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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 375x592, 1525997489749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10642188 No.10642188 [Reply] [Original]

>trying to lose weight
>parents keep buying shitty junk food for no reason

>> No.10642196

Just trade your parents in for new ones

>> No.10642233

learn some self control you fucking faggot

>> No.10642308

Trying to maintain self-control when the fridge is full of easy access junk-food is really fucking difficult.

If i were OP i'd just throw that shit in the trash but i wager he probably lives with his parents and they'l likely throw a fit if he does so.

>> No.10642317

Yeah, you can't do that by half measures. Has to be completely cold turkey if the temptation is around you.

>> No.10642325
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>is really fucking difficult.
god damn weak ass kids these days

>> No.10642328

This. Temptation is everywhere, you have to learn to fight it. Your parents are doing you a favor

>> No.10642329

When I get cravings for nearby junk food I take my time brewing some tea and slicing an apple, and pace myself enjoying it. Usually by the time I'm done the desire for junk has subsided.

>> No.10642361

I allways lose myself a little when i visit my parents every other weekend since they buy 'shit', not literal junk-food atleast but white bread and cookies or chocolate which i have hard time to abstain from.
I should probably start buying cherry tomatoes or such to snack on when i visit them...
We all have moments when we are weak but usually we should be able to escape to our "safe-space" as in home but if the home is full of temptations that's really fucking hard and just crushes the spirits further especially when you do eventually give in to temptation.

>> No.10642445

I am OP, I mean they bring home stuff lke pizza for dinner so often which I have to eat because they consider me in determining how much they buy.
But they also do stuff like chips and cookies, my dad just out of nowhere brought home 3 boxes cookies from the grocery store bakery, it's just ridiculous

They buy good enough bread I think though

>> No.10642459

stop eating it then.
move out and cook your own dinner you spineless parasite, stop shitting on your parents who are just trying to keep you alive.

>> No.10642549

> pizza for dinner so often which I have to eat because they consider me in determining how much they buy.
And they'l probably throw a fit and try to guilt-trip you into eating if you didnt or just ate an average portion.

>> No.10644259

so move out, loser.
but let me guess, you're afraid of becoming a wagie and having to actually work for a living

>> No.10644264

nobody is afraid of that
but if you want to be a slave, that's on you, that's not for me

>> No.10644304

Just tell them every chance you get that you are dieting. They wont stop buying trash food but if you try eating any of it they will remind you that you are on a diet.

>> No.10644317

Buy your own food you fat faggot.. Or buy some new parents because I heard living with your olds is one of the best paid jobs.. Vp of stds Jr fag with a phd in faggotry

>> No.10644362

Tell them that you're trying to lose weight and you'd prefer for them to stop buying you junk food

>> No.10644364

Wagie here. I have the same problem as OP, but it's a small price to pay to bank the extra 1000+ I'd lose on rent and utilities. But still, being raised by diabetics who never listened to their doctor can make healthy choices hard from bad habits instilled in youth.

>> No.10644381

So just visit them less often. If they ask why they don't see you as much, be honest about it.

>> No.10644401


>> No.10644528

Get more exercise. Eat what you want. Stop being fat.

>> No.10644531


>> No.10644537

Fuck you OP
There's nothing worse than FREE food let alone junk food.

>> No.10644545

My mom is always buying random candy and junk food that nobody in the house ever asked for. Ive noticed I was gaining weight and realized I need to convince her to stop. But she got like offended that I didn't appreciate her junk.

It's so much harder to get away from those foods when they are right there on your shelf, as opposed to buying them yourself

>> No.10644558
File: 9 KB, 220x229, okay kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit living with your parents you worthless leech manchildren

>> No.10644566


>> No.10644744


it's because you frogpost

>> No.10645852


fuck off back to facebook

>> No.10645861

What's your weight and height ?

>> No.10645980

>trying to lose weight
>live with gf and have sex regularly

damn it

>> No.10646041

>6th day of 1700 calories, coming down from 2800/day
When do I start feeling it?

