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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10893764 No.10893764 [Reply] [Original]

How many calories have you consumed today, /ck/?

>> No.10893782


>> No.10893790

~1800 of pure frozen food or pre-packaged bread. I indulged because I didn't know I was going to drink

>> No.10893791

Fuck you fat shamer

>> No.10893803

Probably around 600. Closer to 2200 if you count vodka.

>> No.10893815

>wahhh accept me for being a gluttonyfag

>> No.10894300

about 1200

>> No.10894335
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Probably 3000.

>> No.10894338

0, currently water fasting. I

>> No.10894348

I had a bigass bowl at chipotle for lunch that I was curious about actually
Can a smart person give the the approximate calorie content of a bowl with white rice, extra black beans, double order of chicken and steak, tomato salsa, corn and a whole avocado?

>> No.10894369

Vast bastard

>> No.10894376

About 3000. The snack machine at work was recently stocked with cheese danishes, which are my favorite pastry.

>> No.10894417

About 1,385 calories, more or less.

>> No.10894502

About 400 between breakfast and lunch. I've been overeating at dinner recently, though. I need to find a way to even this out.

>> No.10894513

5258 calories.

>> No.10894519
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>chicken and steak

>> No.10894540

Probably about 2000 but it doesn't matter because I go to the gym, am skinny and lose weight easily unlike the fat fucks here

>> No.10894553

no more dry meat

>> No.10894556

Too many. Lunch was light but dinner was a full combo from a local Chinese joint and that's probably ~1300 cals right there, if not more. Had an apple and a pomegranate popsicle as well. Maybe it wasn't too bad; the Chinese was over 1/3 veggies and the meat was chicken but still, pretty sure I went over 2k.

>> No.10894559

bros i havent ate anything today and its late

>> No.10894567

That slice of cake alone has almost 1000calories lol

>> No.10894588
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1635 and feelin fine

>> No.10894605


>> No.10894623
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5 mcchickens and a large mocha frappe

>> No.10894637

2.2k out of the 2.5k i have to eat
I feel close to vomit and i have no idea where to take the other 300

>> No.10894713

Same, gotta get them holy gains.

>> No.10894741
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Somewhere between 1800 and 2000

>> No.10894807

Like 10, accidentally put some milk in my coffee when I didn't intend to

>> No.10894848


>> No.10894869

couldn't work up the will to cook anything

>> No.10895345

Too many, feeling kinda fat recently ;_;

>5 captchas
Fuck you google.

>> No.10895363

Google isn’t the problem.
Cut back on your retarded shitposting.

>> No.10895383

I don't even post a lot and certainly not shit. Probably my ISP, from time to time I randomly have a ban for "using" an exit node IP.

>> No.10895488

About 2600
>couple of boiled eggs
>boiled shrimp
>pork tenderloin
>potato salad
>fried squash
>fresh spinach
>romaine, carrot and cabbage salad with herb vinaigrette

>> No.10895501

Maybe 200

>> No.10895584

Around 250 from breakfast. Lunch should be around 900-1000, having some spaghetti with spinach and dried tomatoes.

>> No.10895602


Dude how much spaghetti are you having to get it up to 1000

>> No.10895606

That's not even 300g, 2 kinda big plates.

>> No.10895623


What sort of monster pasta is that?

>> No.10895636

Pasta always has ~350/100g, are you stupid? Half a pack + sauce.

Him saying "some pasta" is pretty funny but it's not that much.

>> No.10895656

Not that much, that's how pasta works.

>> No.10895661


I did just check my own package and you're right. Strange how most results online gave some numbers like 150/100g, that can't be for whole wheat pasta.

>> No.10895687

I assume the results are cooked pasta which more than doubles the weight but doesn't add any calories. But yeah pasta has a lot of calories, a single plate is usually a little over 100g, with a rich sauce and maybe some meat you can easily get to 600 calories.

>> No.10895710

600, I average around 1000-1500 nowadays. I'm cutting but it's not too bad, I'm more worried about how full I'm gonna feel when I go back to bulking.

>> No.10895714

Just to justify myself a bit, lunches in Spain are bigger than most countries because we have dinner way later (9:30-10:00).

