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10656945 No.10656945 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just the sauce they put on eel sushi that makes it taste so good? And if so, why isn't that sauce put on everything? The flavor quality is ridiculous, and it seems to be the same regardless of where you buy from.

>> No.10656953

The sauce is part of it, sure, but there's also that delicious smoky taste from the grilled eel itself. Eel is also a rich, fatty fish so that's another big part of the equation. It's not so different from BBQ pork or French roast goose with fruit: a combination of a rich fatty meat with a sweet acidic complement.

>> No.10656961

Sorry, I don't eat snakes.

>> No.10656971

You're missing out. Eel is by far the best tasting sushi you can buy. I'm not at all surprised the Japanese are eating it to extinction.

>> No.10656972
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white piggu won't understand

20 dollars, gaijin

>> No.10656991

>20 dollars
What cheap-ass sushi place are you going to?
I have an uber order on the way and it's $60 for unagi and yellowtail.

>> No.10657001

> Eel is by far the best tasting sushi
This is the problem.
You could eat what ever it is just because it taste good.

>> No.10657009

>just because it taste good
What do you mean "just?" Pretty sure tasting good is a perfectly valid and reliable criterion for deciding what to eat.

>> No.10657555

Unironically looks like a pig's trotter.

>> No.10657561

this guy is right >>10656953 the fatty eel is what works so well with the sauce. i bought a bottle and have tried it with other things like meats at home and its not awful but not good. also they use eel sauce to drizzle on roll sushi in pretty much any sushi joint you go to that has rolls. that plus spicy mayo they just dual wield two bottles and cover your rolls with them because fat americans know what they want

>> No.10657617
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Unagi is good but when I hear someone raving about how unagi is their favorite sushi by far, I know for a fact that they're going to shit tier sushi places. Pre-packaged pre-cooked unagi is the one sushi ingredient that flyovers can get that merely tastes mediocre instead of downright scary.

Enjoy going through life pretending to enjoy sushi because you heard it makes you seem sophisticated.

I wonder if you would even believe that people who have access to legitimately good sushi don't have to pretend. You probably would simply tell yourself that it's all pretty much the same. I mean hey it's "just" fish and rice, right?

>> No.10657621

I like sushi a lot, but I hate the taste of sushi where the meat has been grilled, idk why

>> No.10657636

So what do people who like good sushi eat?

>> No.10657651

Fatty tuna, mackerel, yellowtail, scallop, surf clam

>> No.10657669

Katsuo and amaebi are my personal favorites

>> No.10657880

I wish it were cheaper. Anytime I see it at the supermarket it's $10+ for a smallish frozen fillet.

>> No.10657887

In English, weeb

>> No.10657891

Fuck if I know. Tuna and shrimp that doesn't suck? Sorry for having a passport, flyover.

>> No.10659760


Not every sushi is trying to be like a 5 seater omakase experience.

Cheap sushi exists perfectly fine alongside high-end sushi.

Americans to be so snobby with sushi for some reason, compared to Japan.

>> No.10659813

In order to compare the two should be comparable

Japanese convenience stores have sushi on par with the best most expensive sushi restaurant in Houston or Boise or whatever flyovers consider a big sophisticated city

>> No.10659870

This guy knows whats up. Aburi salmon and ebi-ten are my favourites, tai's pretty good too.

>> No.10659957

stupid fucking american

>> No.10660347


>Japanese convenience stores have sushi on par with the best most expensive sushi restaurant in Houston or Boise or whatever flyovers consider a big sophisticated city

This might sound like pretentious weeb shit, but it's kind of true. Budget sushi places I went to in Japan had better sushi than 90% of the sushi I've encountered in London. It's about the quality of the basic ingredients, and Japan is just set up to provide them. Getting decent sushi fish in places which lack that capability is very expensive and difficult.

>> No.10660949

lol, what the fuck are you going on about?
This is very simple, eel sushi tastes really good. I don't care about "seeming sophisticated."

>> No.10661903

Yeah it tastes "good" because it's not semi-rotten raw mystery fish that's been dyed red to resemble tuna

>> No.10662331

Can confirm that this is literally true. When I was in japan, even literal convenience store sushi was better than the best sushi I have had over here. I literally can't eat sushi made in america anymore because of it.