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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 343 B, 255x170, 255px-Flag_of_France.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10604135 No.10604135 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10604137

butter is good

>> No.10604141


>> No.10604152

Why does france have the most gruesome and awful dishes in the (first) world?
> Buttered snails
> little bird drowned in strong liquor
For some reason their history proved that lots of people in france didn't bathe as much either, they used parfume every fucking day.

>> No.10604159


And yet we're not fat, unlike anglos. :)

>> No.10604163

2nd best cuisine on the planet after Italy.

>> No.10604172
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Pourquoi tu mens ? boloss

>> No.10604189
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T'es jaloux?

>> No.10604195

40% of France is overweight or obese

>> No.10604203

Which is nothing compared with the US (70%) and the UK (60%)

>> No.10604207
File: 10 KB, 500x200, french flag waving gallantly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, french food is incredibly overrated

most of the "techniques" are just simple things that everyone does anyway under a different name, like "sauteeing", and most of the dishes are just "hurr fat, roast, wine"

it tastes fine but it is incredibly simpleton to make, and normies are aroused by simple tasks with fancy exotic names

>> No.10604223

Cool opinion, bro
Don't forget to have some taco bells when coming home from work

>> No.10604233

>nah, French anything is incredibly overrated

>> No.10604245

>overweight or obese
>not going for obese or more
lol. overweight is literally 2-3 kg above your target.

>> No.10604252

The US just broached 80% overweight. That's what happens when you have an obese tub of lard as emperor.

>> No.10604262

Va plutôt regarder Jamal baiser ta femme , gras-du-bide

>> No.10604269

>no counterargument
>hurrr you eat tago bells eggs dee

amazing insult

>> No.10604278

I don't have to argue your shitty opinion, it's worthless

>> No.10604317
File: 54 KB, 683x1024, king_of_france.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10604326

amazing insult

>> No.10604382

it's not an insult if it's true

>> No.10604469

America with a nigger president? I know

>> No.10604519

dude your country is like 1% African and has more niggers in the media than we do

ours is 13%.

And your leader is a literal childless cuck who married a woman 30 years his elder LMFAO

>> No.10604531

>dude your country is like 1% African and has more niggers in the media than we do

Is this nigger crazy? Is that what being 56% does to your brain?

Considering your last presidents, I wouldn't try the comparison KeKistani boii

>> No.10604540
File: 70 KB, 800x581, African-admixture.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the word nigger

stop the self hatred, man.

>> No.10604547


You just said my country is 1% nigger, you dumb bitch. Fucking lowlife american redneck, i swear

>> No.10604567 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 399x286, Bow Down To Your Master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America with a nigger president?

Holy shit we all loved Obama. When China says "jump", Obama asks "how high?"

he was the best pet nigger we ever had

>> No.10604577

lol @ the French faggot arguing with the Amerimutt.

One country that is totally irrelevant, while the other is quickly losing its relevancy as a world power.

You'll all be bowing to a new world order soon.

>> No.10604611


>le retarded i'm a smart boy post

Thanks anyway

>> No.10604617

>One country that is totally irrelevant, while the other is quickly losing its relevancy as a world power.
>You'll all be bowing to a new world order soon.

I, for one, bow down to our new Chinese overlords.

>> No.10604624

I'd rather that than bowing and grovelling to the zionist thieves like our current orangeman, drumpf

>> No.10604637

apparently your mastery of english isn't high enough to understand irony.

maybe read some descartes or something? I'm sure your mother is in desperate need of some dick giving.

>> No.10604643


Fuck drump. He a big racist to Chinese. You should have elected Hillary. She would have sucked all our cocks.... and swallow.

>> No.10604676


Descartes has nothing to do with irony. You should really read Descartes.

>> No.10604693

again, the insinuation was that you can't understand indirect implications in english, so maybe you should stick to reading things in your native language.

the third sentence was a reference to a popular meme.

>> No.10604698


>> No.10604703


The damage control is hard.

>> No.10604822

guys please stop fighting i mainly just wanted to type L'MAO

>> No.10604847
File: 93 KB, 528x729, 431C9025-6CE8-4728-999E-5D7E6E1B95E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you didn‘t

>> No.10605341
File: 65 KB, 1000x739, Harakiri_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody's perfect

> les ortolans
> les escargots
> les cuisses de grenouilles
> Plein d'etrangers pensent que les français ne se lavent pas mais se parfument, basée sur l'histoire de France et des pratique à Versailles.

