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File: 184 KB, 933x1105, tecate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10910880 No.10910880 [Reply] [Original]

Why has this replaced PBR as the go to hipster beer?

>> No.10910885
File: 64 KB, 750x563, millerhighlufe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this too, for that matter

>> No.10910886

Advertising is my guess.

>> No.10910888

I noticed this too; could it be cuz its cheap, foreign looking, and not "mainstream" like corona.

>> No.10910893

The can is appealing. It looks edgy, while Bud's stuff looks rednecky

>> No.10910901

I was drinking this even before their massive ad campaign. I accidentally discovered it in 2016 and was pleasantly surprised, my friends and I kept going through cases of it.

>> No.10910940

Trump voters drink PBR. You wouldn't want people to think you vote for Captain Cheeto, would you? No, you want to show your solidarity with our illegally-immigrating brethren by drinkiing a Mexican beer. He's literally ripping babies out of their mothers' arms!

>> No.10910947

Trump voters drink Bud Light. I don't know any Trump supporters who drink anything besides Bud Light. It could have a picture of Obama's dick on it and they would still drink it.

Rednecks love Coors Light and Bud Light

>> No.10910953
File: 81 KB, 759x500, Hamms-e1516817964187-759x500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because they're just about the same price point and around the same level of drinkability
really there's not much distinction between it, the "hipsters drink PBR" stereotype is really more accurately "hipsters drink cheap beer", because by definition they don't have much money but attempt to gain status through "having taste". PBR was just the go-to cheap-but-drinkable beer that was stocked as the cheapest option at urban bars in the neighborhoods where this culture developed.

but there's no real reason why it had to be PBR, with other brands at a similar price point and drinkability. and a lot of the big gentrifying areas in the country are in hispanic neighborhoods, where tecate is a known quantity. and PBR's maybe got a bit of a stigma and maybe isn't quite as good.

I'd argue that, aside from all these beers being more or less the same, pic related is the true successor to PBR's hipster status. if anyone is picking up PBR-in-particular's lost market share, I'm pretty sure it's Hamm's, and they trade on similar "the beer my uncle used to drink" kind of pseudobranding.

>> No.10910962

mexican beers served more often with lime, and lime covers cheap-beer-taste better.

>> No.10910969

Hmm, I think you're right about both the Hispanic neighborhood thing and the stigma thing.

Bushwick, Brooklyn is the hipster capital of NYC (and possibly the world), and there's a large Mexican population there, I wonder if that had something to do with all the hipster bars serving large amounts of Tecate.

And PBR became a stereotypical white hipster drink, and Tecate/High Life don't have that stigma. I haven't seen Hamm's anywhere around here, though.

>> No.10910971

Been keeping hamms on tap at my house for years! It's primo shit!

>> No.10910991

what kind of beer do cute Mexican-American girls drink?

>> No.10910993


Hamm's might be a bit more regional, they're definitely making a push in Chicago so I wouldn't be surprised if it were still relatively midwestern. It drink pretty good, I'd give it a try if you have a palate for this-tier-of-beer.

I'd generally go for an Old Style if it's all the same though.

>> No.10910996

Is it just me, or is Tecate the most "beer" tasting beer?

It crushes the AAL style. Clean tasting with no weird off flavors, and sufficiently carbonated.

>> No.10911003

I don't claim to be a beer expert or enthusiast, but I think it does have a rather obvious off taste. In fact, that "off" taste (I can't come up with a better way to describe it) is ideal, IMHO, for cooking carnitas.

If you asked me to name the most generically "beer" tasting beer I'd tell you Carlsberg or Dos Equis.

>> No.10911011

Someone please answer this

>> No.10911010

I don't know. I don't talk to hipsters, so I thought they all like IPAs now. But I like IPAs too. Not because I'm trying to be cool, but because I genuinely enjoy the style. Especially those with citrus notes, really makes it feel like summer.

>> No.10911013

The kind that turns them into fat midget goblins by the age of 30. Soooooo.... Budweiser?

>> No.10911016

stop posting this fucking thread

>> No.10911019

They don't drink beer while they're still cute, anon. The moment they get pregnant, which is usually well before age 21, they balloon like mad and are no longer cute.

>> No.10911030

That's such a meme, you autist
Not true. Many Mexican-American women are complete milfs
t. butthurt hipster

>> No.10911032

>all this anti-PBR shilling
Hate us cause they aint us

>> No.10911033

I think they just drink the same beer regular white girls drink
Most hipsters don't drink a lot of craft beer. They don't have the money or perhaps they just don't care for it.

>> No.10911045

Because High Life is actually good for its price, fag.

>> No.10911050

It's fucking amazing. If I ever become an alcoholic, that's what my fridge will be stocked with.

I'm having a beer party at my house later this month, I'm wondering if I should stock Tecate or High Life.

>> No.10911061

My hipster friends have been drinking Tecate and PBR for over ten years. Fuck actually 15 now.

>> No.10911091

Cheap Mexican or American piss

>> No.10911098


>> No.10911102

Good idea! I'm not getting anything more expensive than that though, they can eat my ass

>> No.10911109

So same thing as white American girls?

>tfw no craft beer drinking Mexican-American gf with round butt cheeks

>> No.10911694

I want that so bad!

>> No.10911727

I voted trump for shits and giggles because my state would already vote for him anyways and I drink PBR or Guinness if I'm going cheap.

>> No.10911736

40s of corona. Can speak for this as a pathetic alkie who goes at 8am to 711 to get a case of PBR and constantly sees barcefaced latinas with coronas under their arms. Often it causes their brown nipples to get hard.

