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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10949414 No.10949414 [Reply] [Original]

Chick fil a is the most overrated fast food joint. It has tiny little portions of food, it's sauce is all super sweet. It's mascots are meme cows
It's like made for little kids.

>> No.10949420

>tiny little portions
consider losing weight

>> No.10949422

those nuggets look shit

the waffle things look kinda cool

who gives a flying fuck about the mascot

>> No.10949431

>tiny portions
then get two sandwiches, or get it with a side of fries

>sauce is super sweet
it's fine without the sauce

only a child would be petty enough to just a restaurant by the mascot

>> No.10949438

t. fag

>> No.10949443

Is it me or is it a little more expensive than other places?
I don't give a shit I still love it.

>> No.10949461

Customer service is what sets them apart from other chains. I would rather go to a CFA just because of how clean and efficient the place is.
It's cheaper than McDonalds in my area.

>> No.10949501

Mascots matter in a way, how a place presents itself is very important and what demographic they are reaching too. Now lets say Chuck E Cheese had the best pizza in the states, it wouldn't matter because it's not for adults. It's a kids place

>> No.10949505

They are truly most overrated. Their quality is way overhyped and always has been.

When they first started out, their portions were bigger. I went there about 5 years ago then not again until earlier this year. Was shocked at how little they give now. Especially the fries. Potatoes are cheap, they should give you 2 bags worth for a combo.

Also, they add an unspoken tax for "customer service." It's fast food, the cashier could spit at me and I'd still eat it. I'm not paying more for someone to give me a fakeass smile and be nice.

Oh and the nugs are completely undeserving of the praise they get. I'd rather have McDonald's meat-tube nuggets.

>> No.10949523

>It's mascots are meme cows
>It's like made for little kids.
That's because fast food is made for kids but boomers hijacked it and now every adult eats it.

>> No.10949530

t. tranny mad hes going to hell

>> No.10949598

The nuggets were pretty good, with crispy breading and actually juicy pieces
Sometimes get the fries with the polynesian sauce, good stuff

>> No.10949637

>doesn't eat best food bc they have a carton mascot
>being this superficial
>somehow not immature

>> No.10949764

>It's like made for little kids.
Well, that's obviously their target market since their slick marketing campaign touting their support of gay conversion torture concentration camps was virtue signaling to the childish homophobic right.

I ate there once before their homophobic campaign and the sandwich bun was soggy, the meat tasteless, dry, CAFO chemically injected white meat fried in GMO oil. The fries were cold and soggy. But it was served with a big fake smile, so there's that, lol. Never been back but others I know say it's ok, typical average crap fast food so my experience may have been an anomaly.

>> No.10949775

Kys fag lover

>> No.10949790

This is what makes a fast-food joint for me. KFCs in Canada are covered in slime from the kitchen to the door.

>> No.10949798

kys americunt.

>> No.10949824


you're gonna burn lol

>> No.10950019

>tiny little portions
You fat queer

>> No.10950033
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>he bought the dip

Dump it.

>> No.10950036

still better than the mcdonalds mascots

>> No.10950118

it's made for boomers
the mascot cow trying to not get eaten is the kind of joke a dad would make
it tries to present things in the way how "America used to be"

>> No.10950156

I tried it recently myself and was not impressed either. I’ve heard that the quality of CFA changes from state to state depending on where they source their chicken though but I wouldn’t know.

>> No.10950396

It's a lot better than most fast food joints. The crust on their fried chicken is probably the best I've ever had. And like others said the service. I don't think I've ever had some nigger fuck up my order or give me an attitude.

>> No.10950452



>> No.10950622
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>It has tiny little portions of food
>This is what mart sharters actually believe

>> No.10950634

Waffle fries are trash. Their chicken is no better than any other non-chain non shit restaurant

Im vegan now so I find all their food reprehensible

>> No.10950684


Fuck off nigger

>> No.10950709

Their chicken nuggets are pretty fucking garbage. Weirdly sweet, barely breaded, and soggy texture. Weird how they fuck that up when their chicken sandwiches are pretty top tier.

>> No.10950728

>Based and repilled
>Pro Trump
It's literally the best fast food restaurant.

>> No.10950736

This. My Jewish friends love it and we hold our monthly Israel support groups there. #MIAAGA

>> No.10950741

Married longer than you've probably been alive, Cletus, to an asian female that would most certainly be considered fap worthy by even the most jaded incel like you.

>> No.10950743
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>> No.10950789

>when some beta who can't get a real woman imports third world trash and thinks it's something to brag about

>> No.10951750

Stop making chik-fil-a threads on sundays you G-d hating fag.

