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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10702463 No.10702463 [Reply] [Original]

>he hasn't taken the freezer pill
there's literally no excuse
>food is CHEAP
>can buy things now and eat 2 years from now
>allows for unlimited variety - you can eat anything one night, no need for planning your week
>can literally get away with shopping a handful of times a year, easy
If you're still buying refrigerated food, worrying about eating before use-by dates I feel sorry for you. All my foods are frozen or non-perishable. Even my milk is powdered in a tin.

>> No.10702467

surely everyone has a freezer

>> No.10702476

What people don't get is they think refrigerated or fresh foods are luxorious. To an extent they are, if you have hundreds of millions of dollars and have the money to waste. But if you're any normal person from dirt poor to $250,000 a year there's just no reason, what you can get with freezer food is much better because of the variety. And any time you're buying fresh food you're investing your own time. If you're some super successful career professional makes $50 an hour and spending 2 hours every week planning your food, that's 100$ wasted.

They do but
1. they have an aversion to buying frozen foods except if they're only sold frozen, e.g. they'll buy frozen ice cream but not frozen sausages
2. their freezer isn't as big as it should be. They should be buying nearly all foods frozen, if anything they should have no fridge at all and having a big freezer than a 50-50 volume split.

>> No.10702479
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>not canning master race
good luck when the power goes down

>> No.10702494

Joke's on you pal, I have an unplugged freezer in the garage and it's filled with comic book statue boxes.

>> No.10702501

This prepper is truly ready for any SHTF scenario

>> No.10702508

Canned food isn't as cheap as frozen, so I highly doubt you primarily eat canned. Stockpiling canned food for a crisis event but still eating perishables still makes you a fridge cuck.

If you only eat canned, mad respect brother.

I'm not offended, I feel sorry for you. How much is your weekly groceries bill? I guarantee it's less than mine. I eat less than $20 food most weeks, different foods every night, eating like a king.

>> No.10702548

Dude I just told you my outdoor freezer is full of comic book statues. Do you really think I eat anything but fast food and delivery?

>> No.10702607

Tell us about some of your recipes OP. I want to hear how a KING eats

>> No.10702649

I hate chest freezers with a passion. Buy an upright freezer and have an infinitely more organized life.

>> No.10702686

Imagine being so poor that shaving $20-40 off your weekly food expenses makes a huge difference to you.

>> No.10702690

How's your electricity bill looking?

>> No.10702821

t. amish

>> No.10702856

Burgers, sausages, chips, pizza, chicken breast pieces, beef steaks, pork loin steaks,lamb chops, vegetables (broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrot, peas, spinach, baby carrots), all kinds of desserts (puddings, pies, pancakes, cakes, sweet waffles, ice cream, brownies, cookie dough). I also have some fancy stuff like venison burgers and ostrich steaks.

I'm not a great cook, so I like to keep it simple. Yesterday I ate chips with curry sauce, chicken tenders. I steam-cook vegetables - brussel spouts, broccoli, carrot). After that I half of a chocolate cake because I literally have 10+ of them and they're cheap. I have something different every night. And there are more options lower down in the freezer that I haven't felt the need to look at in half a year, I don't even remember what's down there.

Chest freezers are better if you're a poorfag like me. A lot of storage space for a much lower price and chest freezers are more energy efficient. Packing is also much more efficient because you don't need to worry about food falling out when you open the freezer door.

I have a 250litre story capacity freezer and if my math is right it costs me $35 a year to run. Freezers don't use up much electricity. That's a lot less than the television bill.

I like to not eat expensive foods, but even if you like expensive it's better to buy expensive frozen food than be a fridgefag.

>> No.10702865

Frozen food is disgusting.

If there's anything in your freezer other than ice, ice cream, and a liquor bottle, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.10703114

My folks have a deep freezer, it's hella convenient. If I could put one in my apartment I would.

>> No.10703165

Snap frozen vegetables used for steaming or boiling are just as good as the fresh varieties, and often have more nutrients than vegetables that have been allowed to degrade on a shelf for a week or more.

>> No.10703168

>fridge cuck
Wow. after-hours /ck/ sure is different.

>> No.10703171

>this is what fridgecucks actually believe

>> No.10704169

Freezer is the most important tool equipment. Being able to freeze anything from meat to soup and wine is GOAT. Veggies are flash frozen on site and transported in stasis, keeping much more nutrition than if they're transported fresh, oxidizing away the reason to eat veggies in the first place.

>> No.10704196
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My gramma once gave me a can of pickled carrots and jalapenos before we moved away. I remember being straight up sad when i finished them.
Store bought is an actual disgrace against them.

>> No.10704200

A chest freezer is worth the price. They're not all that expensive. A chest freezer means that the cold air remains in the freezer when you lift the door vs a vertical freezer.

I like having the freezer full of chicken, frozen fruit for smoothies, et cetera. Frozen fish and frozen vegetables make an easy, fast dinner.

The "frost free" freezer in your refrigerator partially thaws food stored in it in order to be "frost free". A real freezer keeps your goods frozen solid!

