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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10725905 No.10725905 [Reply] [Original]

My country introduced a sugar tax that made soft drink and fruit "juice drink" manufacturers alter their recipes, replacing sugar with aspartame and other sweeteners. Soft drinks and berry juice drinks were a large part of my diet and I don't like that that changed.
Apple juice is unaffected by the sugar tax because it's from concentrate (no added sugars).Apple flavor just isn't my kick. Are there any other drinks naturally high in sugar? As I implied earlier, there's no such thing as berry juice, only "berry juice drink" which is sweeted.
>inb4 orange juice
that's not sweet, it's bitter. Do you think it's possible to make orange juice taste less bitter by adding some kind of acidity regulator?

>> No.10725934

please help

>> No.10725972

drink water you fucking fatty

>> No.10725994
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>> No.10726025

just carry around a bag of sugar with you and add it to your drinks fatty

>> No.10726039

I wish the US would do this but unfortunately we're under authoritarianism by the wealthy. Added sugar, salt and fat need to be taxed.

It would be great to be able to buy canned beans without them being loaded with salt.

>> No.10726052

>tax on sugar
What kind of Orwellian shithole do you live in?
>make a personal choice on what to put in your own body
>gets punished for it

>> No.10726060

Grape juice?

>> No.10726063

Damn dawg, do you live in Venezuela or something?

>> No.10726069

>personal choice
>your healthcare costs affect the cost of healthcare/taxes for millions of other of people
you may have 1

>> No.10726083

Why not just charge a Fat tax for being over a certain weight?

>> No.10726111

>implying that healthcare costs will be that high that everyone is affected by people drinking a soda
>implying that the tax will actually make someone consume less sugar
All vice taxes do is make people poorer, not healthier. High sales tax imposed on cigarettes won't make someone smoke less, it'll make smokers poor. If you want people to consume less sugar, tobacco, etc, you have to educate them that what they're putting in their body is potentially harmful, if they choose to still consume whatever chemical, that's their business and doesn't have any effect on anyone else

>but muh healthcare costs
Again, it won't effect anyone in any real way.

>> No.10726127

You know I kind of like this idea.
It's very much oppressive to charge a suger tax but a fat tax to alieviate healthcare costs couldn't hurt. Although it may be hard to enforce

>> No.10726130

That's unironically classist, given that lower income people tend to be obese. You would be essentially taxing someone for being poor

>> No.10726139

what do you think I've been doing? The recipes have been changed for a month now. It sucks and I don't like it.
But all I can sweeten with sugar is water or milk.
How is salt bad for you?
You don't want a sugar tax, they just put even more harmful artificial sweeteners in your drinks. Unless you're legit a diabetes risk or overweight, sucrose is the healtiest sweetener.
I'll try it, thanks.

>> No.10726141

Get fucked fatty

>> No.10726163

All sin taxes are to keep poor people from doing them rich people dont give a fuck about a few cents tax.

>> No.10726182

But it doesn't deter someone from doing the vice, especially for an addictive substance

>> No.10726218

why do you think you need soft drinks or confectioneries to be fat? Most adults don't openly eat those, it's only fringe people who enjoy sweets. Majority of fatties buy chocolate, cakes, pies, biscuits, or nothing sweet at all.
t. worked at tesco for a year

>> No.10726228

Being poor might not be a choice but no matter how poor you are being fat is. If they don't like it they can eat healthier.

>> No.10726237

One where the steady right wing trend of Liberterianism and spoiled daddies boys try to rule the economy, reducing tax income, and then having no idea on how to balance the budget once they do.
(bonus: This is a trend on all parties including the hardcore communists, so each 8 years things basically get worse because there is no counter pendulum swing)

>> No.10727055

When the choice is between doing the vice and eating it does. Usually.

>> No.10727946

If you stopped consuming so much sugar you wouldn't crave it, y'know

Go watch 'That Sugar Film' and get back to me.

>> No.10728729

Get one of those machines that carbonizes fruit juices. It has its own canister. You seem like someone who can afford it.

Also, you're in the shittippines. Why the hell aren't you trying to get your ass out of there?! You're never gonna experience real soda ever again

>> No.10728745
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>> No.10728933

>I wish the US had more authoritarianism but can't because of authoritarianism
do you realized how brain damaged you sound?

>> No.10728940

>You would be essentially taxing someone for being poor
Cigarette smokers are much more likely to be poor, is that classist to you too?

>> No.10728948

Being poor at least in the US is 95% choice. Any bumshit can go be a completely unskilled wagecuck and hustle for 50-60 hrs and make a respectable living

>> No.10729175

Randroid detected.

This person has never been, nor has ever known anyone who was actually "poor".
Must be great to live in such an insulated little bubble like that.
>50-60 hrs
>respectable living
This person has never been in such a position, and so has no idea just how utterly soul destroyingly shite it is. And how even after doing all that, you STILL aren't guaranteed to be any better off.

>> No.10729219

>yeah so, we are going to tax your food because we don't feel like paying for any things you might develop if you eat that because it's everyones money! even though we force you to also pay healthcare tax so it's your money too and you should be able to enjoy healthcare no matter what you consume since you are paying it, but... uh...
>basically we force you to pay for a service, but then we restrict your use of said service because OMG ITS EVRYONS MONEY!1

I'm glad I'm not this schizophrenic.

>> No.10729301


>taxing something makes people poorer
>Somehow they can still afford the same amount of the stuff

It makes people rethink their purchases from a financial veiwpoint rather than taking it as a entitlement because its so cheap.

>> No.10729323

Incorrect, they pull money from elsewhere to pay the vice. You know, "addiction" means something.

>> No.10729360

It costs three times more for a hospital to take care of a fat person rather than a normal person. As much as I love to advocate for individual freedoms, my hatred for fat fucks ruining entire countries with their ineptitude and laziness eclipses it.

>> No.10729381

izze sparkling juice or learn to make your own

>> No.10729384

fuck no until monk fruit sugar and a better healthy sweetener is used sugar needs to sy i doubt they would use honey but they dont want people to be healthy

>> No.10729385

Then get them out of healthcare, and don't force them to pay healthcare tax.

See? Easy solution that respects freedom.

>> No.10729392

Stop drinking soda.

>> No.10729403

OOps but the government would rather they keep paying those taxes and not eat up so many resources at the same time.

>> No.10729410

Oh, so the government would rather keep them as slaves with no other choice than to overpay for their favorite food or go without it.

Sounds totalitarian.

>> No.10729465

The optimal citizen slave obeys orders, does not question propaganda, is gainfully employed and pays it's taxes and remains healthy until it can no longer contribute where then it should just gracefully die before it can take anything back from the taxes it's spent it's life toiling away to pay.

>> No.10729478
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Here, try this.

>> No.10729543

>not being a perpetual neet leeching off gubmint gibs
Not gonna pay for jamal's iphone.

>> No.10729560

make your own juice you fucking pleb.
Sodas is for minks anyways.
True there's never been a pure berry juice in say a 24 hour garage but get your ass to a heath food store or similar and try something that isn't made by britvic barrs pepsi co or coca cola.

>> No.10729684

That's because you are Jamal in that situation

>> No.10729701
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>you don't want to be a cuckold to jamal
>therefore you are jamal
we whitemal now

>> No.10729713


Obviously he doesn't. That's the mindset of the Redditfags who infest /ck/.