>> No.10646071

>tfw mom lives with me, not the other way around, because she has bipolar disorder and needs the support
>she constantly buys junk food and it's everywhere
>snack containers and candy jars on every table in the shared spaces
>kitchen packed with cookies, prepackaged snacks, and soda
Trying to diet is a nightmare when you're surrounded by temptations. I agree with everyone who calls out weak-willed faggots like myself because no one is forcing me to eat anything, but the fact that it's there and it's free and you know it's tastes good makes your brain jump through hoops to justify eating it. If none of this shit was brought into my house I would honestly never spend the time and money to aquire it.

>> No.10646088

I just lost twenty pounds in 4 months (175 to 155) without really trying. Is that healthy

>> No.10646134

I told part of that same lie when I was living with my mom in my mid twenties. You live with your mom fatty.

At least I wasn't fat.

>> No.10646172

6' 2" 190 lb

>> No.10646175

You should be lifting then moron.

>> No.10646181

I live with my wacko diabetic mother.

That sounds attractive to women.

>> No.10646262

No, too autistic to go to a gym

>> No.10646271

Stop being a faggot.

>> No.10646278

Buy your own fucking food idioy, or you know call your parents out as fatasses and save their lives.

>> No.10646281
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Lots of ways other ways to work out anon...

>> No.10646287

Willpower is a finite resource and you're full of shit.

>> No.10646296

stop making excuses you fat nigger, if the fridge was empty you would whine there is a macdonald at 1 min from your house
what do you want, to be put in jail so you cant eat? you would probably hide food in your ass to eat it later
fucking subhuman

>> No.10646297
File: 133 KB, 800x292, 2018-05-22-home-gym.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your logic is broken and is exemplified in this comic

>> No.10646306

What you eat is WAY more important than how much you exercise. But resisting the urge to junk out every time you eat is harder than going to the gym once a day.

>> No.10646308

You're a fag.

>> No.10646314

i think you are proving him right
coz you know, the point of that comic is that it wont happen just because it's easy
if you are a piece of trash you will fail

>> No.10646316

willpower is finite?

No. Loser talk. If you can't quit, you never quit.

>> No.10646317

After a couple weeks

>> No.10646318

People say this a lot but it isn't true.

>> No.10646322

HOW MUCH you eat is way more important that what you eat

>> No.10646329

It's not "loser talk", there are actual studies about this shit. Go kill yourself retard.

>> No.10646332

No you fucking retard it is the opposite

In this scenario it would be like his parents taking away his gym as a 'favour' so he can work even harder to exercise his will power

>> No.10646342

that's actually what would happen
it's not like a weakling would understand, you need someone to hold your hand all the way to your goal

>> No.10646344

will power is finite

you're fuckin dumb

>> No.10646350


>motivation issues
Better make things harder, that'll help

you're fucked in the head buddy

>> No.10646351

>see man, this study proves im not a lazy loser, it's just that willpower is finite haha i used it all to go buy this mcmenu

>> No.10646361

post timestamped bodyweight, lets see who knows better

>> No.10646362

Can't, no money

>> No.10646369

>gravity is just a myth, if you can't pull yourself up by your own shoelaces that's just because you're weak
So what sort of braindamage do you suffer from?

>> No.10646375

if you think i'm a fattie then you're wrong,
you're clearly just bad at stats and interpreting anecdotal evidence.

OP has motivation issues. Willpower is like a muscle and his is atrophied. He need to work it out, but has to start at an appropriate level.

You don't start out as a weakling and fix it by benching 250lbs on day one. Simply because you can't

>> No.10646376

>But she got like offended that I didn't appreciate her junk.
Reminds me of my mom, i once went shopping with just her and tried to keep her in line but no such luck.
In the end even though i had managed to keep the cart clean of trash she managed to sneak some chocolate bars and bags of candies from the shelves around cashier to the groceries since i was bagging and she was paying.

