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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10661372 No.10661372 [Reply] [Original]

I was about to post this on /fit/ but I thought this board was more appropriate. What's the most FOOLPROOF way to boil rice? I always fuck up and I really need to learn this skill.

>> No.10661378

follow the instructions on the back of the box dude

>> No.10661386

Follow the directions on your rice cooker.

>> No.10661394

1 part rice 2 parts water + half a teaspoon of butter always works for me. butter makes it not stick towards the end and adds a nice smooth flavour. boil on high, stirring regularly until the water is gone, then let it sit covered for 5 minutes and serve

>> No.10661403

One cup or rice needs betwen 1,5 (for the good stuff) and 2 cups (for cheap generic rice) of water. Put rice and water in a pot, bring to a boil, then let simmer on low for ten minutes, then take the pot off the burner and let it sit for another 15 minutes, perhaps with the pot wrapped in a thick towel. All with a tightly sealing lid on. The fluffier and grainier you want your rice the more thoroughly you must wash/rinse it before cooking.

>> No.10661418

That's a terrible way to cook rice so sounds perfect for a /fit/ tastelet.

>> No.10661419

how do you cook it then

>> No.10661427

they literally print directions on the bag that they probably tested at least 2 or 3 times OP

or if you are too retarded to follow those directions maybe invest in a rice cooker but lets be honest if you dont know how to cook rice you probably have a learning disability

>> No.10661428

Notthe guy you are talking to but I posted the correct way in the post below yours

>> No.10661438

easiest way is a non-stick/teflon/whatever saucepan with accurate measurements, you can do it without one but you're likely to get some burn on the bottom. Depending on what you're using the rice for, or what consistency you like (longer you wash the less clumped the rice will be) you're best off washing the starch out of the rice by rinsing/soaking it in cold water, but honestly if you don't mind a little bit of burn on the bottom of the pan (for example you're planning to fry the rice anyway) then you don't need to, you'll just need to leave it for longer after cooking. In terms of ratios, 2:1 water:rice generally works but it depends on the dimension of your pan. Cold Water, bring to boil on highest heat setting then cover and change to the lowest setting. Leave to simmer until you can't see any water on the surface of the rice, at which point turn off the heat and leave covered until serving (usually 15-20 minutes will do it) the rest of the water will evaporate.

>> No.10661439

Bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat to lowest setting. Ratio of water to rice and time depends on the type of rice; vanilla medium grain is 2:1 for 20 minutes. That's how a normal person makes basic rice. Stirring it constantly on a boil is going to result in dry ass mush.

>> No.10661525
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like this?

>> No.10661538

This is for medium grain rice

>Wash rice until water is mostly clear instead of murky white
>In whatever pot you plan to cook it in, put your rice and enough water to cover the rice by one knuckle on your pointer finger
>Bring the rice to a boil over high heat stirring ever couple minutes
>Let the rice boil 1 minute
>Cover and turn heat down to the lowest setting
>Let sit 20 minutes over lowest heat
>When that's finished, your rice is down.
>Fluff with a fork and serve.

>> No.10661541

just buy a rice cooker, shits like 30$ for a good one

>> No.10661542

Use a rice cooker. Stove is a last resort. I use an instant pot and follow the same ratio and method every time to a T. Rice isn't perfect but it's more than decent and it's fast af. Less than 20 min in the instant pot.

>> No.10661550

No, I meant you wrap the whole pot in a thick towel so the heat is preserved and the rice kepps "cooking". You can also use your bedcover/duvet, and kill off a few mite civilizations in the process. My method is the only truly foolproof one, it is pretty much impossible to burn anything if you do it like that. And dont salt the rice before cooking, the salt can prevent it from cooking through, no matter how long you boil and simmer and soak it.

>> No.10661552

Get a rice cooker.
t. Asian gf

>> No.10661553

>eating rice from a box
Lmfao so glad im not this dumb


>> No.10661562

>eating rice from a box
Lmfao so glad im not this dumb


>> No.10661587

Even at the surface where it sits on the heat?

>> No.10661593

Also, would adding spices to the rice while it is cooking fuck it up?

>> No.10661596

I said take it off the burner first, THEN wrap it in a towel ...

