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10637645 No.10637645 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s talk jerky, lads.

I recently started really getting into jerky. Not something I ever used to eat, but I can’t get enough of the shit now. Been trying all kinds of flavors, different meats, different brands. I think my favorites so far were the maple wild boar jerky, and peppered bison jerky.

What’s everyone’s favorite brand? Does anyone make their own jerky? I’m kinda thinking of trying it. Anyone know any good sites for ordering interesting jerky?

>> No.10637801

Make my own. Making your own is better because you can keep some of the fat on it and it makes it amazingly delicious. Big producers can't keep the fat on it because it goes rancid if you store it for too long.

As for which brand/flavor is the best you actually posted it. Novelty/"interesting" jerky is a meme, don't bother with it

>> No.10637815

I actually do generally like peppered jerky a lot.

I personally prefer tougher jerky, I like to feel like I’m chewing on old boot leather. Does more fat make it more tender? Because that would actually be a negative for me.

>> No.10637864

If you make your own, you can make it as dry and tough as you want. To the point where you no-joke have to be careful not to hurt your teeth.

The fat won't dry out though. So yes, those bits will be more soft, but the flavor is unreal

>> No.10637890

Cool, I’ll probably try it, then. Is a dehydrator a good investment, or is it easy to make in the oven without making a huge mess? I’m gonna be moving soon and will have a much larger kitchen and more storage, so I could very easily grab a dehydrator.

>> No.10637896

There was an Good Eats episode where he basically rigs up some air filters and box fans to make a really good dehydrator. Most commercial ones use too much heat to make "true" jerkey. Haven't tried it yet myself, been meaning to.

>> No.10637913

Well, it’d be that or an oven given that my new place is a condo downtown in a major city. They’re not gonna let me have a smokehouse in my unit.

>> No.10637916

>They’re not gonna let me have a smokehouse in my unit
Just say you need it for islam or something.

>> No.10637918

Never worth the money. Cant eat it.

>> No.10637930

The board at my new building doesn’t give a fuck. They’re the most anal-retentive assholes I’ve ever had to deal with. I’ve owned the unit since October and probably won’t be moved in until September because of how much shit they made me go through to do some relatively minor renovations. No way in fuck they’d let me do something like that.

>> No.10637936

Why can’t you eat it?

>> No.10638000
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Dehydrator for jerky is probably not worthwhile, unless you want to waste your time with puny little batches. I make mine in the oven and can easily make 6-10 pounds of finished jerky per batch.

Oven setup is pretty simple. Cover the bottom of the oven with aluminum foil, and hang the strips on skewers and arrange them so they fit properly into the grating of the oven grill thing. The platform? After you've hung all your strips, close the oven and turn it to like 120-140 degrees. Keep it like that for 6-9 hours. Maybe more if its a REALLY big batch.

You absolutely need to lay down the foil because that shit will drip like crazy in the first hour. And the heat from the bottom of the oven will cause that juice to burn, so keep your window open and beware of your smoke alarm. After the juice burns up and the strips stop dripping, there won't be any more smoke to worry about and you can remove the foil.

The messiest part is actually right at the beginning when you're loading up all the skewers into the oven. Lots of moisture, lots of dripping as you try to maneuver everything into place. But if you keep everything close to the oven it'll be a small area to clean.

>> No.10638016

I’ve seen dehydrators where you can stack extra trays on top, so I could buy a bunch of extra trays and stack like 10 of them if I really wanted to. Having a ton of smoke is gonna be a problem, again, my condo board are a bunch of assholes, if I’m smoking up the place, especially if I’m causing the smoke detectors to go off, they’ll give me shit about it.

>> No.10638071

if you have stacked trays you're going to end up with meat dripping onto the meat below it. It'll never get dry

>> No.10638126

I found this: https://www.jerkyholic.com/how-to-make-beef-jerky-with-a-dehydrator/

Seems like as long as you pat off excess marinade, it shouldn’t be a problem.

>> No.10638143

I used to eat Jerky like crazy
Pemmican was my favorite brand

I fucked my jaw up, nuts and jerky and other hard foods every day.
Caused serious TMJ and cant eat shit.

You need to slow down and watch it, your jaw isnt invincible. Eat it sparingly or eat the weird nugget shit that isnt hard.

>> No.10638147

>take batteries out of smoke detector
>wet towel under the door
>open two windows
>box fan (like $14) facing so it pulls air inwards in one window
>box fan facing out so it pushes air out in the other
Problem solved?

>> No.10638172

Well, the way the unit’s layout is, the only openable windows are on the opposite side from the kitchen, and it isn’t a small unit. There are also sprinklers in my unit, I’m not sure if too much smoke can cause those to go off.

>> No.10638181

What would I have to ask the butcher for to get these kind of strips?