>> No.10895742

The captcha problem might be caused by your browser or privacy settings. For example, on chrome you'll rarely have to do captcha because google identifies you as trustworthy right away. Less popular browser, or ones that google hates, make you fill more. I had to do 10+ captchas on palemoon almost everytime but firefox reduced that to 1-2 max. Yes, it is google's fault for not trusting who they can't easily spy on.

>> No.10895879

But I am using firefox and I even allowed the shitty google scripts ... Stupid botnet wants me to log in.

>> No.10895968

3000 probably but i ran for a 6 miles so im only a small surplus.

>> No.10896628

0 and 0 yesterday. tomorrow i will eat at maintenance and then fast again.

>> No.10896642

Id kill that fucking grizzly bear with my katana

>> No.10896741

Probably around 800? I haven't tallied up lunch or my snack yet.

>> No.10896763

5'6" here, how many calories should I eat per day? I am trying to stay around 1200 right now. I only drink water.

>> No.10896778

>130 for breakfast
>405 for lunch
>535 for two meals
going to the gym later, gonna do a shitload of cardio and burn 600 or 700. I'm gonna go crazy for dinner though, probably gonna make like 4 buffalo honey shrimp tacos (usually average around 275 per taco) and grab something else at the store.

>> No.10897276

Wednesday 7/11: 2,200 calories

Breakfast ~300 calories
>one homemade browned butter cookie
>coffee with tiny splash of heavy cream
>1.5 eggs scrambled in butter
Lunch ~400 calories
>one uncured bacon chicken sausage with mustard
>1 cup oven roasted brussels sprouts
Dinner ~700 calories
>2 square-cut pieces Jockamo's pizza
>2 breadsticks with creamy parmesan sauce
Alcohol ~800 calories
>5 oz orange/pom San Pellegrino
>6 oz Simply Peach peach juice
>9 oz Tanqueray gin

>> No.10897282

You feelin' ok?

>> No.10897362

>> No.10899273

Probably 1600-1800 (and gonna drink two tallboy beers) but I rode around a mountain bike course for about 3 hours which burns at least that many calories alone.

>> No.10899309
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>peanuts 260
>cranberries 280

>turkey/brie sandwich 720
>caeser salad 120

>tuna 12oz 360
>butter 1 tbsp 120
>ramen noodles 200
>bag salad mix 450


>> No.10899315

If you don't care about being fat you shouldn't feel ashamed
The problem is you do and you're in denial

>> No.10899325

like 1800-1900, poorly planned day

>> No.10899365
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About 3000, should have burned about 4000.

Would have been more burned but I'm replacing my midnight tennis game with sex tonight. Oh well.

>> No.10899384

0 again, I'm over 48 hours into my fast. I'm looking forward to breaking it tomorrow after sunset

>> No.10899389

>should have burned about 4000.
how many hours of exercise have you done today?

>> No.10899398
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2100. made spaghetti carbonara tonight. it was good but it was filling

>> No.10899871

I went to a buffet for brunch but I left mad since I feel like I didn't push myself to really get the value out of it. I went back for dinner and had a real feast. I don't believe in calorie counting but probably only a little over like 2600 calories total

>> No.10899911


>> No.10899955

>you're all the same but im different and special, teehee

>> No.10899958

About 800. 5 slices bacon, 4 eggs, and spinach with fatty dressing on it. It was a good breakfast. Keto OMAD is best diet, desu.

>> No.10899985

Like 900 probably

>> No.10899988

Extremely unsustainable, you'll rubberband back up when you "finish"
trust me

>> No.10899990

Of course it's unsustainable, especially in modern times. I just need to lose weight.

>> No.10899994

And you will rubberband at least 10% of what you lose because you don't know what a normal diet is. Just count calories dumbass.

>> No.10899996

I am counting calories as well as eating a high fat diet. And if I rubberband 10 pounds then I'm okay with that.

>> No.10900009

I used keto to lose ~100lbs and ate myself back up 30 of it because I just wanted to eat bread. Back down 15 of what I put on again but I wish I had just done it the right way in the first place. You aren't doing yourself any favors, you can still have all the shit you ate if you really only did eat 800 calories, plus you can have anything else you want.

>> No.10900019

>You aren't doing yourself any favors
I'm losing weight and it's a diet that works for me because I don't really care about carbs anyways. I get what you're saying but I just need to do it myself.

