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File: 38 KB, 411x548, bougie_hooch1_046[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10702200 No.10702200 [Reply] [Original]

Americunt here, under 21 so im looking for a way to get plastered for cheap and easy.

Any tips on making hooch? prison Juice?
yeast, sugar and fruit juice?

>> No.10702213

ATF pls go and stay go

>> No.10702214

Nice digits anon but why can't you just get someone's older, cooler brother to buy you some 40s like every other kid in the history of America?

>> No.10702226

all my friends are squares and i dont like paying that much for shit

>> No.10702233

> yeast, sugar and fruit juice
Good recipe for blindness. Don't try to make booze this way.

>> No.10702285

methanol causes blindness, and this doesn't have any distillation process in anyway

>> No.10702325

Never looked, but I'd bet you can buy wine or champagne yeast online. Mix that with water and sugar, let sit, absolute cheapest drunk you can get. Google "kilju" for recipes, it's a Finnish punk thing; DIY ethos and all that.

>> No.10702347

>I have no idea what foreshots, heads, or tails are. I do not know that they contain methanol, acetone and other fun chemicals.
Stop talking, retard.

>> No.10702356

Does the ATF really care about alcohol and tobacco anymore? All I've seen them do in the past 40 years is fuck with gun owners.

>> No.10702390

make mead

>> No.10702400

alright mind giving a quick synopsis?

>> No.10702403

I can understand their concern for firearms when kids are getting a new kind of brainblast every week in schools

>> No.10702414

Don't listen to these other faggots here.

I did this in college.

It's totally fine to make closet wine or cider or whatever. It also won't taste that good.

Ways to improve it's taste:
Let it ferment for a couple weeks.
When it's done fermenting let it sit for a week.
After the yeast settles to the bottom, put it in a different bottle, trying to separate out the yeast.
Let it sit in that bottle for a while, a few weeks, to let the flavor develop.
Then enjoy your bad bad wine. It's gonna give you a nasty hangover.

>> No.10702421

You gonna go blind.

>> No.10702435

>kids being shot in school

Do americans really do this?

>> No.10702453
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The ATF doesn't really do anything to help that. The most you'll see them do is make thousands of law abiding gun owners suddenly felons by changing their definitions on the fly.

>> No.10702475

I did this in college. It's actually pretty fun.

First, need the right yeast. Not bread yeast from the grocery store, go on amazon and buy wine yeast. bread yeast dies in like 3% alcohol solution, wine yeast keeps making alcohol until it's at like 13%. I used this stuff: https://www.amazon.com/Red-Star-Classique-Formerly-Montrachet/dp/B007LQC3Q0

Next, choose a recipe. I tried a bunch but the best 3 are grape wine, apple wine, and jungle juice (more on that in a second).

Get a container. I used a 2 liter bottle. Disinfect it. When I say disinfect I mean use bleach or rubbing alcohol or whatever you have to kill literally everything there. If there's even a little bit of bacteria around it could make the difference between tasting alright and being worse than death.

After that it's very easy. Mix the juice, sugar, yeast. Shake it up really really hard, let it sit in a cool dark place.

Warning: This will produce tons of C02. If you leave the lid on it will actually explode. Put a party balloon on the cap and let the C02 out only occasionally.

This takes about a month or so. After a month, put it in the fridge for a few days to kill off the remaining yeast. Filter out the dead yeast, first with a coffee filter, then by decanting (pouring it out without including the dead yeast at the bottom). Do this a couple times until there is little to no stuff at the bottom.

Warning: It won't be totally clear no matter what you do, this isn't professional wine making. This is prison wine.

It should be drinkeable (though pretty shitty).

Now the real protip here is to get on the jungle juice train. Instead of juice, just use water + sugar. Once you've got the finished product, add in the right amount of kool-aid mix and sugar. The kool-aid hides the yeasty taste that you'll never get out. You should also try to dilute this before adding koolaid, it is dangerous because it doesn't taste very strong even though it's as alcoholic as wine.

>> No.10702490

>Put a party balloon on the cap
Is this a closet wine recipe or a jenkem recipe?

>> No.10702499


They actually performed a raid on an company a few years back, and left the fucking changes to the firearm regulations they made signed and on the desk at the BATFE headquarters so no one even knew the new regulations or that they were doing anything illegal. The ATF are scum.

>> No.10702509

I mean you could use this: https://www.amazon.com/Twin-Bubble-Airlock-Carboy-Bung/dp/B00A6TRKO4/ref=zg_bs_979848011_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=QNNMG46RYFYW4DX8RGFX

But I assume as a college student you have leftover jenkem ballons

>> No.10702535
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>> No.10702567

you can also pierce a hole in the balloon, to let out the gas.

make sure you sanitize everything as well.. the balloon and anything that will touch the ingredients that go into making the hooch.

>> No.10702591

>law abiding gun owners
That's the problem, retard. There should be no such thing

>> No.10702598

I've made cider hooch a dozen times between the ages of 18 and 20
Make sure to add as much sugar as you can before fermentation so you can blast up that abv. It will always taste like shit tho, be warned.

>> No.10702608

The way I explain it is that in that moment your right becomes a conditional privilege and can be taken away from you as they twist and turn the laws.

