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10868154 No.10868154 [Reply] [Original]

Hi today I make macarons. has anyone made any macarons lately? or any tips for succes :)

>> No.10868158


>> No.10868168
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>you know it's done when it sticks to the wall

>> No.10868188

youre probably going to fuck it up a lot before you get it right so have fun, be patient, and good luck

>> No.10868210

I dont know if its just me and a friend who does this, but always stop folding/mixing the batter sooner than you think

I always have the habit of overmixing

>> No.10868211

those look too runny

>> No.10868229

My stepsister made some with chocolate filling last week. They were goddamn amazing and I wish I'd gotten her recipe. I'll have to ask her about it next time.

>> No.10868239

the secret is to let them rest, the upper crust needs to be dry otherwise you won'tget the famous "crown"

>> No.10868241

This is my third time making them. The first time they were perfect so it was a bit of a fluke. The second time they were a by hollow in the inside so I think I beat the egg whites too much lol

>> No.10868244

Yes they’ve been resting for a while now but it’s been raining a lot today and I heard they’re a bit finicky when the weather’s rainy :/

>> No.10868250

not sure since i’m not an expert at making them but they seem to be pretty stable even when the baking paper’s tilted

>> No.10868311

Do you live somewhere air conditioners aren't standard?

>> No.10868317

Nah that's literally perfect, they should be flat lil disks. The shine will go away as the outside dries and isn't tacky anymore.

>> No.10868320

It's an air conditioner not a dehumidifier perhaps you're confused?

>> No.10868391

They're the same thing, one just dumps heat outside instead of back into the room.

>> No.10868416

>They're the same thing
Air conditioning and humidifiers/dehumidifiers are not the same thing.
You're confusing temperature and humidity. Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air. If the air is too humid/moist, then that affects the macaron batter. A dehumidifier sucks in the air and condenses the water in a chamber, then spits the dry air back out.

>> No.10868432

are you dumb?

>> No.10868446

They're not entirely wrong. The air is routed a little differently.

>> No.10868448

Are you? I'm not even him but a dehumidifier doesn't help this heat at all

>> No.10868459

No, because I have an idea of the concept of heat vs. humidity and how the two are not mutually exclusive conditions.

>> No.10868466

were you dropped as a child?

>> No.10868650
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>> No.10868659


>> No.10868682

Looks yummy :)

>> No.10868706


Age the egg whites in a bowl for a day or two in the fridge so moisture escapes, aged egg whites make chewier, more stable macarons.

Smack the tray down hard so air bubbles go to the top, then pop big air bubbles with a toothpick. Air bubbles kill even macarons.

Few tips from me. I find they help.