>> No.10638197

Does anyone know how I could find really dry beef jerky? It seems like everything you can buy in the stores these days is all moist and chewy. If it doesn't make my jaw hurt I'm dissapointed.

>> No.10638224


>> No.10638236

How’s chicken or turkey jerky? Any good at all, or should I stick to red meats?

>> No.10638241

Just a cash issue. Can buy 30X the grams of protein in chicken.

>> No.10638256

Ah, yeah. I guess if you’re only concerned with protein and on a limited budget it wouldn’t be worth it.

>> No.10638424

No idea. I buy it in large roast sizes and chop it up myself. Ideally youd want the strips to be .25 inches thick or thinner

>> No.10638465

I wonder, I have an Asian market near me and they sell the Asian-style super thin beef slices. Would that work, or would it be too thin for jerky? Might have too much marbling, too.

>> No.10638467

Turkey jerkey is a good cat treat.

>> No.10638472

Ok, but is it fit for human consumption? I have no cat.

>> No.10638502
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Theres no such thing as too-thin for jerky. In fact thinner is better because theres more surface area to absorb the marinade. Plus you avoid the very real dental concerns that >>10638143 brought up. You dont want to fuck your jaw up or loosen your teeth just because you cant get enough of that sweet, sweet jerky

>> No.10638511

Would Asian-style sliced beef have too much fat for jerky, though?

>> No.10638522

I dont know. Jerky is technically supposed to be all or mostly lean meat but I dont abide by that. Some fat or marbling will be fine unless you plan on storing it for months and months

>> No.10638542
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most other brands just taste like rubber to me

>> No.10638616

Well, Asian-style beef typically seems to have a pretty high amount of fat. How much fat would be too much?

>> No.10639127
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Pic related is doable

>> No.10639137

Its doable but also might be on the threshold of too much. Its not an exact science anon, and you dont need to be super careful with making sure its lean unless you plan on storing it for more than a few weeks

>> No.10639173

I make jerky using a dehydrator. Thinly sliced strip steak, with dry cajun and moroccan seasoning, in the dehydrator for 3.5 hours at 70C. I eat up to 1.5kg a week.

>> No.10639376

>saw this thread
>gets me in mood for jerky
>live middle of nowhere in UK and can't buy it
>would be great for snacking in work
>just ordered 1.2kg of jerky and biltong in 8 different flavours
What am I in for?

>> No.10639388

Flavours are original, peppered, bbq, garlic, teriyaki, peri peri, jalapeño and habanero. Not too keen on flavoured jerkys but thought fuck it. I'll try make some of my own when I have the time.

>> No.10640258

Anyone ever tried biltong? Would you be able to viably make that at home? I understand the main difference is that they cure an entire slab of meat, THEN slice it.

>> No.10640976

A good weekend.

>> No.10641096

>>just ordered 1.2kg of jerky and biltong in 8 different flavours
britbong here, where did you buy it from?, planning on getting a beef roast and trying it meyself, already bought the skewers on ebay from >>10638000 idea

>> No.10641396

>I'm Belgian , there is no jerky here

>> No.10641510

Just amazon mate. Worked out much cheaper than buying from the place nearest me (50 miles) which sells some.

>> No.10641538

I know, m8. Whenever I go to Europe, I always have to go without muh jerky. Why haven’t you europeans figured out jerky technology yet?

>> No.10641574 [DELETED] 
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Enjoy eating your dried cancer carcass.

>> No.10641599

Will do. Enjoy being a giant, insufferable pussy.

>> No.10641608

its gaining popularity in the UK desu, most chain stores sell it now though its crap quality and expensive ($4 for 80g) to the stuff ive tried in the US.

>> No.10641609

my dad and i go hunting once a year and we usually make deer jerky. we use the oven to make it.

it drives our dog fucking crazy, it must smell really good to her.

>> No.10641617

I dont know, i found something similar once but it was extra sweet, Maybe something in the Jerky-making process isn't up to européean standarts or our market just dont like it. Obviously i rather have the européean food environement (variety/Price) than the american one but Jerky would be neat.

>> No.10641621

is a slim jim considered jerky? if so, dukes is breddy fuggin good

>> No.10641628

Slim Jims fall under the category of meat sticks, kind of a cousin of jerky. They’re not bad, but I usually avoid meat sticks since they tend to have a lot of fat/calories.

>> No.10641633

I think slim jims are separated meat condensed into a stick. So it's not really the same.

>> No.10641651

Just had a bag of Korean BBQ pork jerky. Fuck me! Where was this my whole life! I shotgunned the entire bag in like 3 minutes.