>> No.10702675

You wanna see some crazy shit? Separate a gallon of room temp apple juice mixed with 2 cups of sugar evenly into 10 20oz bottles (16oz could work but you really want it to have some room to bubble). Add 1tsp of instant/quick rise (that part is important) baking yeast to each bottle. Cap them with balloons or whatever and store them somewhere warm, at least 75°F, but I've seen up to 100° work just fine. For some reason, quick rise yeast doesn't die at low abv like regular yeast, but brews like turbo if you do it in those small batches. Within 48 hours, you will have some 12-14% abv booze that tastes like ass but gets the job done. Seems impossible, but the shit works.

>> No.10703123

Look up "kvass", it's not a bad alternative to beer and can be made rather easily.

>> No.10703199

That's not safe to consume.
>That's why only people in jail drink it.
If you're gonna poorfag then go full-bore and make your own still. And filter that shit through food-grade activated charcoal, several times, like "premium vodka."
Then enjoy your methanol-blindness.
Best case scenario, you are going to be horrifically hung over. This whole idea is a bust.

You can't afford poverty-alcohol? What are you doing wrong?

>> No.10703207

>Not using a 0.22 micron vacuum filter to remove the yeast.
What a poorfag.

>> No.10703324
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my negro

>> No.10703507

If you use refined sugar for brewing, there's zero chance of you going blind, methanol only develops from pectin. Clear fruit juice shouldn't be a problem either, though.

That's why cheap wines (usually) causes worse hangovers than good ones, they don't sort out all the leafs and stems that contain pectin, so the methanol content is higher in the finished wine. Still safe to drink, though.

>> No.10703871
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Firearms in the hands of the people is a necessary precondition for freedom

>> No.10703894
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Homebrewing alcohol is perfectly legal unless you want to distill.

>> No.10703948
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That guy on the right looks awfully familiar

the guy on the left too

>> No.10704232

If you're under 21 and already trying to make fucking toilet wine to get wasted, you're in too deep and need help. Christ. Just pay a hobo to get you some cheap beer like everyone else does. If a 6 pack is not enough to get you going at your age/experience, you're either already on the road to alcoholism, or obese. Either way, you need help.

>> No.10704248

you guys are real clever making alcohol to poison yourself.

>> No.10704386

Is it viable to ferment a sugar wash with a high of 20C and a low of 10C?

>> No.10704453

there's literally a general thread on /diy/ at this moment that will give you better advice than the soccer moms and fast food eating NEETs on this board. they helped me make a basic single gallon batch of cheap hard cider from store bought apple juice and a packet of bread yeast plus some normal white sugar mixed in to feed the yeast.


>> No.10704479

The ATF is really just a cabal of psychopaths determined to kill every doggo in the world.

>> No.10704541

>First, need the right yeast. Not bread yeast from the grocery store, go on amazon and buy wine yeast. bread yeast dies in like 3% alcohol solution,
wanna know how i know you're full of shit?

>> No.10704566
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Buy yeast
sterilize container
mix sugar nutrients of choice and water.

>> No.10704570

He thinks youre distilling. But because youre not he just looks like an idiot.

>> No.10704611

I've done this with bread yeast and the result was actually pretty decent.
Takes about a month to finish and clear out.

>> No.10704623


>> No.10704634

Every few weeks

>> No.10705769

just walk up to some hobo and tell him to buy you a fifth of some shit tier vodka and he can buy himself a 40 oz
tell him if he tries to run with your cash you will say he touched your butt

>> No.10705830

Just make kombucha with a longer 2F stage.
All you need is tea, sugar, and a starter bottle of kombucha (the “non-alcoholic” one works just fine)

>> No.10705949

Make Kvass. Use Boris's recipe.

>> No.10705964

I made prison hooch just out of curiosity. Trust me, it isn't worth it, that shit is horrible and I ended up throwing it out. The people who drink that are horribly addicted al/ck/ies who have no other choice. Why not just make proper home brew? It isn't that hard to get your hands on the materials.

>> No.10705992
File: 134 KB, 723x639, Assaultriflestyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oi m8 you got a license for that pointed rock?

>> No.10706000
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280L of 13% wash for vodka.

>> No.10707617

Lmfao just get someone to get it for you what the fuck or just walk into a store and be confident unless you look like a child then in that case hit the weights take a shower get a clue

>> No.10707632

Just pay some shady guy to go buy your beer. If you're not careful making prison juice you can cause a tiny stinky explosion.

>> No.10708042

grow a fucking pair and just steal an 18 block of coors or a handle of vodka/fireball if you're too socially inept to get some older person to buy you booze

>> No.10708237

cheap people are the worst

>> No.10708859

did you use just sugar and yeast? if not, what? and how does it effect the taste?

>> No.10708873

do they really ask for ids ?
try not looking like a kid,fag

>> No.10708880

Do eurangutangs really believe this?

>> No.10708893

I used to make my own "wine" with baking yeast, water, and sugar in gallon jugs. I would do like 10 at a time. After two weeks when it was done fermenting, I would add about half a packet of koolaid to it and wa la, me and the buddies got fuked up.
We made a "keg" one time with a five gallon jug and one of those ketchup pump dispensers you see at fast food places,

>> No.10708901

Just have cool relatives. My teetoler father let me have some beers he was delivering to a cousin of mine. Said cousin gave me a second one, and the. Dad let me have another without knowing I downed my first already as my cousin hid it in his jacket.

Shame said cousin became a crack addict lunatic like, a month after that but eh

>> No.10708913

>I do not understand basic science, or the fermentation process, or even that the amount of methanol produced from yeast alone is too small too cause any sort of issue.
Stop talking, retard.