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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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>> No.10598053

At least I'm not a nigger

Feels good

>> No.10598065

>Shart in mart detected

>> No.10598069

>sjw identitarian detected.

>> No.10598078

>be born white
Wins life lottery
>be born white in the US

feels good indeed

>> No.10598080

This is such a strange meme to me. I'm guessing these people must be buying really cheap low-quality ingredients if they think everything is bland and without flavour before they drown it in chili flakes.
If you think tomatoes are bland it's because you're eating shitty tomatoes.
I like spicy food but I can appreciate some fresh veggies from the garden with either nothing or maybe a little salt as well.

>> No.10598082

>Le ledditor le detected le lel

>> No.10598095

black people are so sophisticated with their lawry's seasoned salt. I wish I had culture like them

>> No.10598134

Salt, seasoned salt, generic vinegar cayenne hot sauce. Fuck them

>> No.10598145

lmao so you are a shart in mart

>> No.10598260

I've never understood the meme as being good because to me it's as stupid as those people who brag about needing to smoke more pot to get high and bragging about how they're "heavyweights". Congrats, you have to buy more, use more, and take more effort and you enjoy it about as much as I do except that I have to do less.

>> No.10598299

sage this thread
report op

>> No.10598309

If only prepackaged McCormick spices could tuck them in at night and teach them to act like human beings, because we know their dads weren't around to do that.

>> No.10598387

>their dads weren't around to do that
>US whypippo divorce rate exceeds 50%
>b-but it's nogs who don't have fathers

>> No.10598403

black single mother rate is 75%
white single mother rate is 40%

>> No.10598431

>implying nigger cum dumpsters and their cum dumpers ever get married

>> No.10598456

It's actually a pretty informative article with a shitty clickbait headline and I'm wondering if OP is the author shilling it here, but it really isn't just an article shitting on white people.

Stop responding to things like this if you aren't even going to bother to read the whole article. If you respond after just reading the headline you're being ignorant and part of the problem, and you're basically just looking for things to allow you to make witty or edgy comments for attention.

>> No.10598622

>white dad's must not be in the picture because they're divorced
You are genuinely retarded if you believe that this is the same thing as Shaniqua not knowing whether it's Tyrone, Jamal, Shad or Jamiroquai (or a combination of a few of the above) who has sired her brood. You dumb, dumb (likely white guilt ridden) retard.

>> No.10598822

So whypippo get cucked into raising another man's kids at a much higher rate than nogs? Sure do sound superior, Cletus, lol.

>> No.10598831

weak bait

>> No.10598837

Is this shitposting or are you being stupid sans the irony?

>> No.10598841

except if someone is cooking for a group of people they have to make it weak just for you and then no one else will taste it

>> No.10598848

>surely 50% is larger than the black divorce rate
>don't bother looking it up, it can't be more than 50%

>> No.10598855
File: 568 KB, 852x880, 1475875786246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever whitie did, it sure seemed to work out pretty well. Maybe the coloreds should take a lesson.

>> No.10598858

Well, 1) you assume I wouldn't eat it (I would), and 2) more often than not "making it weak just for me" literally means doing less work.

>> No.10598872

you personally might eat it but most people who complain about food being too spicy would not. Also, it isn't really worth worrying about the extra amount of work required to put in a lot of spice vs only a little bit. It really takes no extra work to measure a large amount vs a small amount.

>> No.10598887

Who's the one posting referred links?

>> No.10598896

>but most people who complain about food being too spicy would not
Then they can either eat it anyways (which they usually do) or they can go hungry. And if the person goes out of their way to accommodate them, then that extra work is on them.

>Also, it isn't really worth worrying about the extra amount of work required to put in a lot of spice vs only a little bit. It really takes no extra work to measure a large amount vs a small amount.
I never claimed that it was a lot of work. I don't care if it only takes two seconds, it's still something extra for a result that means virtually nothing to me.

And at the end of the day it all really doesn't matter since the entire meme is just the worst attempt at trying to get over an inferiority complex.

>> No.10598898

>be born white in the US in rural Mississippi
thank you for playing, better luck next time

>> No.10598900

Poors aren't people.

>> No.10598904

You seem to be in denial that picky eaters ever present a problem to anyone. I don't know how to prove it to you.

>> No.10598936

I never said that they aren't a problem to anyone. It's just not much of a problem in general and the "problem" that it is is minimal. Now, however, you've changed it from "WHYPEEPOL" not dumping shit on their food to picky eaters in general. Yes, there are people who will moan about the crust being on their sandwich, vegans exist, people who have allergies exist, etc. I've worked in environments having to deal with this, I've dated and cooked for a vegetarian and none of this is ever a big deal unless you're insanely lazy and/or inept. And still in most cases you don't have to accommodate them and/or they'll just eat it anyways.

>> No.10598951

You dated a vegan, but didn't marry one? What went wrong?

>> No.10599365


is there no escape from this american nonsense?

>> No.10599404

Literally does not matter if blacks have single mothers. Their sons turn out fucking more white chicks than white boys with single mothers, not to mention niggers all look the same and white people are like 50% average, 40% above average and 10% attractive when considering men.

>> No.10601493

>I'm wondering if OP is the author shilling it here

Your dear friend.