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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10957579 No.10957579 [Reply] [Original]

What's your most depressing food-related memory? I remember my grandfather was in the hospital and he couldn't stand the food there. My dad and I would visit him every day and he loved roast pork sandwiches so we snuck them in for him and we'd usually give him a few bites as he couldn't eat much. He ended up dying a bit later (no, not because of the sandwiches), but now whenever I try to eat them I remember how happy he was when we showed up with them.

>> No.10957617

I was a teenager when this happened. My parents bought me a Whataburger meal (it was a triple patty combo) and while eating it, they started arguing at each other for some reason. I tried to tune out the yelling by wearing headphones and raising the volume to the music. Considering that we were poor at the time, these headphones were pretty shitty at doing its job. The squabble eventually escalated into physical violence. I hear glass shattering, tables bumping against the wall, moments of silence, and so on.
I still enjoy Whataburger to this day, but I can't help but think about that instance.

>> No.10957668

My grandfather had a knack at knowing when I had a particularly rough day in high school. He'd pick me up and we'd go to taco bell to get the doritos taco. Soon enough he'd have me laughing.
Every time I drive by the place I want to go inside and get another taco but haven't been able to since he died 4 years ago

>> No.10957670

about a week before christmas, my brother was in an accident and wound up in a coma.

even though everyone in the family all basically stopped eating, when christmas came around, we tried to make it like every other holiday dinner: giant rib roast, pies, all that crap. it was really awful. no one said a word. just pushing food around our plates. he died 3 days later.

i stopped doing holiday meals after that. i just get a take and bake pizza or a frozen lasagna for thanksgiving or christmas.

>> No.10957717 [DELETED] 

Your mother is a slow learner.

>> No.10957770

Same thing with my great-granmother OP. She had a bad temper and when she was dying of cancer in the hospital my grandfather, also a cunt, would take her chicken soup he made himself (which to be honest looked awful). She would fake a smile and say she was nauseous so she'd eat it later and as soon as my grandfather leaves the room she would tell me and my dad to pour it down the sink and get pizza, beer and ice cream for the three of us. She was given two weeks but lasted four months like that. Good times.

>> No.10957842

Similar thing with me, except we snuck in strawberry milkshakes once a week. I was very young, I would get orange tic tac s or lifesavers from a vending machine while my dad just started at his dad who was dying. I couldn't look or be present so I would just zone out, still do the same thing now. Put down my dog, became stoic and couldn't cry. I sat outside on the curb and played an emulator on my phone then drove home. Didn't cry until that night. Some kind of dissociation.

I used to pickup mcdonalds for my friends every Friday before FNM, same order each time. When nuggets were really cheap. The manager would give me cardboard box to hold it all each time, really nice.

> friends not at card shop
Buncha missed calls from unknown number on shifty flip phone, food is cold. Don't smoke but go outside for smoke break anyway, answer phone
> Its best friends mom, they ALL died in head on collision
Driver nodded off cause of xana x + ibuprofen
> say "sorry" and just hang up
Go on autopilot, become aware as I'm finishing all the food (was fat fuck), 3 salads 50 nuggs, big macs, fries, cokes.
> at funeral
> best friends mom hugs me and cries for 20 minutes

Can't do anything to console her. Just stood there like an android. I avoided all people who knew the dead friends after that, it was too hard for me. Probably made the grieving process harder. I helped hide drivers drug addiction by covering shifts too. Still feel guilty.

Buncha people got tattoos on their calves to remember them, but I didn't.
So mcdonalds is emotional for me to eat in weird ways ,and I don't play magic.
> years later
See movie where fat guy eats fast food while standing over trashcan while crying. Fucks me up bad, I scream cry like the boxer guy on TLC when the son says "I still love you"

> 2 years ago
Was homeless for month
Eat fries out of trash that were just laying on top.
> People see
> Feel intense shame and bad memories rush back

>> No.10957853

Phone posting, ducked up the formatting.
Anyone else haunted at night by little pussy memories like these?
I get pain in my stomach and have to sit up.

I prefer to eat mcdonalds alone now where no one can see me. I've heard it's unhealthy to eat all meals alone

>> No.10957912

I think you should see a therapist.

>> No.10957949

It is sad to hear your grandfather died stuck to such a doggedly haram diet up to his dying day. I'm afraid the afterlife will not have been good to him.

>> No.10958177

That should at least be a bittersweet memory, you went out of your way to make an old man happy in his last days.

>> No.10958199

its your fault they all died
its obviously not.

Death is a hard thing anon. Be comforted by the fact that it's something we will all see happen around us, and everyone has very personal connections, and yet we will lose every one of them. Life is indeed a beautiful thing still. We have but forward to go.

>> No.10958208
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Girlfriend of 4 years broke up with me in December because I turned into a deadbeat alcoholic.
She did it while we were eating dinner of pasta with parmesan and kielbasa.
Still not over it, and have become even more of an alcoholic shut in, and she cut all communication a few months ago

>> No.10958222

she was probably riding another dick anyway

>> No.10958226

She probably didn't like you that much anyway, when I started drinking loads my family and girlfriend helped me through it.

