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10712009 No.10712009[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why not eat a sustainable diet, fatty?

>> No.10712043

Because fuck you monsanto shill

>> No.10712050

And what exactly are you planning to do with that extra farmland huh? Some kind of commie bullshit no doubt

>> No.10712062
File: 816 KB, 1080x851, 4es7kkc8u9111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's monsanto's best interest to keep animal ag afloat considering 95% of their crops feed the cows and other farm animals anon.

>> No.10712066

It would be very sustainable of liberals and faggot didn't try to ban genetic modification to make literal meat machines pop out of cows by the dozen.

>> No.10712093

What? Do you know anything about that company?

>> No.10712094

Couldn't care less about sustainability. I'll be dead before it matters.

>> No.10712098

Suggesting that austerity-based sustainability efforts are viable is retarded.
There is quite literally no difference between the fantasy where 6 billion people accept a considerable hit to their quality of life by not eating meat, and the fantasy where every humans transforms into a fairy and we all eat sunshine and rainbows.

>> No.10712162

We could feed everyone right now. But we're not.

>> No.10712171


>> No.10712193

There's a problem of distribution of food, not of overall food, retard. And, given that it has been proven that some parts of the world DO still operate on Malthusian principles, what are you going to do when the extra farmland for vegetables makes the world's population skyrocket even further? Shill for nutrient-enriched literal shit by making up excuses about plants feeling pain?

>> No.10712324

I don't want to eat lettuce and soy.

>> No.10712328

I want to increase my impact on earth, no reduce it

>> No.10712337

Because meat is tasty, and I can afford to eat it.

>> No.10712366
File: 84 KB, 452x500, for every animal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I don't like being fed with cheap grains that make me fat. Sure, if the population was in danger of starvation, I'd accept it. But we're not, so I won't. Fuck you.

>> No.10712367

How would all of Australia become a farm? Most of it is uninhabitable wasteland. Same for the American west.

>> No.10712493

hahaha sweden+finland makes a penis hahahahaah

>> No.10712504


>> No.10712512

Because everyone doesn't contribute enough to society to earn food.

>> No.10712522

So these animals don't have the right to live? Man, why do you hate animals so much?

>> No.10712527

>posting the mad cuck

>> No.10712530

Why not just eat less? Best of both worlds.

>> No.10712532

But even if we do stop eating meat the animals are still there so wouldn't we need to kill them anyway to gain access to that farmland?

>> No.10712547

Because quinoa, soy, non-GMO crops, etc. are sustainable. Fuck off with your trash arguments.

>> No.10712564

Daily reminder that shilling for your exclusion-based meme diet has no place on a food and cooking forum. Remember to sage and hide!

>> No.10712571

kek based

>> No.10712613

So what happens to all the abused animals in captivity when they're no longer needed? You think the guys doing bare minimum to keep them alive to farm them are going to just keep feeding them until they die naturally? Or maybe you think they'll live happily in the wild, despite that they've been bred to survive in a strict farm biome and have almost no potential for adaptability in the wilderness.

You guys pushing against eating meat must really hate animals. You're basically pushing for genocide, here.

>> No.10712624

its really hard to imagine running out of meat or dairy in my lifetime so it feels incredibly sustainable to me
that being said ill continue to eat what i like because those animals were born specifically to feed myself and many others, very few people eat wild game so its just not something i can ever feel any empathy for
ah and there is no trouble staying in at least decent shape eating animals, chicken and broccoli can get the job done for pretty much everyone

>> No.10712665
File: 345 KB, 1932x1932, 2wjnt9au1ly01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a children-tier understanding of industrial-dynamics, kid. The world won't go vegan over night. Having less animals bred into slaughter is better than having more animals bred into torture.

>> No.10712783

I can't even imagine being as stupid as you are.

>> No.10712802

Some land areas will NEVER produce meaningful crop yields. Incidentally, these areas make great ranch land. If anything, the future is farmers with even shittier land taking up goat herding, and goat meat, milk, and cheese becoming more popular. It is true that like 70% of grains go towards feeding cattle, but converting all of that to human food production would be massive overkill. The market will make meat prohibitively expensive when it really becomes a danger to the global food web.

>> No.10712804

But I do. I only buy takeout from restaurants in my local area.

>> No.10712836

counterpoint: why not just have fewer people? It would fix most of the planet's problems.

>> No.10712861

Most of the land used for animal farming isn't actually good for growing foods that humans can process. If they were, they'd be used for that instead. Agriculture is more complicated than "this land is free so we can plant food here"

>> No.10712872

Meat based diets are very healthy and sustainable in the civilized world. I don't give a fuck about niggers and slant-eyes.

>> No.10712882

veganism has become such an extremist doctrine ots disgusting; somehow these people have gotten it in their heads that they're entitled to telling literally the whole world how they should live with absolutely 0 concern for other's well-being
what a bunch of degenerates
>inb4 some shit analogy between telling people not to kill others and telling people not to eat meat
desu beef is the only real heavy hitter in terms of environmental impact

>> No.10713244
File: 54 KB, 750x778, wlpzktlt8a211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything points to a vegan diet if you can understand a simple meta analyses or studies. It's healthier, sexier, and more ethical. Find a flaw.

You can't.

>> No.10713247



>> No.10713278

>Healthier, Sexier
Please point to a legitimate citation that isn't memes.

>> No.10713279

>Find a flaw
Your meta analysis depends on cherrypicking while obfuscating any data that contradicts the cult of veganism. There are literally 0 cases where a study pointed to veganism and only veganism after it was put to scrutiny.

>> No.10713280

why cant stupid vegan retards separate factory farming from eating meat

>> No.10713303

so what happens to the animals? we just, hmmm... kill them?

>> No.10713318

Because they don't want to.

>> No.10713326


>> No.10713341

>why cant stupid vegan retards separate factory farming from eating meat
logic has no place in a religion.

>> No.10713356
File: 280 KB, 575x511, 1526698123149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


99.9% of meat is factory farmed. If you're buying meat from a grocery store or at mcfatfucks, really anywhere that isn't a local farm, it's factory farmed. 80 billion animals per year tortured and raised in unhealthy living conditions do your fat ass can eat your tendies.

>> No.10713361

McDonalds is sustainable. Every time i go back, they have more mcchickens.

>> No.10713364

>80 billion animals per year tortured and raised in unhealthy living conditions do your fat ass can eat your tendies.

What a time to be alive.

>> No.10713365

kek, still isnt enough to save africa