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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10820038 No.10820038[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else here enjoy making women with pleb taste buds feel insecure?

>Meet 8/10 thot on tinder
>Take out to nice restaurant (I'm not paying the full bill lol)
>Order caviar, anchovy dish, then main course which is squid a 30 year old bottle of white wine from France
>She order a macaroni and cheese and fucking grilled chicken breast with mashed potatoes and pommee puree for main.
>Orders a diet coke
>mfw when
>She starts to blush and mumble like a low class, insecure, high prestige wannabe


Fucking dumb sluts always have the most trash, childish taste in food. Fucking white trash seriously. Anyone else here?

>> No.10820060

So what did you both talk about when you were done being "superior" to a girl who didn't care to order the most expensive shit on the menu

>> No.10820075


>> No.10820077

>agree to go out on a date with a 30 year old thott
>being better than anybody

That's basically like thinking you're better than somebody as you're wiping their ass for them

>> No.10820081


I mostly made the conversation all about her. Her family, what she liked to do for fun, her opinions on politics, music, etc. Textbook narcissist. Loves talking about herself and enjoyed all the attention. Now I need to check myself for chlamydia but it was fun.

>> No.10820084

OP's high class feed and seed, formerly vark's

>> No.10820089

>Made the conversation about her
>"She's a narcissist"

fsrfghjko what

Anon is there any scenario where you didn't dislike her.

>> No.10820125

>Anyone else here?
Nope, just you.

>> No.10820131

>still uses shaming tactics on women

How’s high school coming along, son?

>> No.10820212

why is it that women on average have such poor taste in food? Their pallet is the same as a child's even if they had a good upbringing with exposure to better foods

>> No.10820231

Golly anon how many dates have you been on to get this information about every woman.
Why are incels so retarded with their narratives, you built up some imaginary world in your rooms to ignore your own life.

>> No.10820243

You sound like a genuwine psychopath. I'm a _dude_ and I wouldn't give you the time of day

>> No.10820291

nice projection incel

>> No.10820366


I don't generalise the entire female gender with pseudo observations made based off hearsay stories from Facebook.
How am I projecting, I'm not the one who assumes everything about another person based off shallow observations. That's clearly you.

Even if you slept with this girl, which I just straight up doubt, your "le high class" attitude is so fucking cringy and pathetic because it rubs off like you're playing dress up. Like read what you rucking wrote man, could you imagine trying to say any of that to another person face to face and not sound like a monumental douche?

>> No.10820391


idk man at least I managed to convert my gf from drinking barefoot and claiming McDonald's is the peak of hamburger cuisine but it's really disheartening

>> No.10820440

OP is giving out a real pseudo-sophistication, Roger Elliot type vibe.

>> No.10820451

Did you pay for all your own shit or just split the bill?

>> No.10820453

>Spending that much money trying to impress a girl you met off tinder
We're you trying to show her a good time, did you offer anything off you rplate, or were you competing with her to see who could waste their money the fastest and still have a bad time.

>> No.10820464

Neither. It never actually happened.

>> No.10820472

Yeah I used to utterly BERATE my ex wife because she didn't like Inglehoffer Brand German Style Mustard, like a big idiot who totally lacked taste buds or something.

>> No.10820479

vark's shart and fart

>> No.10820555


>> No.10820755

>could you imagine trying to say any of that to another person face to face and not sound like a monumental douche?

Huh. That's remarkably prescient.

I like you, anon. Keep it up.

>> No.10820772

Did you take her to a fucking buffet? What the fuck kind of place serves caviar, 30 year old wine and mac and cheese?

>> No.10820777

You're the one with deep emotional problems you fucking faggot

>> No.10820787

Why are you incels such human garbage? You don't deserve the right to exist. You honestly should be marched into a gas chamber.

>> No.10820795

You’re the narc dumbfuck

>> No.10820798
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Fuck off white knighting homosexual

>> No.10820799

That’s orobably only white American lower and middle class women you’re thinking of

>> No.10820851


You're a miserable gimp shut in that can't socialize and will probably suicide from the emotional pressures of being abnormal.

Either start therapy or prepare yourself for a bullet or the noose you make for yourself.