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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10873692 No.10873692 [Reply] [Original]

Had s'mores for the first time today. Why the fuck do burgers like this garbage?

>> No.10873695

Fuck you I hate marshmallows

>> No.10873708

It's a treat for the kids when sitting around a campfire, not adults since we're swilling beer and the sugar would clash with the beer flavor.

>> No.10873734

living in your head, rent free :)

>> No.10873779

Lmao at Europeans ""taste"" so cultured they can't even enjoy a s'more

>> No.10874087

its kid thing. lmfao at anybody over the age of 5 eating smores. also unless you're camping and cooking them over a campfire you're not doing it right, smores are supposed to have a slightly smoky taste.

>> No.10874180

Amerilad here, these make me physically ill. Cannot eat.

I don't even know why. I can eat all the components separately in the sitting, but if you put them together it's barf city.

>> No.10874287

Don't use Hershey's chocolate and use something actually edible and it'll improve tenfold.

>> No.10874332

It's a nostalgia thing. Lots of people in the US ate these as kids, in the same sense you and your grandfather ate dust bunnies together or whatever it is you do there.

>> No.10874344

it's kid food. sugar gives me a panic attack because dental issues are painful and I never want to deal with them.

>> No.10874426

I doubt you've had anything in your mouth today other than Achmeds dick

>> No.10874510

Basically a treat for kids who you managed to drag through the woods despite them rather playing video games. “Hey you want this chocolate treat? How about gathering some sticks for me. Or don’t and be left here with the wolves and spiders.”

>> No.10874518

Sugar only gives you dental issues if you let the sugar sit on your teeth like an un-hygienic mongoloid.

>> No.10875041
File: 70 KB, 792x520, 1530992666488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of these responses are from edgelord phoneposters
hmmmmmmm... *click*

>> No.10875052
File: 22 KB, 570x572, attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean to be fair, most people are probably posting from their phone

>> No.10875056

>stale graham cracker
>burnt marshmallow
>shitty half melted hersheys """chocolate"""
Takes me right back to being a kid again.
But if you do it right you're supposed to get a vanilla chocolate and cinnamon experience

>> No.10875061

>Supporting phoneposting scum
Absolutely disgusting, phoneposting faggots are the worst

>> No.10875065
File: 140 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180708-114309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phone posters burn in hell

>> No.10875070

> Paid For by the David Hogg Blu-meme Corp.

>> No.10875104

What exacly is so bad with phoneposting?

>> No.10875191

Speak for your goddamned self.

>> No.10875203

Phoneposters don't really make original content for the site and are more likely to be newfags. It's okay as an occasional thing but I'm sure there are some who never post from an actual PC. Most of the time when I see a thread started by an obvious phoneposter it's a shitty thread posting clickbait from other sites for (You)s.

>> No.10875303

>tfw i phonepost 99% of the time
I have to go to my pc to post any webms, which is a bitch and a half, but it's honestly it's not worth sitting at a computer all day to browse, especially if you frequent slow boards like /ck/ and /p/

>> No.10875385

That looks delicious. But anyway its so sugar packed which makes it perfect for a camping trip after all the walking around, fucking each other in the ass, and fishing.

>> No.10875399

I don't have a pc so I guess I could console post.

>> No.10875741

>pretends never shitposts from the toilet.

>> No.10875749

Campfire pasttime. What with your lack of land I can understand not being able to enjoy it as a part of your childhood.

>> No.10875832
File: 28 KB, 294x378, 186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur pic looks soooo gooooood fuckkkk

>> No.10876858

Most oldfags phonepost from work because they have jobs, unlike the underage r9k shits that post frogs and call funny pictures "memes".

>> No.10877003
File: 38 KB, 200x200, 1433090717542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smores? pffffft, that's far too sugary for my refined palate. I'll have a black coffee

>> No.10877008
File: 198 KB, 650x437, the-sandlot-smores1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want smores?

>> No.10877038
File: 206 KB, 540x405, tumblr_pbiu25xYrq1vct3zyo1_540[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10878084

When ever it started to rain before camping trips my parents would cheer us up by "camping indoors". They would make "bizarro smores" which were just smores but with vanilla ice cream instead of marshmallows.

>> No.10878100

Here's why I like s'mores: I like the burnt flavor of the marshmallow, and the variety of textures.

>> No.10878663

black coffee would probly go great with smores

>> No.10878667

sounds better than real smores desu

>> No.10878678

i don't think s'mores are a german thing, but nice thread, OP

>> No.10878797

I put sliced strawberries on mine, helps to cut through the sugar and the flavor is a known combo with chocolate

>> No.10878816

I put peanut butter on mine.