I even complained LOUDLY a few times in the store that
When i put the trash she tried to add in the cart away in hopes to make her feel guilty and stop but it just seemed to aggravate her and try harder just out of spite.

And this same fucking fat piece of shit that's my mom cant stop speaking how my dad eats like a shit and i shouldnt judge because she's not the only one. Well he does but come the fuck on and besides aside the occasional bag of chips and deep-fried meatbuns he still eats healthier than my mom does!

She also tends to talk about food and how she managed to keep herself in line the week at work ie only ate salads&veggies and kept a few "500calories only days" but looking at her it's obvious she's just bullshitting, she doesnt even really grasp the concept of calories either thinking that a huge plate of veggies&fruits is more harmful and calorie-dense than a fucking slice of chocolate cake when it's most likely the slice of cake has twice the cals the whole fucking plate of vegs has!
>"b-b-but it's just a small portion!!!"

>> No.10646379

>see man some things are impossible, therefore all things i cant do are impossible
stay in denial fattie

>> No.10646383


oh no, it's retarded

You'd be better off posting body and sq/dl/bp/ohp and a mile run time.

>> No.10646389

i will wait for timestamped bodyweight
it's not like you are scared of doing it right? not like there's anything to hide

>> No.10646390

Loser talk nerd studies.

I am reading your whiner bullshit. I enjoy my life and have shit to do.

>> No.10646391

You really don't understand how to help people do you?

>> No.10646397

no i just don't care that much


i'm not OP, and I don't live his junk food frenzied NEET lifestyle

>> No.10646398

>I enjoy my life and have shit to do.
I'm guessing you post here because you can't find anyone else who'll tolerate your bullshit.

>> No.10646401

back at you
or maybe you are just a woman

>> No.10646402
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>still living with parents
Jesus man, wtf is wrong with you

>> No.10646404

you make excuses and are weak.

>> No.10646408


You are either a massively overweight neckbeard


a fit INCEL who can't figure out why everyone hates him because it clearly has nothing to do with your amazing personality.

>> No.10646415

don't guess pussy. Do something other than chew and bitch.

>> No.10646421

i do not care what anyone else thinks. Hasn't hurt at all

>> No.10646422

Its because it is cheaper and easier to cook. You don't like it? Either buy your own food or offer to cook for the family.

>> No.10646431
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>using the word 'incel'

>> No.10646432

confirmed incel

those bitches just don't understand quality

>> No.10646436

neither, im just a normal person, maybe you can meet some if you go out once in a while
also you are talking to 2 different people

>> No.10646441
File: 550 KB, 640x480, 1476406700808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I empathize with OP
>mom buys junk food
>ask her not to; she does anyway
>it's always in the cupboard, always in the kitchen
>sometimes she leaves treats on my bed
>her logic is she wants to reward me for "trying so hard" at school, to get a job, etc.
>when I gain 20 pounds she only feeds me more
>only recourse is to leave the house so its not around me
>eventually start succeeding and move out
>lose 40 pounds
>get employed
>get /fit/ as fuck
>mom still tells me all the time I'm too thin
>still tries to buy me junk food

>> No.10646444

At least you have the sense of decency to not claim that my guess wasn't spot on :^)

>> No.10646448
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When I needed to lose weight, I simply stopped eating so much food. I call it my secret diet since no one else knows about it, obviously.

>> No.10646450

Weight doesn't matter. Bodyfat does. Arnold Schwarzenegger is considered obese by bmi. You're retarded. Why don't you post your upper body instead.

>> No.10646455

Moms don't want you to get laid. It's a fact.

>> No.10646458

Moms want you to get laid (with mom)

>> No.10646474

i wont because some hungarian tracked me once
no one here is schwartznegger anyway, and you wont fool me with some cbt pic you saved
still waiting for my cute timestamped bodyweight

>> No.10646481

Nah, it's because you look like shit and you know it.

