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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10901231 No.10901231 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee thread. Whatcha drinking anons? Got a really fruity Bali today, it freaks me out.

>> No.10902297
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Drinking a bunch today actually...

>> No.10902327
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>> No.10902339
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also have these samples in the office. Maquina is god tier and the Sweet Bloom is pretty good so far.

>> No.10902588


Long time ago some guy recommended this
It's cheap and good

>> No.10902611

Have you had maquina's parts and labor blend?

>> No.10902669

Anybody have a good whole bean recommendation they're willing to share?

>> No.10902695

Yeah the small bags with the dark label and the big 5lb bag is all parts and labor.

>> No.10902714
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I am cultured and well traveled man

>> No.10903007


How can you live with yourself?

>> No.10903662
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Anybody here had coffee from Hawaii? Apparently that's the only place in the US that actually produces coffee. Is it good?

>> No.10903700

Grinder recommendations? My chefman leaves fine grounds on every setting and it annoys the shit out of me

>> No.10903726
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We've got a big bag of green of it at work and I started working after they retired it. Im just waiting for the day we finally roast a ton

>> No.10903728

Not drinking right now but I've been some kroger private selection kona k cups.

It's nice.

>> No.10903732


>> No.10903736

You know the tasters choice is actually okay. Just lacks body.

Drank them a lot in college when I chose to just have my electric kettle in my dorm.

>> No.10905378

>drinking coffee

>> No.10905521
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>he doesn't drink coffee instant type 1

>> No.10905575

the home baratzas are pretty good. or go full coffee snob and get an EK43

>> No.10905583


>> No.10905607

>Coffee thread. Whatcha drinking anons?
Brazilian. Splendid flavor.

>> No.10905914
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>> No.10906341

Noice, how'd you make it?

>> No.10906420
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My parents bring me this from Peru every few months. So good, especially on a V60.

>> No.10906462

whats youre favourite instant coffee

>> No.10906476

This. I have the encore and it's plenty good for whatever I want to make. It goes fine enough for espresso too if you're that person.

>> No.10906620

fuck off shill

>> No.10906631


I got one of these. Really great value and arguably better than hand grinders ~$50 - $100 more expensive but I do NOT recommend buying from MBK unless you want to enter shipping and customer support hell.

>> No.10906679

I have 5-6 ways to make coffee at home but I always use the same one.

>> No.10906691


>french press
>kalita 185
>hario v60

always use the kalita 185

>> No.10906710

There are some really small coffee farms in California, too, but they're very new and don't produce much more than you could sell at a farmer's market

>> No.10907007

I'm the same

>French Press
>Pour Over
>vietnamese coffee maker
>Moka pot

I always use my aeropress though, I should probably learn how to make an Espresso with my Moka pot one day

>> No.10907442
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>> No.10907489

Dont Shop roast from WinCo. I grind them at home. Its a medium roast and its pretty good.

>> No.10907665
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Has anyone actually had Dodger's coffee? I can't bring myself to spend 18$ along with shipping to Canada

>> No.10907777

Moka is not really espresso and aeropress is probably better than moka anyways

>> No.10907795

the only thing you'll get espresso out of is an actual espresso machine

>> No.10907799
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>> No.10908028
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Fair, I just can't see myself spending 2500$ on an Espresso maker
Let's fuckin' go bud

>> No.10908156

An iced caramel machiato

>> No.10908218

Fuck you

>> No.10908245

Who are you?

>> No.10908258
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>> No.10908260

You're the person who cant afford that stuff right?

>> No.10908269

Kek I’m jk man Canadians are cool

>> No.10908339

would like to buy an espresso machine but can't decide. /hoc/ told me anything under 1500 is a waste of money is that true?

>> No.10908352

How is it?

>> No.10908356

what the fuck is /hoc/?