You were probably just some temporary companionship until she met Chad at work or something.

Hurts to hear but unless you were an abusive cunt she wouldn't have just dropped you like that if she really gave a shit.

Get over her and sort your shit out, faggot.

>> No.10958241

Still unemployed right now. She was pretty much the only thing keeping me from going into full self destruct mode, which is 100% on

>> No.10958243

Pea soup

>> No.10958380

You should play cards with some people. Or, Pathfinder or something.

>> No.10958478

I'm a month into quitting alcohol after getting pass out drunk almost every day for like 7 years

Life seems more worth living, and it's much easier for me to deal with problems and talk to people. I'm starting to enjoy my old hobbies again.

Try to quit anon, it's worth it.

>> No.10958526

No the afterlife wasn't good to him. It was great to him because he wasn't a dog-believer who believes in dog-gods.

>> No.10958634

Yo, not who you responded too, but I've been drinking around 25 units a night for the past 3/4 years. Sometimes I go nearly a week with no alcohol, sometimes it gets bad and I go up to 40 units a day.

Do you by any chance have any insight into how much I've managed to damage myself so far? I recently got a bad case of gastritis and was bedridden for half a week and my whole face swelled up. It kinda freaked me out and I'm scared I'm basically 80 years old on the inside now.

Just wanted

>> No.10958655

I feel bad for you, you seem like an okay person, and just writing your post is its own therapy.
Maybe sit and talk about it more with someone, maybe a friend maybe a therapist.

>> No.10958664
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Chicken Cordon bleu reminds me of the time i puked after eating chicken cordon bleu cause chicken cordon bleu is fucking disgusting, this it depresses me that this literal fucking food from the trash was ever considered into the recipebooks of history rather than being some hick redneck shitdish passed down secretly only within bloodlines.

mcdonalds is literally more healthy than chicken cordon bleu.

>> No.10958742

When my mother was in hospice dying of cancer I made the mistake of telling staff she enjoyed chocolate milk. They ended up giver her all her meds with a glass of chocolate milk.

One night she looked over at me and said
>I don't ever want chocolate milk again.

Those were her last words to me. She slipped into a coma and died 2 days later. Guess she got her wish.

>> No.10958746

Don't be depressed anon, a lot of people never even knew their grandparents and yours was a nice farewell to him, honor him by chowing down on one or making a great one yourself

>> No.10958775

I think I've fucked my brain up to the point that I can only enjoy doing things if I have a drink in hand

>> No.10958797
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>breaded chicken breast, ham, and cheese is disgusting

>> No.10958813

Never tried alcohol and never smoked, my gastritis is still so bad that I'm always in pain.
What do you do to make it get better?

>> No.10958816

I mean your brain chemistry rn is fucked up, yeah. But just as it used be different, it can again be changed. I know its tough, man, im going through it too.
Fuck i miss alck threads, they really helped me when i go through wd

>> No.10958829

>She probably didn't like you that much anyway
>she was probably riding another dick anyway
Look at these copes. The dude turned into a deadbeat alcoholic by his own admission; loads of people don't want to deal with that shit. Drunks become belligerent when confronted and try to deny blame, then cry when they're cornered, they're absolutely shit to deal with and sure, she might have tried to stay around and help him through it. Loads of women do that shit and get roped into physically abusive relationships. The drunk poster got what he deserved, honestly, and your "w-well it was the roastie's fault" go-to confirmation is not helping him. It was his fault for losing control, not her fault for not wanting to be in a toxic situation.
-t. Became a drunk and lost everything, and retrospectively I know I deserved all the shit and hate I got. All drunks do.

>> No.10958831

I agree with him. chicken and ham together makes my dick soft

>> No.10958843

Life is short, anon, and you can't be that old. Don't hand away your agency to make something of the rest of it. It'll push you in the dirt all on its own but it's your responsibility to pick yourself back up. The sooner you can make yourself do that, the fewer repercussions you'll face down the line.

Alcohol is a vicious cycle of escape and recovery. Alcoholics drink to escape their problems, and spend much of the rest of their time just getting their shit together and not feeling terrible. But as >>10958478 says, the problems you're escaping become manageable once every moment of the day isn't just about NOT feeling like shit.

You too, bud. Only a doctor can tell you how badly you've fucked yourself up, but our bodies are incredibly resilient. You need to uncover why you're doing this to yourself in spite of the knowledge that it's harmful. Alcoholism isn't a cause, it's an effect. Find the root and cut that shit out.

>> No.10958845

When my father was in the later stages of lupus he couldn't hardly keep anything down. At the end he could only stand one thing, those strawberry milks in the carton. Christ almighty he loved that shit. Every time his birthday rolls around I have one in his memory. For 20 years I've been drinking a fucking Nestlé strawberry milk, that artificially flavored neon red shit. Over the years they have somehow gotten worse and less creamy, if you can believe it. Makes me miss him.

