The dish was called a sop, which is where soup is derived. Today I still find the best soups are enjoyed with very good toasted, and buttered breads.

Also when you're really sick chicken noodle soup isn't just a grandma meme. It's a powerful vaccine against booger demons. You are not actually pro-booger demon, are you?

No. No you are not.

>> No.10996029

I agree I hate soup. I even sat out the ramen craze

>> No.10996043

>Today I still find the best soups are enjoyed with very good toasted, and buttered breads.
French onion soup with the bread in it and broiled cheese on top is the best

>> No.10996044

Bun bo hue

>> No.10996049

>Allows the flavors of ingredients to meld and flourish
>Freezing some soups makes the excess fat congeal at the surface allowing it to be removed easily if so desired
>Soup is infinitely customisable and is a great way of using up food that would otherwise go to waste
>Soup is a great way to feed a large number of people easily should the need arise
>Soup can be enjoyed cold OR hot and still be good
>Soup is good for the soul
Imagine being so vile and disgusting that you claim something as wholesome and wonderful as SOUP is the worst food. I pity your existence OP.

>> No.10996050
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I'm a big fan. Savory soups are my thing though.

>> No.10996052