>> No.10900026

I'm just trying to warn you with my own personal experience. What makes you think that you are incapable of losing weight without restricting your carb intake?

>> No.10900028

1977. I usually consume around 1600, but I'm trying to denormalize my metabolism so I can start losing weight again.

>> No.10900031

It's just easier for me doing it this way. I've tried other ways but keto has produced the best results for me so far.

>> No.10900042

that's a pretty good warning sign that you're trying to fix a giant hole with a band-aid

>> No.10900050

Somewhere in the thousands I guess. But I also go to the gym and workout, plus I have a ton of muscle so it burns any calories I get pretty god damn fast. Another reason to get muscle is because you can basically eat a 3000 calorie diet and not gain or lose weight because your muscles are burning as much as your gaining.

>> No.10900052

I don't really know, I ate like 6 waffles for lunch and then had half of a sandwich and a burrito for dinner so probably not that many

>> No.10900133


>> No.10900142

ROFL. /ck/ humor is so good!

>> No.10900165

1500 maybe

>> No.10900220

Are u a cute girl

>> No.10900245

Pineapple - 50
Pineapple fried rice - 380
Soup - 250
Bread - 4*66 (264)
Cookies - 330
Total ~1270,

>> No.10900296

I ate a munchie meal, which is around 1700 calories, but I didn't drink the soda. How many calories do you think the typical fast food soda is?

>> No.10900301

A Jack in the Box medium soda is like 30 oz, so a lot

>> No.10900359

about 1200, just started drinking though so probably will hit 2000 by the time I pass out.

>> No.10900453


>> No.10900683
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I don't do breakfast, and am currently having this lunch.
I am terrible at estimating calories. Greek salad, some bread with sprinkled olive oil and a big pork rib with some cheese / salsa condiments.
I would guess that would be around 2000 calories?
What do you think?

>> No.10900723

I actually got a carrot cake recipe down to about 600 calories for 1/12th slice and still delicious.
I really pig out on it though.

>> No.10900754

So far today, only about 150 (it’s 9:30 in the morning). I usually only consumw about 1200-1400 per day excluding alcohol, which drags it close to 2000.

>> No.10900766

A lot today, I've rapidly been losing weight without really meaning to. 2200kcal.
6'0 143 lbs

>> No.10900780

You should see a doctor then, that’s a sign of serious illness.

>> No.10900788

It's due to not eating enough I think, a few weeks ago I got a job which is quite physically demanding and I think my eating habits hadn't caught up yet.

>> No.10900796

around 40
just some iced coffee with milk and sugar, don't really have much of an appetite in this heat

>> No.10900813

1260 calories (120 from fat)
96 grams protein

>> No.10900826

Like 200. Not enough.

>> No.10900868

3 eggs - 234 calories
3 slices of bacon - 129 calories
5 mushrooms - 20 calories
1 12 oz glass of OJ - 175 calories
~1 cup of ice cream - 360 calories
2 cups of tea - 0 calories
12 mile bike ride - minus ~500 calories

Breakfast = 918 calories
Total for the day = ~418 calories

>> No.10900959


if it was titties I'd rather have the one on the left hehe

>> No.10901151


All in one sitting. Hoping I manage to resist eating anymore for the rest of the day.

OMAD is supposed to be healthy, right?

>> No.10901157

1030 so far. Staying under 1600, in order to lose weight. So only one more meal in the evening for me.

>> No.10901382


>> No.10901514

I work a job that includes a lot of heavy lifting and constant walking for 8 hours a day. I figured it out to be roughly 4000 on a normal day. Then I usually either go for a long walk or play a game of tennis at some point while I'm home. Sorry, went to bed right after I posted last night.

I'm actually pretty fat, I'm trying to cut back on my food intake, I used to eat at least 5k calories in a day.

>> No.10901527

I seriously doubt you are burning 4,000 calories every day. Do yourself a favor, go to a gym and get on a treadmill with a calorie counter and walk or run until it says 1,000 then ask yourself if you're really doing 4x that amount of work on a daily basis.

>> No.10901563

Yes, I have done this. Demanding physical labor actually burns a large amount of calories. I can't stress just how much food I used to eat to still gain weight.

