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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 538 KB, 1890x1080, Fortnite cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10949778 No.10949778[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

These Vbucks fortnite cookies look better than the ones I made.

>> No.10949788
File: 273 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180722_155425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine for comparison

>> No.10949795
File: 360 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180722_155429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really proud of the rest but my vbuck cookies are lacked luster.

>> No.10949929
File: 444 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20180722_161440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I did a great job on the llama pinata cookie though :3

>> No.10950004
File: 170 KB, 1511x2015, IMG_20180722_163627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally a cake I made upon the request of my gf

>> No.10950015

>Happy 10 Birthday
>10 Birthday
you had one job

>> No.10950021

My job was to make the cake?

>> No.10950039

I just realized its suppose to say 10th xD

>> No.10950085

>the average fortnite player is 10 (ten) years old
Fortnite players are no better than ponyfags

>> No.10950088

Why do people like this shitty game so much?

>> No.10950106

That's a llama not a pony...?
Because it's not a "$#!++*" game, it's actually a really darn good game.

>> No.10950120

Let me explain it for you, newfaggot.
Fortnite is for children. My Little Pony is for children. Fortnitefags are the same as ponyfags.

>> No.10950121

I mean, your posts are obvious bait, I'm more curious about what everyoene else has to say about it. On that note: does anyone over the age of 19 even play this game anymore other than nongamer girls excited they can just camp in this shitty game and label themselves as "gamer"?

>> No.10950131

What does that show have anything to do with Fortnite or the food in this thread? Fortnite is not just for children, it's for people of all ages to enjoy.

>> No.10950165

Sweetie, if you were looking for syncophancy and compliments on your shitty cookies you made for a 10 year old fortnight player, you best go to reddit. They'll accept you and your candy gorging manchild ass.

>> No.10950177

I'm 29 and consider fornite hot garbage. PUBG is better even with the problems it currently has. Fornite is just for people who like to build and shoot people,l. The building aspect is one of the reasons I don't like it, and the overall unrealistic feeling it has.

>> No.10950211

A.) It's actually spelled Fortnite
B.) I already posted it on reddit
C.) I wasn't looking for compliments, I just wanted to show you guys what you can do with a few baking ingredients, a bit of creativity and a lot of love and passion.

>> No.10950219
File: 81 KB, 645x671, 1530841369859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10950261

It's fucking cookies, get over yourself.

>> No.10950268

>creativity, love, and passion
Get over yourself. They're shitty cookies you made from shitty fondant and sugar cookie mix based on the designs from the children's video game.

Don't ever post this here again.

>> No.10950269

Actually, those "effing cookies" made 4 people extremely happy, and that "effing cake" highly impressed her other 10 year old friends. So lets see... yep that's one bad review from a stranger who never tasted them versus 15 happy diners.

>> No.10950276

I love fortnite

>> No.10950295

They're actually really good cookies made from scratch with love, passion and creativity for the people I respect the most.
>based on the designs from the children's video game.
That doesn't make it a bad game. I'm sure you still like some cartoon show or game that was originally aimed at children.
>Don't ever post this here again.
Are you the mod of this sub? No? Then buzz off and don't tell me what to post :p
Me too :) I finally got the floss dance down IRL

>> No.10950308

I bet you have a Live, Laugh, Love sign in your bathroom you dumb roastie

Get cancer :)

>> No.10950337

I'm not a woman, but we do actually have a Live, Laugh, Love sign but it's in our kitchen not our bathroom.
You just outed yourself as an incel by using the R- word by the way ;)

>> No.10950404

Oh, my anonymous reputation is ruined because some blasted gash thinks I don't have regular sex with my gf
Gonna go fap to anime and use my tears as lube :'(

>> No.10950460

>Gonna go fap to anime and use my tears as lube :'(
Only true part of this post

>> No.10950477

>i already posted on reddit
Go back

>> No.10950492

Welcome Reddugees!

>> No.10950502

Even shitty cookies are cookies.

>> No.10950517

Good argument

>> No.10950560

Go back where? I have that subreddit opened in another tab on my macbook
Did you try them? Are you one of Mckenzie's friends? No? Then be quiet.

>> No.10950841

Thank you!

>> No.10951113

Fortnite is a fun game, when you win.
But the disconnects, the hackers (why would you hack on a fucking royale game), the bugs, the over the top cosmetic prices, the ton of kids that play just as good as you because there is no skill to it pretty much kills it. Wish my pc could run pubg.

>> No.10952529

These look great, OP! WOW! :O I WISH I WAS MCKENZIE!