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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 279 KB, 1064x865, SmartSelect_20180719-034843_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10931423 No.10931423 [Reply] [Original]

Ugh :/
Looks like no more A&W for me boys
What are they gonna call this? The "Soyboy cousin"?

>> No.10931425

>Looks like no more A&W for me boys
wait how does this affect their other burgers?

>> No.10931429

it doesn't, but it's the principle that degrades their character

>> No.10931431

you posting this is the equivalent to you going into a thread and complaining about the contents
you don't have to eat it, retard.

>> No.10931443

>t. the soyboy cousin

>> No.10931479
File: 17 KB, 590x473, veg IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. uneducated Alex Jones cuck

>> No.10931489


>> No.10931495

>65 cherry picked samples
>3,209 average joes
Something don't add up.

>> No.10931499

It's like when you find out one of your kid is gay

>> No.10931518

Yikes. I thought it was supposed to the the vegans who are the sensitive snowflakes.

>> No.10931524
File: 142 KB, 761x764, birdysad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>object to something
>fucking snowflake!
It's like 'triggered' all over again

>> No.10931533

>>object to something
That's literally the exact reason you started calling vegans snowflakes, retard.

>> No.10931536

What do you have such a chip on your shoulder for? I never attacked vegans for just being vegan and objecting. You're post amounts to nothing more then "Well you started it!"


>> No.10931540

>What do you have such a chip on your shoulder for?
I don't. Your arguments are just really exceptionally retarded even by 4chan standards.

>> No.10931541

What is there to object to though? Having a vegetarian option doesn't ruin their other products. They're a business, why wouldn't they want to attract the most customers?

>> No.10931544

Did you reply to the wrong post? I don't disagree with anything you said.

>> No.10931549
File: 285 KB, 300x100, 4chan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finding a good post on 4chan is like finding a diamond in a sea of piss

Would you like me to call you a cuck so you can vent on me? Use greentext to imply shit you never said? It gets old.

>> No.10931556

Looks good. I might give it a try.
I'll let you guys know if my testicles fall off.
Wish me luck!

>> No.10931561

Sorry. Meant for >>10931524

>> No.10931574

>inb4 t boomer
>inb4 *snap*
>inb4 brainlet wojak
>inb4 nuwojak
dunno what else I'm missing
but on a serious note, would a diamond float in piss?

>> No.10931583

there are many fewer vegetarians than omnivores anon

>> No.10931584

You're not even using inb4 right.

I bet you /thread your own posts too.

>> No.10931625

I expect you'd find a similar result for people doing an all-meat diet like Sv3rige. The reason being that sub-100 IQ Average Joes probably don't spend their time+energy dicking around with their diet, or think much about nutrition at all.

>> No.10932748

Op here. Came back just to say fuck you lmao :^)
Your graph doesn't mean anything

>> No.10932867
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>> No.10933885

The behavior of the estronauts and their obssesion with consuming sòy makes me cringe

>> No.10934265
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>> No.10934487
File: 422 KB, 1085x425, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even soy. It's made from peas.

>> No.10935080
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>literally eating piss
libshits everybody lmao

>> No.10935755

Yep, so you beat all your kids.

>> No.10935963

A&W had veggie burgers back when I worked there a decade ago. I think we sold 2 in the year and a half I worked there.

>> No.10937649
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>> No.10937655

Not once did I imply the burger itself was soy

>> No.10937688

actually they're calling it the beyond meat burger, it says so right in the ad, did you not notice? you were probably too busy looking for a reason to show off your incel membership to 4chan and /ck/

...i think you have some issues, seek counseling or psychotherapy

>> No.10937709

meanwhile mine was 137 last time I got tested and I eat a ton of meat
so of course when you artificially go out of your way to find potatoes to even out your sample you will draw that conclusion

>> No.10937728

You're already there

>> No.10937743
File: 30 KB, 359x251, 1531719911351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think they'll make vegan ribs out of?

>> No.10937810

>it doesn't, but it's the principle that degrades their character

The principle of Profit Over Everything? You should probably avoid corporations altogether, then.

>> No.10937818

>Eating red meat
>Not preferring the superior poultry
Honesty it's good being a poultryfag.

>> No.10939990

Neck yourself you precious mincing queer fuck

>> No.10939993

Nice copy-paste reddit meme
I've also never met anyone who has gone to A&W

>> No.10940003

>letting your meat share a grill with soy products

>> No.10940018
File: 41 KB, 640x360, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat meat all the time and don't see how this is at all a bad thing.
If you can make a synthetic meat that's cost effective and tastes as good as regular meat, that's great, it'd mean we could enjoy meat and be less nightmarishly murderous to animals.
I don't care enough to stop eating meat over the concept of animal slaughter, but you got to admit that shit is pretty gruesome and it'd probably be better if we didn't have industrial slaughter of animals going on 24/7.