>> No.10901601


>> No.10901768


>> No.10901863

1850, 2/3 from hummus and 1/3 from some gummy sweets

>> No.10901930
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Only looking out for you, tubby

>> No.10901985
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1300, and I'm done for the day. OMAD is the greatest. Tomorrow I'm going to open up the fromage d'affinois

>> No.10902113

2 buns with meat, running ~500 each
~800 from gummy bears
2 cola-beer and 1 schoppe, equalling roughly 600 calories
1800's still too much for cutting, having a football tournament tomorrow though

>> No.10902212

planned for around 1000 today. so far I've had about 350. (4 squares good chocolate, 5 egg whites)

>> No.10902222

sho bobs

>> No.10902253

Probably like 700-900

>> No.10902259

Around 280, probably gonna be close to 900-1200 after I get subway this afternoon

>> No.10902264

I guarantee you're not burning nearly as much as you think if you're still fat, get a heart rate monitor and a bluetooth fitness device that will calculate the approximate calories you're burning based on your heart rate, and current weight.

>> No.10902504

Calories in are the only thing that matters fat ass. It's not that other things like portion control "don't work for you"

You can lose weight eating nothing but taco bell. You need a solid normal diet that's not calorie ridden

>> No.10902538


>> No.10902727

Wtf causes that? Looks gross

>> No.10902748

congestive heart failure

>> No.10902810
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>> No.10902829

I'm guessing around 1500. Mostly crap and I didn't check a nutrition label before eating something underwhelming. I kinda fell off on keeping perfect track of this stuff these past couple weeks so I should get back on that.

>> No.10902846

you have no idea if they have the beetus but for damn sure their heart is failing. could be from beetus, could be shitty genetics, could be both or none of the above.

>> No.10902856
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heart failure doesn't cause necrosis of the foot and extremities, beetus and poor diet does

>> No.10902864

I had a tin of soup (chicken and chunky veg) and piri piri chicken and rice... so probably about 1000 at most.
Like 4 beers too, so whatever that is on top of that.

>> No.10902871

970 or so, 600 of those being from the two slices of leftover pizza I had for lunch today. Most days I have less calories than this though. I haven't been eating too much these days...

>> No.10902874

get with the times grandpa. heart failure most assuredly does cause necrosis. it is a verifiable fact.

>> No.10902876

This thread gets a 3/10 from me.
Caught some buzz with the replies but anyone with half a brain sees that there is no "right" answer and OP is looking to troll. Better luck next time.

>> No.10903688

>I lost weight on keto but fucked it up by binging on bread, so it doesn't work

t. retard

You're supposed to mantain your BMR for a week after cutting with ket and then introducing carbs and lift weights so you bulk and use the extra calories as a way to build muscle.

Of course it isn't going to do shit if with a no-strength training soyboy lifestyle.

>> No.10903804


I woke up at 4 PM, so I'm fasting.

>> No.10903817

Vodka has zero calories.

Take it from a fellow Mac junkie, ditch the frappes. They're a nutritional nightmare. Get a cappuccino or latte with the sugar free vanilla syrup.

>> No.10904403
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>vodka has zero calories

>> No.10904422

>Vodka has zero calories.
big if true

>> No.10904434

3400 calories, 6’3 230lbs body fat 18% 30 yr old boomer

>> No.10904435

t. Retard

>> No.10904526
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>Vodka has zero calories.

>> No.10904531
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>Vodka has zero calories

>> No.10904775

Tried to Google it to prove you faggots wrong.

Yep, disregard what I said before. I suck cocks.

It appears that I had received some very bad misinformation.

>> No.10906119
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Vodka doesn't have carbs - maybe that's what threw you off.

>> No.10906264


>> No.10906276

Just had 4 eggs and 4 bacon for breakfast so whatever that would be

>> No.10906289

Don't bother if you don't want to, but could i see a pic of your body? I personally am 6'3 250 pounds and I'd estimate myself to be more like 30% body fat. I've got a 1500 pound total for lifts so I'd reckon I've got a fair bit of muscle. Just curious.

>> No.10906411
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Probably like...not quite 1000?
I had 2 eggs some veggies and toast for breakfast and a turkey sandwich with tomate, lettuce, horseradish mustard and Munster for lunch.
Also a couple cups of coffee and a shot of pepto bismal.