>> No.10661617

No, you can add a pinch or thee of turmeric for a nice golden colour in the beginning, together with some dried raisins and/or diced pineapple. Or you can alternatiively add a whole peeled onion studded with some cloves for fine, elegantly fragrant rice.

>> No.10661776

I eat brown rice. I put tons of water in, bring water to a boil, turn down to simmer, add rice, leave cooking for 25 mins without a lid, then eat. I know I'm doing it wrong but I'm just wondering HOW wrong I'm doing it. I enjoy my rice this way but I've never had any other rice before so I have no metric. What am I missing out on?

>> No.10661902

Well, what dont you like about the way your rice turns out? Too mushy? too grainy? Doesnt stick together? If you have no complaints there is nothing wrong.Your method wastes a lot of energy though. If you do it like I described in >>10661403 it will take only a fraction.

>> No.10661963

I don't think I'm good enough at eating food to answer any of your questions. All I know is that it's fine by me. But I'll try your method out tomorrow and then maybe I'll have something to compare it to.

>> No.10662015

the other anons here saying 2:1 ratio are spot on. No way you are buying good rice if you are worried about some /fit/ diet so 2 cups liquid to 1 cup rice is the recipe. bring to a boil, cover, and reduce heat for 15-20 minutes.Ill make your life a little better but you have to not be a sperg about the calories.

Chop garlic and onion and add to the pan with a bit of fat (oil or butter)
1 cup rice
1 cup water
1 cup chicken stock

Enjoy anon, you are probably too much of a psychopath to eat anything but plain rice. enjoy a life of licking peeled grapes

>> No.10662146

nice bait mate, get these cucks to screech.

>> No.10662225
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OP here, turned out well for my meal. Thanks.

>> No.10662229

post it again i dare you motherfucker
i will put my riceballs into your ass motherfucker

>> No.10662234

I honestly don't understand how you can fuck up cooking rice. Follow the fucking directions.

>> No.10662240

>Boil water
>Add in rice
>wait for it to boil again
>put on medium heat
>wait 15 minutes
>wait another 15 minutes
>put into strainer
>toss in strainer until it becomes sticky

>> No.10662258

>eating rice from a box
Lmfao so glad im not this dumb


>> No.10662309

rice is a pointless food unless you can’t afford anything else

>> No.10662314

I will argue that jasmine rice is worth the difference in price, and at the rate most folk not asian go through rice it'll last a while for even a small bag

>> No.10662317

1 measure your rice and measure twice as much water and 1 tbsp vegi oil to help in case it tries to stick.
2 rinse the rice at least 5 times to remove excess starch
3 put water, oil, and rice in a pot and put the lid on it
4 turn the heat up to medium high till it starts to boil
5 when it's boiling turn the heat down to medium low and simmer/steam
6 leave the lid on till all the water is gone
7 open lid test scoop some out with a fork it should be tender but not falling apart
8 Fluff the rice with the fork.

>> No.10662319

and if you go to the asian market and spend I think it's still around thirty bucks for a twenty pound bag of rice that should last you a good six months at least and that's assuming you're eating rice three times a day

>> No.10662336

It may be where I live (east coast) but everywhere around me wants $10/lb for basmati.

>> No.10662341

>fluffs rice
>doesn't saute it first
>doesn't use stock
just giving you a hard time but there's lots of simple things you can do to make rice taste better

yeah basamati is more expensive than jasmin, and also kind of a pain to make right

>> No.10662400

>fucking with the rice while it cooks
Jesus Christ son, what the fuck are you doing

>> No.10662404

he thinks he's making risotto

>> No.10662418

>/fit/ here
>how do I *insert basic thing that everybody should know the answer to*?

Every fucking time. Stop coming here.

>> No.10662428

they come here for lewds. Their fat starved brains respond to the pictures.

>> No.10662460

I can remember once when I did an insanely steep cut for a year, I would come here just to browse pics of food. It was sad as fuck and I quit that shit. I'm now permabulk bear mode and deadlift 455, never hungry because I eat like 6 times a day

>> No.10662461

It really depends on what you consider "not fucking up". If you're into sticky rice, you won't get that from long grain rice but rather from special round grain which you can buy at your local Asians grocery store.
If you're just into the regular parboiled long grain, cover the rice about two fingers high with lightly salted water, bring to a boil and then simmer until it has the desired consistency. Stir occasionally so it doesn't stick to the bottom of your pot. If you're feeling fancy, you can also use vegetable or beef broth.

