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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 911 KB, 960x960, 2516-grillkrydda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10603328 No.10603328 [Reply] [Original]

What is the ultimate seasoning you can put on almost anything? Swedes are lucky they have ubiquitous access to this shit. Chicken salt from Australia is amazing also. Where I live the options in most places rarely stray beyond salt and pepper.

>> No.10603333


>> No.10603339

Thanks for wasting those sweet quads negroid. And i would say cajun is the ultimate nr 1 spice

>> No.10603370

crushed red pepper

>> No.10603400

Don't you have a Tiger or Sostrene Grene or something where you can get a huge bag of the same stuff for a third of the money?
SantaMaria is so fucking overpriced, man.

>> No.10603404

>Where I live the options in most places rarely stray beyond salt and pepper.
You don't have mail delivery where you live?

>> No.10603407

Santa Maria Taco Mix is way better

>> No.10603433
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This stuff. It's pretty true what it says on the packaging, it goes well with almost any savory food. They also have a salt-free version as well.

>> No.10603443

Oh look, a sensible post.

>> No.10604086
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it' mostly sodium acetate

Don't put it in a pasta sauce... too gritty. Otherwise it is amazing on everything

>> No.10604398
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God tier flavor dust

>> No.10604415

putting the same seasoning mix in every meal is literally the same thing as the picky children who eat nothing but chicken nuggets. I don't buy some seasoning mix from a brand and put it on tons of stuff because I enjoy having a variety of flavor profiles in the things I eat

>> No.10604434

>I add everything separately
Look out everyone we got a badass over here

>> No.10604437

>hurr I put this generic herb/spice/garlic/pepper/sugar/salt mix on everything xD

This is a common noob mistake and will keep your cooking from being great

>> No.10604445
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this is good stuff right here.

>> No.10604455

What do you know, random internet person? Afraid that a little garlic powder will hurt your sensitive stomach?

>> No.10604477

who are you quoting?

>> No.10604486

not as funny as the 'huh' poster but just as retarded.

>> No.10604569

Not trying to be funny, genuinely confused because I never said anything like "adding everything separately"

>> No.10604575

>i'm a giant faggot

I remember when you said that
just spend your next 10 minutes scrolling up, you'll find it

>> No.10604600

I don't use homophobic slurs so I definitely didn't say that

>> No.10604601

calm down. we understand you are retarded.

>> No.10604618

>definitely didn't say that
Yes you did

Stop pretending you're not a self hating cock sucker.

its ok bro, suckin cocks is cool now

>> No.10604648


that's not a seasoning you silly swede


>> No.10604734

grillkrydda på knäckemackan

>> No.10605055

Jesus Christ what a faggot

>> No.10605071

>inte aromat

>> No.10605186
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>> No.10605301


Why not just have different seasoning mixes dipsticker.

>> No.10605315

The only thing mixes have going for them is convenience.
Individual herbs and spices are far more flexible. I'd rather have the flexibility than the tiny improvement in convenience.

>> No.10605336
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For me, its everglades

>> No.10605461

Most "grill-mixes" are like 40-60% salt though... no wonder it tastes "good".

>> No.10605469

Mixes are also cheaper and dont take whole lot of space if you are living in a small apartment and need to have every ingredient for something like say... curry in your spice-shelf.

As long as you check out the ingredients and avoid mixes with more than 20% salt, preferably none at all and they are okay.

>> No.10605684

What's the difference between the "hot and the original? Just more red pepper?

>> No.10605717

Old Bay is the best hands down

>> No.10605736

Isn't that literally just paprika+garlic/onion powders?
Like, apparently pepper as well, but that doesn't really seem like such an amazing foreign and exotic spice blend

As for me, I'm still trying to find where the best place to get Garam Masala in the US is.

>> No.10605747


Make your own rubs you fucking cretins!!!

>Garlic Powder
>Chilli Powder
>Dried Parsley

>> No.10605765

>Mixes are also cheaper
If this is true you're getting shit-tier spices in your mix.

The "hot" has more cayenne. There's also a "Bold" which has less salt and more of all the other spices.

>>Garam Masala
Desi supermarkets. Also spicehouse.com has a good one. Their "maharaja" curry powder is god-tier too. It's expensive but it's well worth it.

>> No.10605772

This shit on a white trash piece of frozen chicken... to die for (it's actually pretty nice)
grandma used to put this on spaghetti with butter for me, very nice. I found a bottle recently and am looking for ways to incorporate it into my cooking.

>> No.10606407
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>ctrl+f "old bay"
>only 1 post >>10605717

This board is fucking garbage

>> No.10606420
File: 18 KB, 263x348, jospice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old bay is overrated imo. I prefer pic related.

>> No.10606837

I prefer original but both are damn good on my chicken.

>> No.10606866

Interesting, never heard of it and I'm from Maryland. How is it different?

>> No.10606872
File: 15 KB, 142x359, C05F5D78-5EA6-47FC-AE81-3C9DD9CA013A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no contest

>> No.10606896

It's a little spicier. It's kind if hard to explain. It's kind of hard to buy the shit too because a lot of retailers in Maryland won't sell it because "muh brand loyalty" to old bay. If you ever get crabs from a restuarant in maryland it's more than likely seasoned with JO. It's cheaper than old bay and since many people like you have never heard of it most can't tell the difference. What part of Maryland are you from if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.10606914

Well I'm not the poster you were originally replying to but I'm from Montgomery County and moved to the Eastern Shore.

>> No.10606921
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pg county reporting in here

>> No.10606939
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I live on the shore too at the moment. Spend most of my time out of state though. For the time being I'm in Caroline county. It's not bad if you don't mind being bored to tears all day long.

>> No.10606947

I genuinely don't understand how you can go through life in MoCo or Eastern Shore and have not heard of Old Bay seasoning.

>> No.10606955

If you're referring to >>10606866 he's not talking about old bay.

>> No.10606988
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>> No.10606996

I would never disrespect my food by using seasoning.

>> No.10607031
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at least maryland finally got paid sick leave in 2018. asshole hogan vetoed it for whatever reason and it got passed anyway. 5 sick days a year for all employees!

>> No.10607036
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scroll up newfag

>> No.10607045

Yeah that's a plus. It's not a bad place to live either. At least we're not fucking Delaware.

>> No.10607053
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>> No.10607160
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>> No.10608752

cajun or old bay? what cajun? store brand aint for shit.

>> No.10608779


I hope you understand that most recipes use standard spice mix ratios.

>> No.10609035
File: 50 KB, 301x500, 51aj5CcCouL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Susie Q is the true Santa Maria style seasoning. It makes tri-tip godlike. You can get it on Amazon I think.

t. Santa maria local

>> No.10610782

You all have shit taste.

>> No.10610857
File: 4.00 MB, 3096x4128, adobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally don't use pre-made seasonings, but when I do it's usually this stuff. Also Old Bay.

I mix my own seasoning mix that I use in a lot of my everyday meals, and tend to use that or just eyeball seasonings for shit. But adobo and Old Bay always have a place on my shelf.

>> No.10610885

>no msg

>> No.10611841

Chives/scallion greens, parsley, and salt. Literally no need for any other seasonings (aside from black pepper or bay leaves).

>> No.10611922


>> No.10611997
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>> No.10612179
File: 660 KB, 1106x1012, 1459007281370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the ultimate seasoning you can put on almost anything?

>> No.10612387
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My go-to for rubs.

>> No.10612672

Crack an ice cold Corona, tecate, or pabst, take a glug, pour in spicy tomato juice and some lemon juice, and some of that shit in the beer and on the rim.
10/10 chelada