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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10819278 No.10819278 [Reply] [Original]

>I was never allowed to eat sugar as a kid
>I never eat lucky charms
>recites the catchphrase perfectly
why does she lie about eating healthy? every video she claims to never eat junk food or "it's been forever since I've had one of these..." yet she just keeps getting fatter

>> No.10819283


>> No.10819305

You don't think jews lie?

>> No.10819317

commercials dumbass

>> No.10819384

Do you think a Jew would really do that?
Just go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.10820114
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>This fucker doesn't know what commercials are

>> No.10820121

>professional female "chef"

>> No.10820148
File: 550 KB, 750x1152, 023650F7-C2CB-45AE-BF41-E16D803BFAF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because she’s a pastry chef that makes infinitely better shit than processed packaged foods?
just look at her instagram, all that shit will make you fat

>> No.10820159

>>I was never allowed to eat sugar as a kid

I don't think she ever said that. she says it's been awhile.

and it prob has, she works in the food industry in NYC. surrounded by great food at work, surrounded by great food when she leaves work. probs doesnt eat too much traditional junk food, but still easy to get fat.

anyway there are three claire threads now, so please next time just post in one of the others.

>> No.10820164

Catchphrases are so ingrained in culture and language dude also she probably wrote a damn script before she said it

>> No.10821408

haha yes this anonymous poster has it correct!!

>> No.10821411

I see that image and my heart leaps. It looks like she needs help, and I need to help her.

Did she say she doesn't watch television? So what are you ranting about?

>> No.10821414

>everything sucks
>as brad would say
I say that too, Claire. I've said it all my life. I'm cool, too, Claire. Please notice me.

>> No.10821428
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Guys, I'm pretty sure she's got yellow fever

>> No.10821444

Why specify kosher salt? What difference does it make to a recipe like this?

>> No.10821490

Stop bullying Claire you incel. ;_;

>> No.10821493

Why did you link normalfag bullshit here? Get out you fucking retard.

>> No.10821495

>you can only be overweight if you eat junk food
american education

because kosher salt is finer than the salt you get out of a grinder so theres actually a different amount of salt per teaspoon, people often overlook this

>> No.10821496

big fag

>> No.10821498

I don't remember ever having Lucky Charms as a kid, but I can recite the catchphrase perfectly from all the advertisements I saw growing up. Same with Cookie Crisp, Sugar Crisp and Honey Combs.

>> No.10821499

she's so cute. I wish her all the best

>> No.10821505 [DELETED] 

Sweetie, it’s time to come out if the closet.

>> No.10821681

*Confused shocked stare*
"When did that become one?"

[Triggered by the hourglass shape her body doesn't have]

>> No.10821781

She probably comes from a rich family. Many don't eat this kind of crap.

>> No.10821783

>pastry chef
>cant temper chocolate

>> No.10821819

The fuck is wrong with you

>> No.10823054

She's a jew in New York and had the luxury of doing a total meme degree, obviously her parents are loaded.

>> No.10823079

>tempered chocolate
>pastries = candy

>> No.10823088

Holy shit imagine being as dumb as this guy, Jesus Christ.

>> No.10823122

>food magazine
>harvard educated pastry chef
>she instantly runs to youtube to look up how to make it

>> No.10823159

>the thing we went over for like 3 days in culinary school isn't a memorized fact for someone who works at a food magazine
Stay mad that she makes more money than you, jealousfag

>> No.10823163

Why do you feel the need to shill (((Bon Appetit))) here? They already get millions of views. Go talk about it on reddit.

>> No.10823173
File: 218 KB, 470x407, 1528542755344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you really want more people to use reddit with you, but I'd rather not.

>> No.10823190


>> No.10823201

No its just a bad angle from a video. Watch it and you'll see she's actually a cutie. We all can look ugly if screencapped at unflattering angles by autists on the internet.

>> No.10823220

All those look good enough for homecooking, but you wouldn't be able to pass for a pastry chef with that level of consistency in execution.

>> No.10823221

>he thinks being a pastry chef at a 3 star restaurant is the same as a pastry chef at a food magazine

>> No.10823240

There's generally much less cyanide in sea salt and finishing salts and no iodine.

If you dissolve it you're unlikely to taste any difference in a blind test though.

>> No.10823244

That wouldn't pass at any village bakery either.

>> No.10823248

she's kinda cute, she's got that addam's family vibe to her; it turns me on.

>> No.10823253

She grew up in STL

>> No.10823255

I didn’t realize you learned how to make processes breakfast cereals in an Ivy League school

>> No.10823296

this isn't impressive... some of them look downright bad

>> No.10823305


She never says that she never ate them, she specifically says they were a "once in a while treat". Work on your listening skills.