>> No.10704211

My freezer is full of frozen water bottles. Not even sure why i keep them in there. Seems like it helps it maintain temps easier i guess

>> No.10704222

Definitely freezer for the win. Problem is that to be truly successful with it you need to organize. It takes effort to plan ahead and organize a freezer full of all you like and have it all accessible. Also planning ahead and thawing out items. That is why it isn't more broadly used I would think.

Canning and canned goods are definitely important but are not number one. Dehydration and freezing are the simplest and most efficient methods. We freeze all our garden veggies these days and when I expand it will be into dehydration. Canning affects flavor due to the heating process as well.

>> No.10704229

This is true, "cold batteries" help your freezer be more efficient. Despite needing to throw out obviously perished foods, a full freezer is much MUCH more efficient than an empty. Insulation only gets you so far.

>> No.10704235

Ey bros lemme ask you, is vacuum packing before freezing a meme? Or does it actually help preserve your shit?

>> No.10704239

I have 2. One is used as a fermenter, the other is converted into a keezer. And stop calling me shirley

>> No.10704240

i freeze chicken breast

>> No.10704244

It's hard to maintain a seal unless you melt the bag shut. But I guess most vacpack machines do that. It helps a little with oxidation, and a hard seal on frozen foods is advantageous.

>> No.10704275

Im asking because i sometimes buy fresh fish from some guys i know but i always feel weird eating it if its just been chillin the freezer for a few weeks or months so i always eat within a couple days. I might get a vac packer to see if it works.

>> No.10704280

>s vacuum packing before freezing a meme? Or does it actually help preserve your shit?
Works great. Getting all the air out of the bag and having a proper seal on it prevents freezer burn. It also takes up a lot less space in your freezer compared to loose packaging or rigid containers, and is less effort than properly wrapping food with cling film.

Even the cheap vac sealers like a "foodsaver" (which are excellent, BTW) heat seal the bags.

>> No.10704304

You should wrap up fish but I'm no expert. I know if you run a fishery it's not a problem to keep them unwrapped but they clean the containers regularly, so it's basically all food surface.
I don't have a vacpack machine but I use bread bags or whatever the food came in + a clip.

>> No.10704325

Yeah i wrap them up in what i can but like i said i always eat them by the end of the week.
Now that summers here I'm gonna stock up on fish and see what i can do. Fresh salmon is expensive as fuck in winter but sells for next to nothing in summer.

>> No.10704328

Good luck anon, sammin is good as fuck. Make some ceviche bro.

>> No.10704345
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I always grill it or pan fry because i like to take advantage of it when i can, but salmon ceviche sounds great I'll give it a shot

>> No.10704353

You just described a massive portion of the western world

>> No.10704364

>$2080 per year
That's a fair nest egg anon. Why are you so arrogant?

>> No.10704370
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I discovered the glory of frozen vegetables last year when I decided to stop being a fatass. Now I have a shitton always on hand and can make great steamed vegetables anytime.

>mfw I figured out that eating healthier isn't more expensive afterall

>> No.10704412

>vacuum packing before freezing a meme
Every chain resto that gets frozen steaks gets them in cryovac packaging. Even some fresh stuff comes in vac sealed. In terms of spoiling, air is not your friend.

>> No.10704475

Is freeze drying good or is it ameme too?

>> No.10704605

What happens to the quality/texture/moisture of meat when you toss it in the freezer for a few months? I don't have the means to flash freeze or whatever, and I've read that freezing meat slowly can fuck up the cells with ice crystals. True/false/indifferent?

>> No.10704608

>hurrdurr canning
Those are fucking jars.

>> No.10704619

In a deep freezer the length of time kept in the freezer doesn't really matter. One day is little different than a decade. Most home freezers are not deep freezers, however. The automatic defrosting cycle of the freezer means that things slowly degrade over time.

>>fuck up the cells with ice crystals
That happens any time you freeze food. It's the act of freezing that causes it. The length of time the food is kept frozen doesn't matter. This doesn't make food inedible or anything, it just harms the quality a bit. The average joe probably wouldn't even notice since most supermarket food is frozen at some point anyway. You might notice if you were used to only fresh foods--and these days that really only applies to people in the country who grow and hunt their own food, or the fillthy rich.

>> No.10704629

You essentially take out thr water from a product, if you're talking about freeze dried milk and the like i can obly complain about a slight more watery taste in powder products than when they're bought "fresh"

>> No.10704791

Freezer burn is because variations in temperature cause water to sublimate and refreeze. In a vacuum bag only very little water has to sublimate before the vapor pressure prevents further sublimation. It minimizes the effect.

>> No.10704802

The chance of anyone here freeze drying (ie. drying out frozen foods under vacuum) is pretty small. Unless you are an extreme molecular cooking autist/chef or a youtuber, don't bother.

>> No.10704886

Most cheap freezer are manual defrost.

>> No.10704987

I know wgat it is, i just know someone who was selling thiers for likw 200 or something and was wondering if it was actually usefull or not.