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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10829103 No.10829103 [Reply] [Original]

I did it, lads. I took an entry-level kitchen job, I am going to have a go at the cooking industry, and am dead serious about turning my hobby into a profession.

>> No.10829110

stop it

>> No.10829109

A *tip* of my chef hat to you, good sir.

>> No.10829113

post some of your cooking it probably sucks jackass

>> No.10829124


nice dude, idk why people hate so much on here. /ck/ used to be super chill

>> No.10829132
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We have been overrun by shit posters

>> No.10829145

Write shit down and taste everything offered to you try not to start drinking or doing drugs you probably will but if you try you might delay addiction a little while

>> No.10829147

grats anon

I took a job as a head cook and I ended up depressed and severely alcoholic after less than two years, now I'm not sure I ever want to work in a kitchen again

Hope it turns out well for you

What kind of work you going to be doing/food you'll be making?

>> No.10829149

Fuck off. Leahy.

>> No.10829190
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I think 4chan in general is just full of much more hate than before

every board is people starting arguments and getting political it's really tiring

>> No.10829210

That's everywhere you little tard, your opinion is literally shit!

>> No.10829224

Everything is getting more political. I blame the left for hysterically obsessing over Trump for bringing it to a fever pitch, but it's gradually been getting worse in general among everybody. Republicans were pretty bad under Obama at times, but he definitely deserved more scrutiny than he got.
Oh god, I'm doing it too. It's snowballed too far.

>> No.10829231

embrace your inner day of the rope

>> No.10829283
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>turning my hobby into a profession
lol bad idea anon

>> No.10829292

It's a small somewhat classy restaurant that specializes in seafood. Honestly I didn't think I would get the job because I have no experience, but the chef liked me. I will be doing a lot of prep work and will be doing other things to help in the kitchen as needed, possibly even some dishwashing, but the chef knows that I am there to learn how to cook professionally.

>> No.10829317

Hope it goes well for you man. I'd like to do something similar one day, preferably not in a seafood place though.

>> No.10829382

the best advice I can give is work hard above and beyond the expectations of anyone

and be willing to do the jobs nobody else wants to / has the time to

that's a fast way to move up in the kitchen and get to where you want to be

>> No.10829392

rulez 1 & 2, faggito

>> No.10829404

he said at 8 at night when he's delirious with sleep deprivation, after watching a few gordon ramsay videos. you'll wake up not wanting to do anything

>> No.10829413


I hated the food industry. Too many drug addict alcoholics and lazy illegals.

>> No.10829414


>> No.10829428

Thanks man, I'll remember it. I am actually taking a pay cut to do this, and I want to move up as fast as possible.

>> No.10829429

It's because of /pol/.

No it's because of you jackasses bringing politics into everything. Do you see "SJWS" in this board crying about Trump? No. But all the time you trumpsters are in these boards with your annoying ass crying.

>> No.10829441

pls post tittys

>> No.10829454

>haha you must be a girl because you don't like the right
fuck off snowflake.

>> No.10829470

You're gonna hate cooking after a year tops.
t. ex kitchen slave

>> No.10829493

Why? The biggest complaint I hear is that kitchen workers don't get to have a normal social life. I don't give a fuck, I don't have a social life nor do I want one. I like fast-paced hectic work. The only real problem I have is the low pay, but I don't need a lot of money to be happy and I plan on moving up in the industry so I can at least have a relatively comfortable income.

>> No.10829512

Hey reddit. Up to your usual projection, I see.

>> No.10829514

t. /pol/

>> No.10829520

Nah. /ck/, /out/, /vr/ and /k/. I know you newfaggots think screeching /pol/ at anything you don't like is an instant argument winner, but it's really just a massive mask slip.

>> No.10829522

t. /pol/ trying to pretend not /pol/

>> No.10829538
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You can always go back instead of jumping at boogeymen in the shadows, y'know.

>> No.10829540

Because a sure way to start hating a hobby is doing it as a job.

>> No.10829545

k pol

>> No.10829546

all the best anon

try and resist heavy drinking and drugs

>> No.10829550

Stop shitting up the thread with low effort posting and proving the polar opposite of your theory true. Last (you) you get.

>> No.10829551

k pol

>> No.10829553

It's an interesting field my friend. You're going to make lots of friends, smoke incredible amounts of dope and drink absurd amounts of alcohol.

The atmosphere in a kitchen is amazing, as long as you're thick skinned.

Also remember that the nicer the restaraunts the better the drugs. I use to sell weed from Colorado to my head chef and our sous chef. In return I got to take home pounds of crab legs on Friday and so much prime rib.

>be me, 25
>land job working the friers in an upscale country club, zero food cost 20 hours OT/week
>quickly move to broil
>impress head chef, become lead line cook in first 2 months
>learn saute and start running the stove
>tfw sous chef gets promoted to head chef in a sister club and I take position as sous chef
>4 years later, never been happier, culinary school being paid for
>training to become chef of a new country club opening soon
>tfw work is still shitty most times, feel underpaid as fuck at 20/hour
>appreciate opiate/alcoholism addictions for the relief they bring

Welcome to the food industry!

>> No.10829559

Projecting much?

