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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 75 KB, 600x400, 353-face-contouring-korea-before-after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10755057 No.10755057 [Reply] [Original]

>99% of korean '''''cuisine'''''' is stews that have been boiled to shit

>Every vegetable is fucking pickled

>Either completely bland or salty and overseasoned with a shitload of gochujang

>Seafood is never deboned, gutted or deveined so have fun eating fishy crab guts and shrimp poop chutes.

How is Korea so bad compared to Japan or even China? Even traditionally poor countries like Vietnam and Thailand have good fucking food but not Korea. And don't get me started on Korean beer or soju. Fuck this place

>> No.10755066

>this place
lmbo dumb laowee faggot

>> No.10755079

Is every vegetable really pickled? That sounds so dreamy, but I thought pickles were a sometimes food.

>> No.10755088
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Tim Budong detected

>> No.10755095

They almost exclusively eat kimchi, though. Like as a major component of every meal

>> No.10755100

Does Korea event exist. I think it's just a meme anon.

>> No.10755103

Not as a unified culture. There is a Republic of Korea and a Democratic People's Republic of Korea, each one very different.

>> No.10755104
File: 238 KB, 1200x1600, bundaegi can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koreans literally eat bugs

>> No.10755107

>Seafood is never deboned, gutted or deveined so have fun eating fishy crab guts and shrimp poop chutes
so it is in every non anglo country, you arent supposed to just mindlessly funnel stuff into your mouth, thats what the fork and knife are for

>> No.10755114

Are you retarded? eastern euro living in western europe here. Ready to eat seafood is always cleaned out. Only shitskin food vendours use shit ridden garnels or whatever. Sure, you buy it fresh with shit in them but you clean it out before serving.

>> No.10755122

Grilled fish is cleaned but never deboned in the south Med.

>> No.10755132

Japanese always make sure everything is clean, deboned, fileted. It seems to be a question of civilization not ethnicity.

>> No.10755135

Yeah, grilled fish isn't deboned here either, but I think that anon was talking about shit like pickled fish or thoe in tomato sauce ready to eat. Compared to grilled fresh fish you simply can't debone it afterwards as easily and it's retarded to choke to death because the shop keeper was to lazy to remove them.

t. nearly choked to death on a fish bone as a kid

>> No.10755139

It's because they don't eat food with proper utensils. They need everything cut up in advance like they were little toddlers being served by their mommies.

>> No.10755147

Tell me how you want to clean out a shrimp in a ready made pasta dish withou eating that shit either way.

Just face it, not cleaning out seafood is literal nigger behaviour.

>> No.10755176
File: 45 KB, 384x384, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived in Japan for almost a decade.
I couldn't understand how my wife could eat kimchi by itself.
However pic related is a kimichi based broth/sauce for making nabe. Fucking love it. Japan made Korean food edible.

>> No.10755198

of course if you are eating a dish that requires prep you do it in advance but just simple grilled or boiled shrimp are at most just deveined, most of the time not even that, when using the freshest ingredients you want to mess with it the least as possible, no ones gets caught in the same day shrimp and makes pasta.
Never really got the need to devein shrimp either, the guts dont taste off or anything, maybe for farm shrimp
t. south yurop

>> No.10755204

I was talking more about the deboned part. Sorry for not being specific.

>> No.10755205

>I lived in Japan for almost a decade.
>my wife could eat kimchi by itself.
Woah anon. You made it. You lived the dream.

>> No.10755216

>We are a cultured people in Bongistan.
>We eat our shrimp with our grit.

>> No.10755226

Well, I was raised in a major port and we actually did eat the stuff day-fresh but still nobody would eat it unprepared or even think of serving it as that at least. Just because you can't taste the difference between me washing my hands and no, doesn't mean that a civilised society shouldn't care. Same goes for shrimp shit. And it's not like it's that much of a problem to just clean it out.

And considering that OP bitches about "krean food" I think he is speaking about ready made stuff, so that's def a no go for anything but maybe smoked fish or eel.

Oh well, sure. It can be even aesthetic but as I said, I don't think that's OPs problem. Although usually in a good place they will debone it freshly before your eyes before serving a piece to every member of a party.

>> No.10755230
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>> No.10755257


Different strokes for different folks.