>> No.10823311

its just jealous autists who hate things irrationally. they'd make excuses to hate her no matter what.

>> No.10823312

Did anyone see the episode with the drag queen?
What in God's name is happening to our society?

>> No.10823314

>every video she claims to never eat junk food or "it's been forever since I've had one of these..." yet she just keeps getting fatter

You can get fat by overeating anything, it doesn't have to be "junk food". There have been fat people long before there has been junk food.

>> No.10823315

who said it was supposed to be impressive? its just an instagram of food, sounds like you've got some preconceived notions clouding your judgement my dude.

>> No.10823318

>who said it was supposed to be impressive?

What's the point of taking pics of it or "instagramming" if it's not impressive? There's no point in taking pictures of or sharing mediocrity.

>> No.10823321

>he thinks things have to be impressive to be on instagram
have you seen literally 95% of the instagrams out there? also, post yours so we can see what a proper pastry chef's instagram looks like.

>> No.10823345

oh right she was posting pictures of her cooking cause it sucks, my bad. Not sure why I didn't realize that at first

>> No.10823356

She's a disgusting roastie with a horrible personality.

>> No.10823357

yeah so post yours and show us how its done; set an example so we can see what you're talking about.

>> No.10823361
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>you can't criticize something unless you do it better

>> No.10823369

so you admit you're less talented and skilled than her. you are also less charismatic and not as good a writer as her. geee, i wonder why she has a job as a writer at a food magazine? i wonder......

>> No.10823392

Jesus dude, where is all this aggression coming from? You sound like an overprotective parent at a soccer game yelling at the coach for putting their kid on the bench

>> No.10823404

>he gets irrationally angry whenever claire is posted
>tries to force it off on others via projection
oh wow you really are as stupid as you act, that's embarrassing..

>> No.10823418

>why does she lie about eating healthy? every video she claims to never eat junk food or "it's been forever since I've had one of these..." yet she just keeps getting fatter
Aren't you bored of posting this every single time there's a new video with her?

>> No.10823425

So I guess you're describing yourself now? Interesting.

>> No.10823429

>if i keep projecting then eventually i'll win
are you 12??

>> No.10823435

This thread is epic. Screencapping.

>> No.10823437

stating simple facts is "aggression" now?

spergbrains don't work that way. they don't get tired of it. they get excited that there's a new opportunity to try and repeat themselves in the hopes that someone might listen to them this time.

>> No.10823440

I'm not sure I'm projecting exactly, and I'm not trying to win. I just made a comment about the food not looking very good and then you started spazzing out like a bitch.

>> No.10823447

>gee im just so innocent i dont even know what i did but i do know that everything you say is wrong
like i said, are you 12? my autistic 12 yr old nephew acts the same way when confronted with things he doesn't like. they usually just put on barney for him to watch, will that calm you down? want us to put on barney for you?

>> No.10823452

>acts the same way when confronted with things he doesn't like.
By saying he doesn't like them? How strange.

>> No.10823456

>>spazzing continues

>> No.10823462

>he makes the same comments in every thread, irrationally hating someone he'll never meet

>> No.10823463

Is /ck/ full of yentas? What person watches this stuff regularly?

>> No.10823464

Pointing out basic facts is "hate" now?

>>turn spaz dial up to 11

>> No.10823476

>pointing out basic facts

oh you mean like i did here >>10823369? when you started cried that i was too "aggressive" for you? so which is it? pick one, retard.

>> No.10823481

Lol holy shit. Autists BTFO

>> No.10823483

I'm not the one who got triggered, anon. I don't have a problem with that post and I sure as hell don't think it was "too aggressive".

you do know there's more than one person talking to you, right?

>> No.10823491

Yeah I'm the other guy, and I didn't think you were "too aggressive for me," I just found it strange that you would instantly fly into a blind rage when someone criticized her cooking. Mind you I didn't even say it was horrible, just that it wasn't that impressive.

>> No.10823494

>projecting that im triggered when youre the one who's mad that a woman has a job at a food magazine
why do you continue to do this? its just embarrassing you and all your poltard friends

>> No.10823500

>hyperbole, the post
no one 'flew into a blind rage', moron

>> No.10823502
File: 116 KB, 304x302, SHARK1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whoa there, friend, you're being a real goober! For that reason, I'm gonna explain it real easy like, since it seems like you're having an awful amount of trouble with this concept!

Sometimes people don't like the same things that you do, and that's okay! People are allowed to have any sort of opinion they want, and when they articulate themselves as to why they feel a certain way about something, usually it's not in good taste to tell them that they're wrong, and that they're a twelve year old. That sort of behavior seems more fitting for someone in that age bracket, don't you think?