>> No.10646498
File: 194 KB, 717x880, back to reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10646501

im not the one starting a thread for my lack of motivation, nor the one justifying it, tho
that wont change, no matter how many defensive replies you make

>> No.10646503

He is rigth though, willpower is a really finite resource that it get depleted really quick.

You need to compensate with Discipline and Healthy habits, which takes a while to built, so take it slowly it ain't a race.

>> No.10646506

spend $40 p/w on some fruit and veg and save
$840 you fucking idiot.

>> No.10646514

I'm a completely different person who just had a problem with you thinking bodyweight means anything. What if the guy is 6'6" and you're a fucking manlet? That's pants on head retarded.

>> No.10646524

I've called my mother out as being obese many times throughout my life. It's always led to be unnecessary fights and I find that psychologically it's possibly led her further away from losing weight seeing as it's now a way to rebel against me.

>> No.10646533

did you think you were talking with OP the entire time?

>> No.10646538

Anon, you really don't sound like your trying to lose weight

You're not even trying to try

Your thinking about trying to try and blaming everyone around you for your lack of effort.
Grow the fuck up, take some responsibility for your life and go fix it. You haven't even gotten to the part where a lack of will power is an issue because your attitude is so fucking broken

>> No.10646540

uhm the thread is about someone trying to lose bodyweight, so yeah, i would say bodyweight means something, at least to him
why should the opinion of someone who cant keep his/her bodyweight in check be relevant?
i think i didnt talk to op once desu, not sure tho

>> No.10646546

Op is a fucking retard. He's 6'2" and 190lbs of autistic skinnyfatness. He's too much of a pussy to lift weights or move out. What a waste of height.

>> No.10646552

fuck you faggot

>> No.10646556

found the little guy

>> No.10646558

Stop being a pussy, retard.

>> No.10646566

I'm 6'2". But I workout daily and have a girlfriend. Oh and I don't live with my fucking parents into my 20s.

>> No.10646570


No one asked about your shitty girlfriend, normalshit.

>> No.10646572

are you a woman? honest curious question, with no butthurt behind it

>> No.10646574

Go to your containment board and try not to shoot up a school on the way back

>> No.10646580

Facebook is a better fit for you than any "containment board" is for me.

>> No.10646588


>> No.10646591

Facebook is for old women to drink box wine and post pictures of their pets. Get with the times.

>> No.10646628


>> No.10646633

no. i am a very tall and angry man.

>> No.10646643

angry is no good, especially toward pixels

>> No.10646806

grow up and have a long talk about it

>> No.10646812

It keeps people out of punching distance and that keeps me out of jail.

>> No.10646833

also avoids you to get your ass kicked
has its merits, yeah

>> No.10646855

Buy a personal propane or charcoal grill to put out back. Just cook all your good food on that and make it a daily thing, trust me it'll work.

>> No.10646870

You think you are up for the job?

Didn't figure you for a thinker.

>> No.10646912
File: 50 KB, 395x395, 75th RRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first got to 3/75 ranger battalion, an ssg told me to attack a very large nco. I remarked how much bigger he was than me. He said, "You're a fucking ranger. No one is bigger than you." I attack the sergeant as ordered and got my ass kicked. The lesson I did learn, however, is to always try to overcome obstacles and big guys can get badly hurt by regular sized guys - even if they win.

>> No.10646928


>> No.10646931
File: 89 KB, 500x391, dead-am-contemplating-my-ing-own-life-this-isnt-a-10297107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to lose weight
>plateau because my body has gotten used to the deficit
>increase deficit another 500 calories
>only lost 1lb over 2 weeks
Literally how the fuck is this even possible? I meticulously count calories and weigh my food, have been hiking 5 miles a week at least, and started lifting. I'm definitely obese at 40.7 so there's no fucking way this is my "natural" BMI or whatever hogwash is the newest memescience.

I was doing so fucking well too. I dropped 60lbs since February.

