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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10598775 No.10598775 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my first vegan haul

>> No.10598779

>brand name of "bacon"

>> No.10598781

vitamin deficiency/10

>> No.10598784

>implying I'm male

>> No.10598802

I thought that's what 4chan has been raving about with all the happy, smiling faces. This brand is pretty good. I personally thank /pol/ and tumblr for telling me about it.

>> No.10598817

2/10, low effort faggotry

>> No.10598821


>> No.10598824

Too much junk food and snacks, not enough produce. Zero fruit besides that lemon. If you want the health benefits of veganism, at least half of what you eat should be vegetables, fruit, real grains, and beans, lentils etc.

>> No.10598842

What are the benefits of Veganism other than health and ethical superiority, anon?

>> No.10598849

Smugness. It can cure cancer.

>> No.10598853

are pineapples not fruit?
what are the health benefits of veganism besides depriving your body of necessary vitamins?

>> No.10598854

Um. Nutcheese? That sounds bad.

>> No.10598861

What vitamins are you talking about? Most studies show that vegans are healthier and less deficient.

>> No.10598870

vitamin B12, calcium, iron, zinc

>> No.10598876

>Too much junk food and snacks
My guess is that OP is anticipating being hungry. Because his shit diet will not sustain him.

>> No.10598903
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The most calcium rich foods are plants. Look at bone density and fracture rate of dairy drinkers. There are many studies and meta analyses.
Iron fortified foods exist and plants, again, have the highest amount of iron. Zinc isn't even a common deficiency in vegans.

>> No.10598910
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>he thinks he needs meat multivitamins to live

>> No.10599038

Pretty good, I'm very jealous. But what
>>10598824 said, that is a lot of the junk food. It's nice to have something quick to make, but a lot of fun in plant based diet is challenging yourself to cook all sorts of different meals.
My shopping usually has some dry beans (black and garbanzo mostly), lots of rice, mushrooms, bell peppers, tofu bricks, carrots, celery, and tomatoes. My weekly budget for food is around $25. I also do hope you have some nutritional yeast around already. I highly recommend.

>> No.10599075
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>> No.10599214

not bad, OP. i personally cannot stand Field Roast's shit, something about the flavor and texture makes me want to vomit. Beyond Burgers are based, though, I wish they weren't always sold out where I live.

>> No.10599242

The virgin junks vs The chad diet

>> No.10599269

mostly better than expected, with the exceptions of silly shit like "beyond burgers"and fake cheese but whatever, it's not like anyone takes veganism seriously

>> No.10599287

That's exactly what I mean. Cooking with real food is the best

>> No.10599458

Mmmm love all that processed crap very healthy

>> No.10599470

Everything that's isn't produce needs to be thrown the fuck out.

>> No.10599479

Why did you choose to go vegan?

>> No.10599572
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One day it dawned on me that eating flesh is disgusting and immoral.

>> No.10599583

Stop buying stuff trying to imitate it then

>> No.10599588

Do you also believe cats and dogs are immoral?

>> No.10599595

Where are the limes?

>> No.10599602

>eating meat is wrong and immoral
>let me lecture you as I buy prepared foods that need a genocide of animals to create
when did you realize you were retarded?

>> No.10599606

humans constantly consume their own flesh unwittingly as the body consumes dead cells from the tongue and cheeks.
you will always be consuming flesh, whether you like it or not.

>> No.10599627

I said eating meat is disgusting, not the taste of meat is disgusting

>> No.10599645

My point still stands

>> No.10599655

>t. child that can't separate morality from taste

>> No.10599667
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And yet >>10599602

>> No.10599685

i got ur nut cheese right here

>> No.10599745

Well, its just not as funny when there is a literal s0y boy brand.

>> No.10599776
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>> No.10599779

I'm not the other guy you linked to so if that was somehow supposed to be a rebuttal then try again.

>> No.10599799

I don't need to veganism is retarded and you're retarded for doing so. Enjoy the soy boy bacon

>> No.10599811

I'm not vegan. Keep making a fool of yourself, kiddo.

>> No.10599820
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>> No.10599848
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I take pills daily that are made from gelatin for the capsule. Does this disqualify me from calling myself vegan?

>> No.10599935


>> No.10599946

yes, they could just as easily be stored in cellulose-based containers

>> No.10599978

>not even a single potato

Thank fuck you got those avocados though, right?

>> No.10600047

That's exactly how the healthcare system is gonna keep making it's money. "Vegans" developing illnesses from eating nothing but oil and refined sugars.
Ya gotta eat whole foods plant based doods

>> No.10600184
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Probably still healthier than the alternative

>> No.10600221

I want to eat at your house

>> No.10601431

vegans are some of the most obnoxious faggots you can ever meet.

>> No.10601480

>spend 200 bucks
>get a day or two worth of food
is this a cry for help bro?

>> No.10601530

I've eaten some pretty good chik'n patties. Put some nice veggies on there, serve with a big side of lentils and/or rice, and you're golden. Quick and easy lunch.

I keep seeing those rice ramens while I'm out but I've never bought it because they're too expensive for the serving you get. Please post how it tastes.

>> No.10601542

i dont know a lot about being vegan, but isnt that a lot of junk food? is that food for a whole week or just a couple of days? Ive always been under the impression that since plant foods generally have less calories in them that a vegan or vegetarian has to eat more food than a diet that includes meat

>> No.10601553


Can any other supermarket even compare?
I was recommended Harris Teeter and it ain't even close.

>> No.10601831

0/10, processed food

>> No.10601859

As a whole-food vegan, I think you could do better. That's like one day of greens for me.

>> No.10601925


>> No.10602914


>> No.10603753
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>> No.10603755

the left can't meme

>> No.10603776
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>Implying there's a political left in the US.

>> No.10603829

>Only enough nutrition to get you through putting your clothes on & a small jog/10

>> No.10603849

too much processed bullshit anon, need more fruits and veggies, if you're going to do this gay trend at least be man enough to do it right

>> No.10604346
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>he eats pineapples

>> No.10604357

>Rate my first vegan haul

back to /pol/ with you, shitstain

>> No.10605134

Lol wat

>> No.10605146

Are you wearing leather shoes and belt?

>> No.10605162

Vegetarian.. I understand.
But Vegan? Wtf, might as well kill yourself and use your corpse as compost if you care so much about the environment.

>> No.10605980

the left really can't meme have you even read about chaos magic faggot

>> No.10606138
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>i understand vegetarians
i dont

>> No.10606840
File: 57 KB, 500x375, Grocery+Haul+Sprouts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the processed foods that'll kill you, not the meat-based ones. Hippies also don't understand the energy and materials wasted on packing and shipping their "vegetarian deli slices." Pic related is an objectively healthier set of food.

>> No.10606920

Type vegan *insert vitamin and mineral* on Amazon if it's not too expensive. If it's from a doctor, just take it. The way the world is, it's impossible to be 100% vegan. Don't let perfection be the enemy of your progress.

Like others have said, eat less junk OP. Keep what you need for when you can't cook but just look for quick vegan recipes. Eat more of a variety of veggies, nuts, and legumes.

>> No.10606974

>Aged Nutcheese

>> No.10606979

I ll give ya some fresh nut cheese if ya no one I'm speaking of

>> No.10606994

>not making your own sauce
>buying ice cream like a woman
>canned soup
>that bruised green pepper
>that soggy red leaf lettuce
>non ripe pineapple
are those processed tomatos?
>beyond burger
>buying snacks
post your feet you dirty vaginaperson

>> No.10607027

Looks like a waste of my money spent on processed food that lacks nutrition. Is this a joke post? Have you ever even researched correct nutrition?