>> No.10906421
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>> No.10906450


>> No.10906525

To the vodka has no cals fag, cool so you know why you were wrong, but alcohol is actually quite hard to turn into useful calories for your body. The way calories are determined is by burning the shit out of the food item in question and measuring the energy given off. Obviously alcohol has usable energy - you could run a car on whiskey if you wanted to, though ofc this would ruin your machine quite quickly.

Your body can't process the alcohol calories as well as food cals because your liver has a pretty low threshold for what it can handle at once before it just says "ok I'm busy - the rest of this poison is going to the blood and then getting pissed out." That's why your first drink has a negligible effect, and maybe your second too, but then the third and more are more powerful.
Point is the cals in alcohol aren't as available as those from food. That's why skinny drunks exist. If you're a full time alcoholic who drinks a fifth of booze per day, that's about 1600 calories as measured by the oven, but you couldn't get skinny drinking that many cals per day plus presumably some actual food from time to time. Calories from alcohol (note - not the other things in drinks like beer or mixed drinks with sugars etc, just straight booze) just don't make you fat like food calories.

>> No.10906538

Also, this is me >>10906525
I will end today at about 1500. Big surprise I drink a fuck ton, so it's about an even split 500 cals each to whiskey, some leftover Chinese and a big homemade Vindaloo tonight.

>> No.10906932

>The way calories are determined is by burning the shit out of the food item in question and measuring the energy given off.
Incorrect. That's how calories are measured in a chemistry lab, but not for the purposes of discussing food. The caloric values for food come from empirical reasearch. The figures you hear all the time: 4 calories/gram for protein and carbs, 7 cal/g for alcohol, and 9 for fat are called "Atwater factors". They are named after the scientist who calculated them, Dr. Atwater. They are based on the way the human digestive process works, not simply what you'd get if you burned the food in a calorimeter. The figure of 7 cals/gram already accounts for the inefficiencies of our digestion.

>> No.10908422


im very smol

>> No.10909800

Like 2000 maybe 2100

>> No.10910565

1100. Decided to fast 24 hours then eat one massive meal every day. Means I get to eat like shit for an hour till I can't eat anymore.

>> No.10910576

>ITT: fatties in denial
Getting some exercise might help, land whales.

>> No.10910577


>> No.10910605
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About 5000
I am 118lbs and 6'0, but I am anorexic so I am being forced to eat massive amounts of food each day to gain weight (I'm told I should aim for 145lbs at least)

You fucking fatasses don't know how good you have it. I'd give anything to fast again.

>> No.10910614

You should be eating less than half of that. You're never going to cure a mental issue by switching extremes.

>> No.10910653

they told me I had to gain weight fast because I risk irreversable damage to my body by staing at my previous weight (99lbs)

>> No.10910658

Approximately 10. A 16 oz black coffee and a large strawberry.

>> No.10910663

Well they're right but even if you manage to gain a lot of weight in a few weeks you will probably just fast it off again afterwards. Going from anorexic to binge eating is stupid and 99% won't help you longterm.

>> No.10910673

not him but I once used to do a demanding physical labor, power tools and conveyor belt and estimated a 2700/3000 calories burned and 9 km walked on my unit, that pretty much get me exhausted for the whole day

once they lended me to another unit for two hours, when I finished the two hours I was WET like I came out from a shower and pretty much flipping out for the fatigure, a chilometer on the treadmill is nothing in comparison

>> No.10910719

does anyone actually have a consistently healthy diet?
like i'm nowhere near fat, and i don't think i have an eating disorder, but i do think my diet is just little binges and purges
but i think that's really normal, yes??

i've probably eaten about 800 so far (4pm) but because i overate a bit yesterday i'll probably only have a ricey salad thing at work later and that'll be it for the day

i think 2000 kcals just makes me fat - i used to calorie count when i gymmed regularly but when i ate on target i just gained weight

>> No.10910803

>he thinks he knows about medicine

>> No.10910815


>> No.10910828

I've had 10 beers (will have two more), two handfuls of almonds, a handful of walnuts and a shitload of Indian takeout
Probably around 3500

>> No.10911014

Too many

>> No.10911036

It's next to impossible to be 100% on a program all the time. I work as a nutritionalist and work with a bunch of gym rats and trainers and the majority of them eat like shit and only consistently eat healthy if they're trying to slim down or cut up, but even then they'll have cheat days at least once every 2 weeks or so. If you don't, you'll go fucking crazy eating nothing but chicken and broccoli every day.
People also forget how many calories are in alcohol and even when their diet has eliminated most junk and processed food, they're still downing tons of beer or liquor that keeps them heavier and unhealthy.
Also intermittent fasting really helps keep down weight as well.