>> No.10911816

yeah, I naturally switched over to Hamm's after PBR fell from grace - been wondering if other people have done the same.

>> No.10912127

So ur a hipster then.

>> No.10912177

Corona doesn't make 40s
I don't dress well enough and I live in the suburbs, so I can't be a real hipster yet

>> No.10912185

he might mean the 32 oz bottles of corona familiar

>> No.10912216

Oh okay. I never see Hispanic women with those

>> No.10912217

really? i remember back in like 2006-2008 the hot shit for hipsters was both tecate and pbr here... maybe because i live by mexico

>> No.10912220

Brown nipples are so fucking hot

>> No.10912228

skaters and skater instagram videos, i think. these are filthy skater beers

>> No.10912271

ex pro skaters or washed up ones are opening all types of IPA breweries

>> No.10912475


>> No.10912482

For me it's a cooler by the door stocked with Hurricane and Mickeys. 40s for everyone!

>> No.10912804


mich ultra. trust me, i work at a liquor store is an area that is 40% Hispanic

>> No.10912894

Looks like something an alt-right faggot nazi would drink tbqh.

>> No.10913026
File: 39 KB, 640x503, bdSlKYM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why did the subculture obsessed with working-man authenticity and obscurity ditch the brand that is now famously popular with college students and jobless trust fund babies

microbrews are too popular, american macro-brews are perceived as "the man's" beer, and they can pretend to be friends with a brown person if they are seen with it (perceived authenticity). "yea man nobody is touching the tecate I brought but me and Julio pound these while we make tamales all the time. says it's his abuela's recipe. you should come try it sometime".

>> No.10913545

Tecate is literally the Corona of Mexico.

>> No.10913683

what does that even mean

>> No.10913688

Corona means crown in English

>> No.10913702

On No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain Season 5, Episode 15, Anthony is browsing beers in a store and chooses Tecate.

>> No.10913706

Corona is made for white people and the company invented Cinco De Mayo to push sales in America.

>> No.10913714

Kenny Fucking Powers

>> No.10913779

>was drinking this even before
OP point proven

>> No.10913794

so tecate is the literal crown of mexico? I still don't get it
yes I get that but what is he saying about tecate?

>> No.10913801

Tecate fills the same niche in the Mexican beer market that Corona fills in America.

>> No.10913825

oh ok, like budweiser for Americans or something. The company sells its beer as if it's a national symbol but it's really just a meme.

>> No.10913856
File: 244 KB, 603x961, 1529477963625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corona light

>> No.10914158

>PBR was just the go-to cheap-but-drinkable beer
Theeeere you go. It was the most tolerable beer in its price bracket most North American places in 2008. It's popularity had more to do with that than appropriating working class culture or whatever.

>> No.10914181

Ive always wondered who buys those thinga use to work with a mexican dude that would drink michlatas or what ever that shit is with the calamato juice in it drabk part of one with him in the parking lot at work tasted terrible.

>> No.10914191

one time I pickled some habaneros and I was saving the pickle juice, and I was drinking Modelo and had the bright idea to pour some habanero pickle juice into the beer. It was gross

>> No.10914312

>Trump voters drink PBR
PBR has been a hipster beer for a decade or so.>>10910953
>"hipsters drink PBR" stereotype is really accurate because hipsters drink cheap beer to pretend they're blue collar working class heroes

>> No.10914401

>it was the most tolerable beer in its price bracket most North American places in 2008

Absolutely true. As much as people like to pretend otherwise all these cheap beers are pretty much the same. People have been switching from PBR to other beers because PBR has a huge hipster stigma rn and hipsters will never admit to being hipsters. Any cheap beer that's sorta obscure and unpopular will become the next thing to drink after Tecate and High Life get too big. I think they're too big already honestly.
Funny enough a lot of hipsters now are drinking corona too, which ain't cheap. I think that the next cool drinks are going to be straight up euro macros like Heineken and Grolsch, already started drinking them myself

>t. hipster

>> No.10914418

This. I'm an aging hipster who moved to a neighborhood with a lot of Mexican immigrants about six years ago. Drinking Tecate was a no brainer. Cheap, drinkable, but the killer app? That fucking can. The graphic sensibility is Malboro reds x10.

>> No.10914550
File: 192 KB, 1200x1200, corona mega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They exist

>> No.10914634

That's actually not bad for a light beer.

>> No.10914639

He also drank them in his recent LA episode
Retarded meme, the ones on the top obviously have more money

>> No.10914643

Yeah, the design is awesome. It reminds me of Hellboy

>> No.10914684

I only drink Tecate at concerts. I don't know why, it's just refreshing. If I wanted a Mexican beer, I'd do Pacifico.

>> No.10915255

Corona or Modelo

>> No.10915259

corona is the go-to

>> No.10915482


>> No.10915537

Exercise is free

>> No.10915663
File: 7 KB, 480x360, papagenossam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


maybe in coastal land where mexicans are the majority now, but where i am in flyover hamm's has taken pbr's spot. nice try carlos

>> No.10915750

>You wouldn't want people to think you vote for Captain Cheeto, would you?
You fuckers are pathetic. Enjoy the next 6 years faggot!

>> No.10915777

>implying a second term is even a remote possibility

>> No.10915827

This is 100% true. They also like micheladas.

>> No.10915832

Here in Texas it's mostly Modelo or Lone Star. I still see Pabst on occasion but it's rare.

>> No.10917097

>knowing this because you're still a little kid