>> No.10646959

It will be way harder for you to tell stories while trying to undo my belt to distract me from killing you.

>> No.10646960
File: 121 KB, 1920x1080, 23C95111-2394-4023-9D95-76C47D784394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living with parents while going to college
>buy my own food most of the time but we share stuff like peanut butter
>one of them keeps making peanut butter fluff sandwiches and sticks the knife in the peanut butter while it still has fluff on it, tainting the pb with crusty marshmallow swirl

>> No.10646977

Just go full intermittent fasting so you can ignore all the junk food for half a day

>> No.10646993

5'10 but I looked like a midget next to that monster. There is an olympic amount of running during ranger training. I have no idea how someone that size passed.

>> No.10646995

no need to think much to put off a rabid dog
especially a fat one

>> No.10647002

>40 bmi

Nigga you’re gonna damage your bones. Try swimming instead and switch to a ketogenic diet, carbs are literally evil, specially if you’re insuline resistant.

>> No.10647006

well, seeing as I am none of those things, you are clearly not a thinker and your psychic powers are also shit. Wanna try and guess my birthday next carny shithead?

>> No.10647017

>lying on the internet

>> No.10647024

yes, you are very sad. Salvation army ranger.

>> No.10647030

Already doing keto and IF. I am not too worried about wrecking my bones. Only thing that really ever bothers me is loss of breath, but that's expected. Hiking is perfect for me anyways because I live in such a good area for it, love the outdoors, and I don't really have to worry about other people that much. I'd do swimming, but it's always crowded at the swimming places around here.

>> No.10647037

Then don't eat it? It's not that hard.
Quit making excuses, fatty.

>> No.10647039

You're interacting with several people. If you're a thinker then you ought to realize this.

>> No.10647041

the ranger manlet is the other guy, need to make a drawing so its easier on your cute brain?

>> No.10647074

Talk shit from a distance. It is all you get. You wouldn't even make eye contact in the real world. I know it because I live it kids.

>> No.10647078

this, you guys don't understand that I have an addiction to junk food, I NEED to eat it if I see it. I'm not even allowed in the 7-11 in my town because of a misunderstanding

>> No.10647081

back at you cooking thug

>> No.10647084

>because of a misunderstanding
standing there and eating as fast as possible before paying?


you have more problems than just a food addiction

change your persepctive

>> No.10647087

Then you just have to be patient. If you’re hiking your metabolism shouldn’t drop. You’re just platoing, don’t surrender and give it a couple weeks, you’ll be back dropping pounds.

Ir you could just stop esting alltogether like that man who spent a year without eating.

>> No.10647094

You sound like a whore trying to justify her thottery on her husband.

>its not my fault that I cheated on you with Chad

>> No.10647111

for fuck sakes go back to /rk9/

>> No.10647118

you go back to Ribbit

>> No.10647124

despite the r9k memes he made a solid point

>> No.10647138

that OP is a food addict?

he already said that, that incel restating what is already known is not insightful or a good point.

fatty mc fatterson OP needs to fix his entire life, and no kind or hateful words on 4chan is going to accomplish that.

You hear me fatty?

>> No.10647147
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>> No.10647148

the fact that the point is resisting to temptations, not to remove all temptations
some beating can do miracles anyway
would be better if it was phisical, but that isnt an option so the good old insults will have to do

>> No.10647163

gotta start somewhere, but OP isn't even at that point yet

he is still busy blaming his parents for his bad choices.

you cannot start to improve yourself if you cannot accept responsibility
at least we can agree. OP sucks

>> No.10647176


normalfags have no understanding of hamplanet parents

>anon thinks hes better than us because he wont eat pizza

i lost 100 pounds within a year of gettting out

>> No.10647183



>> No.10647189

getting out of what? competitive eating? How were you walking around with all that extra you? Scooter?

