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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10950551 No.10950551 [Reply] [Original]

>Sup muh boy, i gots ya pizza righ herrr, dat gonna be 19.99 plus tip homie

>> No.10950556

Thank you, have a good night.

>> No.10950558

Thanks, man. Have a good night.

>> No.10950562

Here you go. *gives money, takes pizza* Have a nice evening. *teleports back to room to shitpost on /ck/*

>> No.10950563

Cool, thanks for your timely response. Here's a five and have a good night.

>> No.10950570

thanks, i already added a tip to my online order. have a good one, man

>> No.10950577

fuck you stupid nigger monkey fuck, give me my pizza

>> No.10950583

Thanks a lot, have a good night man.

>> No.10950584

Fuck you nigger I'm not giving you a fucking tip.....fucking NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! *Spits on the ground infront of his feet*
*Takes pizza and slams door in his face*

>> No.10950586

>things you've only said on the internet

>> No.10950587

I don't tip your kind sorry

>> No.10950588

Aaaaand /thread

>> No.10950591


>> No.10950592

Here's $24 home boy, flippity zippity!

>> No.10950595

Here's a benjamin homie. Keep the change

>> No.10950596
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>> No.10950602
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>ordering a pizza when you could save money by cooking

>> No.10950604


God dammit /pol/

>> No.10950606
File: 97 KB, 1100x750, papajohns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello sir, I have your hot, fresh pizza right here. That'll be $19.99 plus tip?
>Wait, what do you mean you already paid for your pizza? Let me see.
>That nigger gave you a $5 Little Caesars and pocketed the rest!

>> No.10950607

>getting triggered by "nigger" on 4chan
Get the fuck out, faggot.

>> No.10950612

t. nigger delivery boy

>> No.10950630


>> No.10950646


>> No.10950663

>flour: $2.99
>Pizza sauce: $3 (making your own $3+)
>Meats: $4.99
>Cheese: $2.99

Looks like at least $14 worth of shit you're only going to use once, not including the time needed for the dough to rise and pizza baked.

>> No.10950666

Sorry, my good man, I don't accept deliveries from those who are alternatively hued in terms of color. However, I appreciate your efforts, so I'll do you the favor of not sicking my pack of wild dogs on you. Good day.

>> No.10950667

>plus tip
Why do Americans do this for real? They tip the most arbitrary jobs and it's basically mandatory because the companies are allowed to play the employees less than minimum wage.

>> No.10950676

You just answered your own question there m8

>> No.10950677

And it would be even cheaper takeout instead of delivery.

>> No.10950678

wow, rude

>> No.10950681

At least you attempted humor instead of these autistic fucks

>> No.10950692

>>>le reddit

>> No.10950693

The gentlemen racist. The last of his kind

>> No.10950717

This man earned his satan trips

>> No.10950726

>Pizza sauce: $3
Literally retarded. You can get a can for 89 cents and only use a third of it per pizza.
Source: I did exactly this last week while watching that "How it ends" movie on neto frixu that was complete garbage.

>> No.10950937
File: 179 KB, 400x240, cringe_reel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything I don't like is reddit
Go back to gaia newfag