>> No.10940023

Why? Why would it be better? Others die so that we may live and live fully. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.10940031

It's better for the same reason living in a society that doesn't slaughter people would be preferable to living in a society that does.
Other animals might not be as intelligent as people but you don't need to be super-intelligent to not enjoy going through an industrial slaughter assembly line.
It has nothing to do with being "ashamed" or not. It's about them, not you.

>> No.10940051

False equivalence. People are people. Animals are things.

>> No.10940063

No, the strong academic consensus for a very long time now has been that non-human animals differ from humans in degree of intelligence, not kind.
You're an animal, bro. Get over it.

>> No.10940085

It's a good thing beyond meats "beef" contains no soy

>> No.10940115

Just because humans and animals are all categorically animals does not imbue the latter with some magical value or standard of treatment. It's the same thing as when people say that animals "feel pain" and or have emotional responses to stimuli. Any sufficiently complex organism would naturally develop some sort of response to physical harm in order to motivate it to avoid harm--that has no bearing on whether or not systems of ethics should be applicable to that creature. In a similar way those "emotional responses" are usually simple neurological triggers that activate the adrenal gland. It's a mechanism that developed incidentally.

>> No.10940155

>Animals are things
>b-but i'se a higher being 'cause i'se can kill with impunity, just like an apex predator, a lion, a grizzly, such lahk dat, ok? It's the best, super good, it really is, trust me, ok?
The illogic of the argument carnists can kill with impunity because they're higher than "animals" because they follow the pattern of animal predators, borders on insanity on par with the loony right. How can you be higher than animals when you use their behavior to justify your slaughter? You're literally the same by your own argument.

>> No.10940168

>Just because humans and animals are all categorically animals does not imbue the latter with some magical value or standard of treatment.
It means if you care about treating people decently you should probably care about treating animals decently.
I'm not even saying you should care an equal amount, but you should definitely have some sense of sympathy for non-human animals if you aren't some retardedly edgy Shadow the Hedgehog autist.
Like I said earlier, I eat meat all the time, and I'll probably continue to eat meat all the time. But you don't have to pretend to think slaughtering animals is great. Just admit to yourself that it's kind of a fucked up thing we do, this isn't complicated.

>> No.10940172

Go fuck a donkey and try to get it pregnant. I'll wait.

I don't use animal behavior to justify anything. Animals kill with their teeth and claws so that they can survive for another day. I pay someone else to operate a machine built by human industry which kills quickly and efficiently so that I can live my life to the fullest. Next you'll say that monkeys flinging shit is equivalent to firearms technology.

>> No.10940185

I didn't say humans and donkeys were the same species, dummy.
Humans can't reproduce with dogs either, that doesn't mean it's good to slaughter dogs.

>> No.10940192

Slaughtering animals is great. It's fast and basically painless.

A difference in species is a difference in kind. And we don't eat dogs where I live; we keep them for companionship. That doesn't mean it's somehow wrong to shoot wild dogs.

>> No.10940218

>A difference in species is a difference in kind.
Not a difference in kind of intelligence which is what "difference in kind" was actually in reference to.
Try not to get so confused when reading next time.
>It's fast and basically painless.
Would you be OK with slaughtering people if it was done quickly and with minimal pain?
That's the point, I don't get why you feel the need to pretend animal slaughter is 100% fine.
It's like you feel so bad about it you can't both eat meat and admit to yourself slaughter is a little fucked up.
You're like a closet vegan. At least I can be honest with myself about what my meat eating entails. I don't need to pretend animals love dying so they can become my food.

>> No.10940221

Congratulations on repeating the exact same argument that has been posted every single day on /ck/ for years now
You both have shitty arguments and are wasting your time

>> No.10940243

In that case, who said anything about intelligence being the metric? You could have a cow with an IQ of 200 and I wouldn't regard it as much more than a curiosity, much less grant it legal personhood.
And, again, people and animals are different. Albeit I am in favor of legal abortion and voluntary euthanasia.

>> No.10940274

Because intelligence has a relationship with awareness, and awareness is what makes the difference between simple pain vs. suffering.
Pain is probably not fun no matter how intelligent you are, but you could argue extremely simple creatures might not even really have a subjective experience at all and what looks like them suffering could just be the equivalent to how a wind-up toy works.
Suffering on the other hand is a second order sort of experience in response to pain.
To differentiate between the two you could actually take Ketamine and then kick a bedpost or otherwise do something that would cause you pain. You'll still feel the pain, but you'll be dissociated from it so you won't suffer as a second order response to it.

>> No.10940273

>pretend animals love dying so they can become my food
What a fucking strawman. I'm not the one with the cognitive dissonance of eating meat even though you think it's wrong. Animals' feelings don't matter; therefore animal slaughter is 100% fine. What's dishonest about that?