I love the amount of spice in S.Korean food and could eat kimchi all day. I haven't had the seafood though, mainly the BBQ and stuff similar to that.

All that said, I'm not a fan of pork intestine, it just tastes like a pig-stall smells imo.

>> No.10755261

A lot of those problems are also in Japanese cuisine (although I still prefer Japan cuisine myself).
>Japan never deveins shrimp
>What flavor is this? Salt. Just salt.
>What flavor is this? Soy sauce. That's it.
>And what flavor is this? Also salt.
>Every side dish is just pickeled vegetables.
>Never debone fish.

>> No.10755268

Same culture.

>> No.10755273

They don't have to debone fish, because chopsticks are superior to knives and forks.

>> No.10755277

Are you saying you pick those teeny-tiny bones out with chopsticks?

>> No.10755283

If you know how to use them, you can pick the meat from the bones as though the bones aren't even there.

>> No.10755286


you're the special kind of retard eh

>> No.10755309

>complaining about pickled veggies
What a faggot

>> No.10755311

Well I am American.

>> No.10755321
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Beeing only 56% human makes you eligible for disability gibs.

>> No.10755385

Can someone explain this obsessed faggot who makes multiple threads daily to say Korean food is disgusting to have nearly all replies disagree with him every time?

>> No.10755390

8 (you)s in less than 90 minutes. Almost as popular as Gangnam Style. That's why.

>> No.10755430
File: 1.25 MB, 2560x1440, 20180604_033026 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ikr. That fag pissed about my din dins.
>He's Kim Jong Un, venting his massive inferiority complex, while eating Korean food.

>> No.10755445
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Not for long, anon.

>> No.10755507

korean player in italy was said by teammate
what did you eat last nite,? you smell so bad.

>> No.10756469
File: 16 KB, 220x192, b53c94bf0f322bfa3447f47a983a39da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese chopsticks literally made shorter and sharper to pick out fish bones quickly, dumb gaijin

>> No.10758381

This, to the point that every house usually has a second fridge dedicated to kimchi and pickles.

>> No.10758425

They're not bad desu.
They have the texture of soggy croutons and taste like a celery

>> No.10758432

I guess you never went to Korean bbq cuz you're too ashamed to go somewhere alone cuz you got no friends.

>> No.10758475

>korean player in italy was said by teammate
>what did you eat last nite,? you smell so bad.
Did you translate that from Ancient Babylonian? Was a Korean insulting an Italian, and quoted from a teammate?

>> No.10760216

I've been to Korea and personally enjoyed their BBQ grills and culture the most. Didn't really enjoy the ramens and babimpaps and all the more traditional food as much but the BBQs were amazing and so was their street food in the cities.

Also, Kimchi took a while to get used to but once you see the appeal it's just addictive.

>> No.10760313


>> No.10761191

It’s delicious. The main issue in Korea is they have absolutely garbage tier ingredients and a very narrow selection of that, but they make the best of it by spicing it hard.

>> No.10761225

mandu is pretty good desu

>> No.10761274

That's not true. Fish with bones is very common. Any salmon bento you buy will have bones.

>> No.10761439

Korean style marinated fried chicken is still the best beer snack if you're a New Yorker. I prefer the tomato, strawberry, and red chili pepper sauce for this.

>> No.10761742

The secret to Korean popularity is that they throw their garbage entertainment to TV stations around the world for basically on the cheap or free. So those dirt poor countries get dramas with a budget and with little effort. "Their" music is basically just European music but with Korean lyrics. They literally hire European composers to make their music. And with the dramas and the K-pop, naturally comes the interest in food. Koreans are masters at marketing their one-note cuisine (really one of the worst in Asia) as something good or desirable.

>> No.10761968

Why are nips so assblasted about koreans having a far more interesting and superior cuisine than their bland, boring spiceless crap?

>> No.10762059

Nips get assblasted about everything.
Lmao at the other anon in this thread who said "hurrdurr its a matter of civilization". Japs were seen as pretty much barbarians for a long time. They just raped and pillaged everything, even called little gremlins or dwarfs by chinese because they were short and unintelligent. Also kind of backwards to say Japanese food is better than most asian food considering Japanese culture is an amalgamation of chinese and korean, and whatever else managed to make its way to the islands.

