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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10945739 No.10945739 [Reply] [Original]

What is your opinion on these patties and other vegan products that resemble real meat?

>> No.10945744

All vegans and vegan products must die

>> No.10945748

When the purge comes vegans will be fed to the hogs.

>> No.10945773

Goes great with my soylent beverage

>> No.10945776

I have never eaten a veggie burger that didn't taste like ass. Maybe one exists, but I'm not interested in looking.

>> No.10945781

Too expensive but they taste okay.

>> No.10945796
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Veganfag here. They're pretty good, I just wish they had a longer shelf life of more than 10 days.

I work in a health food/all organic grocery store and we sell these but whenever we get them in they always sell out in either a day or two if we're lucky. Customers are always asking when we're getting them because 99% of the time the freezer where we keep them is empty because the company's factory can't keep up with demand. When we do get them, people buy lile 5 or more at a time.

>> No.10945879

Expensive, but taste fucking good.

>> No.10945897

I hate when people ask when we're getting some more shit in stock.

I don't run the fucking company dick head. I don't fucking know.

>> No.10945899


I like to cook veggie burgers in bacon grease.

>> No.10945925

oh i get it very funny you unoriginal fuck

>> No.10945942

I always wonder why vegan food does its hardest to replace omnivore foods with substitutes. Meat subs, cheese subs, egg subs. Just create your own things and stop calling it stuff like "Nu-egg" "Beyond Meat" "Dog shit" and other crap like that. You want to eat vegan, eat vegan and continue your moral superiority complexes, but stop trying to cover up your insecurities of desiring a burger by making a faux-burger.

>> No.10945943

>What is your opinion on these patties

They’re delicious.

>and other vegan products that resemble real meat

The Impossible is pretty good, not as good as the Beyond. None of the others are worth talking about.

>> No.10945990

Just because I'm vegan doesn't mean I don't think meat is fucking delicious. But for me the killing isn't worth it. The vegan substitutes are for people who like meat taste/texture but don't like modern farming practices.

I don't think they're very healthy though so I only eat them on rare occasions, I stick to unprocessed food for the most part.

>> No.10946002

Does it taste good?

>> No.10946474

I'm not a vegan or a vegit but I do try to limit my meat intake. The meat-for-every-meal meme is not good dude, we prob shouldn't even be eating it more than every other day.

But I would generally prefer to go with a more traditional protein like beans over faux meat.

But in some ways I do like the idea of vegetable based faux meats. I just can't entirely swallow the dubious effects on testosterone and the long string of question marks as to what kind of laboratory food processing would go into making this sort of thing

>> No.10946477


>> No.10946488


I'm suspicious of any "food" that came out of a test tube.

Also while I haven't tried them all, every single vegan food I have ever tried tasted like absolute garbage. Any future where people eat shit like that is a dystopia.

>> No.10946494
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>> No.10946523

annon do you mind? I am trying to sound well informed over here

>> No.10946526

To transition? You're not gonna scold smokers for using nicotine patches and gum, are you?

>> No.10946756

I hear these are about as close as you can get to a full on substitute. I don't think they contain soy even tho everybody wants to make the meme. I'd never spend my money on them, but I'd certainly accept one if given to me.

I hear the jackfruit replacements are pretty good, too

>> No.10947196

>But for me the killing isn't worth it
dude bugs birds and rabbits get killed at a higher rate to satisfy your specific food requirements dont start with the moral crusade

>> No.10947214

They're not bad. A bit too expensive though when you can make a tastier burger with chickpeas, lentils and beans.

Plus like another poster said, the shelf life fucking sucks.

>> No.10947220

I had impossible meat before, it definitely has the texture but it tastes like meat that's a bit off. Definitely needs more work.

>> No.10947224

Impossible meat wasn't made to appease vegans the creator said himself

>> No.10947296

idk why vegans even bother with shit like this thats clearly trying to imitate meat when a well made black bean burger is already delicious as fuck

>> No.10947319

>What is your opinion on these patties and other vegan products that resemble real meat?

They don't. They look vaguely like meat, but they taste nothing like meat. I've never understood the point of them myself. Why be vegan and then constantly look for meat substitutes? Why not just eat vegan food.

>> No.10947361

Source on that please?

>> No.10947387

salad has feelings too you savage

>> No.10947416

>I always wonder why vegan food does its hardest to replace omnivore foods with substitutes.

If the mere idea of veganism didn't make you so fucking uncomfortable you wouldn't have any problem coming with an answer for this.

>> No.10947419

Sounds like I just found the perfect business to get into

>> No.10947455

They will die much sooner if they base their diet on these shit. In other words, keep producing them.

>> No.10948152
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I came out of a test tube anon, are you suspicious of me too?

>> No.10949585

I've had beyond burgers. They're delicious but too expensive at the moment to really be practical.

Jackfruit is a great meat substitute in terms of flavor. I have no idea what the macro-nutrient breakdown is though.

My personal anecdote as someone who recently transitioned is that I miss the taste of meat. If we can accurately simulate the taste/nutrients of meat or synthesize meat without mistreating animals, and maybe even surpass the flavor of natural meat through substitutes using science, doesn't everyone win?