>> No.10641668

I never understood jerky because all I've ever seen or smelled is the horrid unapetizing Jack Link's shit you find in gas stations and retardo "pepperoni" sticks.

it was ok. i now understand jerky but i wouldnt buy it myself. maybe it'd be fun to make if i hunted or something as a substitute for being actually able to butcher

canada is like this as well. hipsters love their jerky but for the most part it's just the shit in the OP and it's always like 4.69 a bag. i could understand it being a popular snack if it were cheaper but i may as well just get a sandwich or something that has non-dried meat in it at that price

>> No.10641689

fair enough. i'm just saying.
dukes is new to my area and i think they've got a solid product.

>> No.10641693

Yeah, I’m in Canada and the selection and pricing is kinda shit. Jack Link’s isn’t bad, though. The pepper flavour is pretty good. I mostly order better stuff online, but if I’m between shipments, Jack Link’s does in a pinch.

Does suck having to pay so much for it here, but I do ok for myself and I love it, so I’m buying it. Zero fucks given.

>> No.10641712

i just mean the tubed, ready to eat meat situation. dukes are like one or two bite slim jims in that way. if you buy jerky, try dukes when they're on sale or something.

>> No.10641723

i think other countries dont have much jerky in them because other countries aren't third world shitholes devoid of electricity or shelter or clean water and so meat can be preserved and cooked in ways other than drying it

>> No.10641733 [DELETED] 


Or, they actually realized that eating meat will give you cancers and is morally wrong.

>> No.10641759


>> No.10641783 [DELETED] 


Fuck off back to /pol/ carni

>> No.10641792

will do, /lgbt/ called for you btw

>> No.10641812

if you have a loves in your area, the loves branded jerky is da bomb. I don't like the thick chewy jerky unless I'm making it myself. shit like jack links just tastes like flavored sawdust to me. and I used to work in a saw mill so I literally know what sawdust tastes like

>> No.10641833

I got a pack of beef from the foodbank once that was perfect thickness(thinness?) for jerky, it was labeled milenesa or something, from the mexican market

>> No.10641843

why are you even hear?

>> No.10641845

cmon you two just fuck already

>> No.10641890
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Favorite brand is Kickass but nobody around here sells it so I have to get it online. That's too much of a hassle so I just make my own using the method >>10637896

>> No.10641954

Unfortunately, I’m in Canada, so no Loves up here. I don’t mind Jack Link’s that much. It’s not great, but some of their flavors are alright.

Anyone ever order from https://www.bigjohnsbeefjerky.com/cart/index.php? I’ve read very good things.

>> No.10641978

That looks fucking good. Send me some.

>> No.10641979

my favorite jerky is robertsons

>> No.10642050

not even to try to shill, but dukes is in every 7-11 in the dc metro area, from what i can tell they're everywhere quite suddenly. they're on the way to canada. try it and tell everyone about your experience. i'm not paid by dukes but i should be. if i were i'd be in breach of contract. and if my company gave a single fuck about consumer experience in the highest concentration of wealth and power in the nation, i'd be worth limon lays and sweet bbq pork rinds combined minus some executive fee.

>> No.10642069

for people who make their own, any good marinade recipes?

>> No.10642075

I’ll give em a go if I see them.

>> No.10642283

at first they were 2 for 7, now they're 2 for 10. i say buy one just to show them their place.
reminder if you don't have convenience foods you like but refuse to pay a markup for, you aren't the demo, better or worse.


>> No.10642287

You can Jerk my REEE faggot.

>> No.10642347

honestly who the fuck asked you

>> No.10642622

1T Honey
2t Ground black pepper
2t Onion powder
1t Red pepper flakes
1t Liquid smoke
2/3c Soy sauce
2/3c Worcestershire sauce

Avoid lite or reduced sodium soy sauce, you're gonna need the salt. 2 hour long marinate in the fridge, one batch I accidentally left in there for half a day and it took on an overpowering soy flavor. This recipe is a bit spicy so I've been experimenting with less red pepper and an extra teaspoon of liquid smoke, but might change that to less black pepper.

>> No.10642665

So what are your guys opinions on the best cut f eat to make jerky? whether it is beef, pork, etc.

>> No.10642674

*of meat

>> No.10642675

"Come on key give me a lil piece of the pa pa meat"

>> No.10642686

Have you ever used curing salt/prague powder? Many recipes I see online call for it, but I’ve heard it can impart a weird flavor. I do tend to like my jerky on the salty side, I just tried some chipotle jerky today that had way too little salt, and I couldn’t finish it. It was way too bland.

Can you use MSG in making jerky, or would that make it taste weird?

>> No.10642694

New poster to the thread here.
Yes, I've used curing salt. The flavor is not at all "wierd" unless you use too much. Ever had commercial jerky, bacon, etc? You've eaten curing salt.

>>Can you use msg
I haven't, but I'm sure you could. People often use things like soy sauce and worcestershire in jerky and those are both loaded with naturally occuring MSG.

