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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10672416 No.10672416 [Reply] [Original]

Post tips and stories about these mysterious places.
Has anyone tried pic related?
These off ramen brands are hit or miss so i did not grab it.

>> No.10673382
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What about this Volcano brand?
It says it has curry.
Any good?

>> No.10674523

Life is suffering.

I have a pack in my cabinet. I can't eat it for another month because I'm wearing this orthodontic device on my upper and lower teeth. This fucking thing tries to grab any gummy noodles like udon and drop them directly down my windpipe.

But to answer your question they taste pretty good!

>> No.10675161
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this shit is like crack

>> No.10675193

>new noodle alert
I wish I got alerts like this on my phone.

>> No.10675200

Asian American here, go for the fire breathing chicken one.

Nongshim, Samyang, and Paldo are all pretty well-established instant ramen brands in Korea. You'll see the names written on the top right or top left corners of the bags so it shouldn't be too hard to identify.

Ask me anything else if you're curious about shit in the stores.

>> No.10675208

볼케이노 꼬꼬 볶음면
it's one of the many varieties of Paldo's hot chicken noodle line. Some are stirred noodles while others are soup-based.

>> No.10675212


>> No.10675529
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A Korean grocery near me is having a sale. They're selling these 5 packs for $2 each

>> No.10675558
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so much hit and miss, but I still try and find new things, especially Asian frozen trash food. Pic related was a great find, tastes really great and easy to prepare. Unfortunately contains a lot of palm oil so it'll end up making you feel a bit gross, but your not going to get around that if most things you find in Asian places.

Also all the vegies are like half the price of supermarkets, as well as bean curd and tofu. Inb4 /bro/ science memes turn up.

>> No.10676054

These are good noodles are quite thick also pretty spicy

>> No.10676087
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one of the easiest buys are the forzen dumplings. just buy any kind and theyll likely to taste fine when you fry them up in a little bit of oil in the pan but pic related is one of my favorites

>> No.10677658

can you microwave those?

>> No.10678387

CJ is a well-established brand in Korea. The ingredients list should include country of origin for specific ingredients, which is something US products don't even bother doing.

Yeah. Just sprinkle a little bit of water and oil on the plate, and cover it. It should have instructions on the back.

>> No.10678400

Which H mart is it?? is it anywhere near NJ?

>> No.10678414
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I have one right next to me. Here's one of the 2 canned fish sections.

>protip: don't eat any fish canned in asia. plenty of the stuff in this section isn't.

>> No.10678570

My local market has them on sale too, but I looked at the dates and the sell-by was 6 months ago. I'm sure they're still fine, but I'm not buying them on principle.

>> No.10679260

what are the best things I can find at H mart?

>> No.10679754

Litle tiny asian chicks that need green cards

>> No.10679767


Buy wraps for spring rolls/egg rolls/potstickers/dumplings. Makes making the dishes trivially easy (95% of the effort is in making the wraps) and they're fucking delicious.

veggies in asian markets are bizzarely cheap. I actually have no idea how they do it, are they running some bizarre veggie mafia? regardless stock up on veggies when you're there. Also Bok Choy is the GOAT vegetable.

Get jumbo bottles of Rice vinegar, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, oyster sauce, fish sauce, sesame oil, peanut oil. Now you can cook up interesting and delicious stir fry dishes in 20 minutes anytime you want.

Other than that meh. Meats are usually expensive, get them elsewhere.

>> No.10681558

the asian market near me has the sketchiest meat section, it smells almost rotten and most of the meat is turning dark on the outside

I'm tempted to buy their thin cuts sometimes because every other butcher refuses to cut them that thin raw but I'm almost certain it would make me sick

>> No.10681595

goddamn that's a steal. I have them for sale at my local 99 cent store for a dollar each and im thrilled about even that.

>> No.10681639

the gf and I regularly go out and buy 2-3 packs of these. We steam them a bit, then we pan fry them in butter and eat them with thai chili sauce. Extremely decadent but absolutely amazing.

The shrimp and chinese cabbage variety is our favorite.

>> No.10681643

>but I'm almost certain it would make me sick
Why? Do you plan on eating them raw?

>> No.10681681

It darkening means it's older meat, I'm not going to gamble on it being expired when I can buy fresh higher quality meat and cut it myself. Even when they age beef they trim the outer layers, they don't eat it as-is.

>> No.10681913
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The local Chinese market sells offal meats at <$5 per kilo. I could live off of $35/month.
>he can't make his own scallion/onion pancakes

>> No.10681938

>It darkening means it's older meat
No, it means it's been exposed to oxygen.

>>I can buy fresh higher quality meat and cut it myself.
I'd prefer better meat too. I'm just wondering why you equate dark meat with literal sickness.

>> No.10682057

It takes a significant amount of time for it to change color when refridgerated, it raises the likelihood that it will be spoiled, you can't always tell by smell and even if you can tell it's spoiled you still wasted your money

>> No.10682965

Any /Australians/ here that can suggest some good Asian shit?

>> No.10684138
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>veggies in asian markets are bizzarely cheap
the whole produce supply chain is fucking bizarre.
There are times when stuff is pretty much free.
The asians take produce that no one else wants. Its often dead ripe or otherwise unsaleable

>> No.10684160

That sucks, man. I broke my jaw a couple years ago and had to have my mouth wire shut for a month. It was one of the most depressing months of my life. Once I regained freedom I had a cheeseburger straight away and I felt like William Wallace.

>> No.10684797

I guess I'm pretty picky with my instant ramen. I've tried nearly everything available at walmart, and the only one that I thought was truly decent was Nongshim Shin Black. So I thought It'd be a good idea to buy a multi pack, but apparently I'm a fucktard and got regular Nonshim Shin Ramyun instead. Doesn't make me gag like mr noodles or top ramen, but still pretty shit compared compared to Shin Black.

Fortunately, I live half an hour away from one of north america's biggest chinatowns. Got any good asian instant ramen suggestions for a picky fuck like me? I'm not picky at all about real food, just instant ramen.

>> No.10684808

curry is shit tier compared to the rest