>> No.10911042

>you'll go fucking crazy eating nothing but chicken and broccoli every day.
It's entirely possible to eat a healthy diet without going full sperg, anon.

>> No.10911166

>does anyone actually have a consistently healthy diet?

Some people, but they're by far the exception to the rule. Most people eat shitty at least part of the time.

>> No.10911217

thank u for replying
>they're still downing tons of beer or liquor that keeps them heavier and unhealthy.
oh god i always forget to count the amount of beer i drink. its got to be over 1000 a week

that makes me feel better too, thank you

>> No.10911231

>its got to be over 1000 a week

Depending on the kind of beer that could be as few as 4 beers/week.

>> No.10911248

pilsner, which i think is about 200 per half litre
so yes it's probably more like 4/5000 or more ffs
i would give a percentage of my income to whoever creates tasty zero-kcal beer

>> No.10911260

>i would give a percentage of my income to whoever creates tasty zero-kcal beer

Well alcohol has calories, so zero-calorie beer couldn't get you drunk.

I suppose you could simulate the drunk feeling with barbiturates, they give a similar feeling.

>> No.10911265


>> No.10911296

not a big fan of downers! i think i just need to drink less haha thank you
everyone probably does

>> No.10911304

1290 in food, then whatever is in 2 sips of milk

>> No.10911305

why did you have two sips of milk?

>> No.10911311

one in each glass of coffee

>> No.10911336

if youre only putting a sip amount in why bother? does it add that much taste?

>> No.10911708

you don't deserve to eat

>> No.10911834

Don't forget that alcohol also bloats the fuck out of you, that's why a lot of mid 40s men all look the same with a gut and a fucked up puffy face.
Intermittent fasting and cutting alcohol will do wonders for not only your health but also just your physical appearance.

>> No.10911846

its 3pm and maybe 400?

>> No.10912046

pretentious tryhard

>> No.10912163

In the last 4 days I've eaten 2 packs of nuggets, several apples and oranges, a bowl of oats and 8 eggs. I'm fine with this.

>> No.10912200

omg ur so cute

>> No.10912539

What was that, fatty? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your congestive heart failure.

>> No.10912668

where do old bloated women get fat? its thighs and hips, right?
is intermittent fasting the diet where you only eat in 8 hr windows? so if i start eating at 8 i need to finish at 16, etc?
if weightloss is just calories in and calories out, how will that make a difference?
sorry, i know i could just google this

>> No.10912750

can you go into more detail on how to intermittently fast?

Thank u

>> No.10912778


>> No.10912789
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>> No.10912810
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>> No.10912818

I'm actually from Germany. you dumb Mutt.

>> No.10912845
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Well Hans, obesity is a global problem you dumb fuck
>Fat = murrican

>> No.10912959

Don't eat for at least 18 hours

>> No.10914105

Drinking SOME alcohol is healthy. You just don't want to overdo it.

>> No.10914117

>Science shows that drinking a little alcohol instead of a lot is actually healthier
Who the fuck would have thought.

>> No.10914136

Pineapple is incredibly caloric, you either ate an incredibly small, acidic breakfast or are mistaken.

>> No.10914472

I don't know. A bowl of bran flakes without milk and a cup of coffee. I don't feel so good...

>> No.10914827

As in some alcohol is better than none.

>> No.10914840

i do not know, i live in a food desert and i am not very good with numbers.

>> No.10915830

what time do your kids go to bed if you're having fucking dinner at 10:00pm

>> No.10915849

ich glaube dir nicht

actually its always a little shocking to see an obese person, let alone a fat person, in berlin. i'm not sure about the rest of germany

dont hot countries nap in the day? so theyre still getting enough sleep

>> No.10915851

I skipped dinner last night and haven't had breakfast yet. What's a good way to prime my appetite so I don't end up feeling like shit after trying to eat a normal amount?