>> No.10647194

sure, but there's an army in this thread trying to make him forget the fact that even if there are some excuses for his weight, it's all up to him to lose it
im not asking him to immediatly do everything with willpower, but he has to know and accept this as a fact IMMEDIATLY
or he will fall at the slightest temptation
maybe remembering the river of insults he got here will make his desperately grip onto his pride and struggle through it
we are doing this for him, he's not a kid anymore

>> No.10647222

>trying to lose weight
>also not caring about losing weight

>> No.10647244
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Everyone responding to this saying it's easy are probably skeletons that have a half a meal a day then bitch about gaining weight.

>> No.10647249

This post sounds like it was written by a 12 year old. Also, you're an idiot if you think people don't eat in prison. A lot of people get fat in prison because they sit around all day doing nothing but watch TV and eat chips and shit they order from commissary.

>> No.10647258

I thought it was funny the guy said the fatty would smuggle food into jail up his ass. Not really funny, but I enjoyed it more then you and your prison facts. So... fuck you.

>> No.10647262

wew lad
you dodge the point like the fucking matrix choosen one

>> No.10647351

You gonna back that up with anything? Im not trying to argue that you don't have to exercise to lose weight, bc you really should

>> No.10647369

it's objectively true
lost 50 lbs without doing shit other than eating less

>> No.10647396

Take whatever junk foods are your weakness, let it spoil, and then eat it. You’ll associate the bad taste with the food. I learned this when I tried to eat cold Taco Bell, ruined the whole menu for me

>> No.10647584

Food to a fat person is like hard drugs to someone addicted already. Its easy for an already fit person to say "Bruh just stop lol" as if they experienced it.

>> No.10647608

Wasted trips

>> No.10647949

Just take 1/4 of evwrything and givw to the poor. Do this for 4 days straight.

>> No.10648088

>what is self control: the thread

>> No.10648933
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>> No.10648951

nice shit thread. all these morons baiting each other derailing the thread. if I was a mod on this shit whole site you would be licking my dogshit stained boots you little pathetic rats. you behave the way I approve it or you are nothing

>> No.10649022


>> No.10649358

don't any of you have self-control? I only eat twice a day by choice and in small portions. how fucking hard could it be?

>> No.10649420

>tfw trying to bulk
3000 calories seems fucking impossible, this shit is like a full-time job

>> No.10649442

>thats 32 fl oz
nigger thats likely over 2 pounds of icecream

>> No.10649446
File: 1.78 MB, 537x336, The Fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Milk Shake
>Crustacean Allergy

>> No.10649450
File: 38 KB, 630x617, Disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>32 oz
>that's likely over 2 lbs of ice cream

>> No.10649455

If you fill up a 32oz cup w/ ice cream it will weigh about 10 pounds, but that has nothing to do w/ the weight you gain from that.... wtf.... ~3500 calories = 1 pound, you might gain 1 pound from that.

>> No.10649494
File: 767 KB, 200x150, Data Extended Laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you fill up a 32oz cup w/ ice cream it will weigh about 10 pounds
My anti-gravity ice cream is weighing in at a little over 1.92 lbs per 1.5 qts, including the container. Must be a new formula. Or Eurofags can't use more than one system of measurement.

>> No.10649526

>all that calcium and vitamin A
Must be healthy for you right?

>> No.10649540

liver has 800% vitamin a for only 150 calories

>> No.10650673

It doesn't matter if there's a bunch of junk food around. You lose weight with willpower, not because there's no junk food in the house.

>> No.10650731

If your parents are like that then explain why you're getting /fit/. If they still keep buying shit then sorry bud you've gotta wait til you move out.

Been in that situation before it's shitty

>> No.10650746

Not true at all. A lot of people control their habits by not putting themselves in bad situations, and rely on the house being empty of junk.

>> No.10650760

Just don't eat it.
My boomer parents bought total dogshit the entire time I lived with them though. They ate so fucking much outside of the shit too, would literally have turkey dinners and roasts or casseroles everyday. Constant over eating on both of their parts. I was able to reprogram my mom slightly over time until I got out of there.