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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 418 KB, 600x802, quequest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10646943 No.10646943 [Reply] [Original]

What if I made a thread where the rule was you had to post a photograph of a meal you made?

>> No.10646947

Then I would post a photograph of a meal I made

>> No.10646955

*ruins your thread*

>> No.10646958
File: 957 KB, 2560x1440, 243411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is taco meat I made.

>> No.10646965

As a rule, I don't go by anyone's rules - not even my own

>> No.10647001
File: 1.03 MB, 3264x2448, 9B9C8649-787F-4B51-B373-9E9505139508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the hypothetical thread of which you speak? In that case, here

>> No.10647008
File: 179 KB, 1024x768, steaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate all of this by myself.

>> No.10647014

yet you start it with anime


>> No.10647044
File: 298 KB, 1280x1024, w2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it wouldn't do to sully the catalogue with a picture of my poor cooking. Asuka is much more aesthetic.

>> No.10647059

you're one of those guys that prefers 2D women over the real thing aren't you?

>> No.10647062
File: 341 KB, 493x653, 1522032458966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's not

>> No.10647082

I like Asuka because she is a lot like me, and as for preferring 2D women over the normal sort, I suppose I still prefer the real sort, but I am a voluntary celibate. I don't associate with women, generally. The celibacy part ain't super important, cause I'll still bang girls if the opportunity presents, I just don't spend time around them if I can help it, which makes banging em kind of rarer, but sometimes sluts still knock on my door. I just got rid of one of em a while ago by telling her I was gay but she just wanted to bang me as an excuse to smoke crack in my bathroom.

>> No.10647091

>just wanted to bang me as an excuse to smoke crack in my bathroom.

jesus, maybe 'women' aren't your problem
where the fuck do you live?

>> No.10647117

Oh, I live in the slums. Cheapest place in the city. I fit in well enough to avoid trouble. Helps that my house has a bad reputation, so most people are scared away in general. But it's a bit like a repel in pokemon, your house or your clothes or your demeanor will scare away low-level troublemakers, and you could probably handle low-level ruffians no matter what you wore. But the real psychos won't be deterred by anything.

>> No.10647129

uh,,... have you considered moving?

i can't imagine you're pursuing a meaningful career

>> No.10647143

Well, there isn't really such a thing as a meaningful career, but yes, the time has come to go. As soon as I get a job offer, I am moving to a quiet country town, perhaps for the rest of my days.

>> No.10647154

>there isn't really such a thing as a meaningful career
that really isn't true, but i'm a scientist so what do I know?

> I am moving to a quiet country town, perhaps for the rest of my days.
good choice, top quality life

>> No.10647184

Only a few people would do it before the thread got derailed by a couple of autists arguing about something completely arbitrary. The autists would give up eventually and your thread would be forgotten. Welcome to /ck/.

>> No.10647196

If you work your whole life, the end result is that same as if you did nothing at all, mister scientist.

>> No.10647208

as a scientist, you should know that what is currently "known" is just a placeholder for when more complete information is found.

Don't get up your own ass because you know how to light a bunsen burner.

>> No.10647211

fuck off, you come from /qa/ don't you?

>> No.10648591


>> No.10648606

Bullshit you catalog watching anime posting fuck. Get the fuck out of here

>> No.10648638


>> No.10648659


>> No.10648671 [DELETED] 

Go back to >>>/qa/ fag, we don’t like your kind here>>10648638