>> No.10951110

FtM or MtF?

>> No.10951140

the fact that they advertise as GMO free suggests they are a dishonest company and should be avoided

>> No.10951173

I tried one of these today. Off all the imitation meats I've tried this one by far tastes the most like what it's supposed to be. That said it still doesn't taste much like the real thing. I still stand by my opinion that if you're vegan or vegetarian you shouldn't bother with things that imitate meat. There are far better things you can make.

>> No.10951256
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The fact that we are in a culture that thinks meat is bad is the full retard mode situation. A lot of this is a craze, a trend for now. Meat is good for you. When you eat fake ass shit, you're missing out on shit you need. All the vitamins. Everything in meat. I'll cont eating my steak while you keep asking "why does everything I eat taste like shit?"

Stop making up shit to taste like meat and just eat meat for god sakes.

>> No.10951292
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>> No.10951296

Why does it matter? you're not taking care of them, you're not raising them, there's a difference in killing for sport, killing for food and keeping an animal for a pet. We aren't in korea where breed a specific dog to eat. OR china for cat.

If you want to be a vegi-vegan so bad, move to india. They dont eat meat for the most part (correct me if I'm wrong)

I agree with you anon. All medicine created by humans are inherently worse for you than smoking weed to clear your head or cure your cancer. But doctors say it's better to take a xanax for your anxiety than smoke weed all because they are paid to say it.


>> No.10951303

its just liberal coastie culture. Flyover will never buy into this fad

>> No.10951313

I'm all for new things in case something goes out like we kill all cows or something, but to change something just because "I DONT WANT TO KILL A LIFE FOR FOOD!" then fine, it's your turn to die I guess.

>> No.10951322

Losing meat is like losing gluten based bread and pasta.

We're creatures of habit, we don't want to lose a big chunk of the textures and flavours of the kitchen we're familiar with.

>> No.10951327
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>a burger patty is a type of animal

>> No.10951332

also meat is good

Being a picky eater is tough unless you make up some arbitrary moral system to justify it

>> No.10951337

I didn't say that, I'm saying if you're going to sub for meat don't call it meat, don't say it is meat. I'm saying that it's retarded to try and make something taste like something for the sake of flavor when you could easily have it. Now on the other hand, if you have some allergy to say a meat that's understandable.

>> No.10951346

All moral systems are arbitrary, except for mine which is objectively true.

>> No.10951351
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>> No.10951368

>What does it matter? You're not taking care of them, you're not raising them
I said FOR ME, I don't want animals to be killed to be MY food. Yes, ideally I don't want then to be anyone's food but that's not up to me. But I don't want to be part of that cycle, what others do is on them.

As for India, most of them eat meat. There is a couple small sects who are vegetarian but the majority of the country eats meat. Why would I move to a third world shithole when I can eat vegan here?

>> No.10951374

if you're going to be vegetarian then just eat vegetable
whats even the point eating shit like that

>> No.10951375

I agree, these faggots arguing with you can't see they dyed the patty pink and made it look stringy. For what? Seriously pot sue? You're not tricking me vegan corporation

>> No.10951387

Because that's the next step. People who aren't sold on the idea of eating grains, fruits, and vegetables their entire lives will be turned off by the idea. Why not have those things taste like the animal products you love.

>> No.10951390

Most people aren't raised vegan and have attachments to meat containing foodstuffs like burgers, providing an alternative that's at least somewhat similar to meat in flavor and texture makes it easier. But honestly, why do you care so much? Are you just that assblasted that other people who share values other than your own are enjoying something? I'm not even vegan and never plan to go vegan, but I don't get butt bothered because things that I don't need to buy exist.

>> No.10951413

You mentioned the ethics of veganism on one post, but then totally forget it here? Why?

>> No.10951421

It's not that, it's the fact that people don't shut the fuck up about eating fake meat. Eating food that basically the equivalent of eating sand. You're getting nothing from it and you will likely die early. If people didn't talk about it, then no one would care. I don't get why people need to tell us constantly about their diets.

likely wasn't my point in that next post

>> No.10951424

>That picture
Yeah, forget that genetics are a thing. Everyone is made equal

>> No.10951431

You're right not everyone is. However, doctors will even say, people who have STUDIED diets, nutrition, medicine, and so on that eating meat, vegetables and other things like it is what a human is meant to eat. That's like telling a wolf not to eat a hare.

>> No.10951439

Literally who is talking about it all the time? I can't think of a single time in the last couple weeks where someone walked up to me and said "HEY, YOU, I EAT FAKE MEAT". Even on /ck/, most of the vegan threads/posters are trolls trying to stir up a shit flinging match.

>> No.10951447

Constantly on facebook, twitter, instagram, most social media outlets and a few faggots irl

>> No.10951453

>its not that
You just said it was, retard

>its the fact people dont shut the fuck up about eating fake meat
No one does this, autists like you complain about muh meat appropriation

>> No.10951461

God i fucking love putting dark meat in my mouth

>> No.10951465

No I'm not, I see it all over my god damn wall. All these animal activist posts say how much better it is to be fucking vegan. I see it a lot and I have to unfollow pages I thought I liked. It's fucking annoying. You might not see it but I do.

you got me anon.