>> No.10829563

t. pol

>> No.10829564

a chef career is unironically the worst decision you can ever make

>> No.10829568


FTFY, newfaggot.

>> No.10829571

You mean /pol/ right?

>> No.10829576

t. pol

>> No.10829584

>Do you see "SJWS" in this board crying about Trump?
Yes. Was that a rhetorical question?

>> No.10829586


congratulations. with just a few years of work, 15 dollars an hour and 60 hours a week can be yours, along with a complimentary cocaine, alcohol, and nicotine habit! but wait, there's more: if you had any potential to begin with, skank waitress poon is on tap, but it'll only serve to remind you that you'll never have a normal relationship because you're a pampered slave.

>> No.10829591

great decision if you want to travel and be a degenerate druggie though

>> No.10829595

Get a room you fucking fags

>> No.10829611 [DELETED] 

t. lying trumptard

>> No.10829623

Kek, you're literally proving my point.

>> No.10829634

t. literally /pol/

>> No.10829649

>Do you see "SJWS" in this board crying about Trump? No.
Literally everyday you disingenuous faggot

>> No.10829655

>post count isn't going up
t. samefagging /pol/

>> No.10829685
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>> No.10829693

This will absolutely kill your passion for cooking...years ago, I did a little woodworking as a hobby, then went to college for it...27 years later now I fucking hate it...I make great money no doubt, but if I never see the inside of a cabinetshop ever again I would be fine with that...

>> No.10829694

I know. Why does /pol/ have to shit everything up?

>> No.10829700

I was oneo of your replies, but not the others. Might wanna get your eyes and brain checked.

>> No.10829705

t. pol

>> No.10829710

>27 years later

wow. are you a real boomer?

>> No.10829713

How much, if any, free food do cooks and chefs get while at work?

>> No.10829724

No no no no no, OP. This is how you make the thread.

>I did it, lads. I finally gave up on either following my dreams or getting my shit together, so I took the one job that will allow me to continue getting absolutely blasted all the time and yelling about buttholes while pretending i'm a serious professional to my friends and family

>> No.10829727

pretty much varies from place to place doesn't it? don't expect shit from any corporate-ran chain. the rest up to the chef

>> No.10829734

Maybe. But I am also struggling to find a career, and I figure I should try to make a profession out of something I know that I am good at. If I lose cooking as a hobby I can always pick up new ones, likely drugs and alcohol according to most other people who work in this industry.

>> No.10829735

I can cook myself whatever I want, whenever I want, and generally can bring home food for my girlfriend, and in some cases if we have a lot of something that's going to go bad soon, I'll batch cook it and take it home.

>> No.10829739

so true at least that's how it'll turn out 90% of the time. working in a kitchen = drugs and server pussy. great fun. too low-paying for a family though. but fuck it, not like there's many good women out there anyway

>> No.10829744


tbfair there's waaaay more whining about SJWs, hating on minorities, etc. than crying about Trump.

>> No.10829766

most of the crying about trump is false flags shit anyway. the thread/post gets immediately bombarded with alt-right crap

>> No.10829767

Whining about Trump definitely isn't the only thing sjws do.
As long as we're riding this circular logic train, let's ride it back to the home station and point out people didn't use to whine about people that whined about minorities on 4chan.

>> No.10829773

So you are a faggot?

>> No.10829776

Tell us more, what kind of job is what kind of 'straunt is it?

>> No.10829780

Sounds like a good way to offset the low pay in this industry.

>> No.10829782

disregard, I just read down a few more replies lol XD anyway congrats and good luck

>> No.10829786

OP here and I have no interest in ever having a family.

>> No.10829788

Free booze and food was the only reason I stuck with my kitchen part-time job. Then the owner finally got replaced and corporate is completely in our ass so there went that. I want to leave but it's hard when I've grown close to all my co-workers.

>> No.10829800

Kitchen's great for bachelor life. Not many other jobs where doing lines on the clock actually makes you a better worker. I'm high / drunk at least 50% of the time I'm working. Then the shift ends and all the hot servers stick around to drink All it takes is a bit of effort on your looks and charm and you're guaranteed pussy at least once a month.

>> No.10829808

We're hiring at 'vark just so you know.

we need strong men such as yourselves to jerk me off to make more of the 'secret ingredient'

>> No.10829818

fuck this thread I'm outta here

gl at your new job OP

>> No.10829828

Thanks m8

>> No.10829886


>> No.10829890

Always look on the bright side of death...

>> No.10830271

Be ready to do a whole lot of drugs. I work at a steakhouse and we all chainsmoke and take percs during prep

>> No.10830281
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>tfw chef got fired on the spot for telling an off-color joke within earshot of our tightass dyke GM

I poured one out for him tonight. He ran a good kitchen.

>> No.10830313

OP here again. I should have added that I am experienced with drugs and booze. Hard drugs are in the past. Specifically percs make me sick when I am drinking to excess, so I cant have that. Booze and weed are fine with me.

>> No.10830323

Oh then you'll do fine in the kitchen. All my crew drink and smoke together after work, sometimes take a break to do trash and go skull a shot somewhere

>> No.10831066
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bienvenido mi amigo!