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File: 229 KB, 620x400, starbucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10977030 No.10977030 [Reply] [Original]

why does starbucks get so much hate?

i dont get it

i like getting my coffee/fappacinos there because they are consistent no matter where i go

>> No.10977035

My dog's shit is pretty consistent, but I don't make a habit of eating it.

>> No.10977046

I'd prefer tims or mcdonalds coffee instead

>> No.10977048

>starbucks coffee is bad

this boomer meme needs to die

>> No.10977049

Why do people keep worshipping shitty bean water?

>> No.10977172

Because they sell more milkshakes than coffee. Nobody goes there for actual coffee.

>> No.10977194

Starbucks has good coffee, I'm not going to lie. I run a gourmet coffee business and roast my own fair trade terroir beans but I will still admit that DD's & Starbucks are good.

>> No.10977286

I try my best to not give my shekels to American companies.

>> No.10977295

>t. someone who's never tasted decent coffee in their life

Most starbucks stores in Australia have closed snd the company is operating at a huge loss here because nobody wants to drink their shitty coffee when we have a million better alternatives. The only reason to go to a starbucks is if you want to buy dessert in a cup but that barely resembles what most of the world considers coffee in the first place.

>> No.10977299


>> No.10977307

Becuase I don’t feel like wasting my hard earned money on an overpriced cup of coffee I could’ve made at home.

>> No.10977316

I didn't know soyboys knew how to pronounce faggot.

>> No.10977326

Don’t pretend Australia is the paragon of flavor. You’re a low rent USA. You wouldn’t know good anything if it was slapped in your face.

>> No.10977360

It’s only because Gloria Jean's was there first.

>> No.10977378

its considered cool and hip to hate on things that are popular

>> No.10977380

It's annoying because I hated Starbucks even before it was cool.

>> No.10977383

This. Also liberals hate Starbucks for being a big company and everyone else hates Starbucks for being a liberal company.

>> No.10977388

We know what real coffee tastes like for starters. Pro tip: It doesn't taste like a 10 000 calorie thickshake.

>> No.10977390

beans are shit. staff are poorly trained. if you actually liked coffee you wouldn't consider starbucks good. seems to me you just like caffeine or sugar.

>> No.10977392

I happen to know that Australians measure their intake in kilojoules, not calories, you faker.

>> No.10977393

Starbucks is no different than Olive Garden in terms of quality

>> No.10977431

Boomers are the people drinking most of the shitty coffee

>> No.10977465

coffee tastes like shit

the cold brew is nice but also overpriced as fuck

>> No.10977469

boomers like starbucks though

third wave stuff is mostly 20 somethings

>> No.10977775

I've tried is, seems a whole lot of the shit has too much cream/milk. The fruit drinks are nice though.

>> No.10977793

get the black iced coffe without ice shits pretty strong

>> No.10978073

18 old boomers I asume

>> No.10978215
File: 36 KB, 613x531, 1529172642690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make a habit of trying a coffee store's espresso first since making a decent espresso is one of the hardest disciplines from my experience. Most get it wrong, but Starcucks was outrageous.
But yeah, from what I can tell their coffee is nearly identical everywhere, and from what I heard from the people I know frequently vising the states it's still one of the better places to go that are mainstream.

>> No.10978226

reminder that their largest coffee is $3 and that anyone spreading the "overpriced coffee" bullshit is from reddit
if you go order a dessert, expect to pay for a dessert

>> No.10978232
File: 9 KB, 250x171, Logo_tchibo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wanted mediocre coffee I would go there instead

t. German

>> No.10979104

I would go to Yorma

>> No.10979130

Most of the hate is from blue collar Dunkin dudes and contrarians. But also tastes a little burnt everytime I get some.

>> No.10979168

Shitty beans that are overroasted to cover up how bad they are
Very acidic
Way overpriced
Populated by idiots who make it sugary flavour milk with a hint of coffee

Hard pass.

>> No.10979174

it is owned by a jewish person, jewish people are deserving of hatred

>> No.10979179

Even their blonde roasts?

>> No.10979201

Here in Germany the Starbucks coffee is already above average. I mean you will from time to time see a good Italian cafe with great coffee, but they are rare and hit or miss. When you go to like a bakery, or some chain that sells coffee it's usually way worse than Starbucks.

Now we have some other chains similar to Starbucks, but they only came after the Starbucks succees. So overall I am happy Starbucks exists here, because it's ciffee that I can easily drink and enjoy.

I can imagine why some might not like it much. It is very dark and if there have ever been any fine aromas in those beans, you will hardly taste them. The coffee is not excellent, but it's pretty solid still.

Also most people here seem to buy normal coffee, not Frapucinos. Only teenagers buy those regularly.