Anyway, I hope this helped you out! Remember to make healthy choices, such as not being an insufferable twat on a cooking imageboard whenever somebody doesn't like a goddamn pastry chef's mediocre mess.

>> No.10823516

I'm not mad at that fat chick. I don't even know who she is.

I just like to argue. I saw a few posts here that didn't make any fucking sense so I replied to them. Nothing more.

>> No.10823528
File: 655 KB, 805x433, shecute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop arguing and post cute Claires.

>> No.10823530

She claimed she had never ate a cheeto before. I just thought, this stinks, this is total bs

>> No.10823533

A: the catchphrase is on the box
B: she heard it in a commercial
If the catchphrase is on the box, then shut up faggot
If the catchphrase isn’t on the box then there’s no way she could have known it without watching the commercials

Eating cereal has nothing to do with knowing the catchphrase

>> No.10823538

>I never eat lucky charms
>recites the catchphrase perfectly

I haven’t eaten a Wonder Ball in fifteen years and I can still sing the song.

>> No.10823546
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>> No.10823549


I don't think she ever said that. I thought she said, "is this what I've been missing for [x amount of years that were definitely less than her age]"

seemed like she was suggesting she hadn't had them since she was a kid.

>> No.10823550

>If the catchphrase isn’t on the box then there’s no way she could have known it without watching the commercials

Not true. She could have heard them repeated by a 3rd party. I can still recall a bunch of retarded advert jingles that pre-date my very existence by decades because my relatives would repeat them.

>> No.10823572
File: 455 KB, 1920x1080, claire2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


her eyes really lit up when she ate those cheetos. she loved them.

>> No.10823578

>because she’s a pastry chef that makes infinitely better shit than processed packaged foods?
No she fucking isn't. Never worked as a professional, nor did she go to school as one. BA calling her a pastry chef is a straight up lie, trying to get a better video title.

>> No.10823588

Oh shit, you should tell someone

>> No.10823590

who cares
point is she makes lots of baked goods and foods that will make you fat without eating processed foods you fuckin sperg

>> No.10823597

lol stay mad faggot, i love my pastry chef waifu.

>> No.10823600


imagine being this mad. BA gave her the title, therefore she is. a lot of chefs didn't go to culinary school. it's not like an MD or JD where you have to earn a degree.

>> No.10823625

You must be an expert at identifying shitty food on account of your own cooking abilities.

>> No.10823642

>A lot of chefs didn't go to culinary school
You conveniently forgot the part where I also pointed out she's never worked as one either, you gargantuan faggot.

>> No.10823680

Being a chef has nothing to do with culinary school.

It's a job title. It derives from the French military rank "Chief". If basically means "boss" or "supervisor". The "chef" is the person in charge of a kitchen, and the cooks are the chef's subordinates. Nothing more.

>> No.10823683


it's what she's doing right now moron. holy fuck. she has to have a first job with the title, which BA gave to her.

>> No.10823685

So does the have cancer or something, she looks so sick and fat all the time

>> No.10823696

If you want to post your own photos go to >>>/soc/

>> No.10823793

Can you?

>> No.10823818

>say anything bad about her
>four replies in defense
top kek, you guys must be hindu to worship this cow.

>> No.10824735


>> No.10824777

Uhh, nope. Claire is 100% sweetie tier. Crawl back to your >>>/r9k/ cave.

>> No.10824792

you can get fat eating healthy foods you dumb fuck

>> No.10824795


Natalie Portman was in their kitchen today

Two pairs of legendary Khazar milkers in the same room

>> No.10824805

>Tfw jewess fwb says she's dtf
>Apparenty has been smoking weed nonstop
>Probably thicc af
>Can live out my Claire fantasy

I'll ask her to go to dinner tomorrow, it's settled.

>> No.10824889


no one cares about carla

>> No.10824919


stfu normie

>> No.10824952

That's utter bollocks and you know it. Something not being "legally" protected doesn't all of a sudden justify deceit

>> No.10824960

>pastry chef

oh well she's fuckin' doomed.

>> No.10824977

anthony fantano is vegan and he’s a fatass

>> No.10825284

Tbh fuck u he just a thicc boi plus he works out and he has MUSCLES

>> No.10825760
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While watching her make the sugar taffy for the Skittles video, all I could think of was her playing with a giant bukkake of semen like in those fetish JAVs.

>> No.10825794
File: 1.59 MB, 325x235, flavatown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this autistic lmfao

>> No.10827149
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did mummy hurt you? run out of drugs?

>> No.10827313
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I'm just going to parrot what other people here have said because you're just stupid enough that I won't feel bad about bullying you, you stupid faggot.

Literally commercials. Were you so convinced that you's caught "another Anita Sarkeesian" or some other bullshit. Chill out with your retarded incel bullshit, you whiney beta.