>> No.10958854

I loved those as a kid, tried one the other day and wanted to cry. whats happened to my artificially flavored milk.

>> No.10958855

Oh shit, wtf? Well my gastri is a sudden thing that completely knocks me out for about 4 days, after heavy binge drinking. I think we have a different kind.
I dunno what to say anon, I assume you've googled it and know the general things to avoid. Is it a constant long term thing? Have you seen doctor, and what did they say? Legit curious.

>> No.10958858

They stopped using whole milk as the base

>> No.10958864

Based. Accepting responsibility is the only way to improve.

>> No.10959288

i miss my grandfathers ;-;

>> No.10959297

is there anything that the jews won't ruin

>> No.10959344

quite a story anon

>> No.10959553

I never really had a birthday party with other kids, just a home cooked dinner with my mother, father, and sometimes my grandmother. I always asked for roast beef, bacon potato casserole, and brussel sprouts panfried with shallots.

One year, when I was turning 12, My father had just cut the beef when we heard my mother scream from outside. We raced to the front door. She was sobbing on the ground outside and clutching her right arm, which was suddenly a few inches shorter than her left.

Long story short, she fell forward from an elevated rock wall and tried to catch herself with one palm. Since she was quite rotund this caused most of the bones in her hand and wrist to shatter and get shoved a few inches up her arm, the bones of which in turn forcing themselves out of and past her shoulder joint.

My mother wanted me to stay home with my father, so my grandmother drove her to the emergency room. I still remember sitting at the dinner table across my father. We stared at each other wordlessly, surrounded by balloons, as medium-rare roast beef cooled on our plates.

I still hear her trembling voice whenever I eat good roast beef.

“I f-finally got a week off to paint, how c-can I paint now?”

She was a damn good painter.

>> No.10959586
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>> No.10959685

anon i feel your pain
my brother died around the holidays too. take that time to really bond with your family and remember him and bolster your relationship with the rest of your family. hope you find a way back to enjoying that time of year, it’s always sad but it’s returned to feeling warm at least

>> No.10960922

I've read about it, and I've been avoiding acidic and unhealthy food. Well, it has been half a year now. I have seen a doctor and the doctor gave me some medicine for gastritis, but I stopped taking medicine after experiencing serious side effects. I think I got it last year because I was starving and binged on fruit cereal for breakfast for a week. I added water but I may have eaten too much. I'm a skeleton but I eat a lot.

>> No.10961006

Mealz and feelz

>> No.10961083
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>last year at school
>live quite nearby and have a car
>have a two hour free period most days
>used to drive home with my gf, make grilled cheese and smash before heading back to school
>mfw this is a good food memory

>> No.10961150

when I was a kid me and my brother were eating mcdonalds and we got into a fight for whatever reason and I threw my hamburger at him

>> No.10962554

great post

>> No.10963076
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I have a distinct sad food memory I think about fairly often. I was 7/8 and my parents had been divorced for a couple years. Dad was a drug addict with a temper and mom got out before it got worse. One night he came to pick up me and my sister to get dinner. My sister didn't want to see him or had something else she wanted/needed to do, don't remember.

I do remember though that they pulled quickly out of our driveway with my dad yelling "she's my kid too!" at my mom. Then he took me to Burger King and we sat in near silence eating whopper combos. It's been burned pretty solidly into my memory. A couple years later he died of a heart attack mostly due to his prolonged heroin use, although he had been sober for years at that point and trying to get his shit together. My mom got me a slurpee and some candy after she picked me up from school that day and then told me in the car what happened. Same driveway and car from the first sad food memory too now that I think about it.

>> No.10963085

My dads best friend who was basically a brother was dying from pancreatic cancer. He no longer wanted to live so he had to kill himself by starving himself to death inside the hospital as euthanasia was not possible. When my dad came to see him, he was so dehydrated he could barely talk, so he had to wash his mouth with water and then spit it out to ensure he doesn't stay alive any longer.

>> No.10964742

I got depressed from reading this anon

>> No.10964759

i puked about 4 or 5 times from frozen cordon bleu when i was young. could just be some shitty brand.

>> No.10964828

Thanksgiving. All of it.

Stepmother at the time was an abusive cunt and threw me out for sticking up for my brother after he didnt eat all of thanksgiving dinner(kid's picky).

Still hate thanksgiving to this day.

>> No.10965232

For what it's worth a ex-gf got so drunk when she was hanging out with some friends of hers that she had to get her stomach pumped and I visited her in the hospital and snuck her some pizza slices.

Getting drunk is one thing and fun, but getting so drunk that you need your stomach pumped is crossing a line, of cource I never bothered her with that. I just snuck in pizza slices.

>> No.10965240


>> No.10965256
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I once said "i don't want to drink this shit" when I got a free Diet Rite and the person who gave it to me overheard it and called me ungrateful. I've felt bad for 20 years since.

>> No.10965666

Ibuprofen wouldn't affect consciousness levels