>> No.10979224

>Now we have some other chains similar to Starbucks, but they only came after the Starbucks succees
This is what a lot of people miss in the hate, I think. America was definitely a race to the cheapest coffee country before starbucks showed you could sell expensive stuff and people would buy it

>> No.10979251
File: 924 KB, 500x333, 1490969329745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here in Germany the Starbucks coffee is already above average
that's only because you count bakeries selling piss. But we aren't really a coffee country like we are a tea country that is right
>Now we have some other chains similar to Starbucks, but they only came after the Starbucks succees
not quite, see >>10978232

Also, their espresso is even worse than what I am used to from bakeries, that is a real achievement

>> No.10979255

Their espresso is only designed for mixed drinks, it's never going to be good on its own. Their coffee is fine though.

>> No.10979276

Oh I tried their coffee too, but.. I dunno man, I would say it's lower to mid tchibo tier more or less.
Except more consistent

>> No.10979279

Staff training is very hit and miss, I always order a pour over but about a quarter of the time I visit a new location they will just pour it from drip brew because they have no idea what a pour over is

>> No.10979283

For me Tchibo isn't on the same level as Starbucks.
Another good thing about Starbucks is, that you can get an iced coffee, I don't mean frapucinos, just a latte with ice cubes. A simple thing, but great in summer and I have seen no other place before Starbucks doing that.

>> No.10979286

It will still depend on a couple of factors. Their primary roast that they always have on tap is not good. But they have plenty of roasts, like their Sumatra, that are pretty good. The starbucks in wealthy neighborhoods also have a special machine and special roasts that are all genuinely great cups of coffee, but those are less common.

>> No.10979287

Probably because it tastes like a liquid black and milds unless you drown it in 40 different syrups

>> No.10979313
File: 795 KB, 1440x2960, 1528586455828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case I'll give it another fair try when I am in an area where I don't know of a local specialist.
You haven't? Peculiar, it's really common here. Funnily enough I know stories of my father already having ranted about restaurants recycling old coffee for this while charging double. That was before I was born, but in Berlin. And Berlin is not really comparable to most areas, for better and worse

>> No.10979315

They intentionally burn all their roasts and then charge out the ass for them. The only people I've met that enjoy it either have 50 grams of sugar and milk dumped into their drinks or are boomers that grew up drinking perc'ed.

>> No.10979318

>this meme again
Don't you guys get tired of it?

>> No.10979323

I don't know. I lived in Frankfurt so not even a small city, but most places either only had hot coffee or if I wanted a coffee with ice cubes all they could offer me was a coffee with a scoop of vanila ice cream.

>> No.10979326

if people tired of it, could it truly be still considered a meme?

>> No.10979331

All memes are retired eventually

>> No.10979334
File: 47 KB, 288x499, 1522522161520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking bean water

>> No.10979342

>drinking plant blood
>eating tree fetus
>consuming anything at all other than pure unfiltered water
never gonna make it

>> No.10979351

I know I've seen in in Bielefeld, maybe it's an NRW thing?

>> No.10979353

Gotta translate for the dumb-dumb americunt or he won't understand :( Now go drink your sugar milk and shut the fuck up.

>> No.10979598

They scorch their grounds almost every fucking time. Still drink it if I'm in some shitty part of the country with no dutch bros or local equivalent and I'm in a hurry/need free wifi/have to shit

>> No.10979604

Have you considered ordering a blonde roast? I don't understand why all you guys complain about burnt roasts, just don't order Pike or a dark, it's that easy

>> No.10979618

It's 90 percent sugar. If you get something without sugar, you can tell why they add so much since all the beans taste like they were burnt to shit. I honestly have no idea why people buy coffee like this. It's one thing to go to say, dunkin donuts and get a quick breakfast with it, but if you stop at some place just to get coffee, it simply doesn't make sense to me. It takes longer, it's less convenient, it's more expensive, and it tastes worse than doing it yourself.

>> No.10979619


>> No.10979625

Nice rebuttal.

>> No.10979671

I exclusively drink espresso my man. Shot for shot of bourbon, helps cover up my day drinking. Smell and alertness bonus.

>> No.10979852

their blonde espresso is shit too

>> No.10979944

30 y/o boomer here. i drink starbucks on the reg but not as much as ones i make at home or at work. we realize that pour over and chemex fools gold you get out at those places where the baristas look like napoleon dynamite characters actually tastes like raisin infused piss. for some reason the espresso shots those places pull taste pretty good though.

>> No.10979982

Their "blonde" roast is a marketing term, it's still a dark roast, taken past second crack.

>> No.10980190

I agree with you about starbucks getting undeserved hate and being generally a decent coffee place but Starbucks is most popular with the gen x crowd and to some degree millennials.

>> No.10980226

>le over priced coffee!
I challenge you to go to any random locally owned cafe and order a specialty drink that you don't pay an arm and a leg for, if you don't want to pay out the ass anywhere, order black coffee or better yet make it at home, ingredients that go into mixed drinks cost money thus making business charge more since it exists to make a profit not feed your whiny little socialist oppression fantasies, this isn't at all unique to Starbucks.