Also OP evidently hates stews and pickled things, which are what korean food is about. If you don't like a certain kind of food then obviously you wont like if one cultures food is primarily made up of those things. Imagine:

>fuck greasy and oily ass food
>why is american food so shit

>> No.10762067
File: 158 KB, 1058x796, 1527369601251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why was alck banned wtf!?

>> No.10762117

I live in the U.S. and have a kimchi fridge.

>> No.10762152

Waito piggu, go home

>> No.10762179
File: 17 KB, 214x265, hitler absolutely disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I live in the U.S. and have a kimchi fridge.
Why must you be this way?

>> No.10762248

Korean is just about the closest thing to Japanese food too in terms of ingredients and habits. Why not just acknowledge differences as differences

>> No.10763351

the original chinese name for nips, which they used themselves for hundreds of years before getting upset and changing it, was literally "dwarf retainers" lol

>> No.10763628

Spent a couple years in South Korea in my Army days. Overall, the food is pretty good.
>Dead body soup.
Obviously, NONE of you faggits know a damned thing about Korean cuisine, if no one could bring this shit up, first thing.

>> No.10763742

lol i never knew it was called that but i fucking love that stuff. it smells like fucking ass though ill give you that but it tastes like a fortified version of 된장찌게 which i also love to death

>> No.10763748


which part of that, exactly, is supposed to sound "not bad"?

>> No.10764401

As much as I hate to use this word, Korean food is "rustic". It's not really designed to be elegant or soft on the palate, and often emerged out of poverty or stretching every bit of ingredients out. It's good drinking food or if you enjoy thick stews and can tolerate very pungent smells.
>t. Korean

>> No.10764417


only good korean food is kbbq
everything else has better variants from china/japan/thailand

>> No.10764419

I thought everyone knew this.

>> No.10764425

Most people don't know anything.

>> No.10764438

Zitto animal

>> No.10764506
File: 60 KB, 512x512, koopa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping images of not-quite-spicy Korean food. Have a gukbap.

>> No.10764511
File: 91 KB, 740x493, mulnaengmyeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this a Soba???

>> No.10764519
File: 44 KB, 500x334, seolleongtang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal favorite.

>> No.10764534
File: 241 KB, 2000x1153, sooooynoods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like this one, though.

>> No.10764540
File: 393 KB, 930x647, nokdujeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any East Asian country that doesn't have pancakes in their cuisine?

>> No.10764546
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>> No.10764553
File: 1023 KB, 3264x1836, soondae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glass noodle sausages.

>> No.10764558
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Warm noodles.

>> No.10764569
File: 255 KB, 1024x683, chikkininwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dangerous to go alone! Eat some minerals!

>> No.10764574

Based 삼계탕

>> No.10764577
File: 338 KB, 936x936, perilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to say about this one.

>> No.10764587
File: 270 KB, 800x552, steaktartarkr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korea has steak tartar, too!

>> No.10764594
File: 647 KB, 1170x820, ganjanggaejang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crab, marinated in soy sauce, raw.

>> No.10764597
File: 70 KB, 400x272, %22%22%22barbaric%22%22%22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chew throughly if you don't want to choke to death.

>> No.10764604
File: 202 KB, 700x480, bulgogi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can all agree that bulgogi is the best, right?

>> No.10764610
File: 21 KB, 300x300, misutgaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this meal replacement powder?
No, it's used as emergency rations.

>> No.10764626

It's good, but that picture isn't flattering.

>> No.10764644
File: 295 KB, 1200x675, basic-bulgogi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a more flattering one.

>> No.10764690

해물 파전, 김치찌개, 떡볶이, 냉면, 갈비, 되지 불곡기 and 오이김치 are p tasty. I will admit I didn't like 떡볶이 until I went to Korea for a couple weeks. Also I got really tired of eating Korean food all the time in Korea, and the American food is Koreanized and expensive.

>> No.10764999

Based korean niggers in this thread. My personal faves are 닭죽, 삼계탕, 닭도리탕, 곰탕, 설렁탕, 김치찌계, 부대찌계, 냉면, etc. I love stews and shit. My mom used to just make a giant pot of stew or soup one day and we'd eat it for a week.