>> No.10951783

>Tiny portions

>> No.10951815


>> No.10951826

It seems in line with any other fast food place, they just don't have much in the way of a "value menu". It's like almost $9 for most combo meals at McDonald's nowadays.
I think their nuggets are good, the only issue with them is that the chicken is so moist that the breading seems to want to slough off pretty easy. I agree that they look like shit though, but they taste fine.

>> No.10951832

>this upset about fried chicken
>”real woman”
Nigger dating a 300 lbs white “real” woman detected

>> No.10951847

>im so cool and alpha for importing a flat-faced snaggle-toothed subhuman because no one else wants me
>lol ur a nigger
i win

>> No.10951860

I wasn’t who you were taking to stupid. I don’t really give a fuck about chink whores but it’s pretty clear that both they and fried chicken being insulted rustle your little jimmies. I guess I’d be mad all of the time if I were a nigger, too.

>> No.10951868
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Ah hahahahah!
Fucking faggot!
Your daily "hur durr im gonna post about chick fil a to inevitably devolve into a /pol/ rant about black people" thread didn't work out, even though you samefagged and threw in nigger here and there.
Sucks to be you, shithead.

>> No.10951986

Thank you. Everyone I know loves their nuggets, but they are shit.
A deluxe chicken sandwich is godly, though.

>> No.10952009
File: 3.65 MB, 320x180, HAHAHA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asian fe-

>> No.10952010

they don't have a value menu.

but meal prices are the same as everywhere.

>> No.10952011

All you morons saying the nuggets are trash are idiots. Its the exact fucking thing as the sandwiches.

>> No.10952250


>> No.10952354

the tacobells in my county used to be the nastiest chains. then most of them remodeled and they're so clean now and have outlets everywhere.

>> No.10954008

chic fil a is the only fast food place that has never gotten my order wrong.

>> No.10954022

Their ordering system is very efficient. The line is always out the door at lunch time but somehow I'm always able to get in, order my food and get it in about 10 minutes at most.

>> No.10954197

Last time I had fast food, I ate the fries because they suck cold and I had to take the sandwich with me because I was full.

>> No.10954325

>chic fil a is the only fast food place that has never gotten my order wrong.
Duh, that's because they're always right

>> No.10954495

*breathes in*

>> No.10954500

weak bait

>> No.10954544

>it's sauce is all super sweet
>Ingredients: Soybean oil, sugar
and it has the consistency of jelly. Fucking disgusting shit

>> No.10954567

>Objectively superior chicken sandwiches
>Delicious waffle fries
>Chic-fil-a sauce is God tier

Sound like an average case of shit taste OP.

>> No.10954609

>gives assessment based on real experience albeit with a sound thrashing of their homophobic clientele
>it's b-bait 'cause he hurt muh feefees, really that's it, trust me, ok?

>> No.10954615

>It's cheaper than McDonalds

Most normal people would understand that's a warning sign.

>> No.10954635

your bait is even shittier

>> No.10954661
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>we've upset it.

>> No.10954800
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Dude, just let it go.

Let it go.

>> No.10955014

>chick fil a
>most overrated
that's a funny way of spelling In-n-out

>> No.10955015

You sound fat

>> No.10955025
File: 473 KB, 750x913, GAMEOVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try harder faggot

>> No.10955311

>me love you long time, white husband

>> No.10955479
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>mfw the right gets triggered and starts wringing their hands and gnashing their teeth as easily as an sjw

>> No.10955566
File: 297 KB, 689x720, 1520542811777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomer gets triggered and quotes everyone because they insulted his slant-eyed 3rd world trophy wife

>> No.10956466

*Tips Fatdora*

>> No.10956500

well yeah therenot trying to kill there customers you stupid fuck if you dont like the size of the chicken sandwich order two of them retard or order a meal and stfu

>> No.10956509

they are top tier whe they are fresh also there for kids they dont give a shit also there grilled chicken uggets are fucking awesome

>> No.10956728

but you're the one triggered by a fucking shitty restaurant with sub-par food
you're calling other people mad when you're the one insulting people

>> No.10956749

lol bruh everyone's laughing at you
i bet she's swamp asian with nasty teeth

>> No.10956789
File: 296 KB, 1200x1200, CFDKX0eVEAEZnpW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP has never had their chocolate chunk cookie. It's the only major fast food cookie that actually resembles homemade ones.

>> No.10956867

Jews learned to hedge their risk through finance. Israel wins but jews in the u.s. lose. Other way around with a democrat president
They'll always win and you should know better

>> No.10956902
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>> No.10956916
File: 38 KB, 500x281, AUTISM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCsMKypvmB0 STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!!!!!

>> No.10957317


You better fuck right off with this jagoff comment. Try and talk shit about Mayor McCheese to my face and see what happens. I hope Grimace, the Hamburglar and two of the Fry Guys take turns raping your grandfather's dirty asshole while Birdee & Ronald film it all.