I do however suggest you try the sticky rice, that shit is the tits.

>> No.10662546

Use the right equipment. A pot with a heavy, tight fitting lid. Use the correct rice. Basmati. Finally use the correct method. Persian.

>> No.10662739

> /fit
> eat rice

>> No.10662751

I can never make rice correctly so I just got a nice rice cooker. It's a lazy way around it, but I have delicious rice all the time with less effort.

>> No.10662789

dont bother, get a rice cooker instead

>> No.10662792

i tend to add a little bit of lime

>> No.10662814

Every time, all the time


>> No.10662905

My buddy is doing this. He's made eating a chore. I'd weep for him if it weren't for his significant gains.

>> No.10664408
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>Come to /ck/ - Food & Cooking for lewds
nigger what

>> No.10664509

Why Can't Americans Cook Anything Without A Dedicated Gadget To Do It?

Why Can't Americans Operate Normal Pots And Pans On A Stovetop?

>> No.10664542

>Durr. I ain't never been to America
We can tell.

>> No.10664653

*buys wi-fi equipped Smart Fridge*
>I ain't
*gets out Aeropress*
*loads Rice Cooker*
>been to
*Microwaves water for Instant Ramen*
*eats Hungry Man meal cold*
We can
*orders McChicken from Foodora*

>> No.10665817

>boil it
All the above stuff is good advice.

But, there will always be a non-zero chance you'll end up with a sticky mess because starch leaches out of the grains and gloms everything together.
You can avoid this by tipping your pan of boliled rice into sieve and running some boiling water through it.

>> No.10666625


>> No.10668316


You can get perfect rice in a pot, sure, but it's so much easier with a rice cooker. You literally add rice, water, and butter, and press a button. That's it. Perfect rice every time.

Also you wanna thoroughly rinse white rice before cooking, that makes it a lot better too.

>> No.10668344

>boil water
>add rice
>reduce to simmer
>done in 15-20 mins
>add rice
>add water
>press button
>done in 15-20 mins

they are both FUCKING EASY

>> No.10668601
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>> No.10668666

>boil water
You have to pay attention to when it starts boiling, or else too much of it might boil off.
>add rice
Gotta do that right when the water starts boiling, which requires you to be paying attention, again. I personally might be doing other things in the kitchen that require my attention. Or I might be out of the kitchen entirely jerking off to shemale anime. Don't judge me bro.
>done in 15-20 mins
Yeah and you have to watch for the exact moment for it to be done and then get it off the heat or it will be fucked.

>> No.10670151
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fuck out of here plebs

Peruvian master race here

>> No.10670221

Yeah what gook? Butter improves rice. Us white folks tweaked rice just like we tweaked gunpowder.

>> No.10670560
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Why the FUCKING FUCKITY FUCK do we have a ‘how do I cook rice’ thread EVERY FUCKING DAY?


>> No.10670563 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10670569

This usually works if you're not cooking too much rice.

1.2:1 water rice ratio
Wash the rice once or twice.
Bring it to a boil then turn the heat to low and put a lid on it.
Leave the heat on for about 10 minutes then let it rest for 5-10 minutes without taking the lid off. Never take the lid off before the time is up.

>> No.10670574

>I literally cannot pay attention to a single thing that isn't my computer for 15 minutes
You might have brain damage anon

>> No.10670621

No sticky, no moderation, autistic crossboarders.

>> No.10671710

>stirring regularly

spainfag here, moving the rice frees up all that shitty starch and makes rice slimy. Just let it sit with the water, add more water if you see it's running out.

>> No.10671718

I guess foolproof would be boiling it in a bunch of water for the specified time and then straining it. That way you don't fuck up ratios or whatever.

>> No.10671793

Well the hardboiled egg is blatantly overcooked, so I'm going to assume the rest of the food is garbage too.

>> No.10672298

ez pz foolproof way, don’t even have to do measurements
1. Wash rice and place in pan
2. Fill water until the rice is just barely covered (stick finger in, should come up to the first joint)
3. Cook covered on high until it begins to boil, then drop to low and cook five minutes
4. ????
5. Profit