>> No.10915852

Let me correct you. SOME parts of Spain eat that late.

>> No.10915875

I see this is your first time talking about food.

I just finished lunch, I'm at 6235 calories so far, and there's a nice flank steak with blue sauce along with pancakes waiting for me this evening, and I'm well on track to lose some two pounds of fat by the end of the week.

Stay mad dietlet.

>> No.10915905

bowl of fruit n fibre and a cup of coffee with semi skimmed milk
whatever that totals to

>> No.10916087

1400 - 1800

>> No.10916303

shut up

>> No.10916332


>> No.10916515


>> No.10916589

Thus far about 310 calories. Two pieces of toast with low cal margarine and then a small banana a couple of hours later.

>> No.10916863
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Probably around 650 calories so far between breakfast and lunch. I was too tired to bother making lunch last night so I just threw a PB&J, a leftover slice of costco frozen pizza, and a can of string beans into my lunchbox.

I forgot to bring a can opener with me to work though

>> No.10916874

Honestly I find that a light miso soup can help gently wake my stomach up if I've got that nauseous-hungry feeling from not eating.

>> No.10916916

muscle, or protein, turns into fat if not used by physical activity. Everything does, actually. Perhaps what this scale is trying to show it that muscle is 'lighter' than fat ie if you gain 5 pounds of muscle it will be less noticeable than if you gain 5 pounds of fat.

>> No.10916934

How the fuck do you accidentally put milk in your coffee

>> No.10917981

Thanks senpai. I went with an egg and toast which worked out okay, but I'll be sure to stock up on some miso for future use

>> No.10918591

390 for a protein bar
200 for one of those stupid coffee energy drinks
110 for a small smoked hunters sausage.

So 700 so far, but for dinner I'm going to have soup (490) and a yogurt for dessert (120). So 1310 calories total for the day.

>> No.10918616

I didn't count everything but around 600 to 800 calories. I wanted to eat zero but I was too hungry.

>> No.10918622

Not being awake from lack of coffee ?

>> No.10919008

50 calories per 100 grams is not "incredibly caloric". 100 grams of pineapple is a pretty unsatisfying breakfast though.

>> No.10919018

Been 0 for few days, tomorrow gonna eat something.

>> No.10919811

absolute unit

>> No.10919951

Like 1200 when my maintenance is supposedly 2900

I'm so fucking HUNGRY

>> No.10921551

Holy shit, I never realized you could still drink neat alcohol on a low carb diet. Thanks Mark.

>> No.10921566

Many things like vodka and gin are zero carb. But alcohol itself is fairly high in calories, so if you're trying to lose weight it's not a good thing to be consuming. 7 cals/gram makes it nearly twice as calorically dense as protein or carbs.

>> No.10921619

I don't count calories. But I drank an Ice Cappuccino, 2 Red Bulls, 1L water and 2 buns with ham and cheese. 500 calories maybe?

>> No.10921634

A single red bull (12oz) is 168 calories, so methinks your math is way off.

>> No.10921645

A single can is 250ml. 100 ml is 46 calories thus a single can is 115 calories.

>> No.10921729

>2 Red Bulls
What was the size? An 8oz one is 110 calories.

>> No.10921855

Yes. 250ml is 8oz in burger units.

>> No.10921861

It's close. 8 oz is 237mL.

The most common sized can in the US these days is 12oz, though there are both the smaller (original US size) 8oz ones and larger ones too.

>> No.10922061

youd need to give the specifics, but unless youre eating some low calorie variant of an ice cappucinno, no calorie red bull, and small ham and cheese buns youre way over 500 calories

>> No.10922142

I gave the specifics but it doesn't really matter. I'll just calculate it myself.
RB 230 cal, Iced Cappucino 65 cal, buns: 146 cheese slice: 50 cal, ham slices : 41 cal thus a total of 532. Case closed.

>> No.10923868

why doesn't the catalog update?

>> No.10923926

3500-4000 i hope

>> No.10923958

1499 according to MFP
Losing weight is tedious, but CICO works.

>> No.10923978

idk how many calories is gomad

>> No.10924556

Too many probably. A sweet and spicy meal at whataburger with a salted caramel shake.