I also enjoy 보쌈. Contrary to american belief not all koreans like kbbq, i dont enjoy the fried and grilled meats we have.

>> No.10765022

Believe it or not, South Korea used to be as bad as North Korea in terms of living condition, poverty and famine, until the United States colonized it, because of that, "Korean Cuisine" revolved around food preservation and the idea of not wasting anything, so soups and stews are perfect for using the "whole animal"

>> No.10765030

>korean is about the closest thing to japanese food in terms of ingredients and habits
Ingredients can be similar due to region, especially as you go down south more to jeju, which is basically a different country anyways, but habits no. Korean cooking is very much like what >>10764401 said, stretching things out in stews and whatnot.

Another interesting difference between chinese, korean, and japanese that some other anons brought up in this thread is different kinds of chopsticks. Just something fun to learn about, why they are different lengths and shapes.

>> No.10765126

Boner activated

>> No.10765178

The average quality of life in S. Korea was actually worse than that of N. Korea until about 1981 due to the fact that N. Korea got way more gibs from China and the Soviet Union than S. Korea did from the United States.

t. S. Korean

>> No.10765239

>tfw grandad had it cushy in n.korea with a big plot of land but the war started and he moved his whole family to s.korea
>lived in poverty, ultimately immigrated to the U.S. to work, sending home money to his wife and two sons
>my uncle (dads older brother) goes off to college, leaving his mom and my dad at home
>my grandma dies
>dad is left with a corpse and no food in the house
>grandpa comes back from the U.S. to find my dad home alone, doing all the housework himself and with no emotion left in him
>grandpa dies from colon cancer soon after

Feelsbadman. I could have been north korean funny how life works out

>> No.10765262

You don’t want to return to your ancestral lands, senpai?

>> No.10765437

>a fucking leaf

>> No.10765627

Neither do I, but my mom has been on an insane kick of this recently.

I hate this shit.

>> No.10765640

So you were still in South Korea? Your grandfather actually emigrated, from your perspective.

>> No.10765764

if you dont like ur a pleb

>> No.10767305


what is that pic on the left side supposed to be ? Did they take all the removed chins and eyelids and keep them in glass pillars filled with formaldehyde ? Is this art ? Or some kind of human meat kimchi ?

>> No.10767349

why do we have these thread every single week?
is the anti korean IDF out on full force or something?

>> No.10767425

>er hat keinen Sauerkrautkühlschrank

>> No.10767433
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>> No.10767531
File: 325 KB, 640x480, Doom 95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they went from a shovel to a pancake? How is that an improvement?

Also, are they trying to recreate pillars from Doom or something?

>> No.10768195

Not 100% on this, but I think it's the pieces of jawbone they remove from patients.

>> No.10768508


Reminder that Korea did this.

>> No.10769950

Is it possible to get a strong jaw through implants? I know you can get chin implants.

>> No.10770002

When I had braces, they corrected my jaw using the Herbst appliance. You could theoretically power a hydraulic piston in that configuration to greatly enhance your bite power.

And also there's plastic surgery options to fix your weak chin & jawline

>> No.10770934
File: 2.31 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you've been served another bowl of 김치찌개 and you realize you should have married a nip instead

>> No.10770962

Do gooks eat plastic too?

>> No.10771176
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I think most people have never had it. I've had Korean food and it's disgusting.

>> No.10771199

>sashimi isn't deboned

>> No.10771409
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>> No.10771444

>marrying a filthy mainlander

>> No.10771558
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>> No.10772286

you live in korea? are you korean?

>> No.10772989
File: 198 KB, 1080x1500, EH1apvg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes to the first question and no to the second.

Replace Chinese with Korean in pic related and you have my life story.

>> No.10773359

woah thats rough. Did you marry the girl lol. Forced to be a father and husband with a random girl in a foreign land. Why do you chose to still be im korea and why were you ever there

>> No.10773389

is that legally binding or what

>> No.10773407

>as though the bones aren't even there

>> No.10773420

I really enjoy the stir fried squid with pork belly. The one that constantly cooks while you're eating it.

Also army base stew if you can find it at a restaurant. Not a big fan of the boiled pork belly wraps. The wings are always dank though. I'm a massive Korean food pleb though.