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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 450x450, cheesebb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10782490 No.10782490 [Reply] [Original]

These things are like crack. So I don't buy them so often, but when I do, look out.

>> No.10783471

I kept an unopened on in the kitchen to see which stoner friend would pounce on it, lol.

>> No.10783477

hot cheetohs are superior in every way

>> No.10783506

I used to eat these until the roof of my mouth was raw because of the retarded way I ended up eating them

Also, one time I found a few mouseturds in the keg and still ate the rest of the balls

>> No.10783531

>like crack
people who have never tried crack should stop fucking saying this
you wouldn’t suck dick or pawn your grandmother’s silverware for cheese balls you fuckin goof

>> No.10783548

>implying you've actually done crack
>calling others goofs


>> No.10784864

>but when I do, look out.

Is that a threat OP?

>> No.10784895

I'd suck some dick for Utz cheeseballs, but then I like sucking dick.

>> No.10784953
File: 145 KB, 258x500, Planters-Cheese-Balls-2018-Planters-Cheez-Curls[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

utz is an imitator

>> No.10784961


Ive smoked crack.. Really good junk food is similar as far as craving wise. It definitely pushes the same buttons.

>> No.10785059

A study has shown that eating an oreo sends the exact same signals as injecting crack.

>> No.10785073

Several years ago, I lived with someone who loved these cheese balls. He also hated having to walk to the bathroom LITERALLY ACROSS THE HALL because he didn't want to see anyone else. So, combining his love for utz Cheese Balls and not wanting to leave his room to piss, he saved the gigantic 35oz containers and would piss in those instead. Even when everyone was asleep. Eventually he stopped saving the extras because he realized he could just rinse out the one piss pot with some bleach and water. I unfortunately had to put up with this because it wasn't my house. I think he has gout quite severely now.

Planters balls are clearly superior, is there an imitation close to those?

>> No.10785083
File: 55 KB, 766x960, 1527897799383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10785490

>lived with someone
come on anon, we all know it's you

>> No.10785505
File: 344 KB, 449x507, 1526649570335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I...LOVE...sucking dick, anon.

>> No.10785664

Do you pop them in your mouth until they disintegrate a bit, then crush them against the roof with your tongue? Because I know that feel

>> No.10785938

Dear God this shit is literal crack cocaine. I can already taste it just looking at it

>> No.10785956
File: 150 KB, 976x1079, 1528941775239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suck dick
Why do people say this like it's a bad thing?

I wouldn't steal anything for heroin but I would suck so many dicks that my stomach would have to get pumped for a hit. That's better than being a wagie

>> No.10786036

Yeah basically

>> No.10786198
File: 26 KB, 320x240, olivrhardy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not everybody who smokes crack turns into a degenerate like you

maybe you just like the taste of a another man's penis in your mouth and you use crack as an excuse

>> No.10786547

T. Rob Ford

>> No.10786577

I just noticed this creature has a thick dangling penis

>> No.10787411



>> No.10787679

>with real cheese

>> No.10788112
File: 14 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all we have in australia

>> No.10788245

>he doesn't know

>> No.10788346

Last I checked, crack isn't injected.

>> No.10789279


None of you know cheese balls until you have experienced the delicious glory that was/is and forever will be Planters Cheez Balls.

RIP ;_;