>> No.10940281

There's no cognitive dissonance to doing something you openly acknowledge isn't 100% fine.
It's the complete opposite, cognitive dissonance would be where you're in denial about it being wrong because you don't like the conflict that creates with your desire to continue doing it.

>> No.10940283

If you don't have a problem with killing animals literally just because you like the way they taste, why the fuck would you expect anyone else to care about their slaughter?

>> No.10940301

>intelligence is the determinant between mechanical pain versus actual suffering, i.e. a difference in type
>it's only a difference in degree, not of type
Which is it, dumbass?

>> No.10940303

Where are you getting this all or nothing mentality from?
You can do things that have downsides to them. You don't need to have 100% perfect morality, and you can admit you do some immoral things because you aren't a saint and live in the real world where meat tastes good.
How is this complicated?

>> No.10940317

Nowhere in that post did I argue intelligence is a difference of type and not degree.
You're confusing words again. Like suffering and intelligence probably.
Also it's irrelevant since slaughter animals like cows and chickens don't come anywhere close to being arguably reactive but not suffering, that'd be more like crustaceans maybe.

>> No.10940419

In a purely logical sense, yes I agree. Just because a person is a murderer or a thief or a rapist or whatever it doesn't mean that what they are saying is invalid. But if you are so inconsistent on animal treatment within your own beliefs then you realistically cannot expect to convince other people to care about animals.

>> No.10940434

I'm not inconsistent.
Acknowledging what you do is less than ideal isn't an inconsistency, it's the norm for pretty much everything you don't have a weird mental problem over.

>> No.10942729

Peas are high in estrogen

>> No.10942743

I tried this yesterday. bookended by two mama burgers. gotta say, it wasn't bad. maybe a bit less savory and rich than beef. If someone didn't tell me it was a veggie burg I might not have known.

I try veggie burgers once and a while and this is honestly the best I had ever had.
Think I'll still generally stick to beef though.

>> No.10942904

imagine being so insecure in your sexuality that you boycott your favorite fast food over a minor new addition to the menu

>> No.10942960

You're admitting to eating 3 hamburgers. The absolute state of you.

>> No.10942971

Thanks reddit for your discarded opinions

>> No.10942982


lol :^)

It's kinda popular where I live

Thinly vieled vegan detected
Enjoy your chemicals

>> No.10943278

>Thinly vieled vegan detected
Wrong, I don't even like vegetables and only force myself to drink an occasional V8 to cover my nutritional bases.
When it comes to food I actually enjoy eating, all of it is meat or at least meat-centric e.g. breakfast burritos, turkey cold cuts, popcorn shrimp, beef enchiladas.
You're just so simple-minded that you can't wrap your head around the concept of both eating meat and recognizing animal slaughter isn't an ideal practice.
Not everyone is so retarded that they need all or nothing acceptance or rejection of everything they do or don't participate in.

>> No.10943291

>Ugh :/

>> No.10943314

Consuming less meat and reducing the meat industry is essential to help the environment reach carbon equilibrium. This would easily be done by cutting corn subsidies and making corn farmers less of fucking welfare queens.

More importantly, stop buying shit you don't need.

>> No.10943326

Please post your physique.

>> No.10943328

Why are you all so fucking retarded? It's not like they're force-feeding you veggie burgers. It's literally just an option, which I appreciate. My wife had surgeries that causes red meat to make her sick but she loves burgers, this is great. We can go and get hamburgers together without cooking at home again. And so what if you're vegan? If they don't shove it up your ass it doesn't hurt you. It's not that goddamn hard to grasp that different people want different things than you do. It won't taint your precious tendies, so chill the fuck out

>> No.10943354

People don't understand that these animals get killed anyways by other animals. They don't know what a predatory triangle is and the are complete hypocrites because they'd never force an animal to go vegan.

>> No.10943379

It's not some particularly nice looking "physique" and I never claimed it was. I'm a software developer, not a bodybuilder.
All I'm claiming is A) I like eating meat and B) it would be cool if artificial meat development got more effective at producing convincingly tasting products at sustainable costs so I could continue enjoying something very close to eating meat without needing an industrial slaughter industry to support that practice.

>> No.10943391

>are complete hypocrites because they'd never force an animal to go vegan
But I'd never force a human to "go vegan" either.
I'm not even a vegan myself.
Where are you getting all these weird assumptions from?
If artificial meat gets really high quality, then that would be neat.
I never once claimed we should force everyone to eat artificial meat on threat of legal consequences.
Stop being such a statist faggot.

>> No.10943432

If a veggie burger would taste as good as real meat while not being ridiculously expensive, I'd start eating them.

>> No.10943444

Do any fast food-ish places even have a black bean burger?