>> No.10908363


>> No.10908432

Good enough that this is the second time I've ordered it. I've been drinking their single origins for over a year now and haven't had anything bad. The cedar-y taste of Indonesian beans are not my bag, though

>> No.10908508

do you recommend any of their other single origins? I remember not liking their bali

>> No.10908527

Literally anything from Central America. I had the Dominican a couple months ago and I remember it being 10/10, but it is now unavailable. Just make sure you order the option that is shipped by them if you want it to actually be fresh

>> No.10908557

Where is that option? I've been ordering directly from their website, I assume everything from there is shipped by them?`

>> No.10908572

It's finally happening. I don't know why I thought it was natural, certainly wasn't. But I liked feeling like I was 'older' and 'grizzled.'
But for a while now I've been exclusively drinking fast food coffee. Particularly Mcdonald's but I enjoyed trying other places. I liked the convenience, never having to leave my car, and the simpleness of the taste. Basically, hot blackened water in a paper cup. What else can you ask for, right? All it needed was a cigarette and you were just another Jefe having a relaxing moment.
I think I was just using it to justify my fast food habit, because I had to kick that out of my life too. But today I had chick fil A, and ordered their coffee with my tendies. The tendies were supreme, the waffle fries even moreso, but the coffee was... way more bitter than I imagined. And the same applied to the McD coffee I had yesterday. It was so.. black. And I thought they somehow gave me a double strength brew, but that's impossible as McD operates on formula and timetables.
I'm still confused, because not only is my favorite coffee suddenly bad, I am now cognizant that I just had a fast food coffee 'phase.' What was originally considered to be just a staple of american life, the black water in a paper cup, is now over for me. It is literally ashtray water once again, and why it came and went in the first place, is beyond me.
Right now I am sipping a cup of loose leaf green tea with brown rice that comes in a large jar from the korean market. I don't know if I'll go back to 'coffee,' as we know it. Maybe I'll occasionally splurge on a real espresso. But for now, this di/ck/s frequenting of donut shops and drive thrus are on hiatus.
Anonymous, signing out.

>> No.10908749
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thanks for the copypasta

>> No.10908757

I like cold brew... I use this site, no bully pls: coldbrewmethod.com

>> No.10908959


>> No.10911004
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Should I get a French Press to go along with my drip? I've heard it's more heavy bodied and I like a stronger coffee

>> No.10911006


>> No.10911226

I don't know why but I don't like cold brew, I've never had a good cup

>> No.10911230

I only cold brew overnight in a french press. It's bretty gud breh.

>> No.10911350

Drinking a cold brew made with Lee's coffee beans my family got for free.
Anyone have any recommendations on a good, relatively affordable coarse coffee grinder? Either hand operated or electric is fine. Using a cheap ass $15 one that gets the job done, but results...vary.

>> No.10911355

no talky before cuppa ;)

>> No.10911368


>> No.10911386
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who /chemex/ here

>> No.10911859
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Ayyy, any u faggots ever use one of these? I have been thinking about trying one out to replace my coffee press. It says it can produce up to 261psi, witch is on par, if not better than most professional espresso machines.
any thoughts?

>> No.10911870

>holding 260 psi of liquid nearing steam temperatures
neat but nty

>> No.10911902

the temperature never seems to be a problem with all the people who have done reviews on it, but it is hard to determine if they are just shills for the product.

>> No.10911907

I don't mean the coffees gonna come out cold, I mean I wouldn't trust holding something that volatile

>> No.10911908 [DELETED] 

Yeah I was afraid I was going to get upgrade-itis when I got my Encore, but nope. Turns out it's good enough

>> No.10911929

so seriously can I get an espresso machine in the 300$ range or do I just buy the saeco now while it's 600 dollars off

>> No.10911989
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What would happen if I ran coffee through a closed loop gas extractor?
askin for a friend, lmao.

>> No.10912008

wish I could help you brah but I know nothing about espresso

>> No.10912360
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I haven't had any real coffee in weeks, it's so hot out that I would sweat through all my clothes if I made hot coffee, so I've been making instant and dumping ice cubes in it.
nescafe clasico isn't half-bad when it's ice cold.

>> No.10912367

imagine not having air conditioning
id kill myself

>> No.10912435
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>le coffee mémé

>> No.10912450

it's not so bad, just don't wear jeans

>> No.10912490

chock full o' nuts yall

>> No.10912577

I fell for the instant coffee meme.
Which brewing setup would be quick, easy and require hardly any maintenance in order to bring me back?
How much would it cost?

