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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10755599 No.10755599[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>hummus from the farmers market

>> No.10755605

hummus from the farmers market is delish bro

>> No.10755607

>not making your own hummus

>> No.10755610


>> No.10755630

>not making your own hummus with fresh heirloom local agriculture

>> No.10755652

They are suptropical plants. Where do you think your "farmer" got hem from?

>> No.10755664

>does not compute greenhouses
>doesn't grow bananas green houses

>> No.10755697
File: 170 KB, 1311x1004, Rubinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the best hummus place you know is a five minute walk from your house
>and if you don't like that there's 10 more nearby

Truly, this is the dream we fought for

>> No.10755721

I live in Virginia bro. Grow a fuck ton of chickpeas here, believe it or not. Sabra plant located here.

>> No.10755732
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>> No.10755741
File: 116 KB, 1000x563, liberalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing worse than white guilt soyboys promoting noxious, foul-smelling "diversity food". It's like they think forcing yourself to eat offensive smelling crap is going to make the invasive brown hordes less likely to eradicate us.

>> No.10755749


this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.10755766

This image is the literal opposite of a soyboy.
Still an example of pathetic mental illness, though.

>> No.10755801

How I know this guy is based: women on his arm. Literally.

>> No.10755807

How so? Looks pretty soy to me

>> No.10755809

It's a woman who starved herself, started taking testosterone, and cut off her boobs.

>> No.10755829
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how strong

>> No.10755836

how do you know this?

>> No.10755843

You shouldn't force yourself to like or dislike food for political reasons. A worthy man can appreciate food invented by his worst enemies on its own merits and without ever forgetting that they are his enemies.

>> No.10755847

Nigger I just like Indian food how hard is that to understand?

>> No.10755848

It tastes good therefore people enjoy making it and/or ordering it from establishments.
Are all /pol/acks this retarded? How is it "white guilt" to eat food from other countries?

>> No.10755895


>> No.10755929
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>dr. pepper

>> No.10755940

>financially supporting your enemy just because something tastes "good"
During WWII you would have been considered a traitor for even eating Schweinshaxe or using "Made in Germany".

>> No.10755941

Kimchi is good with any rice dish.

Cook it a little bit if it scares you.

>> No.10755953

you contrarian niggers better not be shit talking farmers markets I don't give a fuck if soys shop there FM's are the bomb and if you don't think that's the hypest shit u gay

>> No.10755996
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>> No.10755999

I enjoy kimchi but people who obsess about it are soy as fuck

>> No.10756008

I said nothing about financially supporting your enemies. I've only talked about the enjoyment of the food itself. You could choose to avoid eating it for non-culinary reasons, of course.
>eating Schweinshaxe
>using "Made in Germany"
That's just group emotion and propaganda. Plebs gobble it up.

>> No.10756017

Propaganda is a usefull tool to use the masses against an enemy. Read some Bernays. I for example would like to eat Döner Kebab because it's cheap and tasty but I wouldn't simply because that would mean to support money laundering in my neighboorhood and giving cash to arabs which despise me.

Therefore the right path is to make yourself despise something. Just like people make themselves despise degenerate behaviour for the greater good. Not giving into everything you like is the trait of people getting shit done.

>> No.10756024

sometimes I'm thankful I was born poor or I'd be buying pointless shit from farmer markets as well.

>> No.10756049

>I wouldn't simply because that would mean to support money laundering in my neighboorhood and giving cash to arabs which despise me.
That's a non-culinary reason.
>Therefore the right path is to make yourself despise something.
You can refuse to partake in something without falsifying your taste. In your case, you can despise the vendors because you have reasons that are legitimate to you without pretending to dislike the food itself. It's nobler.

>> No.10756072
File: 39 KB, 600x450, EasternMarket-InsideShed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Detroit and we have a farmers market but the only people that sell stuff there are actual farmers selling fruits and vegetables and a few farmers selling fresh slaughter. There is even an Amish family selling baked goods.

>> No.10756086

We have two in my town in the upper midwest. One is for yuppies and has a bunch of food trucks and mom-tier crafts interspersed with actual fresh meat and veg. The other is more serious, huge table of amish baked goods and pasta, one family brings their hydroponic setup on a trailer so you can get insanely fresh herbs. Honestly both are kind of comfy in their own way.

>> No.10756094

reminder that the nazis were leftists

>> No.10756097

>Plebs Goebbel it up.

>> No.10756098

>Your enemy
Jesus christ, you are autistic.

>> No.10756103

this is a vegan female to male transexual who

>> No.10756110


>> No.10756117

Nobody gives a shit if it's nobler, especially not normies. Also, Gyros is more tasty than Kebab in every aspect. Whatever works is good enough. You don't win a fight by beeing civalry in the current year.

Call me autistic all you want, but my grand children will still have an ethnostate to call home without beeing a creatura.

>> No.10756125

No they won't cause they won't exist.

>> No.10756148

Pretty sure they already do, famalam.

>> No.10756151

I meant your grandkids, I highly doubt you'll have kids to begin with.

>> No.10756160

>organic cola
>organic kombucha
>organic lemon bitters

>> No.10756164

I meant them too, my young friend. Just yesterday I was shitposting about their names on /fit/. People can't handle good names like Wolfgang or Arthur anymore. Sad.

>> No.10756168

I really hope you're pretending to be retarded.