>> No.10642709
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Flank steak does a great job taking on marinade. Cut along the grain for tough and chewy jerky, or against it if you want tender jerky.

>> No.10642802
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>Cure #1
It's not necessary, but you could use it. I don't use it for my jerky, but I use it for my home cured sausage and bacon so I'm not scared of it. I just don't want the ham like flavor it would impart to beef jerky which is why the industrial corporate jerky tastes like shit since they all use it.

>> No.10642926

How much do you have to use to get that “ham” flavor? Most recipes seem to call for only 1/4th of a teaspoon.

If you use a dehydrator, how risky is it to not use curing salt? It seems like most dehydrstors’ top-end heat is right about the minimum you want to kill off bacteria.

>> No.10643420

So, aside from beef and pork, what are some good meats for making jerky?

>> No.10644770
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This stuff had a delicious hot flavour and wasn't too sweet and had a very 'meaty' texture.

I don't know if its the cut of meat but Jack Links seems so processed and jelly like.

>> No.10645199

Personally, I like my jerky a little sweet. Has to have enough salt too, though. Under salted jerky is terrible, completely kills the flavor.

>> No.10645663

Thinking of pulling the trigger on a large order from jerky.com. Just grab like 30 different things to try. Anyone tried any of their stuff before?

>> No.10646069

Just got some stufffrom the Great Canadian Meat Co. Tried the teriyaki flavor so far. Pretty damn good. Good option for us Canadians, they have it at convenience stores in Toronto, at least. Dunno about other regions.

>> No.10646327

if you like pork jerky, i recommend ballpark or golden island brand

>> No.10646416

The golden island kung pao flavor is fucking good.

>> No.10646517

When I dry cure bacon, it calls for 3g cure#1/kg of meat so it's not much. I'd assume it would be the same for jerky. Brine curing you have to use significantly more. I don't really think you'd have to worry about bacteria developing in jerky since you only cure it overnight and it will dry in a dehydrator or oven within 8-12 hours and bacteria need moisture. Bacon or brine cured ham on the otherhand cure for a much longer period and are never dried. The salt level in the jerky will be suffecient to prevent bacteria growth in that short of time as long as you're careful with your prepping in terms of cleanliness.

>> No.10647429
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I have recently started making biltong. My first batch was beef round eye cut to 1" slabs, hung on a skewer in my dehydrator. My 2nd batch was beef liver, too flimsy to hang, so laid them out on three trays. I like the beef liver biltong a lot more than the round eye - the liver has richer texture and taste, almost melts in the mouth, not surprising being an organ meat which has a more complex composition than muscle meat. My next batches therefore will mostly be beef liver biltong.

>> No.10647465

The critical difference between biltong and jerky is that biltong is RAW, that is, it is dehydrated at about 35 degrees celcius. Therefore you have to involve salting and marinading and optional freezing steps prior to dehydration to kill bacteria and parasites. The bonus is that the meat, not being cooked, is "alive", same way raw unpasteurized milk is living with enzymes.

>> No.10647702
File: 654 KB, 1536x2050, 981E9405-0B05-427A-9FFA-0E3F3F680C63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dried squid is where it’s at, nigga.

>> No.10647705

Traditional "jerky" is also raw bro.

>> No.10648182

I have to be careful with organ meats because I tend to get gout and kidney stones. My dad’s the same way, runs in the family I guess. Organ meat isn’t worth the weeks or months of pain.

>> No.10649973

Bumping for jerky

>> No.10649981

My nigga

>> No.10649984 [DELETED] 


>> No.10650058


Sounds like you bought BEEFIT on amazon, had it a couple of times; best flavours are bbq/teriyaki and garlic.

I make my own chicken and beef jerky but also enjoy buying some others.

-Teriyaki jack links (34 quid for 12x75g packs on amazon)
- King's BBQ jerky from costco, can get 700g in two titan 350g packs for 20 quid
- Ember biltong (very expensive 20 quid for 300g but it tastes quite nice and its 90 kcals/20g protein per 30g pack), I got 100 packs of this for 80 quid by taking advantage of a 50% coupon and a christmas deal.

>> No.10650193

I really don’t like a Jack Links’ teriyaki flavor. It doesn’t taste at all like teriyaki to me. It just tastes like salt and celery flavoring to me. I had Great Canadian Meat’s teriyaki yesterday and it was way better.

>> No.10650974

I just tried a couple flavors of Devour jerky. Got their smokehouse chipotle and five spice teriyaki. Wasn’t impressed. Way under salted and very bland, imo. Do not under salt your food, people! Salt = flavor!

>> No.10651086

when did jack get a jerky line?

>> No.10651769

I thought that was their whole thing?

>> No.10653584

you're so sweet

>> No.10653670
File: 959 KB, 800x800, TB2YTL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god yes