>> No.10912583
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The boomer's choice

>> No.10912598

You can get a quality ceramic pour-over cone for less than $15 and you can throw out the filter and rinse it out, cleanup is a breeze.
Melitta #2 filters are $3 for a pack of 100.

>> No.10912622

Any pour over setup is probably quickest and by far lowest maintenance

>> No.10913300


>> No.10913311

meth, that's how meth is made.

>> No.10913708


>> No.10913773

you caught me, i have no idea how meth is made. it's co2 fer christ sake, just do it and don't blow a gasket.

>> No.10914029
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I'm not a coffee snob by any means, but even I know the coffee in my office breakroom sucks.
Figured I'd get a French Press to make my own cup on the uncommon occasion I want one.

Can I just put instant coffee grounds in it, or do I need to have a specific consistency of the ground beans?

>> No.10914034

I drink general foods instant Cafe Vienna. It is the shit old chicks drink when they sit around and talk about menopause. Has a ton of speed in it.

>> No.10914048

You want a coarser grind for french press otherwise the last third of the cup will be gritty.

>> No.10914057
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>Can I just put instant coffee grounds in it
That would kind of negate the purpose of the press. You can use pre-ground coffee from the store and as most of it is ground for drip machines here in 'murica, you'll be looking at a 2-3 minute total brew time

>> No.10914063

Im in the market for a new burr grinder, because my Krups doesn't seem to be giving me a consistent grind. Is there any benefit for using a manual versus an electric grinder?

>> No.10914071


>> No.10914082

The grind only needs to be more coarse than the screen. While a finer grind can produce more fines, a very slow plunge and not pouring every last drip out of the press will negate most of the problem.

Coarse-ground boulder-filled shit is a fuckin meme.

>> No.10914179
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Any of you guys home roast? I just started getting into it and am still trying to work out the kinks on my roast.
Pic related smells a bit burnt but I barely took it past first crack

>> No.10914185

Hey will anything bad happen if I use a cone coffee filter in a cupcake style brewer? I didn't pay attention at Walmart.

>> No.10914203

I have used paper towels dude. You will live.

>> No.10914240

Not to me, to the maker. I'll be dead in my 20s or 30s.

>> No.10914283

It likely won't. Watch it,

>> No.10914295
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i love coffee but every time i drink it pic related happens

>> No.10914373

Even with one cup? I have that problem if I drink more than 1

>> No.10914384
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>tfw you are coffee

>> No.10914762

I forget what it's called, but it Tonys Coffee and I bought it because it was on sale.

I was doing single origin for a while, but it was costing too much while I want to save for other shit.

>> No.10916199

what are you drinking today anon? Just poured a cup of nitro and will probably make a pour over after lunch.

>> No.10916204
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>> No.10916548

Gaggia classic as long as you make sure you get an older model (I forget the exact year) because they changed the parts with a dif manufacturer. It's the best value you'll get for a single boiler machine just expect to do some modding and don't expect to be able to make multiple milk drinks in a morning.

>> No.10916553

Boss just made me some Guat, waiting for it to cool

>> No.10916561

Aeropress, costs about the same as pourover and has more functionality with less skill required

>> No.10916567

More cost effective but more labor intensive

>> No.10916584

thank you for being the first person to actually help. I don't want milky drinks, just to be able to extract at home

>> No.10916592

nice. one of the components of that nitro is a guat from Bold Bean.

>> No.10916668

Every time I ask an espresso question on /ck/ I get told to buy a better grinder and then no one responds to the original question so I decided to research on my own. If you go with the classic, it is recommended to install a PID. If you don't care about milk then the gaggia is definitely your best bet and you can likely find older models for around $150 if you're willing to use some elbow grease. That'll get you a fully functional espresso machine for less than a stupid meme device like the Flair manual espresso maker. Make sure you buy a pre-2014 model because the newer version doesn't have a 3-way solenoid valve.

>> No.10916689

I believe it was 2015 when they started producing them in Romania

>> No.10917271

my mum brought home this delicious Honduran coffee (don't know the specifics).
i drink it black of course

>> No.10917723

do you have your own nitro setup?