>doesn't understand dark roast coffee
most of what Starbucks serves in terms of beans is generally darker roasts, they have an earthier taste or burnt to someone who doesn't regularly drink them, it's somewhat of an acquired taste.

>> No.10980259

>staff are poorly trained.
does your barista have a PhD. in English lit?

>> No.10980403
File: 132 KB, 700x525, burnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink almost exclusively dark roast. Starbucks beans aren't dark, they're fucking burnt. Pic related isn't "an acquired taste." It's fucking burnt.

>> No.10980493
File: 22 KB, 500x376, 1493006439515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it to be honest.

I'm well-aware that there's superior bean water out there to drink, but I couldn't care less. I just drink it if I need caffeine or feel like giving my drink a bitter flavor.

I shamelessly order the coffee-free frappuccinos there, too.

Also they're not inherently evil. Props to them for being the only coffee chain that consistently has decaf alternatives and dairy substitutes.

>> No.10981439

>drinking leaf bath water

>> No.10981449

Yes, I'm a fucking child who can't tell the difference between good coffee and burnt fucking ass. If you ate shit for long enough it would taste good eventually

>> No.10981481

is that even legal in a public place...

>> No.10981581

Starbucks donates to planned parenthood

>> No.10982615

That's good to hear. I'm going to buy all my coffee and beans exclusively from them

>> No.10982625


>> No.10982637

Coffee is overrated. Buying coffee made instead of making it yourself is stupid.

>> No.10982678

True besides espresso. If you buy drip/batch brewed coffee regularly at cafes you're a dumbass

>> No.10982731

You think starbucks coffee is bad? You should have had coffee in the US before Starbucks got people interested coffee that was somewhere above F grade.

>> No.10982933

Starbucks also had better practices in the past, they have gotten worse over time as they attempt to create more value for shareholders by increasing profit margins.

>> No.10982980
File: 580 KB, 480x360, 1385634110362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to love starbucks coffee until as of last january when drinking it periodically threw me into keto-acidosis and I found out I'm type-2.

The problem is the copious amounts of sugar in their frappuchinos. It's about 30g standard per "Tall" size. And that's just the sugar syrup base itself without any added flavoring like vanilla bean or caramel. A caramel tall is almost 65g of sugar in one go, and thats not even 8 oz....

I tried getting their green tea matcha one with subbed milk , no cream and no added sugar, and it still put me well into the 300s. I'd just say don't do it. I loved their coffee too, but I just started doing actual grind in my own home and have found Not only is it signifigantly better for me, but theres actual flavor to the coffee itself that isn't overpowered by the extract flavors.

>> No.10983387

I'm a millenial and I agree. I can't live without my daily double whipped cream grande triple soy macchiato with 2 express shots with extra soy milk. The staff at Starbucks knows me by name now.

>> No.10983411

>the staff at Starbucks knows me by name now.
Stopped reading there

>> No.10983423

Based and redpilled

>> No.10983441

This is SOOOO true :O

>> No.10983740



>> No.10983901

Starbucks is for milkshakes and shit, not coffee.

>> No.10983979


>> No.10984021
File: 183 KB, 800x485, Starbucks-Discoveries-international-version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only starbuck cofee that is decent is the cold cofee they sell in supermarket and thats it

>> No.10984029

their food is pretty solid, and i like that they have nutrition facts

>> No.10984033

>coffee is ok but sugar soda is not
>60g of sugar in avg starbucks drink
lol pick one nerds.
drink fucking unsweet tea like you are supposed to, even fucking andy milonakis has figured that out.

>> No.10984233

>TFW abortion is the one fucking issue I just can't form a strong opinion on
Both sides have plenty of merit and it doesn't fucking affect me one way or the other.

>> No.10984345

Because you're over paying for shit coffee like a sucker - and it's not even coffee but mostly sugar and milk

>> No.10984360

I always hated it because I've never been a normie, and also I've always been poor

>> No.10984363

it's mediocre for the cost
could get better coffee elsewhere

only time I go to Starbucks is to get some hideous caramel abomination, and I haven't bothered with that in almost a year anyway

>> No.10984381


>> No.10984384

But it is bad.
I wish this would happen in other countries. In Saigon I can get fresh brewed amazing coffee and fresh cooked food on any street corner, and yet Starbucks and McDonalds are fucking packed.
There are better brands, but this statement is factual.

>> No.10984622
File: 366 KB, 495x454, 1526588013981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supporting illegal spics

>> No.10985675

>not getting the green tea Frappuccino
Uncultured swine

>> No.10985816

>Green tea
Their matcha cream mixes are abysmal at best. Do yourself a favor and make a real matcha cream and add it to your coffee. save money, AND your tastebuds