>> No.10605379

I bought some French butter one time. It sucked it was almost sweet and not very yellow. The finns are much better

>> No.10605383

Putting butter everywhere Is the only thing the French got right, ever

>> No.10605475

buy local butter,

Butter is white, the yellow is food additive.
> because milk cream is white.

>> No.10605486

all moi

>> No.10605490

Euros tell me it's from cows eating grass, all our cows eat corn, so they say. Which is funny, seeing how I pass hundreds of cows in fields eating grass all day.

>> No.10605494

>Butter is white,
Argentinian butter maybe.

>> No.10605558

Threadly reminder that sweet cream butter is the worst thing the eternal anglo has inflicted upon the world since World War II. All butter should be cultured butter, as it is in every way superior to the coagulated milkfat that the anglos have the nerve to call butter.

>> No.10605620

Those get exported to yurop since they aren't GMO. We get the carcinogenic GMO roundup ready corn fed beef, specially injected with hormones and a saline chemical solution after butchering, 'cause muh better flavor according to the PR folks who responded to my e-mail, lol.

>> No.10605963
File: 385 KB, 3246x3770, 1499989622660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying macron isn't going to send all the niggers back to africa once he is declared king

>> No.10605984

Or maybe its raised on grass, and fattened up the last few weeks on feed? NO, impossible.

>> No.10605985

>implying there aren't tons of anglo cultured butter makers in this age of probiotic this and lactobacillus that

Back to 1983 frenchie.

>> No.10606005
File: 102 KB, 600x600, large_d3b31dd7-9efe-41d2-8fd2-b054ddd7bd97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some of this stuff last time. Its pretty good I suppose. Its not near as yellow as the finlandia.

>> No.10606134

Industrial food is everywhere in france, stop dreaming, don't believe advertising,
I don't know what happend in 1983 for you,
bla bla bla ... lol

>> No.10607629

stop replying, it's clear that you can't understand higher order, underlying sarcastic implications while speaking english

the yellow can be an indicator of carotene, which could mean the cows weren't finished in feedlots.

It also could just be plant dye added to the butter. Color doesn't mean quality

You made me think about what Argentinians feed their cows for about 10 seconds, and then it hit me, I almost forgot that ancient meme

I, too, support the depopulation of france.

sweet cream butter is better than acidic germy butter. However, it needs even more refrigeration, so that under suboptimal conditions, the cultured one will hold up better.

>> No.10607978

French cows eat soja
> They ate meat and bone meal to do more milk.

>> No.10608633

>French cows eat soy

>> No.10608640


Macron wants to rule France like Jupiter, that's pretty cool to me desu senpai

>> No.10608737

It's no funny

>> No.10608745

It's not funny.

>> No.10608791

Hon hon hon

>> No.10608978

He should make a babby with Mama Merkel, he like older women. That would give Europe the next Charlemagne.

>> No.10610030


Le bait classique.

>> No.10610039

Isn't sauteeing a literal basic cooking technique?

>> No.10610091

Literally SEETHING

>> No.10610102

Your cows are literally powered by soy. The absolute STATE of cheese eating surrender monkeys.

>> No.10610217

can't find an exact translation, but it is some press cake or oil cake for you, americans.

>> No.10610416

as you write,
> http://frenchcheeseboard.com/

>> No.10611363

Greatest mystery of all time is how those countries are so fast when food in each of those countries is so gross

>> No.10611376

Yeah, or way too many spics that inflate the obesity rate. Mexicans are fatter than whites living in both Europe and the US, bud.

>> No.10611391


>> No.10611787


You are gonna have an insane time when you leave your midwest town of two dozen mayo people.

>> No.10612661

>pressing buttons is a piano playing technique

>> No.10612681
File: 12 KB, 400x225, 1516321752661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I ever do that anon?

>> No.10612742
File: 2.24 MB, 1791x3112, Truffle Custard + Ragout Pt1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Without butter, without eggs, there is no reason to come to France'
-Paul fukken Bocuse

>> No.10613179

spot on

>> No.10613352
File: 338 KB, 1073x386, 1526480508517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10613413

Paramount Leader Xi will usher in a new era of peace and prosperity.

>> No.10613456

Butter thread wouldn't melt.

>> No.10613467

>damn I was mad when people used that weird word against me I will do the same to that guy and BTFO him and WIN
hmmmm no, sweaty...

>> No.10613498

>kosher salt