>> No.10917732
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>> No.10917825
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Drinking some shitty pre-ground Jamaican coffee, gonna do some laundry and enjoy my Monday/Tuesday weekend while I play Pokemon Platinum for the first time

>> No.10917888


>> No.10918022

Took me forever to figure out how they put the roast date on the bag. I just get some in today and there's a tiny white label on the bottom that says "194" which doesn't make any sense at all unless they roasted it on april 19th and chose some retarded date format. Then I found it was in the julian calender format, 194th day of the year.

>> No.10918126
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u r so dumb

What'd you get

>> No.10918148

I've used one and actually really enjoyed it. However the other anon that commented about not trusting it to hold that much liquid under that much pressure is correct. Slight crack in one of the internal components led to what was almost a very bad accident. Of course I could have made a mistake. Or it could have been my specific one. Either way I enjoyed it while it lasted.

>> No.10918165

The one in >>10902588, it's really good actually, maybe slightly over roasted from "medium" but not bad at all
Gonna try their other central americans like that other anon recommended

>> No.10918169
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>Long time ago some guy recommended this
Was it June of last year? I think I'm the sole fresh roasted shill here

>> No.10918212

I own a coffee business so we have an extra tap in our office.

>> No.10918263

yes, sounds like it was you

>> No.10918354

How would you guys feel working for a shop that defines a double espresso as a 1oz drink in practice, but claims it is 2oz? General Manager seems to know a lot about coffee so I don't get why we are using such deceptive practices and falsely advertising the product. What do?

>> No.10918358

your job, snitchnigger.

>> No.10918369

Tell the customers

>> No.10918371

You would want to buy something from a business that is lying to your face? You're a fucking brainless retard to just accept something like this.

>> No.10918374

of course not retard. Do people complain? If not, you are just looking to stir shit.

>> No.10918377

plenty of coffee jobs. go work somewhere that isn't shitty.

>> No.10918382

>like coffee
>discovered recently I get migraines from drinking coffee

What do?

>> No.10918386

Ask your doctor

>> No.10918411

People have complained, only the informed customers though

>> No.10918413

keep drinking coffee

>> No.10918430

I quit in two weeks and am starting a career In my field.. I won't be working in coffee any longer

>> No.10918443

well problem solved then I guess

>> No.10918478

>No qualms with unethical business lying about product
Boomer detected

>> No.10918493

I literally said that business is shitty and to leave?

>> No.10918807
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do you live in a capitalism? don't answer that.

>> No.10920354

Hario v60anons, share your recipes with me!

>> No.10920396

Well, once you leave, you could plaster the truth all over yelp. Hell, you could probably complain to the FTC about it being a scam, that would be fun.

>> No.10920428

What recipe? Just use coffee ground + water nerd.

>> No.10920443

We also have on our website a subscription to our coffee, $250 for a year subscription of one 12oz bag per month... for reference we sell each bag of beans in store $11 for a 12oz and $13 for a pound. Idk if that's illegal or anything but just like really fucking scummy? I feel like yelp is the best move here I guess

>> No.10921401

Notch 10 on LIDO 3
100g bloom, 200g, last 100g to get everything off the sides and level the bed again. I don't pause too long in between pours, just enough to let like 2/3 of the previous pour drain

>> No.10922109
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A little chicory perks up the taste of roasted coffee beans. It's a good thing.

Read more at: http://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=430&t=21160

>> No.10922622

goddamnit, i didn't put that link there.

>> No.10924029

If I eat only coffee beans and water does my ass produce enough pressure for the resultant diarrhea to be considered espresso?

>> No.10924047


>> No.10924105

used to live in hawaii and it's honestly phenomenal. Ka'u coffee (big island), Kauai coffee, or Kona are all good as fuck compared to the South American dirt in the grocery store.

>> No.10924171

don't get it from the fucking grocery and it won't be dirt

>> No.10924242
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The only kind that I can ever have anymore.

>> No.10924269


>> No.10924305

Lol everyone point at this retard and laugh

>> No.10924814

Sweet summer child

>> No.10925034