>> No.10951471

You mentioned that they don't want animals to die just so they can eat. So why not have a ethically made burger?
Yeah, are bodies are made for the intention for being omnivores. But we can live healthy lives without eating meat.

>> No.10951475

By getting so involved in social media you're literally asking for loud, obnoxious faggots to shove their opinions down your throat. Why would you sign up for services where the "winner" is the one who screams the loudest? It's not the products who are at fault, it's the retards who use social media.

>> No.10951485

It's made from plant matter so it's actually somewhat nutritious, also 20g of protein per patty, that's pretty good. It's mostly trolls on /ck/, this is like the one legitimate vegan thread I've seen, which isn't even vegan, OP just wanted to know if the burgers were good. IRL I've only met one other vegan in my life, I don't get this "vegans won't shut up" meme, it's you fuckers who keep bringing it up

Humans aren't 'meant' to eat anything. We have a digestive system that evolved to digest certain matter, sometimes meat sometimes plants. That says nothing about what's optimal for health.

>wahh I saw something I don't like on my facebook
It's not good to live in an echo chamber, not everyone is a robot with the same opinions about life

>> No.10951488

Mmm i want you to shove your shit down my throat

>> No.10951501

Well that escalated quickly

>> No.10951511

Ethically made or not, that's not the problem. I'm saying, if you like the way it tastes, whatever, just don't call it what it's not. Every burger I have seen or eaten is made of meat. If you want to call it a patty, fine, do so.
>we can live better lives
Not really, even with plants you only get so much nutritional value out of it while meat provides vitamins and minerals that you can't get from other sources unless you specifically take a pill that does it which at some point you're going to stop because most people I know that take a vitamin supplement completely forget over time.

Social media is a convenient outlet to talk to my friends. Which is honestly why I've only been using messenger lately and checking news from google news. Most of the time, I only follow nerd/geek shit and stay away from all that shit. I use to follow "the best of tumblr" but the community on that page was so trash and toxic I GTFO.

>its you who bring it up
>come to vegan thread
>guys stop eating meat
>why are you still eating meat
>omg I can't let people kill for me!

>evolved to eat
So if we started eating uranium you're telling me that over time I would be fine?

>echo chamber
which is why I unlike that page.

If that's your fetish, I respect that, but this is a food thread sir. Please take your scat fetish elsewhere

>> No.10951531

>Every burger I have seen or eaten is made of meat.
Okay, calling it a burger. It's just a particular variation of one. But calling it meat, thats where I agree with you. Because it's simply not meat.

You can buy food foritifed with B12
>I know people who forget
Then don't forget

>> No.10951545

>So if we started eating uranium you're telling me that over time I would be fine?
No. But it's possible that some people are born mutated freaks that can eat uranium, and somehow this let's them survive when other food is scarce. They die earlier and have health problems if they eat it, but at least they don't starve to death, and have time to pass on their mutant genes.

That's the logic behind how meat can be unhealthy even though we survived on it. Personally I don't really buy that meat is that unhealthy though as some vegans claim.

>> No.10951556

What I do understand is that if an animal is contaminated with a pesticide then sure, that makes sense. If humans have been eating animals for centuries why would it be bad all of a sudden? Their ethics of saying "don't kill!" shit, 1/2 these freaks are bible thumpers and even in the bible it states "all animals on this earth are for humans to consume" somethnig along those lings. If "god" didn't want us to have it why would it be here?

>> No.10951578

>All of a sudden
It's not like something changed in meag, it was always like that. We just have the technology and science to point it out.

>> No.10951590

I like the idea that we are able to tell each other what we like, that's a great thing but then it gets to the point of being obnoxious and whiny and expressing ourselves like 12 year olds like WHY DONT LIKE PIKACHU?!?!?!?

>> No.10951606

It's not bad all of a sudden, it was always bad. People had bigger problems though, and lifespans were too short for anything like heart disease to be a problem.
It also might be the quantity of meat people eat these days compared to past centuries. Most peasants ate stuff like potatoes and grains and veggies, with a little bit of meat, not large quantities of meat at every meal.

Just look at the species closest to us like orangutans and gorillas. They eat very little meat, mostly plants and some insects. The way I see it, that's where we both came from, eating mostly plants. Then some smart monkeys figured out they could eat bigger things than insects.

>> No.10951626

I'll give you that point. If you're conditioned to eat something then you will likely prefer that thing than another. I think there was a wife swap ep where the mom cooked the family aligator and the son or daughter was rushed to the hospital because their family wasn't use to meat cause the mom made the family eat only vegiterian

>> No.10952410

I don't understand why people would miss the taste of meat. It just tastes absolutely disgusting. I've eaten meat all my life not because I wanted to, but because it was a cultural norm. Everybody ate meat, so why not. But after I started cooking my own food, I always found that the taste of meat was terrible compared to pringles, mi goreng, fruit, and vegetables.